• Published 25th Dec 2023
  • 570 Views, 10 Comments

Canterlot, City Of The Dead - Jest

Not a single living soul calls Canterlot home. This is the story of those unfortunate creatures who do.

  • ...

Tense Talks

So wrapped up in her own thoughts was the undead mare that she was barely even aware of her surroundings. There was only the soft clank of her hooves against the stone road leading back to Castle Canterlot. Eventually, it was those same metal hooves that made her thoughts grow dark, prompting her mind to wander down a shadowy path.

She could feel it coming, could sense her gaze turning to the void yet she couldn't help but stare into it regardless. In an instant, she was no longer trodding down a road in Canterlot, a small crowd of fellow undead passing her by and going about their business. Rather she was back in Canterlot Castle as well as back in time, to a point when she was flesh and blood though that wouldn't be the case for long.

She could feel herself running, and she could feel the shame of such an action. Under her hooves was a rug twisted about due to the press of bodies ahead of her all fleeing for the exit. Behind her, in the throne room where she and her friends had been meeting Celestia lay the body of the alicorn herself.

Rarity could remember the ancient mare’s wide, vacant eyes, her horror-filled expression forever burned into Rarity’s memories. The seamstress didn't know how the changeling assassin had breached the castle’s defenses nor was Rarity aware of how the entire city was under attack. She also had no idea what spell Twilight was casting, but given the fact that she had vaporized a dozen changelings as well as a few innocent bystanders Rarity wasn't going to stick around to find out.

So she ran, fleeing down the hall with a dozen other terrified ponies all seeking shelter. Then a cry went out, and suddenly Rarity had her back to a flaring Twilight, and her face to a changeling assassin. Before Rarity could blink a dagger was plunged into her belly, and she stumbled into an alcove, toppling over the ancestral armor that had been displayed within.

Staring in horror, Rarity watched as a nearby guard cut down the changeling but not before the shapeshifter slit the throat of a maid who didn't have time to run. As the changeling hit the ground, dead, Rarity felt relief, though that relief turned into weakness. She glanced down at the pool of blood forming around her and the set of armor she was clinging to. Like a life raft amidst a turbulent storm, Rarity held onto the metal suit with whatever strength she had left.

Around her, the guards, and staff had started to give what manner of medical care they could, though none came for Rarity. The fashionista could only watch as they tried to staunch the flow of blood pouring from the maid’s throat. Then, just as a nervous-looking young butler began to approach her, the memory was interrupted by the thud of Rarity walking into something.

Rarity shook her head and looked around for the first time. With the haze more or less lifted, Rarity realized she had accidentally run into a tall zombified mare standing guard near the throne room.

“Ya’ll right there, miss?” Rumbled the towering mass of half-rotten flesh.

“Yes, I… I’m fine,” Rarity dismissed. “Just, lost in thought I’m afraid.”

“You revenants sure do that a lot,” muttered the guard.

“Yes well, the past is a bit rosier than the present. Now, if you’ll excuse me I have an appointment I must be getting to,” Rarity exclaimed.

“Right. Some kinda big council meeting eh?” the guard remarked. “They warned us you’d be coming. Go right on in.”

Rarity looked over to find that the other guard, a gangly, pale ghast had already opened the doors to the throne room for her.

“Err thank you both,” Rarity muttered.

The revenant then trotted past the pair, walking into the throne room, but stopping halfway. The empty, broken throne where Celestia had sat lay half destroyed, its pieces still left scattered about the backside of the room. In the middle, where the supplicants usually stood and made their case, lay a large round table surrounded by chairs. A few feet back was a second nearly complete circle of sitting spaces occupied by various aides and less important undead.

Less important when compared to those who sat at the round, onyx black table in the middle of the room and especially less important than the pony who sat at its head, directly in front of where the desecrated thrones still stood. Those of greater importance were known to Rarity, unlike the small crowd of helpers that sat on the fringes, waiting to be called on. These individuals were her friends or had once been her friends, she wasn't quite sure what they were to one another these days.

From Twilight's right to the lich queen’s left were:

Rainbow Dash, the specter, who floated above the table with her two remaining limbs crossed angrily over her chest. Her prismatic coloration was gone, replaced by a light blue like that of a particularly faded teal sheet. Though she still had her forehooves, her back legs and entire bottom half were gone, replaced by wispy trails that moved on some unseen wind.

