• Published 15th Jan 2024
  • 715 Views, 7 Comments

Moving on - MorganaTheNotCat

Once Twilight's time has come, she and The Grim Reaper meet face to face and end up having a chat about life and death.

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Sands of time

My life… It was coming to an end. As I lay there on the beach, watching the sun lower once more casting an orange glow over the wide ocean, hearing the waves crashing against the sand and the cool wind of the evening air against my coat… I’m left to wonder and ruminate, like how I did every other evening when I watched the sun disappear on the horizon. Did I do the right things? Was I a good pony?

I don’t know. My work can’t be understated, creating the school of friendship, defeating many powerful foes along the way, mentoring others into becoming even better than me, turning Equestria into a diverse land full of love and care, picking a worthy replacement and finally resigning from the throne and resting down, enjoying the rest of my life. It had only been a couple of years since I resigned from my role.

My life was truly something else. Along my thousands of years reigning over Equestria, I saw all kinds of things. Ponies came and went. Civilizations and entire kingdoms rising from the ashes some due to my work, others due to the work of my students.

But on the other hoof… One gaping hole that had always been left with me, were the parting souls of my friends… I’ve never forgotten any of them… Both the dead, and the living. I haven’t forgotten Pinkie Pie’s love to cheer others into overcoming their challenges with happiness and laughter, the loyalty that Rainbow dash inspired, the kindness of Fluttershy and how she always cared for others, the generosity of Rarity and how she was truly selfless in helping others, the honesty of Applejack in speaking her mind even if it did hurt sometimes. Oh how I miss you all so dearly… Everyday I wish you were all here, by my side…

I can’t help myself. A tear rolls down my cheek with a deep sigh. If only I could go back in time to spend more time with you all…

But as I stared into the endless expanse of the sea, I could hear someone approach me from behind, they had a certain weightless nature to their hoofsteps. It was more like I could feel their presence…

“Who’s there?” I ask.

“It’s me.”

I turn my head to see a pony draped in a long black cloth, his head obscured by a hood while the back of his outfit dragged along the sand. Despite the clear daylight, I couldn’t see under the hood… Who was this pony?

“I didn’t think anyone ever came out here, I’m surprised you found me.” My head turns back to stare longingly into the sea.

“I always find who I’m looking for. You are Twilight Sparkle, aren’t you?”

I hesitate for a moment, but it’s not like I’m unrecognizable. Everyone has at least heard of me a few times in their lives.

“Yes. And who might you be?” I turned to face the mysterious hooded stranger, who now sat by my side. He was much smaller than me, the size of a normal pony. His size reminds me how much bigger a full grown alicorn is compared to the average pony.

“I go by many names. The angel of death, the Grim Reaper, Death… You choose.” What? He’s not serious is he?

“You’re… Death? Please, don’t make me laugh.” No way. I let out a chuckle.

“Don’t worry. Nobody wants to believe it at first either.” He drops down his hood, and my heart skips a beat. He’s nothing but bones… No skin, no muscle, no blood, no tail, no mane, just a carcass of a pony… His soulless eyeholes stare directly into me and I feel a sudden shiver down my spine, enough to paralyze me in place for a few seconds…

This… Is it some kind of joke? But I can’t detect any kind of magic coming from him… Is this really death coming to claim me? I’m suddenly hit with reality, or as real as meeting death itself can be.

“B-But- Wait this isn’t right, I had plans for today!” I object. “I was going to go help the foals at the magic school nearby later tonight, I had a whole speech planned out for the event!”

He just looked at me and tilted his head.

“I’m sorry. But you know I can’t wait.” This isn’t right! There are still so many things I need to finish, so many things I want to do that I haven’t got the chance yet! My heart beats faster with sharp gasps for air, I don’t want to go so soon and yet…

I know I’m prolonging the inevitable. Even if somehow I get more time, sooner or later, it’ll come back for me. For over hundreds of years I had ruled over my land, I had controlled my subjects and created a kingdom of peace and harmony where my words were law, where every creature under my rule would bow down to me and follow my commands, yet this was the first time in so long that I felt Fear. Powerless to do anything. I don’t even know how to react, I just stare blankly at him.

