• Published 25th Dec 2023
  • 268 Views, 4 Comments

The Hearth's Warming Truce - TheLegendaryBillCipher

The Dazzlings return to Equestria for Hearth's Warming--the promise of making amends hiding a desire for revenge.

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The Hearth's Warming Truce

“Excuse me?”

Sunset stared in disbelief at the trio before her: Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. Each standing out in purple, fuchsia, and teal hoodies respectively in the frigid winter air. Despite lacking their amulets, they still held a smug air about them.

“Sunset, it’s Hearth’s Warming, a time for celebration,” Adagio continued, gesturing around at the decorated front of Canterlot High. “A time for making amends—and that’s what we want to do.”

“We want to return to Equestria,” Aria grunted.

“So we can apologize!” Sonata chirped.

Sunset’s skeptical eyebrow was raised about as high as it could go as she looked between the three. The subject of forgiveness was always welcome with Sunset, but she never expected it to come from the Dazzlings of all people. Much less for them to be so forward with it.

“I’m not sure…” Sunset said slowly, frowning.

“What’s the harm?” Adagio purred. “You have all the magic, you and all the ponies over there. We don’t have our amulets, remember?”

“I suppose…” Sunset bit her lower lip. “Wait here a moment while I contact Princess Twilight. It is her Equestria now, after all.”

“Of course,” Adagio said, waving her off. “Take your time.”

Sunset watched them a moment longer before going to fetch her backpack from nearby. She always kept the enchanted journal close at hand—and was grateful for it now more than ever.

The three Sirens grouped up in a huddle as Adagio gave a giggle. “Alright, you know the plan?” she asked the other two.

“We feign being nice and goody goody long enough to fool the ponies,” Aria said.

“And then we bring the hurt on the creature who betrayed us,” Sonata said with a sinister grin.

“Right.” Adagio nodded. “Don’t let their niceties get to you: remember, this is our one shot at revenge. We cannot blow it.”

“Best served cold,” Sonata agreed.

“Think she’ll buy it?” Aria asked, jerking her head towards Sunset.

“It’s Hearth’s Warming, Aria, and this is Sunset Shimmer we’re talking about,” Adagio retorted with a snort. “She’s got a softer spot for ‘reforming villains’ than Sonata has for tacos. Just let me do the talking.”

As the sound of footsteps approached, the group huddle was broken up and the Dazzlings resumed their nonchalant, patiently waiting poses.

“Alright, Princess Twilight says you three can come through, but only for Hearth’s Warming,” Sunset said, leveling a finger at them. “After you get your apologies out of the way, you need to return.”

“Consider it a truce,” Adagio said, extending a hand.

With some reluctance, Sunset stepped forward and shook firmly on it.

“So, where is the portal to Equestria anyway?” Aria asked, looking around.

“Oh, it’s right here, actually,” Sunset said, gesturing to the statue in front of the school. “Crazy, huh?”

“What?!” Adagio snapped, eyes wide. “It was here the whole time?!”

Sunset raised an eyebrow at her, to which Adagio regained her cool composure, clearing her throat.

“Don’t try anything, Adagio,” Sunset warned.

“I wouldn’t think of it,” Adagio said with a Cheshire grin.

Sunset slipped through the portal in a bright flash of white light—and immediately stumbled forward onto four hooves. Two other pairs of forehooves were there to keep her steady.

“Welcome back, Sunset Shimmer,” Twilight said.

“It’s nice to see you again,” Starlight said, before looking past her. “Are the Dazzlings coming or…”

“They should be right behind me,” Sunset said, stepping back from the portal.

The portal glowed again, and the three unicorns were pushed back as three, large forms emerged from the mirror—and immediately floated up.

The Sirens transformed into their full, scaly selves: the upper half a scaly pony, the lower half a fish, with large dorsal fins and frills for ears. Each opened their slit-pupil eyes and looked around, before noticing the ponies below.

“You know, I completely forgot what we looked like before,” Sonata admitted, looking over her forehooves.

“It has been some time,” Adagio sighed, before drifting down to the unicorns. “But where are our manners? I am Adagio Dazzle.”

“Aria Blaze,” Aria grunted, floating down next to her.

“Sonata Dusk!” Sonata gleefully drifted down as well.

“We’ve, uh, met,” Twilight said, gulping.

“Hmm?” Adagio tilted her head. “Oh, yes. The Battle of the Bands, right.”

“Well, uh, it’s nice to meet you,” Starlight said with an uneasy smile and a wave of her forehoof. “I’m Starlight Glimmer.”

“Hi!” Sonata chirped, waving.

