• Published 22nd Jan 2024
  • 584 Views, 38 Comments

Castle Tales - Goldfur

Many things changed in Canterlot Castle under the reign of the Triarchs - Trixie, Twilight, and Mark Wells. However, many interesting tales come from behind the scenes.

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The Gardener

The maid poured tea for Princess Celestia and her guest before bringing out a covered plate. Lifting the lid, the servant revealed a haskap berry chiffon cake, bringing a smile to the lips of the alicorn.

“Thank you, Grace – you always know the perfect treat to go with these events.”

The maid grinned before levitating a knife to Celestia, knowing that she preferred to cut her own portions – generous, of course. The alicorn offered an equal-sized slice to Queen Novo who smiled.

“When have I ever knocked back one of your cakes, Celly?”

“In all the decades that we have been allies, I do not recall one, my dear friend,” Celestia replied as she passed the loaded plate to the hippogriff queen.

“I do remember you declining one of mine though,” Novo said slyly.

“You will have to forgive me, but seaweed sponge cake is an acquired taste.” Mentally she added, ‘Especially when made with sea sponges!

Novo chuckled. Her prank on her friend still caused Celestia to pull faces years later. She still hadn’t told her alicorn friend that the foulest ingredient had been sea urchin. Perhaps Celestia would puzzle that out one day. Or perhaps not.

The two settled into silence as they drank their tea and savored the cake while admiring the view of the Canterlot Castle gardens from the shade of the arboretum.

Novo was the first to speak up. “The gardens are looking lovelier than ever. I see that you have made a few new additions since my last visit.”

“Yes, we have. While Grogar’s attack was disastrous for so many, the recovery after our victory brought an influx of refugees, many of them with useful talents. I had already planned on adding displays of new plants, so I was pleased to be able to secure the services of several professionals to set those plans into motion. We also expanded the number of gardeners to maintain them. The head Groundskeeper surprised me with one of her hires though.”

Novo arched an eyebrow. “How so?”

“Most of the gardeners are earth ponies, as you probably realize. There are some unicorns and pegasi too, but this one was not a pony.”

“Oh? A zebra, perhaps? I hear that they are very good with plants.”

“No, although I wonder what one could do here. Perhaps it would be best if you meet him yourself. Would you care to join me in a stroll when you’ve finished your tea?”

Just my tea? And leave a half-finished slice of this delightful cake? You’ll have to try harder than that, my dear friend.” Novo put on a mock glare that collapsed into a good-natured smile. “After I finish my treat, I’d love to get a closer look at the new additions, and you’ve certainly gotten me curious about the gardener.”

The alicorn and the hippogriff continued to catch up on gossip from their respective countries while they enjoyed their tea and cake. Then, Celestia led Novo on a tour of the new garden beds and the bushes and flowers planted therein. There were several stands of azaleas, orchids of several varieties, a bed of velvet moonflowers, another of ursagloves, and a number of newly planted beds of seedlings of exotic plants from faraway lands. Celestia was about to lead Novo to the next when a stray breeze wafted a familiar scent their way.

“Oh, my!” Novo said after taking a deep appreciative breath. “The roses smell especially nice today.”

“There have been several new additions there too, and we might just find that new member of the garden staff tending them,” Celestia said with a small smile.

“Now I know you’re hiding something, Celly,” Novo said with a suspicious glance at her friend.

“Not at all. I just prefer to see your reaction when you meet him.”

The hippogriff queen decided not to push for details but, instead, she hastened their pace toward the wonderful fragrance. After reaching a gap in the tall hedge that separated the rose garden from the section that they had been in, the two walked into an artfully laid out display of dozens of varieties of blooms. There were easily double the number that Novo had seen the last time that she had visited. Checking out the new varieties momentarily distracted her from looking for the mysterious gardener. Celestia eventually brought him back to her attention.

“There he is. I would have been surprised to not find him here.”

The alicorn pointed over several rows of the roses where Novo could just see some wings sticking up. She frowned.

“I thought you said he wasn’t a pony, but I see feathered wings. Is he a hippogriff? Has one of my subjects moved here?”

“An interesting guess, but no. Let me end the mystery.” Celestia raised her voice. “Garrick – can you spare a moment?”

A head raised up and looked around. Despite having a beak like a hippogriff, Novo quickly realized that this was a griffon, the last species she expected to see.

“Ah, Your Highness,” Garrick said in a rough voice as he appeared to set something down. “A pleasure to see you.” He made his way out from the garden bed and toward the pair.

Novo looked him over as he approached. He was no young cock and the graying fur in his otherwise golden feline hindquarters spoke of quite advanced years. Scars were noticeable both there and on his aquiline forequarters, especially at his throat. Novo speculated his speech had been affected by that injury. Nevertheless, his eyes remained bright and keen, and age had not diminished his powerful physique. The hippogriff found him to be quite attractive… for a griffon.

“Good afternoon, ladies,” Garrick said as he stepped up to them. “What can I do for you on this fine Canterlot day?”

