• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 880 Views, 15 Comments

The Most Powerful Family-Team Ever - Rock-Lee

Celestia is in a meeting between the two leaders of the most distinct Pony races in recent years. However, perhaps a simple and small piece of information that they all share in common could be the catalyst for a great alliance.

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The Great Pony-Dragon-Changeling Union

The great Pony-Dragon-Changeling union, something that was once a utopia in Celestia's mind as she traveled in her grand carriage towards an assembly among the leaders of the three races mentioned earlier. The meeting was strategically placed in a neutral zone in Yakyakistan to avoid any attacks from any of the races. However, she knew that if any of the three leaders wanted to do something, they would do so without any problem due to their immense power.

Upon reaching the snowy area in the northern part of the Crystal Empire, Celestia would descend from her carriage and instruct her guards to withdraw. Bringing any kind of guards to the meeting was strictly prohibited, a rule accepted by all three leaders. The Yaks were the only ones allowed to carry weapons to defend their kingdom in case one of the leaders decided to attack the others.

"Welcome to Yakyakistan," a female voice would draw Princess Celestia's attention. She lowered her gaze to see a young Yak with red jewels throughout her hair, unlike many Yaks, her hair wasn't covering her face, allowing Celestia to see her features clearly.

"Dragonlord Ember has delivered her protection stones. They need to be activated, or entry will not be allowed," another, larger Yak, dressed in strange leather armor and a helmet with horns, said with a serious tone and the characteristic accent of the region.

Celestia sighed and nodded slightly. The three leaders had brought their own protection stones weeks before the meeting. Each race possessed stones that, when activated, nullified any abilities of their designated race—a way to ensure that no kingdom would attempt to overthrow its leader in a revolution. It was a trust test established millennia ago to prevent an attack, which had worked until the Changeling attack at Princess Cadance's wedding. Fortunately, everything resolved on its own as the stones had been unused for so long that they took a considerable time to activate. Ponies had the stones of the changelings, changelings had the stones of dragons, and dragons had the stones of ponies.

"Thank you very much," Celestia said before her horn started emitting a soft white light. In the center of the village, a large golden beam of light fell from the sky for a few seconds before Celestia's horn stopped glowing. Not only that, but Celestia herself felt her wings becoming rigid to the point where moving them was impossible. Her mane fell over her neck and back, no longer floating due to the Pony magic she had put into them. Celestia blushed slightly as she realized that her little secret had been revealed to the Yaks.

"Your secret is safe with us, Princess," the female Yak said with a slight smile, observing the princess's mane for a couple of seconds before the male Yak struck the ground with a lance he carried.

"Follow me," the Yak said before turning and walking toward the center of the village. Celestia began to follow at a steady pace.

On the silent path, Celestia could feel the cold against her skin, something that generally had never been a problem due to the natural warmth emanating from her sun magic. But now, she felt that perhaps the coat Luna had bought for her on their trip to Griffonstone was not such an unnecessary expense after all.

After a couple of minutes of walking, Celestia would notice how each Yak on her path stood straight and saluted her out of respect for being a princess. This slightly pleased her, seeing that the Yaks had started to show more respect for the presence of Ponies in Yakyakistan. Before she could fully grasp it, she found herself in front of a large tent, perhaps three times the size of the other houses in that village, where the meeting would take place.

"You may withdraw," she would say to the Yak guiding her, who would simply nod and let Celestia enter the tent alone. Inside, she could feel the warm embrace of the numerous candles, closing her eyes for a few seconds to enjoy the newfound warmth enveloping her body.

"It seems the Princess of the Sun finally decided to show up," a somewhat gruff voice would make her open her eyes, and she would see a large round table with three chairs, each placed at points farthest from each other. Ember, the youngest dragonlord in Equestria's history, and Thorax, the new leader of the Changelings, awaited her. Ember seemed to have a furrowed brow, while Thorax had a more neutral expression. Perhaps the fact that the cold didn't have triple the effect on him, as it did on Ember and Celestia, affected his mood a bit.

"Dragonlord Ember, King Thorax," Celestia would say with a slight nod of her head before walking to the empty seat and taking a seat, carefully observing her two companions.

"Princess Celestia," Thorax would say with a slight nod. Celestia had heard that as a leader, he had managed to achieve a slight peace agreement between Changelings and the Crystal Empire. Twilight had mentioned it in one of her letters, though unfortunately, she hadn't been able to read it entirely as she ended up burning it with a candle due to the fatigue accumulated in her body over several days.

Celestia would notice how Ember trembled slightly from the cold around her, probably because her inner fire was at a minimum due to the protective stones, making it challenging for her cold-blooded self in Yakyakistan.

