• Published 12th Jan 2024
  • 339 Views, 2 Comments

Rarity's Perfect Sunset. - WingedAngel

Rarity recounts the tale of how Sunset came to ask her out.

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The only chapter

Once upon a time, in a school with a magical portal, there was a girl named Sunset Shimmer. She wore a leather jacket, with an orange skirt and knee high boots, it was quite fashionable for a girl like her, but she complimented it all with long red and yellow hair going down past her shoulders, orange skin and the most gorgeous teal eyes. She was a bad girl but darling, was she the definition of "hot" as those more...less cultured would describe her.

But there was just one problem, dear reader. Sunset Shimmer was a bully! A Brute! So cold-hearted that even the flames on the outside couldn't warm that heart. It was such a shame, and it hurt so much when her cold-heartedness had hurt this fair lady when all she wanted to do was shine like a diamond. She found...secrets of mine and humiliated me and took the crown of that formal for herself while I drowned in tears. I was so hurt and hated Sunset, hoping for a day for her comeuppance.

But one day, the very wheels of fate came crashing down as Sunset attempted a scheme to steal a magical crown and out to stop her was a magical princess, oh how I wished I could have been her I had though back then. Maybe a strong prince to sweep me off my feet could have come sooner, I digress darling. She had failed thanks to the magical Princess, our friends and of course, this fair lady, and we looked absolutely fabulous. But there was one who didn't: Sunset Shimmer.

I had thought to get revenge on her but when I saw those genuine tears and how weak she truly was, my heart broke. I couldn't stand to see such a girl have such torn clothes and nowhere to go, I, as generosity and the champion of making everything look fashionable couldn't allow Sunset to stay in the state she was. So much like the magical princess did, I offered my hand. She was reluctant at first, saying I was waiting for the perfect time and she was right about my initial thoughts but not anymore! The past is not today as Sunset would later say and even the most brutish of girls shall not look terrible on Rarity's watch!

With time, Sunset and I developed a friendship, I gave her clothes, fixed her old ones and made her look the truly beautiful woman that was there all along. Of course, her heart had warmed, she was much nicer and despite a few hiccups, Sunset Shimmer was my friend. In return, Sunset was my biggest source of inspiration and confidence. But my heart had decided one day that a prince would never sweep this fair lady off her feet. Too many brutes, bad eggs and of course...Blueblood! Just pretend I hit my fainting couch there when I said that, darling. I had a new yearning, a bad girl, well, a reformed bad girl, Sunset Shimmer.

It was our final year when this happened, I realized that it was no longer a prince I wished to claim me, but Sunset Shimmer. How did this happen? Over the time I spent with her, she truly changed, she loved to be artistic with her Flanksy art, everything I put on her made her beautiful! She asked me how my day was, she offered to model for my dresses, she and I went out to places together and she never did this on any condition, she did it to spend time with her friend. I admired Sunset more than the magic of friendship allowed.

I was hopelessly head over heels for her. All the fantasies about a dashing Prince seemed so disgusting, there was only one that could claim the Lady Rarity, and it was Sunset Shimmer. I wanted her to take me, I wanted her to ask if I would be her special someone, I was a diamond and like a diamond, I would make her even more special being with her. I wanted her to claim me.

But, I had a problem dear reader, I didn't know if Sunset would go for ladies, especially this fair lady narrating to you now. I sought to find out, I of course went to gossip with our friends, they were quick to confirm, expressing confusion. "Rarity isn't it obvious?" Rainbow Dash had rolled her eyes. Admittedly, I never seen Sunset pay much interest in a boy, Flash was a means to end and that was it. But would she take me? I was beautiful no doubt, but would she have her eyes for me?

We had graduated and it was six months later, and I did not tell her my feelings for I was afraid she would say no. Why if she did, this diamond would be nothing but an over-glorified rock. But still she and I went out together and I stayed close, everytime we did a friendly hug, I wanted her to kiss me, to claim me and make me her Princess. My desire was taking hold of me and I was so close to considering...very un-ladylike things.

But darling, one must have patience, for a month later, Sunset knocked at my door. My heart fluttered seeing her, but she looked so nervous. The poor dear looked a nervous mess, I immediately took her inside and cheered her up. I had considered trying to get her to ask me, but a lady does not take advantage of another lady like that. She told me she felt a loneliness in her heart and I told her that she would never be alone, I shan't allow it! She smiled at this, she told me I knew what to say to make her smile. I admit, I did get good at it, her smile was worth more than all of the dresses I've ever made. I can craft near-perfection as a seamstress, but nothing will ever be perfect like Sunset Shimmer, not even a fabulous diamond such as myself.

