• Published 29th Dec 2023
  • 1,340 Views, 17 Comments

The ending that never happened - poohtter

Twilight shatters knowing her greatest achievements were just a dream.

  • ...


When you enter the world and take your first breath, you immediately feel a cascade of emotions. At birth, like a little foal, you cry in the face of the bewildering reality that surrounds you and the unfamiliar eyes that watch you. You sense that something is not right when you are taken from a familiar environment and placed in a completely unknown one. No one prepares you to integrate into this new setting; they don't even provide you with a map or detailed instructions on how to face the challenges of living. You discover that you belong to a category of ponies, with a name, a family, and a mission to obtain a "cutie mark," a badge symbolizing your supposed talent. There was nothing wrong with this until your childish mind starts questioning everything, even if your future is exclusively tied to a single talent and not multiple possibilities.

It was inevitable to confront these thoughts when you are labeled and told that this is what you're good at, without allowing you to question it; your cutie mark dictates your ability, period. These reflections were never foreign to Applejack, who, since she became aware, questioned everything, especially since that day as a newly arrived foal in the world when she opened her eyes and saw her smiling parents alongside a family celebrating with a feast of apples for her birth.

Learning family rules or the routines of being an Apple was never a problem for her; she loved her work and enjoyed apples, especially cider. Despite this, she always had this feeling that something was wrong in her life. After returning to the farm and earning her Cutie Mark, she set out to rescue the apple harvest and appreciate every moment with her family. There, they told her she had a great talent for harvesting, but it was also in that instant when an intuition arose, a discomfort from which she could never free herself. It was somewhat similar to when her parents passed away, and her father's gift began to weigh on her; wearing the hat when she felt she didn't measure up to her parent. Until his last days, it seemed like she wore that hat more as a reminder than for any other reason. That's when she decided to believe that, with time, those concerns would disappear.

Unfortunately, the following years only intensified that feeling. Interestingly, this became even stronger when she met Twilight and became the element of honesty. Despite her attempts to disguise that perception with a thousand layers of distractions and adventures, the feeling never left her. It was paradoxical to feel this way, being designated as the element of honesty. She didn't need another label imposed on her that nullified any possibility of questioning.

It was as if they traced a straight path for her, indicating that she shouldn't cross it, as it was beyond the limits of her true essence. This reality was bitter for Applejack, who throughout her life sought her identity, longing for one where that unease didn't weigh on her chest. Embodying the honest element with that feeling overwhelming her made her feel like a pig covered in mud; keeping emotions to herself was equivalent to lying. Despite that, she knew she would end up being honest if asked. However, no one did, as they never noticed that something was wrong with her. Another distinctive feature of her personality was her ability to hide concerns like that. After all, it wasn't alarming to her. She always felt a void in her stomach when contemplating the empty corners of the field or her home, but it wasn't something so terrible that prevented her from living, although it persisted there.

Then, the tragedy unfolded.

That morning, she woke up following her usual routine, but she noticed a marked difference: an overwhelming feeling of confusion settled in her throat, squeezing it like a rope tied to a bundle of hay. It was a feeling similar to the one she experienced the night she lost her parents; she woke up with distress that drove her to run down the stairs, only to accidentally learn of her tragic loss. Although that trauma continued to gnaw at her mind at that moment, she got up and tried to dispel that annoying emotion with several sips of apple juice. It seemed to have succeeded when the distress disappeared and allowed her to breathe; however, the intuition returned when Rainbow Dash appeared flying as always, with a new anecdote. She informed her that Twilight was acting strangely, with her mane completely unkempt, and that she had even desperately turned to a fortune-telling Pinkie Pie for advice on the future.

