• Published 2nd Jan 2024
  • 291 Views, 0 Comments

Adventures of the Strange Six - Janicethelight

Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek....these names and more have come to strike fear in the hearts of ponies all over. What happens when relics seeming to belong to these Villians show up and start causing problems?

  • ...

Chapter 1: The Crystal Curse

Chapter 1: The Crystal Curse

The friendship express slowed to a stop. Basil sat on a nearby bench, shaking his brown hair out of his green eyes. He momentarily looked over to the next bench where a spastic purple unicorn was murmuring as her lavender eyes searched every section of the station. He looked away, sighing while rolling his eyes. "Viv, for the hundredth time. There. Are no. Train sharks!"

"I didn't say train sharks. I said there are more accidents during the arrival and departure of trains than at any other time. We need to be ready in case that happens…not everything I'm afraid of is shark related, Basil!" Viv scoffs.

The doors open on the train. Basil and Viv stand up ready to meet who they were waiting for.

Out of the crowd of ponies, a dark pink pegasus flies over, adjusting her goldenrod headband on her purple mane, laughing with a blue pegasus reading from a long, mostly rolled scroll. The two mares wave to Basil and walk up closer.

"I almost missed you guys. I was just sharing some of this fanfiction with North!" The blue pegasus laughed, "it's so terrible. I love it so much!"

North snickers, "it really is. Where do you even find these things, Comet?"

"I'll show you sometime!" Comet promises as the four ponies wait.

After a few more minutes, an aquamarine Hippogriff soars out of the train, landing by the group. "They really need to add more trains instead of train cars. It took forever to get out of there!" His magenta tail flicks in annoyance.

"I know what you mean, Seaspray." North nods, "sometimes I feel like it would be faster to just fly here, AND it would give me a chance to map more of Equestria."

"Sorry everypony!" A yellow pegasus rushes over, her green crystalline eyes looking down, "there were so many others who were going out, and I didn't want to be rude."

"It's alright, Hope." Basil nods.

The six walk out after the last of the creatures leave the train, and the train departed, Viv on guard, and Basil fuming in annoyance.

Hope looks around, confusion covering her face. "Wait, where's-"

Whinnies resound as a carriage pulled by bat ponies landed. A blue unicorn stepped out regally, adjusting the heavily tinted sunglasses, and adjusting the black collar of his shirt, "apologies for being tardy, my new comrades. However, I refused to step hoof on any transportation that Daybreaker deems safe."

Basil hoof slapped his face. “Oh, it’s so great to see every pony again.” Hope beams, “I wish we could have seen one another at the crystalling! Baby Flurry was sooo cute!"

"Alas, there were royal duties I had to do in the New Lunar Republic." Deckstar sighed, "it is a shame. I have wanted to visit Sombra’s Empire for a while now."

"It's NOT-" Basil stopped,pressing his eyes shut, "it is the Crystal Empire. Princess Cadence is in charge of it!"

"Only because she's a figurehead for Daybreaker." Deckstar shrugged.

North noticed Hope growing more uncomfortable by the moment, and changed the subject, "it was nice to have time to explore, but it is really good to be back. Oh, Deckstar, did you ever give Luna your Star mushroom?"

Deckstar shook his head. "Aw, too bad. Maybe you'll get to give it to her soon." Seaspray suggested, and then, realizing something, gasped, "remember when you were willing to give it to the rhyming well?!"

"Indeed. I have been making preparations to see to it my promise is kept. Before the next moon, everypony in Ponyville will know of the well!" Deckstar nodded.

"Speaking of nostalgia, I still can't believe Seaspray had to make rope from your shirt!" North snickers, "especially when Basil, Viv, and I all had some! I still laugh because we were apart, but like, what are the chances?! That's why we decided to give our group a name: Team Rope!"

"Taking care of the pets of Fluttershy and her friends was harder than we all thought, but it was worth it in the end." Hope beamed.

"Yeah, until Spike rushed in and we ended up in a much more dangerous quest!" Viv pointed out.

"Right. The weird thing with the pony statues." Seaspray snickered, "remember how Basil tricked the guards into letting him go with the girls?!"

"Did I ever say I identify as a Stallion?!" Basil mimicked himself. Everypony clapped as he added sheepishly, "I mean, I do, but shame on them for assuming. Though I would have never gotten a chance if it wasn't for North."

"All I did was pretend Comet's time of the month started." North blushed.

"Are you kidding?! It was a brilliant way to get past Caballeron's stooges!" Comet pats North.

"True." Seaspray agreed. "I also loved how we got Caballeron got out of our fur with the help of mama Roc."

"I do miss Dwayne." Comet smiles. "He really helped us out when he flew us around!"

"Me too." North agreed, "and I really hope his mom taught Caballeron a lesson in manners!"

Viv glared at everypony who laughs. "Am I the only one of us who realized how many times we were in danger?! The rocks slide, the terrifying worm, the pony with the ability to make us all lawn ornaments! We're lucky to be alive!"

"Calm down, Viv. We saved Twilight and the others. It all worked out." North put a hoof on Viv, brushing her page white hair back.

Hope sat quiet, eyes down, "I'm glad everypony ended up being safe. I am a little sad that I wasn't there to help you all in the Wastelands. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret staying behind. After all, I was able to help Spike, the brave and glorious, but-" Hope bit her lip, looking away, "I sometimes feel a little left out. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. At least you were safe." Viv pointed out.

"I'm sorry we didn't really get a chance to get to know each other. I'm Comet. It's great to finally meet you, Hope." Comet held up her hoof, which Hope shook happily, "maybe we'll be able to have an adventure together soon!"

"Oooooor, ya know, we could just read a good book together, or do something that DOESN'T endanger ourselves!" Viv suggested.

"...I mean, you think it's dangerous to go out of your bunker, so…." Basil side eyed Viv.

"That's because there are weird, possibly disastrous things that happen in Ponyville on a weekly basis!" Viv stressed.

"Let's not focus on trials today. We're supposed to have fun! We haven't seen eachother in a while. Let's enjoy it!" Hope offered.

"Hope is right! Let's go!" Seaspray nods.

The group enjoyed a day of shopping and fun, before catching up with the mane 6 and Spike. Hope chats most with the young dragon in awe. Viv trades books with Twilight, hugging a never before read book in happiness. Applejack chats happily with Basil, giving him some apples. As she turns to talk to Rainbow Dash, Basil blushes. Pinkie Pie causes Comet to laugh so hard, water gushes from her nose. Fluttershy introduces North to a book of exotic animals. Rainbow Dash gushes to Deckstar about the Wonderbolts. Rarity chats with Seaspray about the importance fashion has in pony society.

Spike walks them back toward the train. As the day winds down, every creature makes their way back to Ponyville Square saying their goodbyes, and start heading towards home.

