• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 312 Views, 4 Comments

The veiled truth at Twilight - -Personwrites-

Twilight has a secret that very few know she has a job, that deals with national security...one that not even Celestia knows about.

  • ...

The truth comes out right?

Twilight's POV:
"No,no, no," I said pacing back and forth it felt as if I had just been stabbed, I quickly glanced down at my chest sighing in relief as there was no knife poking out of my fur. I reread the letter again and again trying to come to grasps with the information.

Dear, Twilight Sparkle
Tis I your friend Princess Luna, we regret to inform you that because of an attack you are needed at the C.C.I.U headquarters right away. As head of the C.C.I.O. we would like for you to be joined by your companions "asap" as the kids say. We haven't seen thee in quite sometime it would be pleasant to "catch up" with you. I would also enjoy your help in deciphering these newer equestrian words. Also we were wondering if you would like to bet on thy friend's family's and other princesses reactions, We shall brief you more this evening in thy dreams.

Your friend and boss Princess Luna.

"T-twilight are you okay," a meek little dragon said with thick globs of tears running down his face.
"Spike," I say sprinting to the baby dragon and hoisting him into my arms. His quiet sobs turned into full blown waterfalls " y-you s-cared me!" he hollered between heart-wrenching sobs and hiccups. "You wouldn't answer me and- and you just kept pacing," he said burying his wet scales further into my body. "i'm sorry I didn't realize you were calling for me," I say my own tears threatening to come lose "We have to go to Canterlot and we also need to round up the girls, I am so sorry that I worried you but I sort of spaced out... Okay?" I say as I lift his head up to look me in the eyes. He slightly nods, giving him a genuine smile. Just like that he was off, I gave a small chuckle as pangs of guilt and sorrow hit me like waves on the beach.

"I'm so sorry you have to find out this way," I whisper angling my head down my bangs covering my eyes. I didn't get to wallow in my self pity for very long as a pink and rainbow blur tackled me to the ground. After a few minutes I shake my head as my ears ring.
"Darling are you okay,?" Rarity said as she helped me up to my hooves.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Girls we need to head to Canterlot," I say ushering towards the door.
"Oh my, what does Princess Celestia need us to do?" Rarity said as she gracefully trotted toward the now open door.
"No, no we are there to see Princess Luna," I say once everyone exits the library. "Hey uh Rainbow would you mind flying ahead and getting tickets," I say as Spike wiggles up my side to perch on my back. "This is going to be quite interesting" I think as I picture every possible scenario. "I'll be lucky to still be alive at the end of this" I thought as I hear the train whistle pierce the air.
"Twi would ya mind explan'in why Princess Luna wants to us?" Applejack asked as all eyes turned to me, sweat beaded on my brow. "Oh well she said that there was a secret mission and she would brief us later. I'm going to catch some sleep I think I might have stayed up a little too late last night. Goodnight girls." I sighed I hate having to lie to them but its for the best, I say to myself trying to convince my brain. It didn't really work I had been dealing with it for about two and a half years. I twitch my wings trying to get comfortable on the bed. I eventually drifted off into the dreamscape awaiting the briefing.

"Princess Luna!" I exclaim settling myself down underneath a tree in a lush meadow. I sit down further onto my haunches and rest my back beneath a great tree covered in book pages.
"Hello Twilight Sparkle," Luna says in her usual neutral tone betraying the small smile gracing her face. I jump and flinch in response.
"Sorry I guess I'm a little on edge tonight," I say as I rub the back of my neck.
"Tis alright... back to my visit, we would mainly like to share the fact that we have quite a few new recruits and you are needed in the information department. There is a threat that must be subdued but we have a highly trained team in pursuit. As I was saying the information team located hundreds of new books and runes which is where you come in. As you are the new head of information! Huzzah!" she said jumping and floating high in the sky to emphasize the "Huzzah" I sat there mulling over the new information before it clicked "WHAT!" I shouted gripping my mane in my forehooves. Panic starts to settle in as my breaths hitch in my throat. I start to tremble my train of thought is jumbled. I find my paper bag fumbling it up to my muzzle breath....breath... and some more. Eventually my breathing evens out.

"We are deeply sorry Twilight Sparkle, but we didn't think your reaction to change was this bad.. But alas twas not our decision but the board," she said gracefully landing next to me by the tree. " We must be going there are more dreams to visit and nightmares to defeat," she stated lighting her horn in a crystalline blue hue as a door appeared before her.

"Goodbye Princess Luna I will see you in the morning and yes I packed the popcorn. I am extremely nervous but also a bit curious to see what chaos will endue," I state plainly as I giggle at her smile at the popcorn comment. With one last bright yet sly grin she vanished scouring the dream realm for nightmare. Before long I awaken to Celestia's bright golden sun beaming with orange rays from every angle.

Author's Note:

So how's this for the first chapter? Please write anything you want to see or things that I need to improve on. Also the C.C.I.O. and C.C.I.U. are my ideas. Bye! (P.S. Twilight's Revelation should be updated soon!)