Next to the spectral undead was at first glance a mass of animal corpses mashed into the rough shape of a pony. No stitching or other artificial means of fusion were found, the various animals simply blended into one another. Though they appeared dead, occasionally one of them would twitch, or their empty eyes would look around. Fluttershy didn't seem to mind this, and simply smiled at Rarity, revealing a row of teeth made from a dozen different creatures.

Beside her was an animated pile of bones that had been painted pink at one point. Pinkie Pie, still needed no introduction, with the excitable skeleton bouncing up and down on her seat. Though she lacked any lungs, she still gasped when she looked at Rarity, the bony undead’s flaming teal orbs growing slightly larger within their sockets.

Next to the twitching pink bones was a rotting mass of flesh large enough to tower over nearly everyone present. Applejack frowned at Rarity, or at least the seamstress assumed she was frowning, as Applejack sported two heads. Two halves of one head to be more specific, the pony’s skull having been cleaved in twain by a changeling axe. Though one may assume this got in the way of things, Applejack had enough coordination by then to keep herself together.

Then finally there was the lich queen herself, Twilight Sparkle. The least corpselike of the bunch, Twilight had changed very little from when she was alive. Her hair was now black and hung over half her face, her skin was pale, and most of her fur had turned white after her death. The lone visible eye was sunken deep into her skull, large dark rings surrounded it, and a faint wisp of purple billowed out from the orb. She wore no clothes or accessories save for an iron tiara with four large spikes that had been bolted onto her head.

Rarity plunked down in the lone available seat which rested directly to Twilight's left, the chair groaning under the seamstress’ weight.

“So glad you could join us,” Twilight droned, her voice even and monotone.

“Apologies,” Rarity began, ducking into a different nod. “I let my thoughts wander.”

“That's not good,” Fluttershy pointed out. “You really should speak to someone at the home.”

“Don't waste your breathe Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “Rarity will just keep staring off into space until she ends up empty.”

“I will not end up like Stalwart Silver,” Rarity retorted. “I still have things to bind me.”

“Well, one of those things sure ain't friendship. When was the last time you even talked to one of us anyway? Oh, that's right, the last time we had one of these council meetings,” Rainbow Dash declared, floating over the table and jabbing a ghostly hoof at Rarity.

“Nah,” Applejack interrupted. “We’ve done a few of these without her being here. Rarity doesn't exactly add much anyway.”

“Hey let's not fight okay?” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “She's here, we’re here. Let's just like, chill.”

“I agree. Besides, there is important news, or so Twilight has eluded to anyway,” Fluttershy exclaimed, glancing at the lich at the forefront of the group.

“Yes, there is,” Twilight agreed.

“Oh? Did you find a way to dismiss the fog, and get us out of this dome?” Rarity asked pointedly.

“No, I have not,” Twilight replied tiredly. “Though I am continuing to work on it.”

“Why must you always harp on that?” Rainbow Dash complained. “You know very well that it isn't cleared. You’d see it through every window if it were!”

“It ain't her fault she’s hopeful this mess would be resolved. It's been years,” Applejack retorted, shooting Twilight a glare out of the corner of her eye.

“I’ve told you a million times,” Twilight tiredly began. “The death fog is self-replicating. I’ve only just barely stopped the chain reaction that has perpetuated it for so long. Fully dismissing it will take time.”

“I suppose we have plenty of that,” Rarity remarked.

“Yeah we got time, so just like relax or whatever,” Pinkie Pie declared, the skeleton not picking up the undercurrent of anger in Rarity’s voice.

“We have to think of the environmental impact of the shield going down. We simply aren't ready for that,” Fluttershy declared, the undead mare displaying none of the shyness she was once known for.

“You know it's not a simple thing yet you keep talking about it like Twilight can just wave her hoof and fix everything. Well, she can't. No one can,” Rainbow Dash proclaimed. “And the fact that you still seem to insist that it's all her fault makes me wonder just how much of your mind is left in that hollow shell.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight Sparkle whispered. “That is quite enough. Sit back down, please.”