“Well, Princess Twilight, if we’re to be making amends, I suppose we should start with you,” Adagio said, extending one forehoof. “On behalf of all three of us, I apologize for our past transgressions.”

“We would’ve brought gifts, but they don’t exactly sell pony stuff back there,” Sonata said with a shrug.

“Well, that’s the nice thing about Hearth’s Warming gifts,” Twilight said, smiling and shaking the hoof. “It’s the thought that counts. Apology accepted, Adagio.”

“That was easy,” Aria mumbled, grunting as Adagio smacked her with a hoof.

Meanwhile, Starlight tilted her head, looking to Sunset as she trotted over. “Huh. They really are apologizing.”

“You were expecting something different?” Sunset asked with a smirk.

“Well, some of our villains are… persistent.” Starlight sighed. “Queen Chrysalis is still out there, Tirek’s locked up in Tartarus…”

“It’s Hearth’s Warming, cut them some slack,” Sunset said.

“It’s only a shame,” Adagio said, catching Sunset and Starlight’s attention. “That Starswirl the Bearded and the Pillars aren’t around so that we could apologize to them as well for what happened all those years ago, but—”

“Oh. Starswirl and the Pillars are still around,” Starlight said casually.

“What?!” the Dazzlings exclaimed in unison.

“How? That had to have been… hundreds, thousands of years ago!” Adagio spluttered.

“At least,” Sunset added.

“Yeah, it’s a crazy story,” Twilight said. “I wish I could tell you, but I need to help finish setting up the Hearth’s Warming party in Canterlot.”

“Hey, why don’t I help chaperone them while they’re here?” Starlight offered. “You and Spike head on over to the party.”

“You sure you can handle them?” Twilight asked, glancing up at the Sirens.

“We have the magic, Twi, they don’t,” Sunset said. “You go have fun scheduling and stuff.”

“Well… alright. Spike!” Twilight trotted over to the door.

It cracked open and Spike stepped inside. “Yeah, Twilig— sweet mother of gemstones!” Spike jumped back at the sight of the Sirens.

“Hi!” Sonata said with a wave, grinning a sharp-toothed smile.

“Don’t worry, Spike, they’re just here for Hearth’s Warming,” Twilight said. “Come on, we need to get moving. Canterlot awaits!” She trotted around him and out the door.

“You don’t have to tell me twice!” Spike called, scrambling after her.

“Alright, so where are the Pillars exactly?” Sunset asked Starlight. “I kinda want to meet them too.”

Starlight hummed, tapping her chin. Her eyes widened and she flashed a sheepish smile at Sunset.

“Actually, uh, they’re probably in… Canterlot…”

The teleport to Canterlot with two seasoned unicorns who knew their way there had been the easy part.

The Pillars were less than hospitable upon first seeing the Sirens. While Meadowbrook, Mistmane, and Somnambula had been shocked, it was the other three who had sprung into action.

Stopping Flash Magnus mid-charge had been easy.

Deflecting Starswirl’s concentrated magic blast, less so.

Using their magic to ground Rockhoof to a standstill had proven a Herculean effort in and of itself.

“Will you… just… stop!” Starlight wheezed.

“They’re not… here… to fight…” Sunset panted.

“Then why are those monsters back?” Rockhoof demanded, keeping his shovel pointed at the three.

Adagio cleared her throat, holding up both forehooves as she floated down. “If you will kindly notice: thanks to Sunset and her friends, we no longer possess our amulets,” she said, gesturing to her bare, scaly chest. “Our powers are gone.”

“So the only one with a magic rock around here is her,” Aria grunted, nodding towards Sunset.

“That doesn’t explain your return,” Somnambula said flatly.

“It’s Hearth’s Warming, isn’t it? A time for peace,” Sonata said.

“And we wish to make amends after all these years,” Adagio said, looking Starswirl in the eyes. “Our past misdeeds are behind us.”

She extended a forehoof to the bearded unicorn, offering a friendly smile. Starswirl stared her down long and hard.

“If there is one thing Princess Twilight and her friends have taught me, it’s that even the wicked may change their ways—and not all who walk in shadows are beyond redemption,” he said, reaching up and firmly shaking her hoof. “I accept your apology.”

“If Discord could turn around, I imagine you three are capable of it,” Mistmane said with a nod. The other Pillars nodded in agreement.

“Though I never struck you Sirens as the festive type,” Starswirl said with a raised eyebrow.

“The humans seem to celebrate Hearth’s Warming earlier and earlier each year,” Aria grunted, before shivering. “Sometimes I can’t get her out of my head…”

“I don’t know, I think she’s pretty catchy,” Sonata chirped.

