• Published 19th Jan 2024
  • 1,351 Views, 74 Comments

North Woods NightMares - Starfighter

The NightMare project as it came to be known augmented a set of large bodied mares from the north to conduct counter-piracy ops. This is a story of one of those mares and her determined supporter.

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Chapter 7: Mission Status: On Track

After entering room 426, S instructed PW to deadbolt the door and close the viewport shutter.

“Number 2, you’re being reassigned.” S announced. “HQ is rethinking their options in the northeast given that firefight yesterday. But, there’s more. The annual meeting with Yakyakistan on the trade agreement with Equestria is coming up. Intelligence has intercepted a report that a party of changelings is planning to intercept the diplomatic mission’s caravan in the Frozen North along the Yak Road. They will be ambushed at a cliff located at latitude 75 degrees 46 minutes north, longitude 45 degrees 19 minutes west. Your mission, Number 2, is to track and intercept the party of changelings before they are able to reach this pass.”

With that S concluded the introduction and looked at her notes.

"You will ride by rail to Crystal Heart City and will need to trek up the Yak Road past the attack zone and into the staging area. There, you must locate and destroy the changeling encampment before the diplomatic caravan reaches the ambush. After doing so, you must escort the caravan until it reaches the Yayakistan gate.”

S turned to face PW with a smile. “Polaris Wind! You are going to like this request. Because the exact location of the attackers is unknown, HQ has made the decision to allow you to accompany Number 2 in the hopes that you can help locate the enemy encampment from the air and keep eyes on the caravan. Though we suspect the enemy is going to use white camouflage, this location is north of the arctic tree line and thus the environment is entirely tundra. Overflight should very well help.” S took on a serious tone. “This is unprecedented, Mr. Wind. Do well here - prove yourself - and you may be eligible for a possible assignment to permanently support Number 2.”

“Fuck yes!” PW shouted with unbridled spirit.

“We need to get you a code name, PW.” The big mare suggested.

“That’s easy! 2-point-1. Night Mare-2, accomplice 1!” He explained.

“That one won’t fly.” S immediately said. “Perhaps we can discuss that in a potential job interview in the future.”

“Equipment?” 2 shifted attention back to the mission.

“A supply depot in Crystal Heart City will be ready upon your arrival. We will have clothing and food available as well as the standard-issue D16. Sorry Mr. Wind, we will not be able to supply you with a weapon given your volunteer nature.” Admitted S.

“It’s totally cool! I completely trust this mare with my life.” PW pointed his hoof up at Night-Mare 2. She didn’t respond save for the ever slightest smile but PW wasn't looking at her to see it.

“Also available in the gearpack is a combination snowshoe / ice skate to traverse the frozen terrain. All your clothing will be camouflaged in a winter pattern, given the environment. We also need to get Mr. Wind’s measurements, before I forget. Number 2, mind giving me a hoof with that?”

“My pleasure. Just give me the smallest tape measure you have.”

“Seriously, 2?” PW scoffed.

“Ready when you are.” She nodded to S.

“Head circumference?”


“Neck circumference?”


“Neck length?”


“Barrel length?”


“Barrel circumference?”

2 couldn’t help but chuckle. “36! … PW, my thigh is thicker than your whole body.”

“Thanks for that tidbit of knowledge!” He shot back, turning away to hide his blush.

“Front inseam?”


“Rear inseam?”

“Oh, this should be fun.” PW muttered.

“Hold this in your… inseam.” 2 hesitated. Now it was PW’s turn to laugh. The mare pulled the tape down to the floor and read the value there. “14. Not bad. Mine’s 26.”

“Damn, not even twice as much? Got to say, Night-Mare; I am disappointed!” PW teased.

“Hoof?” S asked.

“7. Wow, a size 10 is huge compared to a 7!” 2 teased.



“Beat ya!” PW grinned in triumph.

“I’ll give you that one, PW.” 2 admitted.

“So, Mr. Wind, despite all this teasing she’s doing - and she’s been trained to do this so don’t take it personally - of all ponies that could act as an accomplice you’re a good fit because you’re large enough to appear as an adult pony, but still small enough to make the Night-Mare look even bigger beside you. The enemy won’t know you’re on the shorter side. I’d list that on my job application if I were you.”

“Thanks, S!” Replied PW.

“You both should pack up immediately and head to the train station. The train will arrive in a little under an hour.”

“PW, plan to meet me at the train station. It’s safer to travel alone than together to avoid arousing suspicion in our appearances.” 2 advised.

“Number Two, your Stallion and Western pistol.” S hoofed over a box.

“This is the only armament we have on the road, PW.”

“You mean, besides your skull-crushing legs?”

“That’s classified information, PW. Now, start packing, I’ll see you at the station.”

PW excused himself from the room and started packing. There were a lot of consumed provisions that he was able to discard, now having established a supply line with Night-Mare 2. He was checked out and off to the train station with plenty of time to spare. PW was very excited to be traveling with her and his thoughts turned to daydreaming.