"I apologize if this place is not the best. We all know it's the most neutral place in all of Equestria when Yaks are not involved," Celestia would say, especially addressing Ember, who would only release a slightly annoyed sigh.

"I understand. I know that Griffonstone is not on good terms with Changelings or Ponies," Ember would say, which was a slight surprise to Celestia, as she wasn't aware that Griffonstone and Dragonland were on good terms.

"Don't worry; I know there are hardly any places in Equestria that accept Changelings. It's one of the main reasons we are here," Thorax would say with a nod, releasing a small sigh before continuing. "Please present your symbols at the first meeting between Ponies, Dragons, and Changelings."

Celestia would remove her crown with some difficulty as she couldn't use her magic to levitate it, placing it on the table. Thorax would remove what seemed to be a kind of collar that blended with his skin, also leaving it on the table in front of him. Ember, being the last, hesitated for a moment, sighed, and placed her Bloodstone Scepter on the table, crossing her arms in annoyance.

"My encounter with the Ponies of the Crystal Empire has revealed that at least in that empire, there is a possibility of accepting Changelings as... well-behaved Ponies," Thorax would say, finding it challenging to express himself with the right words due to the various variations depending on the race.

"In that same town, one of their greatest historical heroes is a dragon, so the acceptance of dragons passing through those areas without causing widespread chaos is feasible," Dragonlord Ember would add with a furrowed brow. Her main interest was not necessarily blending the races, as very few dragons were interested in living with or even being with Ponies. She herself was not an exception, as the only time she had been to a Pony town was solely to see the only dragon in the town. "So, a trading zone is feasible in the Crystal Empire, as Dragons are only willing to part with their treasures in exchange for more treasures. I've reached an agreement with my kind that the exchange of our general resources like gems can be accepted only in a barter zone, with no Pony money or... the currency that Changelings use... I hope not to offend you with my ignorance about that topic, King Thorax."

Celestia and probably Thorax would notice that those last words seemed challenging to say, as if she knew she had to say them but it wasn't natural. Despite it being odd, they would let it pass as a simple quirk.

"No need to worry, Dragonlord Ember. Indeed, Changelings do not possess a currency, as until relatively recently, we were what could be called... a hive mind with a bit of personal individuality. But we have come to the creation of a barter economy, so medicinal plants, gold, and other kinds of natural elements from the realm will be available to dragons and ponies in case this agreement comes to fruition," Thorax explained.

Celestia would be perplexed at how easy that had been. Unlike Ember, Torch would probably have spent twice the time the conversation had lasted insulting Ponies and/or Changelings.

"Any objection to this preliminary deal, Princess Celestia?" Ember would say, frowning at Celestia's dumbfounded expression and her silence throughout the conversation.

"N-No, not at all. I feel it's a pretty agreeable deal for the three nations. We just need a way to ensure that Changelings don't become citizens of the empire to cause disturbances," Celestia said, not noticing how Thorax's brow slightly furrowed. "And that true dragons are trustworthy. I don't doubt either of you, but you can understand that your citizens aren't as civilized as you."

"Oh, believe me, we know, Miss Celestia," Ember would say, placing both hands on the table and digging her claws into the ancient wood. "Just like we have to make sure yours don't steal our eggs!"

"And make sure yours don't give away offspring from other races as servants! Miss Perfection!" Thorax would add, surprising the two women in the room. He would pound the table with his hooves, causing Celestia's crown, Ember's scepter, and Thorax's collar to bounce slightly.

Celestia would open her eyes wide, very surprised by these accusations from the two leaders of neighboring realms, taking a few seconds to understand what had happened out of nowhere.

"What kind of accusations are these!?" Celestia would say, noticeably offended by those words coming from her fellow leaders.

"Accusations are when there's no evidence! Not when the literal proof told me!" Thorax would respond, not feeling threatened in the slightest by Celestia's voice.

"What the decorated tree pony said!" Ember would add, agreeing with Thorax, not in a good enough mood to use the polite dialect she had tried to start using.

"Now, what in the hay are you talking about!?" Celestia would say, pounding her hoof on the table with force.

"Spike told me that you literally 'found' his egg and gave it to the first filly you came across!" Ember would say, pointing one of her claws at Celestia with a furrowed brow. Perhaps if her powers hadn't been negated by the protective stones, she would be breathing smoke by now.

"And he also told me how that same filly uses him as a servant to this day!" Thorax would join Ember against the large mare.

"W-What!? Servant!?" Celestia would say, taking a few steps back, feeling somewhat nervous about not knowing how to respond.

