• Published 24th Jan 2024
  • 268 Views, 10 Comments

New Life Westward - ScarFox9700

Following his narrow escape from the sinking steamboat Speedy Eagle, and being turned down from the job he wanted, Thomas is approached by an old family friend who offers him the job of a lifetime

  • ...

Chapter 1: A New Opportunity

When the sun shone onto my face the next morning, I slowly opened my eyes. I was still pretty tired, and I didn't fully know where I was at first, but then I looked around at my surroundings, and I remembered.

"Oh yeah. I'm at the Duck Pond Inn in Ponyville, after narrowly escaping that steamboat when it hit a snag." I muttered.

I then sighed, and sat up in bed, before looking at the alarm clock next to it. The time was now about 8am, and I decided to start getting ready for the day. I knew that at some point, I was going to have to give my testimony about the accident, but I was hoping that that wouldn't take too long, as I still wanted to be on my way to Tall-Tale before the end of the day. I then got up, and jumped into the shower, taking care to wash my whole body, including my thick brown hair, and of course, my black wolf ears and tail. Washing my ears was fine, but my tail was a pain, as I couldn't see most of it very well.

"Well, at least I can reach it with a brush." I thought to myself.

Once I was out of the shower, and toweling myself off, as well as blowdrying my hair, wolf ears, and tail, I took a quick look at the black pawprints on my hips, and then turned on the TV as background noise. I'd tuned in to a local news station, and sure enough, they were still covering the accident from last night. It was a pretty big deal, since there hadn't been any major steamboat accidents like this since the Purple Starling ran aground and partially sank almost 7 years ago now. Everyone and everypony wanted to know what happened, and they were still thankful that there were no fatalities.

After I finished drying off, I opened my trunk, and pulled out a pair of jeans, a red flannel shirt, a black cap, socks, and my usual work boots. I then left my room, and went down to the inn's laundry room, where I retrieved the clothes I'd been wearing the previous night, which were now clean and dry, but still looking just as worn out, and I brought them back upstairs to my room, before grabbing a quick breakfast in the inn's lobby, and then deciding to take a stroll out to see the accident site.

I managed to get about 500 feet away from the Applish River before I was stopped by Police barricades, and I saw the Speedy Eagle still lying on her side, but now she was surrounded by barges and floating cranes as salvage crews worked on getting the steamboat back upright, and then towed away to the river docks in Ponyville so that she could be examined further, as where the steamboat was currently, it was a hazard to navigation. All around the riverbank I saw Ponyville Police Officers, Sheriff's Deputies, more salvage crew, Royal Guards, and the unmistakable blue windbreakers of the Equestrian Transportation Safety Board (ETSB), as well as plenty of news reporters and camera crews. I decided to make myself scarce before any news crews noticed me, as I didn't want to be interviewed right then (and indeed, I couldn't really be interviewed until I had my interview with the ETSB), and headed back to the inn, as I had some work I needed to get done.

Once I was, I decided to first call my Parents. I wasn't sure if news of the accident had spread to Earth yet or not, but I decided to call them anyway, just to assure them that I was alright.

"Wait, you were in a what?! My Mom cried.

"The steamboat I was on hit a snag, aka a partially-sunken fallen tree in the Applish River about 10 miles past Ponyville, and then sank in about 2 1/2 minutes. Though when I say 'it sank', I mean that it rolled onto its left side, and mostly sank, but not completely, as its right side is still visible above the water, and salvage crews are working to get it back upright again, and towed away."

The next few minutes were spent with my Mom freaking out about the whole thing, and even more so at how I was so calm in explaining how it went down, even though I was facing possible death. She then passed the phone to my Dad, who was still pretty shaken up, but kept it together much better.

"How many were onboard, and were there any fatalities?"

"There were 12 passengers, and 16 crew, for a total of 28, and by the grace of God, we all made it off the steamboat alive, though some were injured. But, most of us had to swim to get away."

"Yeah, thank God that there weren't any fatalities. And where're you now, Thomas?"

"I'm at the Duck Pond Inn, here in Ponyville. I have to stay in town at least as long as it takes to give an interview with the ETSB, and then hopefully I'll be able to head off to my new job in Tall-Tale."

"And what was your new job again? And can you please just pick a place and stay there for a while? Why do you need to move around so much?"