"HOPE!!!" Spike gasps. Every creature turns back at once.

Hope sits on the ground, her whole body crystalized as if the Crystal heart was activated. However, the crystal at her feet expanded, quickly engulfing her legs. She bolts up on two legs, her fear filled eyes on her friends, "Home. Heart. Help." She manages before her body is completely consumed by the crystal, rising up into a 6 ft crystal tower, with Hope stuck in the middle. A bright pink light pierces the sky from its peak.

She isn't the only one. All around, lights pierce the sky all as far as the eye can see.

Basil immediately rushes over, giving the crystal a solid buck, but it doesn't seem to faze the crystal. Viv takes her pack off, taking out a laughable amount of 'emergency equipment' from her bag. "I can't believe I didn't pack my chisel and mallet!" She sighed.

"Guys!" Seaspray said.

"We should check to see how many others are like this." Comet suggested.

"Yeah." North nearly mouthed, shocked.

"Guys!" Seaspray said louder.

Deckstar walked over to the pink crystal holding Hope, placed a hoof on it, and slowly looked it up and down. The very point of the crystal, once completely pink, started to bleach to clear. "We need to decide quickly."

"Guys!" Everypony turned to Seaspray, "she said home, heart, help. We need to go to the Crystal Empire!"

"That's true, but we should let Twilight know about this. She can go and stop this." Viv recommended.

"I must say, I agree with Viv on this one." Basil shrugs, "couldn't hurt to bring Twilight and our friends with us.

The six friends Dash back with Spike to Twilight's castle, rushing through the door to find Twilight, Applejack. Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash fretting over a crystalized Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Rarity was held in a violet crystal while Pinkie's was blue.

Twilight looked over from the myriad of books floating around her. "No Hope? Don't tell me-"

“It seems as though some creature has attacked random citizens.” Seaspray noted.

“Maybe it’s NOT random!” Viv theorizes, looking around at Pinky and Rarity.

“But, what would Hope, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity all have in common?” Comet mused, thinking.

“No idea…I wish I had some sort of lead to what’s happening…” Twilight sighs.

“Home. Heart. Help.” North spoke clearly, “Hope said that just before she was…crystalized.”

“The crystal heart…but what does that have to do with Pinkie Pie and Rarity?” Twilight puzzled.

“They look pretty uncomfortable in those crystals.” Fluttershy said.

Spike climbed up Rarity’s crystal, trying to bite off the top. He chomped, before pulling back, “OW! It doesn’t TASTE like crystal. I can’t bite through it!”

“What else could it be?” Twilight asked. “And how could it resist a dragon’s powerful bite?”

“Shouldn’t we be more worried about how to get our friends OUT of the crystal rather than what it’s made of?” Rainbow Dash groaned.

“I gotta say, I agree with Rainbow Dash on this one, Twi. Ain't no use in knowin' what kind of wood the barrel is made if if all yer trying to do is get the cider out.” Applejack informed.

“No. Knowing what it is could help me to get them out. I could know better what kind of spell to create. Zecora may be able to help” Twilight shook her head.

“One thing is for sure.” Basil murmured, “We need to go to the Crystal Empire to see what’s wrong with the heart.”

“Right. We’ll all go together!” Twilight decided.

At that moment, Spike belches. A magic scroll swirls into existence. Spike read hurriedly, “Twilight. Celestia needs us!”

“Of course. This problem isn’t just happening here. This-this-” Twilight felt stuck.

“Crystal Curse?” Viv suggested.

“Crystal curse-” Twilight agreed, “-is happening all over Equestria. As the princess of friendship, it’s my duty to help the ponies feel safer, but-”

“Your subjects need you in this time of turmoil. Go to them!” Deckstar ordered.

“He’s right, Twi! Equestria needs all their princesses right now!” Applejack nodded.

“I want to help all the ponies, but I also want to help my friends…” Twilight bit her lip. “I've got it. You! Will you help me? You helped with our pets, and you solved the curse of the statuettes! I know I can count on you guys to help solve this new Crystal curse! I'll keep researching as much as I can! Rainbow dash and Fluttershy, you two need to check on Cloudsdale! We don't know if any pegusi are crystalized, and what that would do to their magic! And if they are safe, Dash, we may need some help from a friend who knows about ancient artifacts.”

Rainbow Dash grinned, “great idea, Twilight. Flutters and I won't let you down.”

Twilight smiled, “I know you won't. AJ, check on your family. Once you know they are safe, I need you to find the pillars. They could know something from the time before us that can help.”

Apple Jack tipped her hat, “can do, Twilight.”

Twilight focused on the rest, “the rest of you. Get to the Crystal Empire as fast as you can. If you can find out what caused this, let us know. Be careful. We don't know if it can happen again! The Crystal Empire can get pretty cold, so make sure you're prepared. I'll be there to help as soon as I can with my friends and some more help!”

The group nodded. North made sure to grab a map of the Crystal Empire, and rope. Basil grabbed any and every herb he could find in his garden. Comet grabbed a warp trek book for the trip. Seaspray grabbed a book about the great Empire to read on the way. Viv grabbed everything AND tried for the kitchen sink, pulling her very heavy saddle bag full of just in case items. Deckstar grabbed nothing, sure he had everything he could possibly need.

While the rest of the group grabbed tickets, Deckstar shakes his head, “I will not set hoof in that death trap!”

“Deckstar!” Basil growls, “It’s. For. HOPE!”

Deckstar shakes momentarily and then screams, “Curse you, Daybreaker! Know that I will NOT have this deter me from helping my friend, nor will I be beaten this day by this-this…contraption!” Then, gritting his teeth, shouts at the earth pony behind that glass, “Peasant! Give me a ticket!”

Finally, the team was off, filing back onto the friendship express, and chugging up to the Crystal empire. A myriad of ponies sat in the express, silent in their shock of seeing their fellow ponies stuck in crystal. The land slowly changed from luscious greens to soft whites with swirling flakes of snow everywhere.

The train suddenly stopped. “We shouldn’t be stopping yet.” Viv quaked.

“I knew it! Daybreaker trapped us. She wants to stop us!” Deckstar rushed, flinging his side into the door and then immediately flinches back, “Basil, break the door down!”

“Sweet Celestia. Deckstar, Daybreaker doesn’t exist. Viv, we’re fine. There’s probably just some snow covering the tracks.” Basil groans.

“I think it’s more than a little snow, Basil.” North murmured. She pointed her hoof to the window where a raging blizzard replaced the gentle snow they had seen only minutes ago.

“Oh boy. We’re not going anywhere in that.” Comet whistled.

Seaspray looks out, "We're not going anywhere in this either!" He looks over with a grin to Basil, "Hey Basil, let's listen to Deckstar on this, and open the door!"