The spectral undead flew back to her spot and sat as well as her form could allow. Though she grumbled, Rainbow Dash said nothing, as did the rest of the ponies present. That was until Twilight cleared her throat and leaned forward, resting her forehooves on the table.

“Well, I suppose now is as good a time as any to discuss the pressing news I mentioned earlier,” Twilight began.

“Yeah, get on with it already. I got mushrooms to grow,” Applejack demanded.

Twilight sighed.

“Well, as some of you have been able to tell, something has changed recently and that thing is that I’ve been in contact with Luna,” Twilight declared.

“Wait, like for real for real? No jokes?” Pinkie Pie asked, her voice filled with hope.

“You know I can't lie to you girls anymore,” Twilight replied.

“That's… wow,” Pinkie Pie murmured, falling back into her chair and staring up at the ceiling.

“That's all well and good but this is only a good thing if it doesn't end up like the first time this happened,” Applejack pointed out.

“That was… unpleasant,” Fluttershy murmured.

Rarity remembered the angry, tear-filled tirade Luna had directed at the council through a viewing screen erected over her throne. The seamstress-turned-blacksmith recalled the alicorn’s demands to return her sister’s body and Twilight's stern refusal. What followed was a screaming match that ended with Luna declaring that they would never be allowed out of the barrier that had been erected to contain the death fog Twilight had inadvertently created.

“Hmmm, most unpleasant,” Rarity agreed.

“It's not like that this time,” Twilight explained. “I’ve been able to convince Luna to hold a peace conference of sorts.”

“But the dome can't be lifted, not yet,” Fluttershy urgently declared.

“The barrier would not fall immediately,” Twilight replied. “For now those who would enter, or leave would do so through the highest point of the shield where the fog is too thin to escape or harm anyone.”

“We… we could leave?” Rarity whispered.

“It's a possibility,” Twilight answered, the mare raising a hoof. “Though I should warn you, it's not a very likely one. Luna seemed hesitant to agree to my terms but when we left things the option was at least on the table, as was the very distant possibility of rejoining Equestria.”

“We could rejoin Equestria? Thats… I don't know what to say,” Applejack muttered, the zombie muttered, gazing off in the direction of Ponyville.

“Oh goodie! I have so many parties I’ve missed!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “I’m going to have to start planning one mega party for Pound and Pumpkin, oh and my sisters too!”

“Girls please,” Twilight interrupted.

Immediately all conversation ended and everyone present turned to Twilight expectantly.

“This is only a small group of dignitaries, and most importantly, Luna won't be amongst them,” Twilight continued. “That doesn't mean we can slack though. Rarity, you’ll be serving as the tour guide for the Equestrians.”

“Equestrians,” Rarity muttered. “I thought I’d wear such a title for as long as I lived. Though I suppose in a way, that was exactly what happened.”

“Oh don't worry Rarity. Once we’re able to join the rest of Equestria we can be Equestrians again! For now, we just gotta be happy being Canterlotians!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed, the skeleton using one dismembered hoof gripping the other to pat Rarity’s shoulder from across the table.

“Yes, well we’ll discuss that later. For now, you girls must know your roles, continuing with Pinkie Pie,” Twilight continued, pointing to the skeleton. “You’ll be handling the major events.”

“Yipee!” Pinkie Pie squealed.

“Lemme guess, I’ll be in charge of feeding them,” Applejack exclaimed.

“You are correct,” Twilight agreed. “Though they will have rations, I want to impress upon them that we have more than enough food production to support at least a small population of living ponies should they choose to live here.”

“I’ll be handling security,” Rainbow Dash declared, the specter puffing out her nonexistent chest.

“I suppose the head of the secret police would make for the perfect security guard,” Applejack remarked with a smirk.

“Hey, it's not secret!” Rainbow Dash retorted.

“That ain't the come back you think it is you dunderhead,” Applejack shot back.

“Cut it out,” Twilight interrupted, glaring at Rainbow Dash and then Applejack before finally turning her gaze away. “Right, and Fluttershy you have no official role in this event. Other than simply keeping a close eye on the homes. I don't want some poor soul breaking containment and scaring the breathers.”

“Breathers, how quaint. A slur for the living,” Applejack muttered.

“Thank you, Twilight. I will do that,” Fluttershy interrupted, shooting Applejack a side glance.