Like an apple falling to the ground, the feeling that something was wrong began to hit her chest with even greater intensity. That attitude was unusual for Twilight Sparkle; while one would expect a pony like her to act with desperation over a spell or something similar, it didn't make sense that she would end up seeking Pinkie Pie for something as strange as what Dash had mentioned. Despite that, she decided to set aside those thoughts and say goodbye to the pegasus to continue with her daily tasks, attributing what was happening to another of the unicorn's many personal investigations. Although she would have preferred it to be that way, the situation became even stranger when Spike arrived shouting half an hour later; his body showed slight traces of burns, and his expression reflected true terror.

It was not necessary to put all the pieces together when she heard the words that her friend was in danger and that a spell had gone wrong. At that moment, everything she did and felt could not be precisely thought; she just remembered that her hooves moved on their own, running straight to the unicorn's home, without caring about the fallen apples she left behind or the small purple dragon chasing her as if it were fruit attacked by hungry parrots.

What happened next echoed like the fateful night she lost her parents, an experience taken from a horror movie. The sight of Twilight's home consumed by flames, like firewood on a winter day, was the most terrifying thing her eyes had witnessed. Rescuing the unicorn turned out to be not an easy task, but neither was it an obstacle; the minor injuries she suffered while removing the huge branch from her friend's body, carrying her, and taking her out of the place on the verge of disintegration didn't bother her at all. The real challenge arose when they reached the hospital, where they practically took her friend away without additional explanations. The doctors' prolonged delay in examining and treating the lavender unicorn generated in her the fear of an unfavorable outcome.

Her friend's body presented severe injuries, although she didn't have the opportunity to observe the extent of the damage carefully. In those minutes, she felt so numb that her mind created an emotional barrier to protect herself from the blows of helplessness that threatened to extinguish her heart. Nevertheless, the feeling that something bad could happen to Twilight strangled her with a suffocating knot around her lungs. Her hooves automatically headed outside the hospital in search of air and her friends, also trying to break free from the white walls that reminded her of an orange filly who had escaped to go to the hospital and ended up seeing two stretchers with the lifeless bodies of her parents.

However, all these events were not even the tip of the iceberg on that day. When she and her completely worried friends hurried back to the hospital, they were given the worst news digestible for their stomachs; Twilight had her horn completely broken, and they had to extract it to prevent future infections due to internal damage. It was impossible to describe the devastating silence that formed among her friends in that brief period, but all of Applejack's attention was only directed at the pang of guilt that began to blossom in her body, cutting her veins and scolding her for the recklessness of not having listened to her intuition when the light blue pegasus had mentioned the unicorn's strange behavior.

The situation became even darker when they received the news that Twilight was in a coma, and there were no coherent studies on when she would regain consciousness. Throughout the two weeks that the unicorn spent in that state, a cloak of uncertainty hung over everyone. Spike, deciding to inform Celestia, preferred to stay at Rarity's house without daring to visit the hospital; all the farmer pony heard was that he found it heartbreaking to see his mentor in that condition. It's not that Applejack couldn't understand the young dragon, as she perfectly understood the terror that hospitals elicited, but the difference was that she couldn't withdraw. She felt the need to stay and make sure her friend was going to be okay.

Despite this, things did not return to normal.

After two weeks in a coma, Twilight woke up, and during visiting hours, Applejack was the first to enter. The scene that presented itself to her was understandable but, at the same time, bewildering; the unicorn was pale and shaky, although strangely calm in the first few minutes. This last part didn't worry the orange mare, but what happened during their conversation generated some concern; her friend started hyperventilating and complaining about the absence of wings she had never had, then returned to a peaceful state and politely asked her to leave her alone for a while.

Her intuition warned her that something was terribly wrong with her friend, and although she wanted to ignore that feeling, she couldn't, especially after all the things that had happened since she woke up with that overwhelming knot in her throat. The first deduction made sense again when, during visits from the others in the group, she heard similar experiences: a pale Twilight asking strange questions and adding wings to the mix of dialogues she released incessantly. Applejack could be stubborn, but she was not lacking in common sense; she understood that those signs were cries of a distressing situation that required her attention and concern.