I sighed. "In order, it's a new job at a steel mill, and I want to, but......it's hard. I've just gotten so used to moving around so much.....I want to settle down though. Maybe the job after next will be one where I can stick around."

"You've been saying that ever since you left the Equestrian National Guard." I heard my Mom say from the background.

"Yeah, I know Mom. I know."

We ended up talking for a little while longer, and then I hung up the phone. I then sat on the bed again, and sighed. In all honesty, I was beginning to grow tired of constantly moving around, but yet, I'd gotten so used to it.

"It'll take something pretty major to break the cycle." I muttered. I then dialed the number of Happy Storage World.

"Hello, you've reached Happy Storage World. I hope you're having a REALLY happy day! How may I direct your call?" A mare's chipper voice asked.

"Please direct me to the Long Term Vehicle Storage Area." I told her.

"Certainly! One moment please, Sir."

I then got to listen to some hold music for a few minutes, before someone picked up.

"Hello, Long Term Vehicle Storage Area."

I recognized the voice immediately. "Hey, Greaser, it's Thomas."

"Hey, Thomas! Great to hear from you again, Buddy! How're things going for you?"

"Well, all incidents with steamboats aside, they've been good. I was just calling to let you know that I'm in town, and sometime later on today, I'm coming by to pick up my truck."

"Oh, yeah, that must have been pretty scary for you, Man. And aww, really? You're coming by to get the Deuce?"

"Yep, it's time. I'm heading on to my new job in Tall-Tale, and I need my 'mobile home' back."

"Yeah, I understand, Thomas, but it's still a shame. I got really used to seeing it every day, and taking care of it, and its trailer while you were away." He then paused for a moment. "Oh, and I have some really great news for you!"

I was surprised. "Really? What is it?"

"It's a good thing that you're back in town, because the boys from Shining Sides just stopped by to make a very special delivery for you. You now have your Water Buffalo again!"

My eyes went wide. "Wait. You mean, they finally finished it?!"

"Yeah, Man, they finally came through for you! It looks amazing. I can't wait for you to see it."

I was amazed. Around the same time I bought the truck bed camper, and the M105 cargo trailer to hold it to go with my M35 truck, I'd also purchased an old US Army M149 Water Buffalo with a 400-gallon tank.

I bought it to provide fresh water for me to use in my truck bed camper, especially for the shower, but alas, I never got to enjoy the fruits of my labor. When I first bought it, it was rusty, and leaking, so I brought it to Shining Sides, a vehicle restoration company in Whinnyapolis, and they restored it for me. However, as I arrived at their main garage, and was just getting out of my truck to go over and examine the Water Buffalo before taking it with me, a huge semi truck suddenly came careening off the highway, rolled down an embankment, and plowed right through the Shining Sides parking lot, before crashing into their main building. By some miracle, no one, or anypony was killed, but a number were injured, and dozens of cars, trucks, and trailers, some of which were either vintage, or historical, were either damaged, some severely, or completely totaled. My Water Buffalo had been severely damaged, and I was in shock, as were the owners of the other vehicles, and shop employees, but then our shock turned to rage when we were told that the semi truck driver was blind-drunk. Long story short, Shining Sides had to close until they could rebuild their building, and the driver, and his trucking company were sued into the stratosphere in two class-action lawsuits; one from Shining Sides, and one from the vehicle owners. I didn't have much hope that I'd ever see my Water Buffalo get fixed, but I still decided to wait it out. And now 4 years later, it looked like my waiting had finally paid off.

"That's amazing, Greaser. I can't wait to see it either when I come by later."

"Alright, Man. See you then."

"See ya." I then ended the call.

I was just getting ready to call the number of the steel mill in Tall-Tale, but then my cellphone rang again. I ignored it, as I didn't recognize the number. I then saw that they left me a message, but I decided to call the steel mill first.

"Hello, you've reached the Great Northern Steel Company. How may I assist you today?" A male voice asked.

"Hello, my name is Thomas Ballard, and I was calling to inquire about your job listing I saw about a week ago now, one advertising furnace stokers?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line.

"Oh, you mean the one asking for seasonal workers?"

"Yeah, that's it."

"Well, I'm sorry to say, Sir, but that advertisement's out of date. The positions were already filled, and we forgot to take the listing off of our website."