‘I bet her haunches take up the whole hallway in the train car!’ He snickered.

PW purchased his ticket to Crystal Heart City in the station-house and proceeded onto the platform. He found 2 - or rather, Ms. Snowheart - already there, laying prone with most of her gear off. Probably for the better, to avoid advertising her size and identity. She simply looked really fat more than anything lying like that. Like a giant, frosted loaf.

“You didn’t get your ticket yet, did you?” She asked, forgoing greetings or even a glance in his direction.

“Yeah, I got a coach ticket. Why?”

“Heh. HQ arranged my room. We always travel that way.”

“It’s a two day journey, we’ll be getting there around lunchtime." PW said, before realizing something. "Wait - the roomettes are conversion sleepers… right?”

“Yeah, but…”

“With double-bunks, right?”

“Ah.” She clicked.

“So we get to be… roommates, right?”

“We can’t convert the room to bunks, PW. You of all ponies can probably understand but I don’t fit. The bed is only five feet long.”

“Okay.” He nodded. “So, how is this all going to work then?”

“I’ll show you onboard.”

Not too long after a whistle blast was heard.

“PW.” Snowheart whispered, encouraging him to lean over to her. “When we get on the train we always quickly look left and right just before stepping through the door. We’re looking for anypony making eye contact with us as we’re boarding. If somepony distant is looking at you, note their appearance but DO NOT stare.”

“Looking for ponies trying to do us dirty?”


The approaching train rounded the bend and rang its bell. Heading the train was an old 4-4-0 locomotive originally from the Friendship Express. PW felt as if he was shrinking as Ms. Snowheart rose to stand.

“Remember what I told you about looking.” She whispered.

The train came to a halt and four other passengers got up. After a few ponies alighted Snowheart ducked her head, glanced left and right, then fully boarded. PW did the same. Once onboard the mare twisted her head back. Just as PW thought, things were really tight. Her enormous body took up the whole hallway and her ears were scraping the ceiling.

“Anything?” She asked. PW shook his head.

“Tickets please!” Called the conductor, gawking for a moment at Ms. Snowheart before punching her ticket and stepping into a seat to make way. “Uh… ma’am? Your cabin is two cars down.”

“Thank you, sir.” She replied in her most polite tone of voice.

“I’ll catch up with you later… Snowheart.” PW called.

“Ticket?” the conductor asked PW after she’d plodded away. “You’re right where you need to be, pick any seat you like.”

PW sat down in an empty row and watched the train pull away. He was elated at the thought that he was going to bunk with a Night-Mare that night. He suddenly wished his special talent was music. He could have written a song about it right then and there! After a few minutes of going down the line the stallion sensed a huge presence behind him.

“Hey, Miss Snowheart.”

“I think I got things set up pretty well. You want to check it out?”

“Sure!” He said, getting up.

She didn’t move right away, prompting an expectant look from PW.

Ms. Snowheart fidgeted and gestured down the aisle the way she was facing with her finger. “I can’t turn around here. We need to keep going to the vestibule.” She explained as PW led the way there. With ample space she was able to spin about and led PW back to their room.

As they approached the sleeper car they passed by some first class rooms where the aisle narrowed.

It was on a particular corner that Snowheart stopped abruptly and grunted.

“Ugh.” The hallway plug groaned in response.

“What’s wrong?”

“... I’m stuck. Hey, PW; want to learn an interesting fact about Night-Mares?”

“Um, sure!”

“Our bodies were perfectly matched to the width of the aisles and hallways of a standard train car. That’s why we’re the size we are.”

“Really? That’s so cool!”

“Nah; I just made that shit up.”

Just then the train went over a switch that caused the whole car to sway back and forth. “Ah, the train fixed things!” She sighed in relief, moving forward again.

“That’s a real liability, Miss Snowheart.” Teased PW.

“I’m not made for this, PW. Though, wouldn’t you be terrified of some-creature that plugged the hallway from floor to ceiling?”

“Not terrified, more like in awe.”

“Hm. You’re funny. Funny and weird.” The mare responded, slithering into an opening in the hallway. “Home sweet home!” She announced.

PW looked around in the bedroom. The upper bunk was actually down while the lower bunk was not. However, the seats looked broken. “Upper bunk is for you. Everything else - for me.”

“Can you sleep on that? You’re taller than the room is wide or long.”

“It’s tricky… but with the seats like this, I can *huff* recline here on this seat, drape one of my legs on this one, and *hup!* point the other off into the corner.” She sighed as she demonstrated a diagonal posture.

“That doesn’t look very comfortable for you.”

“It’s actually worse with the seat completely down. Putting the upper bunk up doesn’t change anything. If you’re worried about taking my space in here it actually doesn’t matter in the end if you’re here or not.”

“Okay, that’s good! So I guess it's just a question of how I get up there. There's definitely not enough room to open my wings here.”