Basil looked between Deckstar and Seaspray, sighing, "you two are BOTH crazy."

"Wait. No! This is a terrible ide-" Viv started, but stopped once Basil used his hooves to pry the doors open.

"TOO LATE!" Basil shouted into the freezing wind before looking back, "your choice. Come with us or stay here and wait while the temperature drops." Basil jumps out, landing into the soft snow drifts and rolling down. Seaspray and North jumped next. Deckstar did not jump, but rather gracefully stepped before falling into a roll. Comet flew out. Viv looks between the group in the snow and the other ponies already rushing to a different, warmer car. She breaths, "it's for Hope. It's for Hope. It's for Hope. It's for-"

She bounds, sliding into the frozen snow. She shivers before pulling out three scarves and putting each in one at a time.

"Viv? Why did you pack 3 scarves?" Comet asked.

"I didn't. I packed 5!" Viv answered.

"Okay…Viv, why did you pack 5 scarves?"

"What if I lose four to the elements!" Viv gasped.

"Well, it worked out. You look warm!" Comet shrugged, pulling on some boots and tightening her coat, putting her hood over.

North opted for earmuffs. Basil and Seaspray both sported hats. Deckstar somehow managed to find the blackest winter attire ever thought of.

The wind whipped around them as the group trudged through the snow. “The problem is we can’t see the Crystal empire in this blizzard, or the stars or anything. My maps are basically useless right now.”

The snow continues heavily falling, reaching higher and higher on the teams hooves. Viv reaches into her pack, “here’s snowshoes for every creature!”

“How many things are IN that bag?!” Basil asks as they all strap their snow shoes on.

“It’s a good thing you pack so much.” Deckster smirks.

With the help of the snow shoes, the group trudged on, trying their best to figure out the way. Nort pulled out her compass, heading due north first. The white on white nearly blinding them, as they go, a huge figure moves through the snow.

“Did anycreature else see that?” Seaspray asked.

“Yes. It appears to be a giant creature.” Deckstar squints.

“Should we fight it?” Basil wonders.

“NO! We should just walk away!” Viv gasps, “It hasn’t seen us. Why risk it?!”

“I agree with Viv on this one.” Comet nodded, “It reminds me of chapter 16 of book three: Starconflict, the Mystery of The Thunderbird! Captain Nirk and his crew find the Thunderbird close to a building. The inhabitants would try to antagonize the bird, and ended up scorched by the lightening. Nirk and his crew decided to go a different way! Later on, in chapter 23, you learn the Thunderbird was just protecting her nest full of hatchlings!”

“Leaving a giant creature alone sounds right to me.” North agrees, “Also, remind me to borrow that book!”

With that, the team wanders, miraculously finding their way to the Empire. They cheer as they set their sights on the barrier that symbolized warmth, but froze a moment later. There, not five feet away from the barrier, was a tiny Diamond dog puppy. He tilted his head as the others came into the warmth and safety of the Empire. The puppy’s fur speckled a mix of brown and black blotches. His brown eyes lit up as he immediately ran around the group of six strange creatures, “Wow! Patch thought all ponies napping, but these ponies come from the whooshing snow just like Patch’s papa and the other diamond dogs did! And look. This one is no pony!” Patch sniffs around at Seaspray, “What creature this? Smells pony-ish…but also…fish? Bird?! Patch don’ know!”

“Um…Patch?” Basil attempts.

“Yes!” Patch jumps to turn around, his tail wagging furiously.

“Uh…why are you…here exactly?” Basil finished.

“Oh! Tha’s easy one! Patch and papa and entire pack traveled here! Before Patch was birthed, pack caverns shook, and crumbled. Pack without home. Forced to find new place.”

“Okay, Patch, what did you mean about the ponies napping?” Seaspray wondered.

“All the ponies take long, long nap in big crystal beds all over city! None awake in entire crystal home!” Patch sat down, scratching the back of his floppy ear with his back paw.

“Do you know how the crystal ponies all…napped at the same time?” Comet wondered.

“Nope.” Patch sniffs, “Patch bored.”

“Wait. Patch. What DO you know?” North looks to Comet, trying to help expand the question.

“Patch knooows….hmm…Patch knows pack in Empire. Patch knows papa’s busy so Patch come play near border and find ponies and nonpony and-Oh No!” Patch gasped, suddenly pacing in circles, “Papa told Patch to stay far from border. Not safe, papa said, but Patch wanted to see. Patch wished to know more of whooshy wind world out of barrier, but now ponies and not pony see Patch. Patch in trouble.”

“Why?” North and Comet asked simultaneously.

“Papa said border smaller. Patch get lost, but Patch wanna explore, and papa working more and more now! Patch no see papa at all today! Patch lonely!” Patch whimpered, lowering his head, “Patch wanna help, but Patch no can work till full moon old!”

“Patch, where is your father now?” Deckstar asked.

“Papa is working at castle.” Patch said.

“Will you take us to him? We need to help the napping ponies wake up.” Deckstar asked, surprisingly gentle.

Patch bit his lip, thinking, “ponies and non pony promise no tell on patch?”

“We promise!” They all agree.

“Allright. Patch help. Maybe papa no work so hard once sleeping ponies wake.”

“You know. You talk alot about papa…what about your mom?” Viv wonders.

Patch freezes, “Mama…” He looks up, “Mama got sick before Patch come to world. Day Patch born, mama turned into star and went up to sky. Papa says every night stars twinkle, is mama smiling, proud of Patch.”

Every creature looked from one another to the tiny diamond dog pup, and hugged him. Then, they started towards the castle. After a few minutes, they started to cross the first crystal houses. Patch scratches his ear once more, saying, “I do so wonder why papa said not to get close to edge and not outside this time.”

At that moment, the ground shakes, and walls shoot up out of the ground, encasing the group together in a giant, black crystal maze sealing them inside the Crystal empire. The black crystal drains of color from the bottom up, leaving the walls clear, and reflective. Everypony can see themselves in it. They see every pony currently frozen in crystal seemingly also in these walls, appearing and disappearing, and acting strangely. Pinkie Pie appears, her hair completely straight, no sign of a smile on her face, and then disappears, Rarity appears, racing against time, muttering about how she could have possibly forgotten something so important l, her calendar so full it's about to burst, and disappears. So many ponies come and go inside these walls for brief moments. At one point, Hope Appeared, forgetting Deckstar’s name. The Deckstar in the crystal ran away from her hurt, and she hangs her head in shame.

“What…IS this?!” Seaspray asked, looking around the maze.