My face fell. "Oh, really? It's an old listing you forgot to take down?"

"Yeah, I'm afraid so."

"And do you have any other jobs available right now?"

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Ballard."

"I see. Well, thank you for telling me. Goodbye."


I frowned. "So I wasted all that time and money, not to mention potentially dying in a steamboat accident, just to be told that the job listing is outdated. Great. Just f@#king peachy! Now I'll have to find another job somewhere else!"

I was about to start looking through more job listings, but then I remembered the message I'd received. I quickly pulled it up to listen to it, as I realized that it might have been the ETSB wanting to talk to me.

"Hello, Thomas? I'm not sure if you remember me or not, but my name is Edward Strauss. I'm an old friend of your Parents, and I heard that you were in town at the moment, so I decided to reach out to you. I also heard that you might be looking for work, and I have a job opening if you wanted it. Please call me back at your earliest convenience so that we can discuss it. Thank you." The message ended.

"Hmm, Edward Strauss." I thought. I felt like I knew the name vaguely, but couldn't quite place it. However, he was offering me a job, and I needed one now that my plans for Tall-Tale had fallen through, so I quickly called him back.

After ringing for a few moments, someone picked up.

"Strauss Residence. May I ask who is calling?" A male's voice asked.

"Yes, hello. My name is Thomas Ballard, and I'm returning a call from Mr Edward Strauss."

"One moment please, Sir."

I then heard the sound of the call being transferred. After a few moments, I heard an older man's voice say, "Hello, Thomas?"

"Mr Strauss?" I asked.

"Yes, that's me. I'm glad you got my message, and decided to return my call. I wasn't sure if you remembered me or not."

"I feel like I've heard my Parents mention you before, but I can't quite place you."

"Oh, well in that case, let me explain. You may have seen me before, but I think you were pretty young at the time. I'm an old friend of your Parents, and your Dad used to work for me for a number of years before he left to start his own company. And more recently, I was the one who helped pay for most of your medical treatments."

I paused. Now the pieces were falling into place in my head. Mr Strauss was a very wealthy businessman back in America, and in recent years was growing business ventures in Equestria. He made his fortune in real estate, casinos, and various other resorts, and for many years, my Dad had worked for him, and in fact, it was at one of the company's parties that he met my Mom. However, around the time I was maybe 5-6, my Dad left Mr. Strauss's company, and went and started his own successful carpet and flooring company in Arkansas. He and my Mom had kept in regular contact with Mr Strauss over the years, and now I was learning that Mr Strauss had stepped in to pay for my life-saving medical treatments.

"Oh. Well, first of all, I just want to say, thank you for helping to save my life, Sir. You didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I also know how much you mean to your Family, Thomas, and I didn't want them to lose you. Not while there was still a chance to save your life, however small it was. And it seemed that that gamble payed off, as you managed to pull through, albeit a bit more 'wolfy' than you were before." He said with a chuckle.

I laughed a bit. "Yeah, pretty much. But I still thank you very much, Sir. And you told me that you might have a job for me?"

"Oh yes, I do. Unless of course you already have a job."

"No, Sir. Your call came at a very opportune time, as I was just looking for a new job."

"Well, that's great to hear, Thomas." After asking where I was staying, Mr. Strauss then gave me the address of his house outside of Ponyville (one of a handful he owned across Equestria), and said that he was sending his driver to pick me up at 10:45am sharp, so that I could be there at his house at 11am sharp so that we could discuss the matter further.

"Certainly, Sir. I'll be there on time. You can count on me!"

"I know I can, Thomas. I'll see you at 11." He then hung up the phone.

I was very surprised that he was willing to offer me a job, but I was thankful for it.

"Well, as they say, never look a gift horse in the mouth!"

I then quickly began to get ready, as it was already almost 10:30am.

I quickly dug through my trunk to find something nice to wear, and I finally found a funeral suit that I'd bought at a thrift store. I decided to skip the jacket and tie, and instead put on the black pants, black dress shoes, a black belt, black socks, and a white button-up shirt. I tucked my tail into the pants, and I looked around for a hat, but I quickly realized that one wouldn't be fitting for this, so I'd just have to leave my black wolf ears exposed. After I was finished getting ready, I left the inn again, and at 10:45am, I quickly got into the car that Mr Strauss had sent to pick me up, which took me to my destination.