The big mare slapped her thigh and made a curling motion with her foreleg.

“Right.” PW agreed.

“There’s also the ladder, if I’m asleep.”

“You can’t lift in your sleep, Night-Ma–” PW started but suddenly found his mouth - and most of his face - plugged by her hoof. She shut the roomette door before freeing him. “I’m sorry, Miss Snowheart. It's a bad habit and I know I’m in trouble if I don’t stop doing that. What was I talking about again?”

“You were criticizing me for not being able to lift in my sleep.” She muttered.

“Mmm, I’m going to withdraw that.” Said PW.

“Smart. You want to get lunch?”

“Sure.” He replied.

The pair worked their way to the dining car without incident.

“Table for two?” Asked the head waiter.

“You should probably count me as two ponies.” Miss Snowheart said.

They sat at an empty table. The large mare had to squeeze in and nearly didn’t fit.

“Do you have an Eastern Menu?” She asked.

“Yes, actually. Would you like one?” The waiter asked.

She nodded and he turned to fetch one.

“So, who would win in a fight? You or the locomotive pulling the train?” Asked PW.


“So what you’re telling me is you’re the most powerful thing on and off this train?”

“That’s right. If the engine breaks down, I’ll pull the train. And the locomotive.”

“How much torque can you put down? Is that measured?”

“That’s classified.”

PW shot her a deadpan look.

“Also for the record, I’m planning to eat all the other meals in the berth.”


She raised an eyebrow. “Look at me. My ears are touching the ceiling. My body is touching the wall and hanging into the aisle. My thighs are ready to pry this table off its feet. And we haven’t even started with hoovsies.” She planted her hind-leg on PW’s seat for emphasis.

“Hey, be careful!”


“I just don’t want to die playing hoovsies, okay?”

“No. No, you don’t.” She warned as the menus arrived. When the waiter turned away she muttered. “It’s a horrible way to die.”

PW’s eyes went wide and he half-whispered. “You’ve done it?”

“Enough yap in public, little stallion.”

“You say that as if you intend to shut me up.” He challenged her with a wry smile. She frowned and her leg thumped closer to him. “Point taken; I’m done!”

“Ready to order?” Asked the waiter.

“I’ll have the garden salad, the grilled cheese, and a lemon tart.” Replied PW.

“And for you?” Asked the waiter, turning to Miss Snowheart.

“I’ll have the garden salad… filet mignon… chocolate cake. And - sorry about this - but also the hay bacon… and the barbecue sausage.”

“Give me a few minutes.” He sighed, clearly annoyed with the amount of food she ordered.

“Miss Snowheart… sausage?” PW stuck out his tongue.

“It was on the menu.” She shrugged.

“You’re not a griffon!”

“You know, PW, if they’re going to hire you you’ll eventually run boot-camp. I reckon - since my job is really dangerous - they’ll make you a special regimen. I think a fair one would be getting all five Night-Mares in my squad together to bully, poke, prod, and sock you until you stop yeeping from it all. How does twenty size-10s going at it free-for-all sound?”

PW gulped under flat ears. “Like a closed-casket funeral.”

She grinned. “That’s a really good description, actually. Here’s a good boot-camp story for you. One time; I dropped the soap. Can you guess what happened?”


“Everypony ran out of the shower before I could bend over to pick it up.” She smiled as food was placed in front of her like some trophy.

Ms. Snowheart didn’t hesitate and began wolfing the spread down. One particularly rude earth-pony stallion passed by. “What are you supposed to be? An oversized freak of nature? You must have some disease.” He barked.

“The hell, dude?!” PW yelled back, his chest floof rousing.

“Ha, didn’t see you there! You’re her little coltfriend aren’t you?” The stallion scoffed.

“Alright sir, please keep moving! We have a lot of food coming this way.” The head steward said, ushering him on. “I’m terribly sorry about that, ma’am.” He apologized.

“It’s fine. I get that a lot.” Snowheart muttered as the platters were placed.

“Why didn’t you speak up? I thought you’re trained to intimidate?” Asked PW.

“I can’t just intimidate a common citizen because they call me names, PW. That’s not how it works.”

“You do it to me?”

She paused. “You’re… different. I know you. And it doesn’t work on you anyway. It, like, does something weird to your brain.”

PW smirked as she resumed stuffing her face.

It took Miss Snowheart a full minute to shimmy out of the seat without breaking it. There was a visible depression in the upholstery that didn’t fade after she got up. She was leading the way back to their room when they encountered a couple in the hallway.

“See, PW? This is why I usually stay put in my room.” She called back to him.

“No, I don’t see! All I see in front of me is your rump!” He answered. He wasn’t lying- his head didn’t even reach her shoulders.

“Sorry folks; I can only move forward!” She announced.

“Are you sure you can’t move backwards?” Teased PW.

A size-ten hoof reared, ready to buck. “Forgive my transgression!” PW pleaded.