• Published 7th Jan 2024
  • 246 Views, 1 Comments

Dinobots Vs Changelings - KirinNirikarereallyc001

Grimlock, Swoop, and Slug are sent to Earth for one of Shockwaves Tests: to clear the planet of Strange insectoid life forms.

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The Canterlot Wedding Massacre.

Author's Note:

Hello! It has been a long time since I last wrote a story. I hope you enjoy this new development.

Candence Glares angrily down at her Imposter and Warden, as she struggles in the mix of slime and saliva of the changelings. Chrysalis Laughs at her struggle.

“You won't get away with this! Twilight and her friends will-” Her threat is interrupted when the chapel door opens and reveals changeling soldiers escorting captured elements of harmony. “You were saying?” chrysalis jabs back; rubbing her assured siege of Canterlot in the princess's face. This smile is wiped off when a sudden and rather loud explosion sounds at the base of the mountain. “For Celestia’s sake! You’ve lost Princess! What else could you possibly use that I have not prepared for, hmm?” Chrysalis asks cockily. She then points to two of her drones; “go! See what caused that explosion; the rest of you, GO, FEED!” she commands as the changeling begin to swarm and do as they’re commanded.

The two changelings commanded to scout the explosion and do so with a sigh. Skink and Slash head to the sound of the explosion. Unaware of what they are about to find might be their end.

The crash sight is covered in smoke and glowing fuel that leaks from one of the pod's engines. Suddenly, a masculine electronic voice announces, “Destination: reached. Standby… initiate: open blast doors.” it finishes. Suddenly, gears cogs locks and other mechanical parts pull, sink, spin, grind, and break apart to put themselves back together with different parts. When the contraption finishes, two doors split apart and open; revealing a pitch-black dark abyss and pressurized mist flowing out several tubes along either vertical threshold.

The interior of this one-way space missile is dark, cold, and lifeless.

Skink and Slash land to investigate; observing the horrid damage this strange machine has caused. “What is that thing?” Skink asks in a lighter voice with a chirp; among his changeling brothers, speaks with a lisp. “Beats me,” says Slash in a light but harsh voice. “Looks like some kind of vault.” Slash guesses.

“Like a Pony vault?” Skink asks.

“Nah. Way too glowy and gray to be equestrian.” Slash replies. “Come on. Let's investigate this mess; it's probably one of the Allies of the Puny ponies.” Slash gripes In a rather cranky tone.

“Okie Dokie lokie!” skink replies; forgetting for a moment he's no longer a pinkie pie imposter.

Upon entering the pod, the darkness becomes thick, but not ‘can't see your hoof in front of your muzzle’ dark.

The deck is a mess; broken piping, leaks, and other various forms of damage on the pod's hull and interior wrecked beyond foreseeable repair. An unstable electricity current ignites into sparks and scares Skink into the sealing; literally. His head making a loud metallic Bonk! Sound that echoes deeper into the belly of this mysterious beast. Skink comes back down and observes the obvious. “This place is Huge Slash!” he says. Slash only rolls his eyes and proceeds deeper into the beast. But just as he does, he triggers a security beam; alarms sound and that AI’s voice from earlier speaks once more, “Intruders: Detected. Initiating: Security protocol 8g.” it says. Red lights then illuminate the interior. This reveals two turrets popping out of the sealing; aiming at the designated threats.

Slash and Skink jump and instinctively take defensive positions instead of retreating. They should consider themselves lucky, as the turrets open fire, instead of loud popping sounds, they make clicking sounds; turret one’s ammo magazine suddenly breaks open and spills its large hold of large bullets; turret two exposes an open electrical current which sparks twice and ignited with the ammo clip, causing the turret to explode like dynamite and starting a fire.

The turret then falls to the floor making a loud CLANK! Sound on the metallic floor.

Skank and Slash look at each other confused; the voice then reveals a malfunction as well as its name. “Warning: Error 407… Teletraan I: Shutting Down. Initiating…” As it finished that sentence, the whole pod shuts down and several doors automatically open; by falling flat on their faces with a loud CLASH!

These sounds echo off the walls for a while, then the pod is once again silent; eerily so.

Being able to see the dark, they look at each other; visibly freaked out. Suddenly, the sound of something activating echoes out of the pod; coming from deeper into the entrance in front of them. The two drones stare at it for a moment and then are greeted by rows and small isolated bulbs of red lights, all along a being that is not at all pony.

With three giant steps forward, the bipedal monster emerges forth, revealing itself to be a giant robot.

Parts of him shift, crank, and crack as he moves; like the organs inside each changeling. Slash and Skink both scream and retreat from the way they come in. “We Must Warn Queen Chrysalis!” slash tells his scared bother, in an equally scared tone.