After driving for a few miles outside of Ponyville, we passed a number of acres of rolling fields of grass, and towards the end of the country road we were on, the car pulled up to a large metal gate, and as it was opening for us, I was in awe at what was behind it. The house was huge, yet very elegant, and fit in quite well with the land around it. I also saw a few outbuildings, and the grounds were immaculate.

"Wow. Mr Strauss certainly does have a magnificent country estate here." I said to the driver.

"Indeed he does, Mr Ballard. And out of all of the estates that he and Mrs Strauss own, this one is one of their favorites because of its country beauty."

"I can definitely understand that."

The car then pulled up into a circle drive near the main house, right alongside a large fountain, and as I stepped out of the car, the door was opened by an Earth Pony stallion with white fur, a gray mane and tail, wearing a well-pressed suit with a black bowtie. I assumed that he must be a butler.

"Ah, Mr. Ballard. I trust your journey was a pleasant one?" He asked in what seemed to be the Equestrian version of a British accent.

I nodded. "Yes, indeed it was. And I'm in awe of Mr Strauss's estate."

"I'm glad to hear it, Sir. If you'll just follow me, Mr Strauss is waiting for you in his office."

I then followed the butler inside of the house, and I was in awe of the decor. The entryway had a number of marble columns, the floor was made of polished tile, and on the walls were various paintings and photographs. A large staircase was to my right, and straight ahead seemed to be the main living room. However, the Butler then led me to the left, through a windowed corridor, and to a set of white, wooden double-doors. He then knocked on the doors, before opening them a bit, and announcing my arrival.

"Ah, I see he is indeed right on time. Send him in." A man's voice replied.

"Right away, Sir." The butler then ushered me inside.

"And do you need anything else before I go, Sir?"

"No, that'll be all for now, Ashton."

"Very good, Sir." Ashton then closed the double-doors.

I then looked around the room. I saw that it was a large home office, with a row of large windows against the back wall, the floor was carpeted, and all around were shelves full of books, model cars, and various awards, as well as other models and artwork on display, and seated behind a large wooden desk was Mr Strauss himself. He was an older man, in his mid 70's, with graying hair, sparkling brown eyes, a small mustache, and was dressed in a khaki pants, dark socks, brown shoes, and a blue collared shirt.

"Ah, Thomas. I'm so glad you could make it here safely." He then stood up, and held out his hand.

"I'm glad too, Sir." I then shook his hand firmly.

"It's so nice to be able to see you again, and under much better circumstances this time. Dr. Fritz and his team worked a true miracle with you."

I nodded. "Yes, yes they did. And my Parents are equally thankful for it, but it seems.....off sometimes. Like I'm in the wrong body."

"I see. Well, considering how extensively your body had to be rebuilt, that is understandable."

We then talked for a little bit longer about my Family, the rest of my time on Earth post-op, and how my life in Equestria had been. Mr Strauss was very pleased to hear that I'd been able to create a life for myself here in Equestria, though then the topic drifted to the job offer he had.

"Ah yes, the main reason I called you here today. Though before I tell you about it, I need to know. You did graduate from high school, correct?"

I nodded. "Yes, I did. It felt strange, going back to high school at 19, but I finished my Senior Year, and graduated."

"Very good. And you've never been in trouble with the law anymore, correct? No more drugs?"

I shook my head. "No, Sir, no drugs to speak of, with the exception of some THC medication I was prescribed to calm my anxiety. And no trouble with the law, barring a few times the Police told me I had to move my truck, as I wasn't allowed to park where I had it. But that's 4 years drug-free, and free from any real trouble with the law."

Mr. Strauss nodded his head. "Very good. Very good indeed, Thomas. It's so great that you've been able to recover from your ordeal, and turn your life around as much as you have. And I know that what you have said is the truth, as I ran a background check on you before you came, and you passed with flying colors. But anyway, the job. Before I start explaining it, I'd like to know. Have you ever heard of Great Wolf Lodge?"

I thought for a moment. "Great Wolf Lodge? Hmm, it sounds familiar. Isn't that that one chain of wilderness-themed resorts with indoor waterparks?"

"Yes, that's it."