Rarity wanted to offer some kind of retort or her own two cents but she couldn't bring herself to say or do anything. Instead, she just stared off into space, her inner turmoil spilling over until she was completely absorbed into the miasma that was her own mind. Receding back from her senses, Rarity grappled with the news she had just been delivered.

Hope. She had it in a small amount before when change had first reared its head but now, now it was real. Not only was there the chance that she could return to her old life, but she could also see her family. Family. Now that was something she could scarcely ever think about without receding so far into her mind that she lost multiple days in a row.

Sweetie Belle would be older, much older, an adult, and not just an adult but about the age that Rarity had been when she died. That thought alone shook the undead mare to her core, and though grim, it was also kind of amusing in a weird way. Rarity wondered if Sweetie looked much different to her, as they had always shared a certain resemblance.

What would her cutie mark be? Had she followed down a similar path to Rarity, or had she learned to embrace her skill for singing? The money Rarity had left behind had been fairly sizable. Not enough to secure the filly’s future forever, but enough to make things easy on the family for a while, so there was little worry that they had ended up poverty-stricken.

That was assuming a lot of things that Rarity couldn't know the details of given the complete information blockade with the outside world. What had things been like? Had the war against the changelings ended? What was the economy like these days? Were they still geared fully for conflict or was their room for things like designer boutiques, and singers?

And her parents, what about her parents?

Rarity knew that they had been fairly young when they had her but they were probably getting on in years at this point. Their exact birthdays couldn't be recalled by the undead mare, her memories having become fuzzy and muted with time. Yet as she dug Rarity was able to dredge up enough random bits of information that she could safely assume they were in their mid-fifties.

That wasn't too old, in Rarity’s estimation. They were likely still alive provided some manner of travesty had not assaulted them. A possibility that was real, but still rather unlikely. They weren't fighting age so they weren't likely to have been drafted, if that were a thing to even begin with.

These thoughts, concerns, and worries swirled inward, looping back around and leading to a recursive pattern that left Rarity unable to escape. Time passed by unnoticed by the revenant who continued to sit there staring straight ahead until the room was almost completely empty. Only when it was but her and Twilight Sparkle did Rarity snap back, and that was only after the lich queen issued an order.

“Pay attention,” Twilight demanded.

Rarity shook her head, and looked around, quickly coming to the realization that some time had passed.

“How long was I out?” Rarity whispered.

“Nearly two hours. Everyone else is gone,” Twilight replied.

Rarity nodded mutely.

“Rarity, I gave you the job of tour guide because I trusted that you could brush over the rougher parts of Canterlot but if you don't think you are up to it I can find someone else,” Twilight offered, her comment both pointed yet concerned at the same time.

“No!” Rarity shouted, only to recoil. “I mean no, I can handle it. I just… got a little overwhelmed. I haven't let myself consider the possibility of seeing my family again so when you mentioned there was a chance I…”

“I get it,” Twilight exclaimed. “But I still have concerns. You’ve been disassociating more and more lately. No one sees you for weeks and when you do come out you seem to snap at everyone you meet.”

“I’ve been…” Rarity tried to think of some excuse but she couldn't think of a single one that sounded even halfway plausible.

“Now, I don't want to have to order you to tell me what you’re thinking but I will if I must,” Twilight warned, her voice tinged with worry.

“I…” Rarity mimicked a long, slow exhale, her mind relaxing even though she had no lungs. “I lost hope for a while there. I thought that if I stuck to my routine hard enough I could stay present but that didn't help at all.”

Rarity began to tap her metal forehooves together nervously.

“So I just… meditated all day, immersing myself in my memories and going back to when we were alive. Before Celestia… before the changelings, before your flare, before everything changed,” Rarity murmured. “It was, nice but it took something from me.”

“You can't stay like that for long. When I brought everyone back our minds changed, how we operate, what we need, everything is different from when we were alive,” Twilight explained, placing a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “Most undead crave new experiences, something to stave off the malaise of our condition but none moreso than revenants.”

“I know,” Rarity dismissed. “We can't dwell on the past too much unless we want our minds to go and our bodies to become little more than semi-sapient automata.”

“Exactly,” Twilight concluded, removing her hoof and sitting back in her chair. “You can't think like that, none of us can.”