She then looked into my eyes, I looked into hers. Her eyes were so beautiful, so perfect, I felt impure, imperfect, unworthy of her time in comparison. She asked me if I was seeing anyone, admittedly I was clueless as to why at the time and said no. Sunset then held my hand and spoke of a woman who shined like a diamond, a woman who meant much to her, a woman she wanted to be with, a woman she said she felt unworthy to even ask. Her? Unworthy, I would rather bed Blueblood than ever think Sunset Shimmer unworthy!

She looked into my eyes, and then she asked me if I could be her girlfriend. My heart stopped for a moment, and then it beat very fast. My face was so red and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe it. Sunset Shimmer, the woman of perfection, was asking ME out! I said yes and she can have me! I giggled like I was a romance book obsessed teenager again. But then the best part happened! Darling, you wouldn't believe it!

Sunset Shimmer placed her lips onto mine and kissed me! I was in heaven darling! If I was frozen in time, doomed to be kissed by Sunset Shimmer, I would take it. She kissed so passionately, no romance novel or Prince could ever compare to the perfect moment. When we split, I was smiling so much and she told me I had the most beautiful smile, which was lies, for it was Sunset who had the most beautiful smile to me.

She then smiled and my lips were hers. I had been placed on my back on the couch with Sunset on top of me as she kissed and kissed and darling, it was heeeaven. She knew put so much passion in it and so did I, I am no lazy lady, but I knew that Sunset Shimmer had claimed me for her own and I wouldn't have it any other way. After a while that night, we had gotten drinks and once I had shown tiredness, I was swept off my feet by Sunset and she carried me like a Princess. I was smiling the whole time, for who was once such a bad girl, she was quite the gentle-lady with me.

Sunset had put me on the bed gently, tucked me in and offered her body as warmth, and she was so warm and I admit I had used her like a teddy that night as she stayed with me. I was too tired for...bedroom activities that night but it was worth it later down the line when I--

"--had your world rocked by your amazing girlfriend?" A voice came from Rarity's back.

Rarity turned away from her computer to find Sunset Shimmer looking at her with the most cheeky smirk that girl could muster.

"S-Sunset!? Y-You were looking!?" Rarity blushed so hard.

"I was" Sunset nodded.

The blush on Rarity's face was so cute to Sunset she couldn't help a small giggle.

"How long?" Rarity asked.

"A while, I woke up without my Princess and saw you on the computer, I was curious as you didn't hear me." Sunset explained.

"O-Oh..." Rarity blushed even more.

"I admit, I am very flattered by you thinking me perfect. You know I'm not, not when you exist." Sunset smiled.

"Nonsense Sunset, you are everything I desire." Rarity said

Sunset thought for a moment. Rarity needed sleep for tomorrow so, she made a compromise.

"How about...both of us are perfect? And we should go back to sleep before fashion show tomorrow, I've seen what you're like tired." Sunset suggested.

"Oh alright, both of us are perfect, you are perfect to me Sunset." Rarity agrees.

"Now come on, Princess Rarity, back to bed with you." Sunset smiled brightly.

"Alright I'll--Sunset I can walk." Rarity pouted.

Sunset had picked Rarity up like a Princess again and brought her to the bed. Sunset had often treated Rarity like a beautiful Princess.

"Yes but it's more fun like this." Sunset giggled.

"Well, I do love it when you carry me..." Rarity admitted.

Sunset got on the bed with Rarity and pulled the blankets over them. Rarity was in Sunset's arms, comfortable and warm.

"Goodnight, my diamond." Sunset wished goodnight.

"Goodnight, my flame" Rarity said goodnight back.

Both slept well after that and tomorrow was nothing to worry about at the fashion show. Rarity had already proven her designs were amazing, and besides, she had the most perfect woman next to her, she did not need to worry about a thing.

Comments ( 2 )

This is a cute little bit of romance fluff, and it feels like you have Rarity's voice down pretty well here. Rarity's story is quite sweet and well-done. Once we get to the end, the dialogue and third-person narration could use a bit of refining, but overall this is a strong first effort, and I hope you keep writing!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked and I will look to improve on the next story.

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