"Never been to one myself. I wanted to, but alas, there aren't any in Arkansas. The closest one is the one up in Kansas City. Though because you're bringing it up, I assume that it's because you're building a Great Wolf Lodge in Equestria, and want me to work there?"

"That's a very good guess, Thomas, and you're on the right track, but it's a little bit more than that. You see, recently, I purchased a large wilderness resort out in the Smokey Mountains in Western Equestria, pretty close to the town of Spirit Water Forest. I was trying to figure out what I could do with this new resort, and then one day, I had an epiphany. What if I turned the resort into a Great Wolf Lodge, but yet one unlike any ever seen before? It didn't take too much convincing on the part of Great Wolf Lodge themselves once they saw my plan laid out in detail, since they already have locations here in Equestria in Manehattan, Baltimare, and Las Pegasus, and were looking to expand."

"And what was/is your plan, Mr Strauss?" I asked, pretty intrigued.

Mr Strauss grinned. "Well, Thomas, I wanted to revamped my resort into a Great Wolf Lodge, but unlike any ever seen before, since this will be the flagship-location. While others are themed around the great outdoors, this one truly IS the great outdoors!"

"What does this mean?" I asked.

"It means that while the resort itself bears a strong resemblance to a Great Wolf Lodge back on Earth, indoor waterpark and all, the outside, and surrounding areas were vastly different. The rest of the grounds of the resort are truly nature-based, with a large lake for swimming, boating, fishing, etc (known as Great Wolf Lake), and there's also plenty of nature trails for hiking, offroad trails for mountain bikes, ATV's and offroad vehicles, actual rock walls for climbing and repelling, outdoor obstacle courses, sand volleyball courts, a basketball court, a tennis court, playgrounds for children, an amphitheater for events, a number of bonfire pits, spaces for wedding venues, and more, including 2 outdoor shooting ranges; 1 for pistols, and another for rifles and shotguns. What I created is truly a great outdoors-themed resort that would make Johnny Morris (the founder/owner of Bass Pro Shops, Cabella's, and all other properties owned by that company, and a true outdoorsman and conservationist) cry with joy. The whole resort is just about ready to reopen in its new form for its first season in about two week's time, and I want you, Thomas, to be a part of the resort's staff as an engineer."

When Mr. Strauss finished, all I could do was stare wide-eyed in shock. To be honest, his resort sounded absolutely awesome, and a dream come true for someone like me who loved the great outdoors, but I was also equally surprised that he wanted me to be an engineer, as I had no experience, nor degree in such a thing.

"This sounds amazing, Sir, but there's a bit of a problem. I have no engineering experience at all, nor an engineering degree. And eh.....I assume you've heard, or read about my kinda flaky job history, and my moving around a lot."

Mr. Strauss chuckled a bit. "Yes, I'm well aware of that, Thomas. However, you weren't just quitting jobs all the time; most of the work you did was seasonal. You'd stay in a place for a season, and then when it ended, you'd move somewhere else to find another seasonal job. And the moving around a lot for work isn't all that uncommon. I mean, just look at me. I'm very often on the move, going from one project to another to ensure that everything's running smoothly. And as for your lack of engineering skills, that's ok, as I misspoke a bit. You won't be that kind of engineer, nor will you drive trains; you'll be the resort's Assistant-Chief Engineer."

"So what's the job description?" I asked.

"Well, it's actually pretty straightforward. You'll help oversee the upkeep of the resort, its grounds, and amenities, and while you will have to interact with guests, it'll be on a level similar to that of a typical repairman."

"But, I have no experience in overseeing things; I'm just the guy who does them."

"That may be, but I see great potential in you, Thomas, and I think you'll be a great fit for this role. You'll be the one in charge, and you'll be delegating roles to those under you, and you'll also be doing plenty of hands-on work yourself, which I know you enjoy doing so much. Plus, you'll be working under the guidance of Chief Engineer Aloysius Otter. He'll be your main boss, and he's a good man (or rather, otter), and I know you'll be able to learn a lot from him. Plus, this'll be a stable, long-term job for you, Thomas. You'll be able to meet, and work alongside many great people, Ponies, and other creatures, provide guests with an incredible, one-of-a-kind experience, and get to spend a lot of time in the great outdoors yourself."