“Alicorns are always the most fun to come and claim. Some are arrogant, they believe they are immortal. Others recognize everything must come to an end, and that every story has an ending.” Wait, does that mean…

“Wait, so did you talk to Celestia and Luna too?” My ears perked up in curiosity. “W-What did they say? What were they like?”

He just kept on staring out into the ocean before us both.

“It… Was difficult.” What? Why does he speak with such remorse in his voice? “Celestia is a lot stronger and mature than her sister. But unfortunately, she was the one to die first. Luna found it difficult to bear the pain, but Celestia stayed by her side until the very last day.” He was right on that, Celestia was a lot more mature than Luna, it would’ve been easier for her to cope with the loss. But on the other hoof, I can’t imagine Celestia not spending the rest of her life without Luna, just how she spent years away from her when she was banished to the moon.

“What… Do you mean stayed by her side?”

“You may not see it, but your soul takes a while to move on. While I can claim you for your physical body, I can’t force a soul into the afterlife. I can only guide you once you’re ready. The most I can do is help you get over your pain.” So Celestia stayed behind to protect her sister even in her death…

“How… Did they react once they saw each other again…?”

“Couldn’t have been happier.” He spoke with a proud confidence in his tone, as if he was glad they had found peace.

I stayed silent.

Despite what I figured death would be like, he seems different.

“Why… Didn’t you bring Celestia back to be with Luna? So they could be together? You said so yourself, Luna couldn’t handle the pain. Why couldn’t she have been there by her side truly, instead of spiritually?” Instead of a creepy creature creeping ever closer, you have a benevolent pony who seems to care about others and their traumas, and he said himself he can’t force others to move on when they’re not ready after all… He could’ve just brought her back, couldn’t he?

“Twilight, you need to understand, death is also a part of life.” He spoke gently. “Celestia had long accepted her death. She was proud of the life she lived, but she didn’t feel right leaving without her sister. That’s the reason why her spirit stayed behind. Luna gained strength through Celestia’s passing, to overcome her challenges so that her sister could be proud of her even in death. Luna needed to move on, in order to become a better pony. If I had brought Celestia back, do you think she would’ve improved?”

“I… Don’t know…”

“Life is about moving on and changing, Twilight. Granny Smith died, but the farm continued with Applejack. Princess Cadance and your brother have long passed away, Flurry heart took their place. Celestia came and went, and she left you to fill her role. One chapter of life ends, but another begins.”

“But what about those who die young?” Surely, they barely had a chance at life.

“I want everyone to have a fair chance in life, but it doesn’t always happen. I’ve guided every kind of soul you can imagine. Foals who didn’t get the chance to live their lives before it was taken away from them, grandparents who left legacies behind for their children to continue, resentful ponies who felt like their life had been worthless, among many others. But even then, one life ends, yet another blossoms. Always mutating and transforming, always changing, always moving like a river.” I stared down at the sand beneath my hooves, all I could think about was them… What were their reactions like? As they were taken away? “Life is about experiencing the journey, changing you. To some, death is a sweet release from their tormented lives. To others, it’s something that creeps closer and comes way sooner than they expect… Isn’t that right, Princess?”

“Yes…” It felt so sudden, so soon, it was difficult to even comprehend that this was happening after all. I had calmed my body down, but my mind was still troubled.

“Are you ready to go, Twilight?” He lifted himself off the ground. From thin air, a blue flame formed a scythe before my very eyes.

“I… Don’t know… I’m just scared…” I… Could barely even focus. My mind was a mixture of emotions, I didn’t know what to think or how to feel, Just a garbled mess of thoughts. I was scared, I was nervous and anxious, I was sad but at the same time strangely excited…

“Let me show you something, Twilight. It might help you decide.”

A sudden weightlessness filled my whole self, letting me slowly float off the ground, turning my body from skin and muscles to some kind of material, a semi-transparent cloud of pure white sparkling dust. It formed the shape of my body but it felt completely free from the shackles of it.

A circle formed in the air before us, the edges emanated a blue glow, it was a portal. I was skeptical of taking the first step, but he gestured for me to go first. Slowly putting one hoof into the portal, then another and walking through, my eyes open wide at the more than familiar sight.

Beautiful green hills, the scent of the countryside in the fresh air, birds chirping in the distance, a quietness that could only be achieved in an early Ponyville morning, when the ponies were just about getting up for their duties. But I saw something old, familiar, and very personal.