“Ah. Isn’t it obvious, comrades?” Deckstar laughs, “Tis Sombra back to take control of the throne that has always been his. He undoubtedly thought us spies of the dreaded Daybreaker! We can get throu-” he touched a wall, and every creature sees Deckstar in front of Princess Luna, his horn glowing brightly with magic surrounding the mushroom, concentrating with all his might, but the mushroom never moves. Deckstar immediately moves his hoof away, “That was…the worst thing I have ever experienced…no creature touch this wall. Something must be corrupting Sombra’s magic. Patch. Do not touch!”

“No touch wall. Okie dokie!” Patch suddenly notices his tail, chasing it in circles.

"Maybe we should fly?" Comet suggested. North was already grabbing out a paper and quill, excitement gleaming in her eyes.

"Seaspray looked up, "I'll fly up a bit and check!" He volunteered.

"You shouldn't go alone. I'll go with you!" Comet nodded.

The two flew closer to the top to the barrier, keeping an eye on the walls. As they reach the top, they notice themselves mirrored back at them before carefully gliding back down. "No good. The walls reach to the top of the barrier." Seaspray breathed.

"And the top is reflective too! It's most likely covered the entire area!" Comet bounced, "this reminds me of chapter 5 of book 2 of Star Conflict when-"

"What's North doing?" Viv asked.

Every creature looked over to North, turning her head around as she sketched. She finished, standing up and showing off her work to her friends, "Guys! It's a MAZE! That means there's an exit somewhere. I can keep track of each area so we don't get too lost, and we can get through this."

"Great idea." Basil nodded, "we should also come up with a plan of which way to go first."

The group debated. Viv watched as they stood there, formulating possible plans. She took a look around the nearest branch, and decided to peek around a little. "I can't believe I'm doing this. I should be in my bunker with a good book, but noooo. They said, Make friends, they said. Now I'm stuck in a maze with terrifying visions and-" She stopped. The maze branched off In three directions. She turned to the left, and immediately noticed a pony stuck inside a crystal. Nearly the entire tip of the crystal was clear now. 'What will happen if these crystals are clear all the way down?' She thought as her heart sank.

She shook her head with new resolve, and turned to face right, coming face to face with a giant tardigrade, a treasure chest behind it.

The tardigrade grinned at Viv, who immediately ran back to the group, screaming.

"There. Maze. Monster!" She breathed.

"You know, for being such a scaredy pony, I never thought you would be daft enough to go it alone." Basil shot Viv with a side eye.

"I wanted to get a better idea of what we're dealing with!" Viv spat back, "and it's a good thing I did! There is a huge monster with treasure over there. We should-"

"Treasure?" North gasps, rushing where Viv pointed.

The others shrug before joining her. Viv groans, "that's it. After this, no more adventures. No more friends. Just me and my books and my bunker forever!"

The others quickly find the giant Tardigrade who smiles at all of them. Slowly, he says, "make me laugh."

"I've got this one!" Deckstar confidently walks closer to the Tardigrade, coughing before he starts, "how many feathered ponies does it take to keep complete weather collapse at bay?....zero! They're all asleep in bed while my people do all the real work!" He grins up at the Tardigrade. The tardigrade blinks back.

“A joke? You want a joke?!” Viv laughed in disbelief, “how about this for a joke? We're stuck in the middle of a maze with no idea how to get out while trying to save a friend who is stuck in crystal that's slowly draining color by the moment and we have no idea why and now we're being stopped by a giant monster who would rather give us random tasks instead of letting us help. Isn't that funny?!” Viv hyperventilate.

The tardigrade blinked again.

Comet Looked around to Her friends, still thinking, and coughed, looking back at the Tardigrade.

“So…do you want a joke that's just Tardi-good or rather one that's tardi-great!”

The tardigrade chuckles a low, rumbling laugh.

Comet smirked, continuing, “ever heard about the book that was in with the castle guard? It wanted to go undercover!”

More laughs as some friends of Comet's started laughing as well. Comet grinned, one last joke coming to mind, “how do trains listen? With their engineers!”

The area filled with laughter. The tardigrade looking down at Comet and them the others, "remember, joy can light up even the darkest of places. Please take this." He gives Comet an orb. Comet felt joy by holding the orb close, “it holds a bit of every joyful moment it has seen. when you break it, all the held laughter in it will blast out, and brighten any foul mood.

With that, the tardigrade floats peacefully away, leaving the treasure behind. North excitedly opens the treasure chest. Inside is a 50ft unbreakable rope. North gasps, "guys. Guys!!!" She held it up, "team rope!"

Every creature laughs, cheering, "TEAM ROPE!" Before continuing on.

After a few more twists and turns, they find on alcove of the maze with a single unguarded treasure chest. Deckstar Walks to open the chest, but Viv immediately stops him. “Are you serious?! This practically screams trap!”

“What? Why?” Deckstar blinked.

“Hello? No weird, terrifying monsters trying to make us do arbitrary things? No puzzles on the ground? Either theres a hidden trap on the way to the chest, or the chest IS the trap!” Viv's eyes scan the area, “either way, we should just walk away!”

“Come on, Viv. You worry to much!” Basil sighs.

“You can never worry to much!” Viv protested.

“I am going to open that chest.” Deckstar nods calmly, “trap or no. If there is even the smallest chance that what rests inside will help us save our ally…” Deckstar thought a moment before whispering, “and possibly bring back Nightmare Moon.” Before finishing in a normal tone, “I will take it.”

Viv paces quickly, groaning louder And louder before sighing, and stopping at the same moment, “Fine. We can see what's in the chest, but we are doing this MY way!” She put her pack down, rummaging through it until she found a simple plank of wood, pulling it out as she ignored the raised eyebrows of all her friends. She held the plank outstretched as far as possible, hitting the ground as she slowly inched forward. Once she was close enough to the chest, she prodded the chest with the plank. The plank stuck fast.

The chest opened its eyes, a lounge rolling out of its opening, and began to eat the plank. Viv screamed, running back behind Basil. “see! It was the monster the whole time. Let's get away from here before it eats us too.”

Deckstar froze, “that is….” He spoke slowly, softly.

“terrifying? Horrible? The craziest thing you've ever seen?” Viv asked.

“it's a mimic!” Comet informed, “there in so many books, but I've never seen one in real life!”

“do they have treasure in them?” North asked, fainted as the mimicked hopped an inch closer to them.

“Yeah, but the only way I've read to get it out is destroying the thing!” Comet explained.

“don't you dare! I will handle this!” Deckstar glared before walking confidently over to the mimic.

“”Deckstar, No!” Viv took a step to stop him, but Basil held Viv on place.

“if he wants to get eaten, let him.” Basil shrugged.

Deckstar sat by the chest, “hello there.” He whispered, checking to make sure the others couldn't hear him, “you are the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life!”