The days passed quickly, offering more evident signs of the seriousness of the unicorn's condition. Twilight opted for silence, rejected food, and even avoided visits from her friends. The breaking point came with the arrival of Celestia, who, after a brief attempt to intervene, received a clear refusal from the unicorn to continue talking. Although the alicorn princess respected her apprentice's wishes and left the hospital with the intention of returning to Canterlot, Applejack swore she detected a suspicious expression in her. Everything seemed like a scenario that generated more uncertainties than answers. The farmer felt restless and puzzled by the lack of coherence or Twilight's attitude. A week had passed without any indication that things would return to normal.

Lifting her head, unaware of how much time she had remained silent, she was tense, with her front hoof scraping against the cracked ground outside the hospital. Her eyes remained fixed on her group of friends, who were standing in front of her, conversing with consternation about Twilight's condition. She could swear, by her excellent and characteristic Apple ears, that nothing she was hearing sounded like something capable of consoling her storm of emotions.

"I don't understand what's happening to Twilight! How can she just stop talking and refuse help?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy, always compassionate, looked at the blue pegasus and added with a soft but concerned voice, "Maybe she's going through something very difficult and doesn't know how to express it."

The pegasus frowned and gestured with her hoof. "Twilight isn't like that. She's always been open about her problems. She's never left us hanging like she's doing now."

"Whatever is bothering her, we need to help her! Let's organize something special to cheer her up!" intervened Pinkie Pie, with her characteristic explosive energy.

"Darling, a celebration might not be what Twilight needs right now," Rarity disagreed and then paused, letting out a sigh laden with sorrow. "We must be sensitive to her feelings. She just lost her horn, her source of power. We all know what magic means to her; it's understandable that she has fallen this way."

Rainbow snorted, her features contracting instantly. "Poor Twi. She must feel horrible. Losing a horn is like if I lost my wings, and, by the grayest clouds, I can't imagine not being able to fly. My wings are the Dash in my Rainbow."

"Perhaps we could try talking to her in a calmer way, without pressuring her. Maybe sharing our own difficult experiences could make her feel less alone," suggested the yellow pegasus in a murmur.

Pinkie Pie, despite the suggestion from the white unicorn, couldn't contain her enthusiasm and insisted, "Come on, girls! A surprise party might be just what she needs! We can fill the room with balloons, cakes, and cheerful music. Twilight will feel better in no time!"

Rarity sighed and placed a reassuring hoof on the pink pony's shoulder. "Dear, I understand your desire to cheer up Twilight, but I think we should approach this delicately. Organizing a party may be overwhelming for her in her current state."

"Speaking of Twilight's current state, doesn't it seem strange that she started insisting she had wings?" asked the blue pegasus, with both eyebrows raised in confusion. Faced with the unexpected question, everyone fell into a doubtful silence and nodded slightly. "I think the coma affected her brain a bit."

"Dash, don't express yourself like that. Our friend is going through a tough time," scolded Fluttershy under her breath, although a brief blush adorned her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, but I've never seen Twilight so... out of it. Did you see Princess Celestia's face when she left the room? Something tells me the talk she had with her didn't go well at all."

With a downcast expression, the elegant unicorn lowered her ears upon hearing that. "I fear it might imply that Twilight will be removed from her position as an apprentice due to the loss of her magical abilities. Although I doubt it was that; I don't think Celestia would decide to address such a critical issue right now."

"I don't think the situation is so drastic," Fluttershy gently reassured. "Maybe Celestia is considering a solution to restore Twilight's magic."

"I'd love to think that's the case, dear, but unfortunately, it's not reality. According to Redheart, Princess Celestia performed a complete magic check, and there were no signs of magic in Twilight. Besides, judging by the princess's expression, there's no way to remedy the situation."

