• Published 29th Dec 2023
  • 861 Views, 16 Comments

Twin-Sun Shimmer - Kydopony

Sunset decides to summon some help to research the mirror and ascension. Unfortunately A human soul found it's way in her clone.

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Chapter 2 - Hidden Sun

Chapter 2 - Hidden Sun

A few minutes later you note that, apart from yourself, the library remains empty of occupants. Deciding now would be the best time to act, you leave your hiding spot to look for a few more books to study. The book Sunset had been interested in seems like an obvious choice. Next you gather a book about a powerful relic used by an evil sorcerer named Grogar and a book you can't help but find fascination in yourself about something called the elements of harmony. And finally, a book with a recipe for an age reduction potion.

Before you can begin reading your small collection of books, you hear hooves running back towards the library. In a panic, with books in hoof, you hide in the closest hiding spot you can find. Under the table, right in the middle of the room, covered only by a table cloth. It doesn't take long to find out who's hooves you hear. "Twin-Sun." You hear Sunset call.

You lift the cloth so you and Sunset can see each other. "I'm down here."

Sunset snaps her gaze your way before proclaiming. "I'm leaving through the mirror to search for answers. I need you to continue your own search on this side, understand?"

You nod your head. "Yes ma'am."

Sunset gives a small huff and hardens her gaze at you for a moment before giving a commanding look. "And remember. When we ascend, only then will I adopt you."
Sunset tosses you the cloak she was wearing. "Wear this. You have no cutie mark and I need ponies to believe you are me for as long as possible."

With her commands firmly in your mind, you watch as she steps through the mirror. "Don't worry mom. I'll make you proud." Just as you finish your own proclamation, you hear the frantic clopping of another pony's hooves and drop the cloth to again hide yourself from view.

You hear the other pony stop were you last saw Sunset before then hearing the sound of magic taking shape, or perhaps losing shape. "No!" You hear Celestia scream at which you feel your fear increase. "It can't be closed, not now of all times." You hear the sound of a hoof touching glass. And then you hear sobs. "Sunset. What have I done?" Your fear diminishes as you listen to the sad display. "Stay safe Sunny."

As you hear hoof steps leave the library, you risk a peak to see Celestia leaving, a trail of tears in her wake. Calming yourself, you put on the cloak Sunset gave you and return to your task. You are about to take the books out of the library, when information surfaces, telling you there are enchantments to prevent this or making magical copies of the books themselves. You find some paper and a quill, and summon ink from Sunset's room. You lay yourself down, open the books before you and copy anything you deem important.

After hours of writing you summon a satchel to gather your papers into before casting another spell brought to your mind, this one making it harder for others to notice you. As you step out of the restricted library, you hear your stomach growl as if to beg for food. Spell or no spell, such a noise will make it almost impossible to escape the castle undetected. With little choice other than to move forward, you make your way through the library carefully watching for guards.

You see a unicorn guard standing spear in hoof in front of the entrance. You gather a nearby book in your hoof and chuck it at a bookshelf causing many of it's contents to spill out before ducking behind another. "Huh?" The guard asks before moving to inspect the mess. "What was that noise?"

As the guard searches the library for the perpetrator, you make your way out, and slowly make your way down the hall making sure you are not followed. As you turn around, you give a small gasp as you notice you nearly bumped into a guard...

As you look closer you notice it was just a suit of armor. Sighing in relief, you continue down the hall, taking extra care not to make the same mistake in front of any armor with inhabitants greater than 0.

As you near the exit of the castle you see four guards standing in place. Two outside, and two in the hall leading outside. Thinking this would be the worst time for your stomach to speak it's opinions on the value of your life, you head back toward the kitchen.

You decide to use paper and quill to make an order for what your thoughts tell you is mother's favorite breakfast item, apple fritters, before setting said order on a nearby table. You watch as a waitress comes by your table and take your paper just as your stomach lets her know of it's unwillingness to wait. "Sunset?" The waitress asks. "Didn't the princess banish you?"

You give her a pleading look "Yes." You answer. "But she said I could get something on the way out."

"You really think I'm going to buy that. Especially while your wearing something like that?"


The waitress gives a small sigh. "I'm going to feed you this time. But I'm going to make sure you leave when your done. And don't think the princess isn't going to hear about this."

You nod your head. "Thanks."

As you eat your fritters, the waitress sits with you. "So?" She asks. "What did you do to get kicked out."

"I'm pretty sure what I did is classified information."

"That bad huh?"

You shrug your shoulders. "I think I was trying to learn things she thinks I'm not ready for. I'm not really entirely sure."

"How can you not know what you did?"

You turn your head away from her. "It's complicated."

"I've got time for complicated. I happen to be on brake."

You look back at the waitress with a worried glance. "What do you think Celestia thinks of clones?"

"Clones?" She asks with confusion on her face. "Is that what this is about? I could see why Celestia would be weary of them given how bad a changeling infestation can be, but if we're talking about cloning ones self, I don't see much of a problem with that." She puts a hoof to her muzzle in thought. "But then again, I haven't been around nearly as long as she has, so If she says clones are bad, I guess I'm just going to have to trust her."

You sink a little into your seat "Oh."

"But hey. I bet if you were to tell the princess..."

"NO!" You scream as you jump to your hooves.

The waitress just stares at you a moment in shock. "Now Sunset." She scolds you "This is no time for you to protect your pride. If the princess thinks you've done something wrong, you should at least hear her opinion. Who knows. If you respect her opinions, she may just see were your coming from with yours and change her mind."

Before you can continue your conversation, a guard enters the kitchen to see what the commotion is about. "Sunset?" He proclaims. "The princess has ordered you banished from the castle, please stop procrastinating and leave."

"Huh" You think to yourself. "Did what happened with Mom not reach the rest of the guards yet?"

"Am I going to have to call for the princess?" He threatens.

"No. I'm going." As you leave you notice the guards aren't nearly as interested in you as you had imagined.

Just as you leave the castle, a certain princess makes her way to the kitchen. "Bring me your freshest carrot cake." Celestia orders.

"Good afternoon princess." The waitress greets. "Before I get to your order I feel I must inform you that Sunset was in the kitchen but a moment ago and has only just left the castle."

Celestia looks to the waitress with wide hopeful eyes. "Sunset Shimmer was just here?" Before the waitress can answer, Celestia bols as fast as she can to see her little sun.

As you walk down the concrete path you hear hooves galop your way and look back to see it is Celestia. "Sunset Shimmer." Celestia calls to you. But before she can reach you, you clutch your satchel to your chest and teleport far away almost on instinct.

Author's Note:

I'm trying to show some of Twin-Sun's Knowledge in this chapter along with her inexperience. I'm thinking this story might work better in first or third person. Any thoughts?
Updated this and the previous chapter to reveal Twin-Sun has no cutie mark.