The chest blinked for a moment, as if uncertain how to respond. Deckstar continued, “my allies and myself are currently on a quest to save one of our own who is trapped. Comet says you may have something inside of you to aid our quest. I do not wish to harm you. In fact, I have a proposition for your consideration…join me! With your pension for eating and sticking things, and your unassuming appearance, you would fit well in the New Lunar Republic. If you can give us what you hold without harming yourself, I would humbly ask to borrow it, and trade you for some treasure from my own land to finalize the exchange. What do you say?”

The mimic smiled, licking Deckstar with its comically long tongue before running around him. Patch saw this, and joined the running chest, giggling as he gave chase. Deckstar picked the chest up, walking towards it. He looked to the bewildered faces of his compatriots and simply said, “this mimic is under my protection.”

North had to ask, “what are you going to name it?”

Deckstar thought before smiling, “I shall name him Chester!”

Chester hacked up bits, enough for each creature to have ten bits more in their possession. The group moved on, Viv uncomfortably eying the living chest the whole time, mouth agape.

North sketched the map of the maze as they went through it. "Alright, so based on what we can see from each side, the best way to go is right…now straight…left!" Thanks to her mapping prowess, they found their way to the exit.

They see the castle with its round open area around it covered with diamond dogs roaming about. Patch gasped. "Papa!" He ran over to one of the many diamond dogs. "Papa. Papa! Patch made friends!" Patches tail wagged exuberantly.

The diamond dog looks down, the glowing green suits of the helmet resting upon the young pup. The other diamond dogs turn, coming straight toward Him as well. "All Diamond dogs require a helmet." He says.

"But. But papa. Patch isn't old enough for work yet. Papa said. Papa said Patch have to be full moon old to work."

The diamond dog grabs patch's shoulder, and squeezes. "All Diamond Dogs require a helmet!"

Patch whines, "Papa. Papa please. Hurting Patch. Please stop. Papa!"

Deckstar jumps out, "excuse me, gentle…dogs." He coughs, "my name is Princess Deckstar Shuffles. I am the ruler of the New Lunar Republic." Every single Diamond Dog looked his way. Patch’s dad let go of Patch, staring down at Deckstar.

"He's got their attention. Let's go." Basil nodded.

"But what about Deckstar?" Comet asked, looking over to him.

"He obviously has a plan. If we show ourselves now, we could ruin it. Come on." Basil snuck past, the others following uncertainly.

Patch’s dad grabs Deckstar. "Leader?"

"Yes. I came to speak to your leader. It is in our best interests to join together. Your dear son, Patch, has offered to be my go between since he is too young for working. I wish very much to go over ideas for an alliance. Isn't that right, Patch." Deckstar nodded to the pup.

"Deckstar Patch friend." Patch pleads with another whine.

Patch’s dad tilts his head before letting go of Deckstar, "Leader inside. Diamond Dog get helmet after."

"Oh yes. I absolutely agree. Thank you so much." Deckstar nods before he and Patch walk into the castle, seeing their friends. "Oh good. Glad to see every creature made it safely."

At the entrance, there was a guide to each tier of the castle. The sign read:

1.Ritual room


3. Bedrooms

4. Kitchen area

5.great hall/ main entrance (you are here)

6. greenhouse

7.great library, archives

8. hall of artifacts

9. Throne room

10. Top of castle

"Where should we go first?" North asked, already sketching the great hall.

"I would love to see the greenhouse here, but I highly doubt we'll find any answers there." Basil shrugged.

"I feel you, Basil. That hall of artifacts is calling out to me, but I feel like both of those might be trips for another time!" Comet sighed.

"I think we all know the best place to start." Seaspray nods, pointing his wing to the throne room, "Oh no…where did Viv and Deckstar go?!"

Everypony else looked back to see Deckstar and Viv had disappeared from the group, the mimic safely placed by Patch. Basil seethed. "We'll have to worry about where they went after we save Hope. Let's get to the throne room!"

“Wait!” North paused, turning to the still whining diamond puppy. “Patch? I know that was a lot. I promise you that we will help your papa get all better, but we need your help to keep guard the door. Can you stay here and find us if any creature else comes in?”

Patch nodded, “Deckstar have patch keep Chester safe. Patch watch door too.” with one last sniffle, Patch straightened up. “Patch no let friends down!”

The four friends trekked up to the throne room, both them and Viv missing each other as they passed the library, Viv engrossed in books.

Once passed the library, the four friends found the throne room. A shocked Cadance stood, frozen solid in a block of red violet crystal, reaching for a frozen baby Flurry in the same color, not five feet from her. The clear part of the crystals have traveled halfway down Cadance's crown, and Flurry's hair: both areas completely devoid of color.

"Weird. I thought for sure we'd find Sombra up here." Comet admitted, double checking the room. Nothing else seemed amiss.

"Yeah. I was thinking the same thing. Where should we try next?" Seaspray wondered.

"Well, we have Cadence and Flurry frozen here, but there's no sign of Shining Armor." North noted.

"Right. IF this were a take over and Shining wasn’t encased in stone, then where would they put the prince?" Basil asked.

"The dungeon!" All four gasp at once, rushing back down, missing Viv once more.

Before the others had ever decided to go up the steps, Deckster immediately knew where he was going to go, and snuck all the way down to the ritual room. “All right, Sombra. What secrets have you hid away from these day ponies? What is this ritual room for?” Deckstar asked as he entered. He found a dark narrow passage way, older than any other area in the crystal castle. He found himself in an intricately designed chamber in the shape of a cylinder. Where the passage met the room, there was an outer circular ‘catwalk’ made of crystal. So clear it was, that the only way he could tell it was there was by the reflections of light across it. The light was coming from random glowing crystals in the room. From the catwalk, six bridges extended to the center of the room, and converged into a circular platform. Up above, the cylindrical room shot upward with no sign of a ceiling, and vanished into the darkness. Looking below, he saw the same thing. He also saw the pattern of the floor work to a snowflake, but the knowledge of what a single misstep would cause, seemed more than a little unnerving. All around the outer catwalk were ancient magical items that looked to have gone unused for centuries. A couple of items look to have been removed from their secure places long ago. He looked towards the center of the room again, at what looked like some kind of sacrificial altar. All around him crystals are affixed to the walls.

Slowly and carefully, Deckstar crossed the walkway, finding an alter in the middle of the snowflake on the ground. The alter once held two artifacts, the detailed fanciful artworks climbing up to the empty holders, and seeming like the pattern would continue onto the items. Looking around, Deckstar realized there was nothing else of note. “I am sorry, your highness. It seems as though your treasures were already taken. Worry not. Nightmare Moon as My witness, I will find them!” Deckstar vowed before walking back slowly up the steps, and running into the groups as they made their way down, joining them as they went to the dungeon.