Celestia said, “Novo, I’d like you to meet Major Garrick Swiftstrike of the Griffonstone Defense Force. Retired,” she added at the raised eyebrow of the griffon. “Garrick, this is my good friend, Novo, Queen of the hippogriffs.”

“A privilege to meet you, Your Highness,” Garrick said with a respectful bob of his head.

“A delight to meet you, Major Swiftstrike,” Novo replied.

“Just Garrick, if you please, ma’am. I have left those days behind me.”

“I find it surprising that you have. It’s quite obvious that you have seen a lot of fighting in your day, but here I find you tending roses instead. There seems to be quite a disconnect there.”

Garrick chuckled. “You are not the first to notice that.”

Celestia said, “Would you please tell my friend how you came to be in our employ?”

“As you wish. I don’t know how familiar you are with Griffonstone’s history, but suffice to say that our city-state had virtually collapsed. However, that did not mean that we didn’t still face threats to our civilization. I joined the army back when every young cock and hen did military service for three years before moving on to other careers. By the whims of fate, I saw action that resulted in me being promoted through the ranks at a remarkable pace. However, the nation started to fall apart about the time I was considering leaving the army and finding a new career. When faced with the prospect of uncertain civilian life or staying with the decaying military, I chose to remain to defend my homeland. Today, I do not regret my choice, but there were times that I did. Especially when I almost died.” He unconsciously put a talon to his scarred throat.

Garrick chuckled. “I got promoted to major for that campaign. Then there was a time when there were no more threats for a long while and I thought Griffonstone was going to fade away with a whimper rather than a screech of defiance. Nevertheless, I stayed on despite having no real purpose. It was still better than what I saw Griffonstone had devolved into. That is until one day this young hen started making a lot of noise about cooperation and friendship, of all things. However, whatever else you thought of her, it was clear that Gilda was starting to get griffs motivated once more. She even managed to secure aid and support from Equestria. So, we made her our Princess. Then they sent an Equestrian griffon to whip our military back into shape. General Satin Plume seconded me to be his right claw, so I was still stuck in that role despite wanting to retire.”

Garrick sighed. “The General found me too useful to just let go, so it was several years before that changed. By then, I was assigned to the General’s wife, Princess Gilda, as her bodyguard. Then, one day, Her Highness visited Canterlot. She was conversing with Princess Trixie in these very gardens when we encountered the roses. Their fragrance riveted me, and their beautiful blooms captivated me. For the first time in decades, I lost sight of my warrior obligations and found myself absolutely entranced by something both delicate and vicious. Their petals reminded me of gorgeous hens that I have known, and the thorns reminded me of their talons. Yet, despite that danger, I was drawn to them, just like a she-griff. The princesses never noticed that I was transfixed by the roses and left me there. Later, they found me in a dreamlike state, a smile on my face for the first time in so long, I couldn’t recall when I last had.”

The griffon turned to caress a nearby bloom. “I had found my true love. Princess Gilda is no fool and she recognized that I had reached a turning point. She… suggested that it was time for me to retire.”

Celestia giggled. “As I heard it, Gilda said she had no use for a bodyguard whose priorities had changed and told you to get a job tending flowers.”

Garrick smiled. “That is the much shorter and sanitized version suitable for young ears. My Princess does not mince words. So, I did as she suggested. I tendered my resignation from the army and applied for a job as gardener here. To my surprise, I got the job. I suspect one or two strong references played a claw in that. Under the guidance of the Head Gardener, I quickly familiarized myself with the work and, at my request, was put in charge of the roses. With a bit of luck, I will spend the remainder of my days tending to these beauties.”

“That was fascinating,” Novo said. “There seems to be just one thing missing though. Have you never found a mate to share your love?”

Garrick’s beak split in a grin. “Have you ever seen the Head Gardener? Toughest earth pony mare I’ve ever met. We had some wonderful fights, one of which resulted in me getting the privilege of tending these blooms, and another that resulted in our first foal.”

Novo smiled. “You are blessed, Garrick Swiftstrike. Not everyone finds such a wonderful match. Thank you for your time. We’ll let you get back to your work.”

Garrick nodded. “Have a good afternoon, Your Highnesses.”

The hippogriff and the alicorn left the griffon to lovingly care for the roses, the fragrance reminding them of their own loves.

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Comments ( 8 )

As Pinkie knows well, Roses are related to Apples.

I wonder what sort of Major Rose he will leave Celestia with? :pinkiesad2:

This just reminded me of an old nugget about being a Warrior in the garden.

I cannot remember whether or not it was previously established that Gilda became a princess in this universe. Always nice to see, in any case.

This was a magnificent story, beautifully done life story.

A well earned Twilight for a great individual.

Very wholesome.

These shorts in your setting are a pleasant experience

Interesting comparison of roses to go along with an interesting gardener. I can well imagine Gilda not mincing words also remember Gilda wasn't always royalty while she might change and mature much like Mark over the years I think the griffons will respect a rougher sort of royalty than ponies and others with long history of royalty

And I thought Celestia was playing matchmaker.

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