"Well... she didn't use the word servant, just said he helps a lot, and sometimes he wishes he could take a break... but that's beside the point!"

"YOU TWO NEVER TALK ABOUT MY CHILDREN LIKE THAT AGAIN!" Celestia would say, using her Canterlot voice, taking a strong step toward the two leaders, causing the protective Yaks to peer through the multiple entrances to the tend with their spears ready.

"What's going on here!?" one of the Yaks would say, his helmet covering much of his face.

"GET OUT!" all three leaders would say at the same time, making the Yaks look at each other and slowly retreat from the entrances.

After that shout, the three leaders would observe each other for a couple of seconds, until Thorax let out a soft sigh due to the way the conversation had twisted.

"Can we talk about this in a civilized manner?" Thorax would say, sitting back in his chair once again, causing the two women in front of him to sit in silence after a couple of seconds.

"Now... How is it that you two know Spike?" Celestia would say after thinking for a couple of seconds, noting that small detail that had escaped her amidst the shouting.

"Spike never told you how he fared in the Gauntlet of Fire?" Ember would say with a raised eyebrow, crossing her arms to retain some warmth in her body.

"I... I never had the time to go talk to him about it. I assumed he simply failed or didn't even went there, and that was the end of it," Celestia would say, feeling like a terrible mother for not knowing something as important as her own little one being a DRAGONLORD, even if it was only for a few minutes.

"Tsk, how much trust you have in him," Ember would say, furrowing her brow for a couple of seconds. "Well, just so you know, he's the only dragon in history to win and willingly give up the position!... I'd even be willing to share the position with him if he wanted..."

Celestia would notice a slight blush from the blue dragoness (if that was possible, she wasn't entirely sure), but before she could say anything, Ember would be quicker. "And what about you... King Thorax?"

"He was the one who guided me through the Crystal Empire on the day I officially became a recognized citizen of the Crystal Kingdom. He even sang a very beautiful song! Haha," Thorax would say with a big smile, managing to set aside his previous anger. "I've requested multiple times for him to come with me to help me better guide my citizens, but he's too busy helping your student."

Celestia would frown at the way Thorax referred to Twilight, but for the sake of the conversation, she would only take a deep breath and nod slightly.

"Now... I see that the three of us hold Spike in high regard, that's a good thing. At least we know that all of us here can feel the same way about someone," Celestia would say, feeling that it was the best thing to say in that situation.

"So in your opinion, Changelings can't feel affection?" Thorax would say, furrowing his brow slightly annoyed.

"Or dragons?" Ember would say, sharing that action with the Changeling king.

"N-No! I just want... Ahh, I'm sorry, really sorry," Celestia would say, bringing a hoof to her face and letting out a heavy sigh. "I've never had these kinds of meetings with civilized people. I really don't want to insult anyone, but the previous Dragonlord—"

"My father?" Ember would say through gritted teeth.

"...Yes, Torch wasn't someone you could talk to or try to convince of anything, much less the former queen of the changelings," Celestia would say, with Thorax nodding in agreement as he knew the mare was right.

"You know? Spike once said in one of his letters that forgiveness is important... Much more so for a greater good, like that of our kingdoms," Thorax would say, smiling kindly at the two women in front of him, who would lower their gaze slightly out of embarrassment.

"That baby dragon is much more of a man than half of the dragons I've met in my entire life," Ember would say with a sigh, her breath visible due to the cold covering her body.

"Yes... My son is truly someone who has earned his renown on his own merit," Celestia would say with a slight nod.

"Almost all the Changelings who support the changes I'm trying to make are crazy about Spike! It's almost impossible not to see a day where our little ones aren't playing as Spike defeating the great King Sombra!" Thorax would say with a big smile, recalling the fond memories of seeing foals of his kind running around transformed into Spike, carrying the "Crystal Heart" from point A to point B. "I think Spike Ball is the national sport at this point."

"Heh, you have no idea how many dragons want me to bring Spike back for a rematch for losing against a baby... it's so fun to see them get angry when I tell them he's not coming back anytime soon," Ember would say, leaning back in her seat, looking up at the ceiling with a slight smile.

Celestia would smile a bit, seeing how the encounter was becoming better and better, happy that something as trivial as a baby dragon had become so important to the three most powerful kingdoms of Equestria and their leaders.

A couple of hours would pass, and the three rays of golden, blue, and green light that fell from the sky would signal the end of that meeting and the recovery of their powers by the three leaders.

"Okay, now get ready, rookie," a Yak, probably the size of Celestia, with several tufts of cut hair and scars in bald patches on his body, would say to a slightly nervous rookie Yak soldier.