Shining Armor paced inside a cell, haggard. He looked up to see four ponies and a Hippogriff coming to see him. "Thank Celestia! Are Twily and her friends here too?" He asked them.

"No. Sorry, but Twilight is currently helping Celestia and Luna in Canterlot. That being said, she said she'll be here as soon as she can." Seaspray informed.

"Oh…that makes sense. I suppose she sent your group until she could come. Sounds just like her." Shining gave a sad smile.

"What happened, Shining?" Basil asked.

"It was crazy. All of the Crystal ponies, Flurry…Cadance." He stopped, looking away with pain in his eyes, and sighed, "every pony suddenly became encased in crystal! I was the only pony left!"

"You said you were the only pony, but the diamond dogs are still around. Do you think they started this?" Seaspray wondered.

"What? No!" Shining shook his head definitively.

"Why ARE they here?" North asked.

"The diamond dogs? They needed a new home. Their underground tunnels had been destroyed by Tirek's rampage. Cadence welcomed them here. They were a bit…grabby at first, but once they realized the entire kingdom was made with crystal gems, they calmed down.” Shining looked up, “they're not a bad bunch, just a bit odd is all.”

“How are you so certain it wasn't the diamond dogs?” Comet asked.

“Because, I was there-” Shining stopped for a second, breathing, “let me explain… she was kind at first, but one day, she went out to help a diamond dog who got lost, and came back acting secretive, guarding something around her neck. She refused to let me see it. She grew more and more agitated, until one day she just...snapped. The day the crystal ponies were encased in Crystal, Cadence felt something was wrong. Flurry was acting worried too. Cadence went to check on the crystal heart only to find it missing. Cadence was just able to tell me the news when she froze to the spot, saying two words: heart. Help. She and Flurry were consumed by everything. When I told the diamond dogs, they attacked me! I fought and ran as much as I could, but they got the better of me. Thing is...their eyes were glowing green like they were possessed!”

“....Shining, who is the one who came back with something around her neck?” North asked once more.

Shining opened his mouth to speak. At that moment, a dark light shone from a crystal hidden in his clothes. His eyes seem to crystalize as a dopey grin spread across his face, “she's…beautiful.” He sighed, “the most beautiful creature I've ever seen!”

“Shining? Shining!” Seaspray snapped his claws, shouting, but there was no use. Shining would only say how beautiful the creature was.

Basil sighed, “we should keep him here for now. He's not going to be much help in THAT state. Where should we go next?”

Comet thought for a moment, “what if we checked the top of the castle for clues?”

With no better ideas, everyone agreed. They turned around to see Deckstar deep in thought.

“Deckstar, when did you get here?” North took a step back as she asked, her voice slightly higher than usual.

“Huh?” Deckstar blinked up at North, as if just realizing she was there, “oh, I saw you all talking and waited.” he shrugged, “so…where are we going?”

The others sighed before trekking up countless stairs, once again missing Viv, who was surrounded by piles of books in the library.

As the group made their way up the very last of the steps, they first noticed a reflective throne overlooking the crystal empire. A pig like creature sat in the chair, her face covered by a mirror she held herself. “Have you come to appreciate my beauty?” she asked, putting the mirror down. To reveal her face. The female pig's strawberry blonde hair framed her snouted face, a golden crown delicately on top of her head. Her magenta eyes gleam as a smile crosses her lips. Purple smoke billows out from the edges of her eyes. Her brown wings unfurl, and she flutters off of her mirrored throne, landing in front of the shocked group.

Seaspray spoke up first, “Uh…yes…but we are new to the area, so…with all due respect, to whom are we speaking?”

“I am Princess Porcina! It is a pleasure to make my acquaintance, I'm sure. Now, you may shower me with your gifts and devotions, for you have braved my traps. You are worthy to gaze upon my beauty on this day." Her cloven hooves lift a black horn tipped in red, looking at it lovingly before she continued, “you may also Dane to call me the Glass Princess. Do you like my renovations? Turning such garish colorful stones into beautiful reflective glass.” She looks out onto the Empire once more, eyes glittering, “soon, every single house and crystal will be able to reflect my beauty!”

“What did you encase the ponies who gave you a home?!” Comet asked.

“Alas, I admit, it wasn't necessarily part of the plan, but once I encased that-” She stopped long enough to point her cloven hooves to the Crystal Heart, which sat encased in a magenta crystal, “the crystal ponies followed suit.” She gave a short, vindictive laugh, “Let's be honest, they deserved it. They were jealous of my beauty. They dared to try to be more beautiful than I! truly an unattainable goal, to be sure, but that audacity to think they might even recreate even a tiny portion of my beauty had to be dealt with.” A cruel smile crossed her lips as she thought for a moment before she continued, “Besides, the diamond dogs are far more obedient. They will make MUCH better slaves for the new Empire of Glass.”

“Wait…You're not Sombra. You're not Sombra at all!” Deckstar scoffed.

“Congratulations, Captain Obvious.” Basil groaned, rolling his eyes, “did you not realize when Shining Armor said she?!”

“Oh, I wasn't really paying attention.” Deckstar shrugged.

“Are you saying you are disappointed to see me?!” Princess Porcina scoffed.

“No. Not at all.” Seaspray went between the group and Porcina. He looked over to the group, exchanging a look with each of his friends, “right, guys.”

“I'm disappointed!” Deckstar looked away, “she took Sombra’s amazing powers! Just another in the long line of creatures trying to smear the great name of King Sombra For personal gain!”

“If you are not here to appreciate my beauty, then you are here to kneel before me BY FORCE!” As Porcina shouted the last words, Seaspray groaned, walking back with the others.

“Yeah…um….that is sooo interesting.” Comet gave a nervous laugh, “and you are…beautiful…but we were hoping to Uh, explore before we do this, and we still have a friend to find, so if we could just…go back down for a minute, then-”

At that moment, Porcina lifts her cloven hoof at the doorway. Suddenly, a glass wall grew from the floor, covering the escape route completely. A smirk crossed Porcina's face. “You will become beautiful statues of glass.”

She looked over to Seaspray, pointing her cloven hoof at him. What looks like crystal begins to crawl up his claws. Seaspray struggles to free himself from the glass in vain.

“No!” North looks over, noting the horn around Porcina's neck. North breaths, “for Hope.” She murmured, rushing to try to pull the necklace while tackling Procina. She runs into the princess, but Porcina Stays standing, feeing the pull of the necklace.

“You!” Princess Porcina pointed to North. North's eyes glowed green And purple smoke erupted from the corners. To North, the world went dark.

Suddenly, North found herself in her filly school, in the hallways. She turned a corner to find herself in a different hallway. She opened a door: another hallway. She turned back to find a wall where the hallway. She began to breath raggedly, bursting through another door. Hallway. Hallway. Door. Hallway. Wall. North hyperventilate, tears streamIng from her eyes. “Help! I'm lost!” She begged.