A large oak tree with small windows on some parts, a wooden sign at the entrance staked to the ground with a painting of a book on it. Golden Oak library, my home in Ponyville so many years ago. Despite it being so long since I had last seen it, I still recognized it easily. It’s so incredible to be here once again, where my journey started, where I made so many friendships when I was just a young unicorn. I look back at the pony, who simply stares at the door.

“They’re waiting for you inside.”

Can it be?

I hastily trot my way to the door, turning the knob and opening it with a wide smile.


I’m assaulted by the loud noise of a party cannon, streamers flying through the air, confetti twirling as it falls to the ground. Those voices, it really is them!

“Geez, took ya long enough!” Rainbow Dash and the others gave me a warm welcoming smile, I felt right at home.

“I-I can’t believe it! It really is you!” Eagerly, I scan the room seeing them all huddled around the center in a semicircle. They all looked the same I did, a cloud of sparkling dust resembling the shape of their bodies. But there is no way I wouldn’t recognize them.

“Course it ‘s us. Who else would’ve waited all this time for you?” Applejack tipped her hat gently with a smile and a chuckle.

“I’ll say, it is dreadful not being able to wear any of the luxurious outfits I love so much…” Rarity pretended to flick her mane with a smile. “But it’s more than worth it just to finally have you with us, dear.”

“We were at your side every step of the way.” Every step of the way? Fluttershy’s words made me smile.

“Were you all waiting on me?” I glanced around the room, it was just how I remembered it, and it felt even cozier with them around.

“We couldn’t leave without you silly!” Pinkie skipped closer, her hooves opening wide as she gave me a hug, a comforting hug, one which I couldn’t help but reciprocate. The others followed suit, joining in for a warm group hug. How I missed this feeling…

Finally, I was with them again. But from what it sounds, they never even left my side. Even in death… A few tears rolled down my cheek, I couldn’t believe it after so long.

“They refused to go if you weren’t with them. I couldn’t deny them that.” The reaper approached from behind, coming into the room, watching our caring group hug. “I’ll admit that in all of time, I have never seen a group so closely connected like you all. Is everyone ready?”

Suddenly, I wasn’t so scared. Suddenly, I felt happy, I felt comforted, finally being surrounded by my friends after so long, I couldn’t help but smile. When death came knocking on my door, I was ready to make a scandal so I could stay just a while longer, to demand from him how much I wanted them back just to spend a couple more minutes with them but now… Knowing that through my entire life, they were always by my side… I couldn’t feel more loved. It ‘s time to rest. For all of us.

“Yes… We’re ready.”

I close my eyes, holding them all in a tight embrace as I feel my body sparkle into nothing but dust, to be picked up by the wind and carried away, knowing my last seconds of existence were happy ones surrounded by my friends, I finally felt complete. I finally accepted it…

Author's Note:

This was a simple one shot I wanted to do, as I'm still writing up my other, bigger fic. Hope you enjoy it.

Comments ( 7 )

What about Spike?

Did we just forget that he is Twilight's little brother?

That ending…
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sucker for death being portrayed as benevolent (or at least neutral) being, and props for subverting the ‘alicorns are immortal’ trope , but still :fluttercry:

I forgot to add an author's note related to this, but I wanted the focus to be on Twilight's emotions here and as much as I did think about including a lot more characters than just the main 6, I decided to just keep him out of the picture honestly, for no specific reason other than, I wanted the main 6 and their friendship to be the primary subject here

Really good story that hits you in all the feels. Exploring a side of Twilight coming to terms with her passing after her friends have long been gone is an interesting topic and was done wonderfully here.

(P.S. Luna is just as mature as Celestia, she just displays her emotions more freely than the forever stoic Celestia.)

I love the different interpretations of death.

I hate that trope with a burning passion for several reasons. The main one is that if Celestia were truly immortal then it makes grooming an heir and stepping down redundant. The other is the fact that not only does the Journal of the Two Sisters debunk it but nowhere in the cartoon does it say alicorns have immortality or are gods

I always head-cannoned that alicorns don't live forever per se, just a really long time compared to "normal" ponies. Like you said, it makes more since lore wise and is the proverbial best of both worlds writing-wise.

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