"This still sounds daunting, but yet incredible. And what kind of benefits do you offer?"

Mr. Strauss smiled. "Great question! We offer just about everything, from healthcare, to vision care, dental care, paid time off, other vacation days, employee discounts, family discounts, on-site accommodations for staff within the resort itself, excellent pay, paid overtime, room for advancement, sick days, accident pay, paternity leave, maternity leave, flexible hours, 401k's, the works. Once you're a part of the Great Wolf Lodge Family, we treat you like family. So what do you say, Thomas? Are you interested?"

When he finished, I was still in shock. This job seemed to have just about everything, though I still had two important questions.

"I need to know two things. First of all, am I allowed to bring my M35 truck, M105 trailer with a truck bed camper in it, and M149 Water Buffalo trailer with me?"

Mr Strauss nodded. "Of course. Employees are highly encouraged to have their own vehicles, and we have a large garage building specially for employee vehicles, trailers, and the like. And in some cases, we even display certain vehicles if they're historic, or look cool to help attract visitors. And what was your other question?"

"Oh, well that's good. And my second question is, even though I left the Equestrian National Guard, I'm still in the Reserves, and one weekend a month (usually the 3rd weekend), I need to go in for training. Can this be accommodated in my work schedule?"

"Oh, most certainly. You're not the only employee who's either in the National Guard, National Guard Reserves, works in the Equestrian Forest Service, or something similar, and we take great care to accommodate this. And I assume that you'll be training out at the National Guard Base in Mountain Falls?"

I thought for a second. "If that's the National Guard Base in the Smokey Mountains, then yes. I know that there's one out there, but I can't remember what it was called."

"As I said, it's called Mountain Falls, and it's located about an hour's drive away from the town of Spirit Water Forest, where the resort's located."

"Ok, that sounds doable. Though before I make a decision, do you mind if I talk this over with my Parents? I'm sure they'd love to hear about it."

Mr Strauss nodded. "Oh, absolutely. And be sure to give them my regards."

"I will, Sir."

I then stepped outside of the office for a moment, and pulled out my cellphone.

"Wow. It's so incredibly nice for Mr Strauss to offer you that job, Thomas." My Mom was telling me after she heard about it. "I definitely think you should take it."

"I agree with your Mom. This sounds like it would be perfect for you, plus look at all of the benefits it offers, not to mention being a stable, long-term job. And it's out in the wilderness like you love so much, and you even get to finally fulfill your dream of getting to go to a Great Wolf Lodge."

"Yeah, you're right, Dad. Plus, with the Employee, and Family Discounts they offer, you, Mom, plus Mary, Rachel and Jacob can come out here and spend a vacation once the resort's fully up and running."

"Oh yeah, I didn't think about that, but you're right." My Mom agreed. "Though what about the Winter months? Is the resort still open then?"

"Eh, hang on, I'll ask Mr. Strauss." I then went to ask him. A minute or so later, I returned. "He said that the resort will be open year-round, and will have amenities for Winter activities, such as skiing, sledding, snowboarding, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, etc, though these facilities haven't been built yet, and will be an addition for the Winter Season next year."

"That's great to hear, since your Mom and I like to ski when we get the chance."

"Yeah, it really is. I think this'll be a great opportunity for me, in so many ways, so I'll take the job. I'll talk to you guys later, and be sure to tell Mary, Rachel, and Jacob I called!"

"We will, Son. Take care."

"Thanks, Dad."

I then hung up, and returned to Mr. Strauss's office.

"Well?" He asked when I returned, "What did they say?"

"Oh, they were definitely onboard with the idea, and I loved it too, so I'll take the job, Sir."

Mr. Strauss's face lit up. "Wonderful! I'm so happy to hear that, Thomas." He then reached into his desk, and pulled out a stack of paperwork. "Now then, we just have to make if official." He said as he handed them to me, and gave me a pen.

"Yes, Sir." I then sat down, and began to fill out the paperwork. It took a while, but eventually, I reached the last page, and signed my name. "Ok, that's my signature on the last page. Is that is, Sir?"

"Yes, that's it." Mr Strauss replied as he took the paperwork back, and began to make copies of it. He then held out his hand, which I shook.

"Welcome to the Great Wolf Lodge Family, Thomas. I know that you won't regret your decision."