Comet Looked at her friend North, who stood stock still, sobbing, and crying for help. Comet turned, glaring at Porcina. “we Need to get that Necklace off her!” She turned back to the others for a moment before rushing over, flying to try to grasp the necklace. Porcina dodged with a grin.

Deckstar looked at North crying, then Comet, and finally Porcina. He Breathed, a moment of rage crossing his features before he managed to calmly look at Basil. “Basil, throw me.”

“What?!” Basil blinked, sure he had misheard.

“I can take Sombra’s majestic horn off her with my magic, but she's on guard now. If we surprise her first however-” Deckstar began.

“Then she will be too shocked to react! It's worth a shot.” Basil agreed, taking the unicorn into his hooves and throwing with all his might.

Deckstar felt the wind whip in his face. For a moment, terror filled his heart, but as his eyes focused more on the necklace, that terror turned into resolve. He wanted to help his new allies, sure, but more than anything, he wanted to free the little left of the majestic King Sombra away from yet another trying to use his power for their evil plans.

His allies needed to learn strength. Showing emotions was a sign of weakness! His eyes drifted back to North for a moment, still crying. The rage returned again. Why? He wasn't sure. All he knew is he had one target, and he was close enough!

His horn flared with magic, the necklace began to levitate with a dark blue magic off of Porcina's neck. The next instant, Deckstar himself slammed into Porcina, knocking them both down to the ground while the necklace stayed in the air. “NO!” Porcina gasped, reaching for the necklace as it floated lazily just within her grasp, slipping the chain Around her cloven hooves.

Seaspray noted this, flying over pushing her arm down even as she struggled to push Deckstar off. The necklace floated higher, out of her grasp. Seeing Seaspray Was now keeping Procina down, Deckstar got off, lowering the necklace back down with his magic to himself as Basil and Comet, who ran over to hug the still crying North, her eyes back to normal. To Deckstar's shock, his magic suddenly cut off, the necklace seemed to fall right at his feet of Its own accord.

Deckstar blinked, shrugged, and picked up the necklace without a second thought.

Suddenly, a jet black dome erupted around Deckstar, enveloping him. His friends try to attack the dome to no avail. Inside, Deckstar could see nothing, but he didn't mind. It was far better than the blazing sun. Deckstar took off his thick sunglasses with a pleased smile just as the deep booming voice of Sombra erupted all around him, the horn glowing red and floating around him.

“Deckster. I know what you want! You can have it!” The jet black dome showed a Deckstar a vision. He saw himself bowing to Luna, the mushroom levitating in front of him. Luna accepted the mushroom, and changed into Nightmare Moon. She thanked Deckstar for freeing her, and together, the two work to banish Celestia to the sun for a thousand moons. “You can have this Deckstar. Nightmare moon in her rightful place! Celestia finally defeated. Equestria finally ruled by the true monarch and not the princess who sits on a throne of lies. Deckstar. Claim this horn as your own and this will be yours. You can create. You can manipulate. You can rule along side your princess.”

“Sign me up!” Deckstar grinned, reaching out for the horn without a second thought.

“Oh. I forgot. There is one caveat. The heart must stay in it's prison…forever. The Crystal ponies must be made an example of.”

The dome shone green and Deckstar saw Hope working tirelessly in a mine. Her bright smile is nowhere to be found. She's covered in dirt, and exhausted. She is mining in one part of a mine when a tunnel collapses. She pushes another pony out just before the rocks sealed her in complete darkness, alone. She can't see. She yells. No pony came for her.

Sombra laughed, "what? This young mare? Surely this one mare isn't worth the possibility of disappointing your princess or loosing the chance to take down Celestia and expose her tyrant ways. Keep little Hope in her prison. What is one friend's life for such a chance? You are a smart pony, Deckstar. You know the truth now. Choose wisely!”

Deckstar stood Silent for a moment. Then, he nodded in decision, “Sombra. I can understand that you're angry about what happened, but it isn't the fault of your citizens. They may be brainwashed, but that would warrant a rescue, not punishment. If you wish to punish Daybreaker, I would be all for it, but to punish your own for something they have no fault in. I believe you to be a better ruler than that.”

“...so, to be clear…you wouldn't leave your friend encased even if it meant the return of Nightmare Moon?” Sombra’s voice sounded perplexed.

“That is correct. I love Nightmare Moon, but I know she would never wish for me to sacrifice an ally for any kind of gain. I would hope you would feel similar.”

Sombra became quiet for a long moment. “You're right. Forgive me, Deckstar. I fear that I allowed my anger to cloud my judgment. But you know I'm right. Princess Sun butt is a liar and a horrid pony. She has done so much wrong. And my horn is only one powerful magic item more that she will get. How about this: I'll let go of the crystal ponies. I let my fury at their memory loss get the better of me. I apologize. I ask one thing, Deckstar. Find where I am taken. And if any others are taken, keep tabs, Deckstar. Act like she's getting to you, Deckstar. And, when the time is right, if you truly believe in your nightmare moon. Please…Free us!”

“I will not let you down, your majesty.” Deckstar bowed.

The jet black dome faded as the horn's magic dissipated, and it fell back on the ground unceremoniously. Deckstar picked it back up without further strangeness. His friends gathered around him, checking him over.

Once they were sure Deckstar was alright, they turned their attention to a soft cry. Porcina hung her head in shame.

“I am…so sorry.” Porcina sniffled, “I…this is all my fault.”

“Well, yeah-.” Basil shrugged.

Seaspray Held up his talloned forelegs to stop Basil before he spoke up, “what happend when you went out that day?”

Porcina gave another sniffle before she sighed. “When I went to help find the diamond dog…I got lost…and found that strange horn. When it spoke to me, it told me how beautiful I was…” tears welled up in her eyes, “I know it sounds vain, but I had to leave my home due to ridicule and bullying, so to have someone tell me genuinely that I was beautiful was…It meant a lot to me. He already knew about my talent for glass manipulation…it's something all Klaasika are able to do…or were…there….it's pretty rare to see another of my kind these days….that's why I ended up with the diamond dogs in the first place. I-” She stopped, shaking her head, “I'm rambling…let me start over.”

She took a long, deep breath, pacing for a moment as she put her hoof on her chin, as if she was trying to remember what exactly she was asked. She nodded, sitting down before she began once more, “I once lived in a small village with my family….my royal family. It was wonderful, and the town would always comment on my beauty growing up. I won my fair share of beauty pageants back then! I was even called the jewel of the town.” She beamed, but the smile faded, “but then…the storm king came…and…I never saw my family after that. They helped me escape in a cart…” tears slowly crawled down their cheeks, and she took a long, shaking breath before she continued, “I um…I was alone for a while. And everywhere I went, creatures shunned me for my looks and my power…until I found the diamond dogs. They took me in as one of their own, but none of us had home…and then we found the crystal empire where we were welcomed in, and for a bit, it was nice.”