“Yeah, I dunno about that,” Sunset said, grimacing.

“So, is that everyone?” Starlight asked. “Twilight, the Pillars…”

“Actually, there is someone else,” Adagio said. “Well, some creatures I suppose.”

“The changelings,” Aria said. “Do you know about them?”

“Actually, we do,” Starlight said, before frowning. “Wait, you’re telling me you have beef with the changelings?”

“Unfortunately,” Sonata said with a sheepish grin.

“Odd.” Starswirl stroked his beard. “I wasn’t even aware you Sirens knew them.”

“But, if it’s on your bucket list of making amends, we can manage that, right Starlight?” Sunset asked.

“Sure! We’ll, uh, have to take the train though. I think my magic’s about done,” Starlight said, wiping her brow. “And, Rockhoof? You might want to lay off the yule logs.”

As Starlight, Sunset, and the Sirens approached the Changeling Hive, they were surprised to see it lit up like a Hearth’s Warming tree. Every entrance was illuminated from within, and strands of colored lights were hung here and there.

Thorax, Pharynx, and a small group of cautious changelings met them at the entrance.

“Starlight! It’s so good to see you again,” Thorax said with a wave, before looking to Sunset. “And who might you be?”

“Sunset Shimmer. I’m… Twilight’s friend from far away, I guess you could say,” Sunset said with a sheepish smile.

“And what are they doing here?” Pharynx groused, jabbing a hoof at the Sirens.

The Sirens were stricken silent as they gazed upon the changelings with wide eyes.

These are the changelings?” Adagio asked. “What happened to them?”

“Weren’t they supposed to be… black? And full of holes?” Aria remarked.

“Did your friends hit them with one of those Rainbow Lasers of Friendship?” Sonata asked.

“Oh, our appearance?” Thorax asked with a chuckle. “It’s quite remarkable, actually. When we gave love freely, we all transformed. Some, uh, took longer than others.” He snickered as Pharynx jabbed him in the shoulder.

“So what exactly is your problem with the changelings?” Starlight asked.

“I thought it’d be quite obvious: they feed on love, we thrive on discord,” Adagio explained. “Completely opposite.”

“Ah,” Sunset sounded out, nodding. “You know, that does make some sense.”

“But,” Adagio said, floating down to Thorax and extending a forehoof. “That is all in the past—we no longer sow discord. And it’s Hearth’s Warming! A time of peace and harmony, and we Sirens wish to extend an apology to you, dear changelings.”

Thorax quickly took the hoof and shook it. “We know what it’s like. We’ve changed ourselves—no longer do we have an insatiable hunger for love,” he said. “Apology accepted, Miss uh…”

“Adagio Dazzle. And this is Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk,” Adagio said, gesturing to the other Sirens. “I don’t believe we caught your names either.”

“Well, I’m Thorax, the leader of the changelings now, and this is my brother, Pharynx. He’s in charge of defending the Hive,” Thorax explained.

“We’ve heard a lot about you three,” Pharynx grunted.

“Be nice,” Thorax chastised. “Like she said, it’s Hearth’s Warming.” He turned to Starlight. “It’s funny you came all this way out here—I was just headed to meet you at Canterlot.”

“Oh?” Starlight asked.

“Yeah, we got invited to the big Hearth’s Warming party at Canterlot. I think all the leaders did,” Thorax explained. “You should come with us. You too, Sunset.”

“We’d love to, but we’re sort of chaperoning these Sirens for right now until we can send them back,” Starlight said.

“Send them back where?” Thorax asked.

Sunset huffed. “Well, back where I’m from. It’s a long story. You see…”

As the three of them chatted, the Sirens grouped up, frowning at the changelings.

“Now what?” Aria hissed.

Adagio’s eyes fell on Pharynx and a smile curled across her muzzle. Shushing Aria, she floated over to Pharynx.

“So, tell me, Pharynx,” Adagio purred. “Whatever happened to the queen of the changelings? Is she still around?” She looked back and winked at the other Sirens.

“Oh? Oh! Yeah,” Sonata chimed in. “We want to apologize to her, too.”

Pharynx grunted. “Well, good luck with that. She fled after we transformed—abandoned us. She didn’t want to give up the old ways.” He sighed. “We’ve been keeping an eye out for her, but we haven’t found anything.”

“I see,” Adagio said, glancing off to the side in thought. “That is a shame…”

The three Sirens grouped together, with Aria growling in frustration.

“Now what do we do?” she snapped.

“Patience, Aria,” Adagio said. “What does a changeling love more than anything?”

“Love?” Sonata answered.

“Precisely. And if she’s sticking to her old ways, she’ll be craving it. And what would be the best source of love this time of year?”