"They warned us that this would be the worst moment of all..." the rookie Yak would say as his helmet trembled on his head.

"Exaggerated... I've seen it all."

The Yaks would watch the shadows of the three leaders approaching the main exit, thus preparing their weapons in case of any trouble, but...

"Hahaha! Did he really suck his tail until he was 7!?" Ember would say, flying with a smile alongside Celestia, laughing at the childhood stories Celestia was telling about the little dragon.

"It was so adorable to watch him sleep! Although we had to forbid him from doing it, or he would end up damaging his dentition... or so said the maternity book they gave me, I think it wasn't written for dragons, but still, it was something."

"Bless that book! Haha," Thorax would say with a big smile, laughing quietly alongside Ember.

"Okay, guys, see you next month at the castle! We need to prepare everything for the exchange zone between kingdoms," Celestia would say, watching her carriage arrive flying as planned, walking towards it until she was interrupted by Ember.

"Remember! Spike will spend 4 months with the dragons each year!"

"And 4 with the changelings!" Thorax would add with a somewhat playful smile before they both went their separate ways, with their respective guards arriving to accompany them.

"Right!... Right..." Celestia would say, letting out a frustrated sigh, now having to think about how she would convince Spike to accept something like that.

The Yaks would observe everything, as Celestia left in her carriage and as they remained silent for almost a whole minute.

"...Now I've seen it all," that Yak would say before turning around and walking towards a tavern.

A couple of weeks would have passed, and Celestia would be in her room, resting after a exhausting day, calmly sipping from her tea cup. At that moment, a letter would appear in front of her with Spike's characteristic fiery trail.

"Oh, a letter from Twilight," Celestia would say with a smile, setting the cup aside and opening the letter. She would start reading it for a few seconds, but then fall into total silence for almost a whole minute. "How...cute..."

As if nothing, the mare would make that letter disappear in a fireball before grabbing two scrolls and starting to write without the need for a pen or ink.

"King Thorax and Dragonlord Ember, I believe this is something that concerns both of you... Does anyone know the name Sludge?"

Comments ( 15 )

"King Thorax and Dragonlord Ember, I believe this is something that concerns both of you... Does anyone know the name Sludge?"

Hehe... somedragon is gonna get ATTACKED

"King Thorax and Dragonlord Ember, I believe this is something that concerns both of you... Does anyone know the name Sludge?"

Sludge is gonna die.
And gonna die HARD

Comment posted by Zoeypenelope deleted January 17th
Comment posted by WindSprinter deleted January 17th
Comment posted by Rock-Lee deleted January 17th

Triple Threat. Not Triple Treath.

Okay, before I start reading this, I saw your synopsis for this story and I respect you for hating that Triple Threat episode because WHY DID THEY HAVE TO MAKE SPIKE SO STUPID?!

May I remind you that his bravery is the reason that he’s friends with Ember and Thorax. With Ember, he sacrificed himself to compete in the Gauntlet of Fire and he gave her the title of Dragon Lord Ember. With Thorax, he sacrificed his reputation in the Crystal Empire for his changeling friend and was the first sign of peace between changelings and ponies. So, WHAT ARE TALKING ABOUT when you say that he’s afraid that they won’t get along and massive war will commence.

Don’t even get me started on the map “summoning” him to solve a friendship problem only for him to get screwed over and do nothing to solve it. Great job, amazing, brilliant work. They ruined his character again.

Finally somebody who agree with me

And whats worse is its the only time the map ever called on him.
Its like the tree of Harmony is mocking him.


The map basically said, “Hey Spike, we got a problem. Go solve it! Oh, you figured it out and all you had to do was NOTHING AND LEAVE IT TO YOUR FRIENDS TO WORK IT OUT FOR THEMSELVES EVEN THOUGH I’M THE ONE WHO WANTED YOU TO GET INVOLVED IN IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! I AM AN AMAZING PLOT DEVICE!!!”

He could’ve been spawned for a different episode but no, they had to do it here to remind us that he’s still a character on the show.

And the fact its not a valid excuse on the Mane 6 leaving him out too.
Since in Shadow Play the map called ONLY the Mane 6 I think but the Pillars and Sunburst and Starlight came and turns out its Starlight(one who the map never called for this) was the one who solved it.
So the fact that someone the map didn't call got to go and solve it and no retaliation from the tree showed Spike could have gone on those adventures or at least with the Mane 6 in season 5 premire.

I agreed with you too.

Whats worse is how Triple Threat is Spike's last proper interaction with Thorax and kind of with Ember.

Dude, let’s just write a blog about Spike being mistreated on the show.

Have you made one before on that?

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