She gave a sigh, “but all good things come to an end. That day…when I found the horn…it was the first time I had been called beautiful since I lost my home…at first, all he asked was to keep him secret. I did. He would tell me about how great and powerful I was, how gorgeous I looked…and I fed into it…but I also started to worry that the others would want my treasure for themselves. He would warn me that the princess and prince would steal it away if they found it. The more I held onto the horn, the more what he said made sense. One day, he asked me to claim his power, and said doing so would give me a place to rule where every creature would see my beauty, but it came with a cost…the heart had to be encased too…”

Porcina Looked up to the clouds, giving one short laugh, “I knew it would be betraying the ponies who gave me a home, and I didn't care. I had no idea it would end in the crystal ponies encased in glass as well, and, by the time I DID realize it…I felt like they deserved it. I am so sorry.” Porcina wept once more.

Comet and North exchanged a glance and walked up to Procina. “Every creature makes mistakes sometimes…” North attempted in a small voice.

“is there any way you can…unglass the crystal heart? It might free the ponies.” Comet asked.

Porcina nodded, lifting her cloven hoof up to the heart, and concentrated. The glass shuttered before shattering to the ground. The Crystal Heart spun rapidly. Every creature raced to the ledge, watching As pillars after pillars shattered, each and every crystal Pony looking around confused. They cheered, hugging each other.

On the way down, they finally found Viv in the library. “You will never guess what I found out. For one. Rarity and Pinkie are direct descendants of crystal ponies!” She realized after that Porcina was with them and blinked, “...who's she? What did I miss?”

Shining and Cadance thanked the group for their hard work before they left, and Patch froze before bounding happily to his father. “Papa!” He grinned, tail wagging madly as he picked his father's Face mercilessly.

“Yes, son. Papa here!” He turned to the group, “ponies and nonpony keep Patch safe. Rover thank all.”

“Sir Rover. I have heard much about your plight of finding a new home. I, Princess Deckstar, hereby Cordially extend an invitation to The New Lunar Republic. I understand that the Crystal Empire welcomed you, but, as fellow creature of the night, I understand if this…bright, crystaline kingdom may be too much for your sensitive eyes after moons underground. There is No shame in it. The New Lunar Republic works during the night and sleeps during the day, which may benefit you more.”

Rover blinked. Then, after a shocked moment, nodded, “pony keep Patch Safe and offer night home? Rover know not what To say…will chat with leader, and contact Republic with decision.”

“We await your reply.” Deckstar bowed slightly. He then noticed Porcina sitting mournfully on crystal steps and went to sit next to her. She turned, surprise covering Her face. He nodded, “I have just offered the Diamond dogs a permanent home within my nation, the New Lunar Republic. I would like to do the same for you.”

Porcina nearly fell off the stairs. “B-b-but…all of this is my fault. I encased an entire nation in glass because I was willing to trade their autonomy for a chance to be beloved once more….” She looked, confused, into Deckstar's sunglasses. “Why would you give me this chance after everything I've done?”

Deckstar thought for a moment before he spoke, seriously, “I spoke With Sombra as well. He offered me something somewhat similar. I refused. I know now that he allowed his anger to get the better of him. I believe he saw a kindred spirit in you, Porcina…you both lost your homes and families due to a tyrant…and you've both made miscalculations in wanting something to feel like home once more….please, Think of my offer to give you one. The new Lunar Republic will welcome you in, and, seeing as you are royalty, you would stay in the castle. Together, we shall make the nation stronger than ever in the name of Nightmare Moon!”

Porcina smiled, a few tears escaping her eyes before she wiped her face, “Thank you. I…I accept.”

Deckstar smirked, “wonderful!”

Shining and Cadence offered a celebration for the every creature. They nearly declined when Twilight flew back, smiling, “I knew you could do it! This group has some amazing friends!” She nodded, “it looks like all of the ponies are free from their crystal curse. I had Princess Celestia send word to Spike as soon as the crystals shattered…Hope should be on her way here now!

A bit later, Hope stepped out of the train, her friends eagerly waiting. She turned to see her friends, a sad and sheepish smile crossing her lips, “so…sounds like I missed another adventure, huh.”

Every creature ran to Hope, hugging her tight as they told her all about their Strange adventure. Hope gawked once Deckstar told every creature what happened inside the dome. “Thank you, Deckstar…I'm sure it was hard to give up that chance.”

“Not really.” Deckstar shrugged, “your life is more important than expediting plans.

Deckstar didn't notice Hope's face redden as the others decided celebration was in order. Finally, after a long, well earned party, every creature went back out to go their separate ways.

As Deckstar made his way back towards his home only to find himself face to face with Luna. He froze momentarily before noting that Luna Had a mysterious golden glow all around her.

He glared. “I do not appreciate any type of impersonation of my princess.”

Not Luna gave an understanding nod, “I apologize. I tend to take the form of some pony you trust. It's not purposeful, I assure you. Please, allow me to introduce myself. I am the tree of Harmony. It is so good to meet You, Princess Deckstar.”

Deckstar raised an eyebrow. “Ah, yes. The tree of harmony. Another in a long line of day worshiping hippocrates.”

“I love the day and the night equally.” The tree of Harmony replied matter of factly.

Deckstar Rolled his eyes, “I can not believe that.”

“I understand your hesitancy, but right now I believe we have more important things to discuss…such as the horn of Sombra.”

Deckstar's mouth became a pencil thin line as he raised an eyebrow. “What about him?”

“That horn could be extremely dangerous in the wrong hooves. I would like to ask for you to give it to me so I may safely guard it.”

“HAH!” Deckstar pointed at Not Luna, “I knew it! You want to hold onto the power of Sombra. You want to take it from me and keep it for the sun loving creatures!”

The tree of Harmony held up a calming hoof. “Not at all. I would never force you to give it to me Deckstar. It was a request, and nothing more. If you feel you can keep it in safe hooves, I trust you to do so.” She put the hoof down, her expression darkening, “but I must warn you and your friends that this was only the first of seven Relics…each with their own dark Magic…I do hope your friends would be willing to help find them.”

Deckstar thought, biting his lip. More relics? With dark magic? It was Just as Sombra said! Deckstar slowly Nodded, “I can not speak for all of my allies, but I would be delighted.”

The tree of harmony beamed. “Thank you. Hopefully, we can work together to prevent a disaster!”

Not Luna disappeared, and Deckstar finally went home.

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