“The biggest party she can find,” Aria answered. “If she shows.”

“She’ll show.” Adagio gave a devious grin. “Even someone as heartless as Chrysalis can’t pass up a good Hearth’s Warming Feast. And did you smell these changelings?”

“Yeah, there’s nothing to them. No angst or disagreement or anything. So what?” Aria grunted.

So, the queen won’t be like them,” Adagio insisted.

“She’ll reek like a week old fish taco!” Sonata exclaimed with a sharp-toothed grin.

“Quiet!” Aria hissed. “Fine, but again if she shows up.”

“Well, we’ll be there to greet her if she does,” Adagio replied. “And if not, who says we can’t enjoy ourselves?”

The three of them floated over to Thorax’s conversation with Starlight and Sunset.

“And you have hands there?” he exclaimed. “And walk upright? That’s wild.”

Adagio cleared her throat, snapping the ponies and changeling from their discussion.

“Oh, right, sorry,” Starlight said, turning to the Sirens. “Is that everyone on your list?”

“Well, yes,” Adagio said, nodding. “But, we were thinking we’d like to join in on this party in Canterlot. Really soak everything in before we head back, without causing any discord for once.”

“We promise to be on our best behavior,” Sonata said. “So can we go? Pretty please?” She batted her eyelashes, while Aria simply rolled her eyes.

“I dunno…” Starlight said slowly.

“It’s Hearth’s Warming, Starlight,” Sunset said. “They’ve made amends, I say let them have a little, non-discord-causing, fun.”

“I don’t know if Twilight will like that,” Starlight said. “Then again, I am long overdue for a party… ah, what the hay. Sure.”

“Yes!” the Sirens cheered.

“You can ride with us,” Thorax said. “The more the merrier! That, uh, is a Hearth’s Warming expression, right?”

“Don’t you think that’s a little odd?” Starlight asked, walking over to Sunset by the punch bowl.

“Hmm?” Sunset sipped her cranberry punch.

Starlight pointed towards the sky, and Sunset followed.

Due to the sheer volume of creatures invited to the party, it was largely being held in the castle gardens. Drifting listlessly in the starry sky above were the three Sirens, seeming to pause to sniff every now and then before resuming their flying. They didn’t seem to bother any Pegasi or griffons, and some of the partygoers watched them curiously.

“Maybe they’re just taking in the night air,” Sunset offered. “It has been a long time since they’ve been actual Sirens.”

“Maybe,” Starlight said, pouring her own cup of punch.

You know, it’s funny,” Sunset said with a smirk. “The human world had its own Hearth’s Warming Truce way back when apparently. I learned about it in history class.”

“Oh yeah?” Starlight took a sip of her punch.

“There was this big war—I’m talking a lot of countries involved. And then one Hearth’s Warming they just… stopped. They came out of their trenches, laid down their weapons, and celebrated. Together. Just for Hearth’s Warming, but they still stopped.”

“Huh. Maybe you were right,” Starlight said. “Maybe the Hearth’s Warming spirit really has gotten to them.”

As they took sips of their punches, they tensed up when they heard Sonata shout from overhead:


They watched as the two other Sirens closed in on Sonata and followed her to the far edge of the garden.

Sunset and Starlight gulped their punch hard.

“Oh no,” they muttered in unison, before racing through the crowd, which had briefly stopped to see what the fuss was about.

A frightened mare in a ball gown ran past them as they approached the edge of the castle garden’s hedge maze. The three Sirens had a pale green unicorn cornered, though the mare didn’t seem frightened—if anything, she seemed enraged.

“It’s been a long, long, time,” Adagio growled. “But we finally found you… Queen Chrysalis!”

The unicorn snarled, not noticing Starlight or Sunset. In a flash of green fire, the unicorn was replaced by the dark, lithe form of Queen Chrysalis, who snarled at the Sirens.

“Queen Chrysalis?!” Starlight exclaimed.

“Adagio! What is going on?” Sunset demanded.

Adagio growled. “Chrysalis was the reason we were banished all those years ago!”

“Well it was impossible to feed my changelings love with you three in the way!” Chrysalis shot back.

“We remember you—you wanted us to stop, but we ran you out,” Aria said, eyes narrowed.

“We had every pony in that town under our hoof! There was only one creature who could have snitched on us to the Pillars!” Sonata exclaimed, jabbing an accusatory hoof at Chrysalis.

“I should have done far more than that,” Chrysalis growled. “And I think I’ll start now!

In a flash of green fire, she transformed into a snarling bugbear, swiping her paws at the Sirens.