"I don't think I will either, Sir."

"And before you leave, I need to give you this." He handed me a small information packet. "You'll be given the rest of it at your Orientation, as this one just covers the basics. You'll need to be out at the resort by Saturday, as that's when the Orientation is, though it's encouraged that you get there by Friday, so that you can begin to familiarize yourself with the resort, its surroundings, and some of your coworkers. And in 2 weeks, the resort will be opening to the public for its first Season."

"Ok, I understand, Sir. And is the resort's address in this packet?"

"Yes it is."

"Ok, good. Later on today, I have my interview with the ETSB, but then I'll go pick up my truck, and other belongings from Happy Storage World, and then I should be on my way to the Smokey Mountains. 2 days on the road, and I should be there by the early afternoon on Friday if all goes well."

"Sounds good to me, Thomas." Oh, and before I forget, also on Saturday, there'll be an employee party to celebrate all of you joining the Great Wolf Lodge Family, and there'll be an employee picnic on Friday to celebrate the employees's arrival, so don't be late for that if you love good food, and be sure to come hungry!"

I chuckled a bit. "I definitely will Sir. And thank you again for giving me such an incredible opportunity."

"You're very welcome, Thomas."

We then said our goodbyes, and I then left the Strauss's house, and Mr Strauss's driver took me back to the Duck Pond Inn.

Once I was gone, Mr Strauss's wife, Gertrude Strauss, entered her husband's office. She was a woman in her early 70's, with whitening platinum-blonde hair, blue eyes, black glasses, and wearing a blue dress with heels.

"So I take it that Thomas accepted the job?" She asked.

"Oh yes, he did, My Love. And he was very enthusiastic about it too."

Mrs Strauss frowned a bit. "Yes, but why did you offer him that job? As he himself said, he has no engineering experience."

"It's not really an engineering job, it's a maintenance one. I mean yes, he'll have people, Ponies, and other creatures under him that he'll be delegating jobs to, but he'll be doing plenty of maintenance work himself (which I know he's done before in the past as a career), since he'll be the Assistant-Chief Engineer. Basically, he'll be the 3rd highest-ranking employee behind Aloyisus Otter, and Slipstream."

"Don't you mean 4th? You forgot about Gia."

Mr Strauss rolled his eyes a bit. "Gia and Slipstream are on the same level; Slipstream's the Back of House Manager, while Gia's Front of House Manager, or if you want to get technical, Slipstream's the Assistant-General Manager, overseeing the day-to-day operations of the resort's staff, and Gia's the General Manager, overseeing the resort, and its guests. And maybe Thomas is 5th if you count Wiley." He said with a grin.

Mrs Strauss narrowed her eyes. "He's a mascot, he doesn't count!"

Mr Strauss chuckled a bit. He still wasn't fully sure why his wife chose Gia, a Griffon, for the role of General Manager, as she seemed a bit full of herself, but Mrs Strauss didn't fully sure why her husband chose Thomas for the role of Assistant-Chief Engineer, as I had no engineering experience.

"Thomas had great potential, even more than he knows. He just needs the chance to learn how to spread his wings and fly, which this job I'm pretty sure will do for him."

Mrs Strauss sighed. "If you say so, My Dear. But I'll believe it when I see it."

"Which I think you will start to see once employee training begins over the next 2 weeks."

"I guess." She and her husband then began to make their travel plans for their own trip to the resort in the next few days.

Author's Note:

And, that was Chapter 1. Yeah, I know, this story's off to a bit of a slow start, but that's just setting the tone for the rest of the story. This one will be a bit of a slow-burn, but it's setting up important things for what'll come next, so it's very important. I also apologize if things seem a bit janky; I'm not used to writing about how a typical telephone call would go. But I hope you enjoyed this Chapter overall. So what's going to happen now that Thomas has signed on to be part of the Great Wolf Lodge Family? What about his interview with the ETSB? What about his trip to Happy Storage World to get his truck, and other belongings? How will his roadtrip go? What'll happen when he finally reaches Great Wolf Lodge? Well, you all know the drill, stay tuned and I'll tell you.

In the meantime though, as always, Comments, Questions, Feedback, as well as spreading the word about this story are always appreciated, and I'll see you all again in Chapter 2!

ScarFox out for now!