"Oh, girls, this is so sad. Have you wondered if Twilight is feeling all of this inside her? I mean, it's Twilight! Always so focused on magic and friendship. Maybe she needs our support more than ever. And what if we bake a surprise cake to cheer her up? Even without magic, our smiles can spark a little joy in her heart. There's no problem that a good cake can't ease, even if she can't do magic like before!"

Completely incredulous about her friend's excessive optimism, Dash rolled her eyes before looking at the pink pony. "Pinkie, seriously, a cake? You can't just throw a party, bake cupcakes, and expect everything to magically be okay. We're talking about Twilight, the pony who always had a plan and a solution! I'm not saying we shouldn't support her, but we're facing a serious situation here."

Fluttershy lowered her gaze, feeling the tension in the air between her friends. "Well, maybe Pinkie is right that we could do something to cheer up Twilight, but I also understand Rainbow Dash. It's hard to accept that something as important as Twilight's magic has disappeared. I think, perhaps, we could find a balance. Something gentle and comforting, something that makes her feel she's not alone in this. I don't know what we could do, but, uh, maybe we could ask Twilight directly what would make her feel better...?" she whispered, trying to find a peaceful solution.

On the other hand, Rarity, with notable distinction, cleared her throat before intervening. "Darlings, I understand everyone's concern. Of course, we want to help Twilight, but organizing a party or baking a cake might not be the most appropriate solution in this case. I suggest we focus on finding answers and practical solutions to support her. I don't think we should underestimate the seriousness of what's happening. Together, we can find a way to support Twilight in a more substantial manner and in line with the magnitude of the problem. And, of certainly, we can do it with style and elegance to make it a truly meaningful gesture."

At her friend's words, the pink pony, with her eyes sparkling with excitement, started to jump. "Exactly! Rarity is right. We can combine the best of each of us to make something mega fantastic that will make Twilight feel much better. It will be like a super surprise gala but with an extra touch of friendship and support! And you know what? We can make cupcakes with rainbow frosting and decorate them with magical sprinkles to make her smile again! And who knows, maybe she'll find something new that makes her happy even if it's not magic! Come on, girls, let's make the best anti-sadness surprise in Equestria!" she exclaimed, smiling; however, her outburst caused a static expression on her friends' faces.

Dash, upon hearing Pinkie's enthusiastic suggestion, let out a frustrated sigh. With a quick and somewhat abrupt gesture, she brought her hoof to her face, covering her eyes with a tone of evident irritation. "By Celestia, an anti-sadness party?! We already told you this isn't a matter for cakes and decorations. We need to be practical and think of something that really helps her recover, not extravagant parties that just mask the problem!" she shouted, resonating a firm and determined tone as she exaggeratedly raised both hooves upward.

"Oh, I didn't mean to upset you," Pinkie murmured, tilting her head slightly with a guilty expression, finally recognizing the seriousness in her friend's words. "I just wanted to do something special for Twilight, but if you think it's not right, I understand. Maybe we can find another way to help her that we can all agree on. After all, friendship is the most important thing, and I don't want to disturb you, Dashie!"

The blue pegasus observed her friend's expression, and after a sigh, her look of irritation softened. "It's okay, Pinkie, I didn't mean to get so intense. I know you just wanted to help, and I appreciate your enthusiasm. It's just... sometimes, things are more complicated than they seem. Anyway, we all want what's best for Twilight."

"Girls, I'm glad you apologized. However, I think it would be beneficial if we took a moment to calm down. We have diverse opinions, and that's what makes us work so well together. We can find a way that combines our creativity and pragmatism. Rainbow, Pinkie, you both have valid points. Let's take a break, breathe deeply, and then look for solutions," expressed the white unicorn, making a diplomatic gesture and trying to dissipate the tension between the two ponies.

The yellow pegasus, who had remained silent until now, looked up shyly and said:

"I think it's important to remember that Twilight is still our friend, no matter if she has magic or not. Maybe we should talk to her to better understand how she feels and what she really needs in this difficult time."