As the two exits the Space Pod, Grimlock emerges out of the pod following the changelings. Slug and Swoop follow; Swoop takes the liberty to stretch. “Boy, that sure was a good nap. What about you Grimlock? Sleep well?” swoop asks. But Grimlock was not paying attention; his visor stared with intense hate at the two creatures retreating from their pod. Grimlock then says his first word since stepping on earth: “BUGZ…”

“Queen chrysalis!” slash calls to his mother and ruler. The tone catches Chrysalis' immediate attention and (surprisingly enough) motherly concern (in her way). “Slash? Skink?! I told you to scout that explosion!” she barks.

“We did! Your Highness, there are monsters in it!” Skink says trembling. Chrysalis becomes annoyed and intrigued at the same time. “What Kind of monster?” she asks. This question is interrupted by a changeling soldier landing between the Queen and drones; a bloody mess of green blood staining the carpet. Skink screams and Slash stares in disbelief at the dying changeling.

He would choke, then die quickly; losing far too much blood to remain alive. Chrysalis sees outside through the window he came through; a horrifying giant “Monster” cutting her forces down with a great sword that radiated heat like lava in the drag on lands.

“RAARRGGGHHH!!! KILL YOU ALL! KILL ALL YOU BUGZ!!!” Grimlock yells; standing on top of a small mountain of dead changelings.

Enraged, Chrysalis stares daggers at her prisoners and assures them, “I will deal with you later!” she barks. She takes to the skies and Asserts her authority. “YOU! Quit what you are doing and bow before your Queen!” she says.

Grimlock looks and stares with pure hatred and anger towards her. “You! You are the leader of pests. Come! Face me! Face Grimlock with honor!” he demands. Swoop then transforms beside him and sticks the landing; Slug joins the other side by bursting through many homes and transforming himself.

This enraged Chrysalis so much so, that she Barked an order without thinking, “Drones! Attack these foes and bring me their heads!” she commanded. The Changelings begin swarming and promptly become a giant Hurricane of pony bugs. Grimlock activates and transforms his shield from the deactivated position and gives his command, “Swoop! Light’em up!” he says.

“Now we're talkin’!” swoop says with great confidence; transforming into his pterodactyl mode and taking flight. Once at his desired altitude, he begins firing his rockets at the insectoid beings; lighting many groups of them into a singed mess below.

The Changelings swarm swoop but fail to penetrate his steel armor.

Down below, bullet soldiers take on Slug in his triceratops form; like an angry Dragon flying through trees, he smashes through said changelings without losing speed.

The soldiers that try to take Grimlock receive the bigger end of the stick; as they are sliced and diced by Grimlock’s sword and fail to get past his shield or steel body frame.

Chrysalis watches in horror as her children are violently ripped apart into burning heaps, pancakes, and shishkabobs. Enraged, she then comes down and decides to take on the leader. She blasts him with a malicious-looking dark green beam of magic; it gets his attention. “AUGH!” Grimlock calls out; growling when the onslaught of sudden energy ceases.

“You think you can invade Canterlot; interrupting My invasion; taking away my rightful VICTORY?!” Chrysalis demanded to know. She blasts him with another magic attack causing him to fall off balance. She would keep attacking him even if she was doing zero to minimal damage to the tank of a robot.

Grimlock's chassis began to glow with searing heat; he was becoming angry. He stands against this Queen's magic attacks and falls on his hands rather aggressively; like a Minotaur who has not been paid yet. Suddenly and quickly, his body flips, shifts, cranks, and clicks to reveal a new form; Tyrannosaurus Rex. Grimlock Roars mightily, releasing flames hotter than Celestia’s Sun itself. He finishes his show and finds Chrysalis.

She stands in fear; trembling in her hole-filled hooves.

He growls and takes charge of her, opening his mouth and closing it on the bug Queen before she can even process escaping. Her skin and exoskeleton and other insect body parts crack and squish underneath Grimlock's teeth as he bites down on her; effectively killing the former Queen of the Changelings; and eating her severely mutilated body in one swallow, burning whatever remained.

Knowing he had killed the leader of these bugs, Grimlock Roars into Celestia’s Day; frightening anything near the mighty beast of Steel.

The Changelings stop Swarming and Gaze upon the blood of their dead leader and mother. With the cease in offense, Swoop and Slug return to Grimlock, transforming back into their bot modes. “Yeesh Grimlock. Cesium salami and beryllium Balony don't come near describing this.” slug says in a deep voice. Grimlock flips backward and transforms back into his bot mode; remaining on the ground on his fists and feet; breathing heavily due to losing so much energy to combat-related functions. “Delicious…combo…” is all Grimlock says to Slug.

After the morning of the loss of their mother and the defeat in Canterlot, the remaining 10’s thousands of Changelings gather around Grimlock and bow. Acknowledging their new King of the Changelings. “Huh, Whata’ya know. The bugs are making us their new leaders.” swoop says. Grimlock looks up and sees that swoop is right. Having calmed down, he drills his swords tip into the concrete of Canterlot and growls. “Lucky Them.

The End.

Comments ( 1 )

Another awesome Transformers crossover story featuring my personal favorites, the Dinobots!!

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