“I know, I know,” Rarity repeated. “I just, never thought we’d be able to go back.”

“I don't quite understand how you feel but my situation is a bit different I suppose,” Twilight remarked. “I haven't really lost anyone, other than the obvious as well as Cadance though I suppose Shining Armor and my father count, but not really.”

Twilight shook her head.

“Sorry, got a bit distracted there,” Twilight apologized.

“Don't worry about it. It happens to the best of us,” Rarity remarked.

“Yeah…” Twilight muttered, the undead mare staring off into space, her mind clearly elsewhere.

“I uh,” Rarity began, pausing to straighten her metaphorical spine. “I know you have concerns about my ability but I promise you that I haven't felt this focused in years.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight pressed. “Because your habit of clocking out can't come back, not when so much is on the line.”

“I will stomp it out,” Rarity proclaimed. “The chance of seeing Sweetie Belle, my parents, and everyone else is too important. You need not worry about me.”

Twilight smiled faintly, her shoulders falling slack as worry fell away.

“Thank goodness,” Twilight muttered. “Because honestly, I’d be happy if they just didn't go to war with us, avoiding that is my primary concern. Everything else is secondary though full integration sure would be nice.”

“Is that a real possibility?” Rarity asked.

“What, the extermination or the integration?” Twilight replied.

“Yes,” Rarity stated.

Twilight chuckled.

“I’ll be honest both are possible and about as likely as one another. From what I’ve heard the rumor mill has run a bit wild out in Equestria though there is a significant amount of pity for us in particular, and the rest of Canterlot more generally,” Twilight answered.

“That is… interesting,” Rarity murmured. “So how long have you and Luna been in contact?”

“Not as long as you may think,” Twilight remarked with a frown. “I’ve been trying to set up a line of communication the entire time we’ve been trapped in here but she hasn't made things easy. Then just the other week, bam my spells are no longer blocked and we’re talking face-to-face through a scrying spell.”

“That is… interesting,” Rarity murmured.

Twilight nodded slowly.

“Yes, it took me a bit by surprise, but-” Twilight stopped abruptly, the lich suddenly sitting bolt upright. “Apoliges Rarity but one of my experiments has run into a minor snag.”

“Oh of course. Best deal with it quickly,” Rarity replied.

“Either way, thank you,” Twilight declared, rising from her chair before pulling Rarity into a slightly awkward hug as if the lich hadn't actually hugged another creature for some time. “Knowing that you are going to be there for them is a great burden off my shoulders.”

“It is my pleasure,” Rarity assured, patting Twilight on the back.

The lich smiled and stepped away.

“Right then, Rainbow Dash has all the details, and oh don't forget they’ll be coming in two days so you better start planning soon,” Twilight warned.

Then, the lich was off, trotting away from the stunned Rarity. Who sat there awkwardly for several seconds.

“Wait,” Rarity muttered. “Two days?!”

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: Ech, Tailsic, Chrisb32, Nightwing, Tonoz, CoreyPeters, Thane, Renegade, Sunset Flash, Kyokimute, Monsterkittie, Louts Petals, Tacocat, Tom, MestreJ, Aang Slyver, Canary in the Coal Mine, Ceepert, Starless, Vi Watch, Facinus, M, Nfreak, Venerable Ro, Blade Tech, Cryil Shadeclaw, John Gonzales, Nightwing, Peter Coulthard, Srgtartman, Thane Kull, Victor, Dale, Dragons' Sheppard, Egery007, Gear change the earth pony, Ivar, James, Kali, Lich Lord Krosis, Menthol Qtip, Midnight Serenade, Mop Hop, Nathan Brown, Octavia Lowbar, Pacsik, Soundtea, Hannibal, Fiamgoku, Grub, Matias Duran, and Steven.

Comments ( 7 )

A new chapter, yay!

What type of undead is Fluttershy? I dont recognize animal amalgamation as a common one.

I'm not sure it has a name.

A certain anime, I can't remember the name right now, would call her a Flesh Golem.

That was a good chapter goodluck with the next one.

Ho le shit . This was interesting. Wonder how this will continue.

Jest #7 · May 3rd · · ·

Only one way to find out. Make sure to request more this month :P

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