"I completely agree with Fluttershy," Rarity intervened, elegantly sliding her mane before continuing calmly, "An open conversation with Twilight would provide us valuable information to find the best way to support her. Let's understand her perspective before deciding how to proceed."

"You're right, and there's no pony more straightforward than..." Dash exclaimed firmly. There was a brief pause as she turned to look at Applejack, who had remained silent with her gaze downcast. The blue pegasus's face quickly transformed into an expression of total concern. "What's wrong, Jackie? Why that long face?"

Upon hearing her name mentioned for the first time in her friends' conversation, Applejack remained momentarily still. She had stayed in a sort of trance, unwilling to join for two specific reasons: she had nothing to add, and she didn't feel up to participating. She was still grappling with the feeling that something was wrong and the pang of guilt over the matter of Twilight's horn. However, she gathered enough courage to fix her gaze on the concerned pegasus and, swallowing hard, responded:

"Ah... ah was just ponderin' all of this, sugarcube. Fer weeks now, ah've been wakin' up with a strange feelin', and honestly, ah can't shake the knot in mah stomach. Doesn't it strike y'all as serious that Twilight cast such a dangerous spell just 'cause she saw a charred version of herself warnin' 'bout the future? Ah mean, never in mah sunniest harvest years have ah seen Twi act so rashly, and ah've dealt with some colts more stubborn than a mule in full spring.But now, all this business with Twilight feels worrisome, especially after hearin' her ask such outlandish questions."

The white unicorn, with a thoughtful expression, lifted her right hoof and began to scratch her chin gracefully. "Applejack, dear. It's true that Twilight has been acting unusually lately. Nevertheless, I believe we can help her regain composure. The key is to find the most efficient way to address the situation."

"Oh, right, girls, I forgot to tell you something strange and exciting! When Twilight came to my shop, Madam Pinkie's, she looked super nervous and disheveled. Spike brought her in running, and she had that look of 'I need answers now'! So, imagine my excitement! I could use all my mystical skills to try to help her understand the future," added the pink mare, jumping with enthusiasm as she recalled her friend's unusual visit.

"Yes, I remember. I got quite nervous when she crashed into us and started shouting to everyone that a disaster was looming next Tuesday. However, I didn't give much importance to that detail; my main concern was trying to calm Cerberus," admitted Fluttershy with a subdued tone of guilt and shame. "It seemed like Twilight was just having a stroke of bad luck, but I didn't delve into it since she assured us she would handle it on her own."

"Wait a minute! Did Twilight say she was going to solve it on her own? Seriously?" Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves, frowning with an air of disbelief. "By Celestia, didn't she realize she almost gave us a heart attack with her drama and chaos act? That's not the Twilight I know! Anyway, who cares about a Tuesday? That's like the most boring day of the week!"

In general, Applejack longed to retort against the absurdity that Dash's words sounded when categorizing the days of the week in that way, but she chose to remain silent. Her eyes wandered, seeking any distraction to ignore the conversation and forget, if only for a moment, that Twilight was inside the hospital. At least, she wished to try to loosen the knot tightening her chest, somewhat akin to untying a ribbon in the hay. The sky was adorned with gray clouds gathering, as if the sun bravely fought to remain visible, while a gentle wind tenderly caressed the leaves of the trees, providing additional support to the cloudy cover. She felt the brief chilly breeze delicately hitting her cheeks, and in response, she gently stroked her front hooves. She fervently hoped that the cold wouldn't intensify its advance, aware that she didn't have a scarf to shield herself.

Suddenly, the sound of the hospital doors echoed like an interruption alarm, breaking the atmosphere surrounding the five friends. A white pony with a pink mane appeared near the exit, her hoof leaning against the door, and a relieved expression on her face that contrasted with the gravity of the situation. The group fell silent, looking at Redheart with anticipation, waiting for an answer to her unexpected presence.

"Um, sorry to interrupt, girls," the nurse began hesitantly, letting out a small nervous laugh. "But Dr. Light Beat has decided to discharge Miss Twilight."