“Get as ugly as you want,” Adagio snarled. “We’ll still beat you!”

Sunset shifted anxiously on her hooves, looking to Starlight. “We have to stop them!”

“Do we?” Starlight asked. “I mean, I was thinking of getting some popcorn and watching—Chrysalis has been after my neck for like two years now.” She flashed a smile to show she was joking, but it faded with a sigh at Sunset’s incredulous look. “Yeah, we should stop them.”

Before the four of them could pounce on one another, crimson and turquoise magic snared them all and pulled them apart. Sunset got in front of the Dazzlings while Starlight stood before Chrysalis.

“I can’t believe you!” Sunset exclaimed. “I thought you had changed! You said we had a truce, that Hearth’s Warming was a time to make amends, not start fights!”

The Sirens fell back, their gazes glaring away from her, unable to meet her eyes.

“Chrysalis, your Hive has been worried sick about you,” Starlight said.

“They’re not my Hive!” Chrysalis snapped, transforming back to snap her fangs at Starlight. “You turned them against me!”

“They still want you!” Starlight fired back. “You’re still their Queen!”

Chrysalis snarled quietly, before vanishing in another flash of green flame. When Starlight looked back, a lone bird flittered over the hedge maze and out of sight. With a sigh, Starlight watched it go before turning back to Sunset and the Sirens.

“This changes nothing anyway,” Adagio groused. “We’re still stuck on Earth, still stuck without our powers…” The other Sirens grumbled in agreement.

“Well, at least you can still enjoy the Hearth’s Warming party, right?” Sunset offered with a soft smile.

“And, you technically did make amends with everyone else,” Starlight said.

The three Sirens glanced at one another.

“Well, it beats waiting back home,” Aria said.

“And I want tacos!” Sonata cheered.

Adagio sighed, a soft smile crossing her muzzle. “Well, might as well make the most of what we got,” she said, before looking at the ponies. “Thanks.”

As the Sirens drifted off back to the party, Sunset and Starlight watched them go.

“So, what about Chrysalis?” Sunset asked.

Starlight sighed, glancing back towards the hedge maze. A small smile crept onto her muzzle as she looked to Sunset. “Hopefully, she’ll come around.” They turned to walk back to the party. “So, how’s it feel to be back home for the holidays?”

“It feels pretty nice, usual craziness aside,” Sunset said with a chuckle. “And I gotta hand it to you and Twilight: I love what you’ve done with the place.”

They disappeared into the crowd together, ready to enjoy what was left of the holiday truce.

Author's Note:

Date of Creation (D.o.C.): 12/16/23

Merry Jinglemas! The prompt I received was as follows:

Characters: Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer
Notes: I'm perfectly fine with Equestria Girls, Equestria, or an AU setting - pony, human, or anthro. I'm also good for either either friendship or romantic shipping. I'm not requesting these, but if the author wants to do things a mentioned way, I don't mind.

What are the odds I got the same two characters two Jinglemases in a row?

I was a little worried about this one--I wasn't sure there was enough Starlight and Sunset, but I ran it through Shakespearicles and it checked out.

I actually got my inspiration from the Christmas Truce of World War I, which in turn came from an old song I used to listen to growing up called "Snoopy's Christmas." We had it on cassette and it was great--definitely recommend looking it up. It's one of three songs centered around Snoopy and the Red Baron.

The song I listened to while writing this one was "Snowdin Town" from the game, Undertale.

I hope you like your story, DrakeyC!

-yours truly,
The Legendary Bill Cipher, Equestria Enthusiast

Comments ( 4 )

Wow, this was quite the story. So, many little beats throughout. I applaud what you have done here, great holiday piece that is sure to last for for years to come.

“So the only one with a magic rock around here is her,”

This made me stop and do a double take because I've NEVER even thought of the geodes being taken back to Equestria...and then it occurred to me that whenever they crossed over, they didn't have the geodes as ponies. I have many questions now...

To be honest I was disappointed it wasn't really focused on Sunset and Starlight, but they were good supporting cast. And for what it is, I don't mind the Sirens at all, they're great characters too and I liked what you did with them here. The idea of them being rivals with the changelings has never crossed my mind either but it makes perfect sense, so it was interesting watching them and figuring out what their scheme was.

Not quite what I wanted, but unexpectedly enjoyed it just as much all the same, and I mean that in a good way. Thanks very much for the read and the gift. Merry Jinglemas :twilightsmile:

This was lovely Bill. Always love seeing the Sirens return home to Equestria scenario, and I love what you did with it.

Happy Holidays, Bill! :heart::yay:

I'm glad you liked it! Merry Jinglemas. :pinkiesmile:

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