The blue pegasus, excited upon hearing the news, extended her wings enthusiastically. "Finally, some good news! See? I told you it would work out!" she declared with obvious triumph. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie, noticing her friend's reaction, celebrated by throwing confetti into the air, caught up in the eagerness of the moment. On the other hand, Fluttershy let her face light up with a shy smile, subtly revealing her joy.

Rarity, despite being glad for Twilight's improvement, experienced a persistent unease reflected in every gesture. Addressing Redheart with a mix of courtesy and anxiety, she expressed, "Dear, I'm pleased to see Twilight recovering, but I can't help but feel a lingering worry. Are you absolutely sure she's ready to leave? I wouldn't want her to rush if she's not fully recovered."

The nurse nodded understandingly. "I understand your concerns, Miss Rarity, but Dr. Light Beat has carefully assessed her condition and believes she can continue her recovery at home." Redheart paused, looking at the five friends. "However, we need someone to take care of her. She's not yet fit to be alone and needs close monitoring for the next few months to ensure a complete recovery."

Upon the revelation, the ponies' expressions shifted from initial joy to a more serious contemplation. They looked at each other, exchanging knowing glances and absorbing the additional responsibility presented to them. The blue pegasus, after a moment of silence, broke the tension with her typical confident tone:

"Don't worry, Redheart! The great Rainbow Dash will have Twilight back in top shape in no time!"

"Rainbow, dear. Although I appreciate your cooperation, it might not be the best decision. Twilight doesn't have the cloud skills you do."

Dash snorted, acknowledging her oversight. "By the skies, Rarity, I overlooked that detail," she admitted with some frustration.

"I would sacrifice organizing my schedules to take care of her, but I can barely manage Sweetie Belle," added the unicorn with a hint of discouragement, then turned her gaze to the yellow pegasus. "And you, Fluttershy?"

The yellow-winged mare lowered her gaze, feeling embarrassed. "I would love to, girls, but my time is occupied with the little animals that need my attention. I can't fully commit to taking care of Twilight," she confessed in a murmur.

"Oh, girls, I'm really, really, really sorry too!" exclaimed the pink mare this time with an apologetic tone. "I'd love to be Twilight's guardian, but I'm organizing a surprise party for the frogs in Froggy Bottom Pond. It's an amphibious bash I can't miss!"

While the other ponies alternated perplexed glances in response to Pinkie's answer, Applejack continued to observe the situation, her lower lip pressed between her teeth. It was evident that her friends were too tired and agitated to notice that she hadn't spoken a word since the nurse's entry. She couldn't blame them, as she herself hadn't managed to get enough rest for proper functioning or to process what Redheart had mentioned upon her arrival. Her hoof continued to scrape against the floor, an unconscious action reflecting her inability to stay calm on this occasion. Unlike the reputation the girls had of her personality, she couldn't maintain her peace for long, and in those seconds, her body wasn't responding correctly. She was exhausted, worried, scared, and the knot in her chest wasn't helping. Her head was a shake of rotten apples. Still, the only thing she could think about was how Twilight would feel about the painful daggers thrown in just a few days. Her friend had lost the only thing that inspired her, what defined the cutie mark of her identity, or the supposed talent that all ponies say defines you.

Once again, a bitter taste filled her mouth as she immersed herself in this dilemma that had accompanied her since fillyhood. She shook her head; she didn't need another internal conflict. She reflected once again on what was happening and, guided by the feelings of guilt and pain for her friend's suffering, took a short breath before letting out those simple words:

"Ah'll do it."

The silence and skeptical looks now directed at her were the last things Applejack expected to receive; however, she kept her body steady and her hat held high, trying to convey enough confidence to show that she was serious; even though deep down, she wished to feel that way.

"Hey, are you sure, AJ?" The blue pegasus was the first to break the silence, frowning as she brought a hoof to her neck. Her eyes scrutinized Applejack with some concern. "I'm not trying to undermine you, really, but every time I swing by your place, I find you deep into some business on your family's farm."

The earth pony shrugged with a calm expression. "I can organize myself right well and manage my time. Takin' care of Twi won't mess up my schedule, ya'll see."

"Are you absolutely sure, dear?" Rarity's eyes began to scan Applejack doubtfully. "Not to offend you, but you're not exactly one of those ponies who seem to have the necessary time for these types of responsibilities."

"Ah, honestly, Ah ain't a hundred percent sure, but Ah can assure ya that Ah can take care of Twi." The earth pony chuckled softly under her breath, shaking her head slowly. "Well, sugarcube, besides, ah owe her a whole heap for all she's done for me. And it won't be no trouble at all; ah used to look after Applebloom when she got herself hurt. So, ah'm used to it, ya know?"

"Um, Rarity, if she feels comfortable doing it, I... I think it's okay with me," Fluttershy murmured softly, looking away as she played with a strand of her hair. "I mean, it could be a good help for Twilight; she really trusts Applejack..."

"Oh, yes! I completely agree with Fluttershy! It's a great idea! If Applejack is okay with it, go for it!" Pinkie exclaimed energetically, wearing a wide smile from ear to ear.

"Ugh, fine. If everyone is on board and Applejack feels up to it, then I suppose I have no objections," Rarity sighed with a hint of resignation, though trying to maintain her elegance. "I just hope Twilight appreciates the effort we're putting into this."

"Alright, I'm glad you've reached a decision. It seems everyone is in agreement," Redheart mentioned in a professional tone. She then gave a serious but understanding look to the orange pony. "Before you start with your duties, Miss Applejack, I would need you to accompany me to sign some paperwork. It'll only take a moment, and then you can take care of Miss Twilight."

"Well, alrighty then. If that's what y'all want, reckon we can go ahead with the paperwork," said Applejack in her typical calm tone. Following that, with a more concerned expression, she added, "But, may Ah ask how Twilight is doin' right now? Ah just wanna make sure everythin' is in order."

"Miss Twilight is in stable health in medical terms, but still shows signs of emotional decline," Redheart reported solemnly. "We are working to provide her with the necessary support. If you can take care of her and ensure she feels accompanied, it will be of great help. Now, if you accompany me to sign those papers, you can take her with you."

Applejack fell into another deep silence. As Redheart made her way towards the hospital entrance, the farmer diverted her gaze towards her friends. A nod from them was the response she needed to encourage her to continue. There was no need for further waiting or confirmation; she simply turned around, tipped her hat slightly, and set out to follow the pony nurse. There were no imminent threats, let alone reasons to adopt a mourning attitude in those seconds. She was supposed to feel at ease now that the worst was over; nonetheless, she began to feel a lingering bittersweet sensation growing in her heart. She desperately tried to maintain control, but the tightness in her chest intensified, as if that darn invisible knot was tightening more firmly around her lungs. For a brief moment, the circulation of oxygen was disrupted, and in that instant, the painful truth revealed itself with undeniable clarity: things genuinely would not return to how they were before. Because, over the years, she had learned that, no matter how hard she tried to ignore it, her intuition never failed.

Author's Note:

Good afternoon or evening, creatures of the Lord! I sincerely apologize for my absence, but with university and personal issues, I barely have time to write. Nevertheless, I always take my time to try to give you the best in everything I write, especially in this story. I had to correct some things in the prologue to make sense of things in this first chapter, and I will still be reviewing to address other matters. I hope this first chapter has been to your liking. It took me quite a while to write, aiming to maintain the fluidity of emotions and details.

In any case, I'm open to receiving comments of all kinds, as long as they come with respect and love for reading, something I'm passionate about. I repeat, I hope you liked this brief glimpse. Although I'm good at imagining, this is my first attempt in the romance and mystery genre.

Have a beautiful day!