• Published 6th Mar 2024
  • 247 Views, 0 Comments

Tricky Twins - Lulamoon-Crystal

Two cheeky fillies break into the Zephyr Heights palace. Oh no!

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Three ponies roamed Equestria. Pranking at any chance they could. You did not know when they would strike, most the time. The pranks were mostly simple and harmless, however. Like a whoopie cushion or somepony's front door having a silly face on it. So far, the worst was filling the sheriff station with neck deep snow. Hitch did not know how they did it. But they did not go without a warning. They were known as the Tricky Triplets.Despite not being blood-related.

One day. Two of the three ponies were in the city of Zephyr Heights, the third member of their trio having a disgusting cold. So they wanted to make her proud, aiming for the ultimate place to make a prank. The palace!

So the two fillies packed their bags with liquid soap and bubbles and made their way to their destination. The blue pegasus’s name was Blueberry Mash. She had blue fur, similar to her name sake. Her legs faded to a slightly lighter blue and her hooves were close to a dark indigo. Her eyes were purple and her mane was dark blue with hints of a lighter pale blue. She had not earned her cutiemark yet. Like her ‘sister,’ Honeydew Melon.

Honeydew was a light pale green. With ablaze and socks in a colour similar to the outside of a honeydew melon. Her eyes were a slight orange while her mane was amber and pale yellow.

The two ponies had climbed, with Blue mostly carrying Honey. To a window in the palace that was open. As they peeked, there was no guard in the hall where the window led. Which was unexpected but helpful! So they simply flew in with Blue dropping Honey on the ground.

"Ow!" She yelped. "Tiger Fig would not be happy-" She whined.

"Shush!" Hissed Blue, landing beside her and keeping watch. "We need to find the bathroom..." She looked around with ears twitching. Hearing some voices. "I think I know where it is..." She whispered."


"Just follow me..."

The two fillies made their way down the hall.Remaining alert. They were proud of themselves for sneaking through the palace. Preparing for a very mischevious event. Blueberry stopping herself from chucking and getting more excited as they got closer. Watching as the Queen left the bathroom to grab a fresh towel. Two guards following her. Honeydew grew little concerned as they sneaked into the bathroom.

“Doesn’t your sister work here as a guard? What if we get her in trouble?”

Blueberry waved her hoof around. “Don’t worry! We won't!" She assured as she went to the tub and started squirting liquid soap down it. "Besides. Why would she get in trouble if there is no proof we did it? We will leave uncaught!"

"If you say so..." Sighed Honey as she squirted some down the sink.

The two fillies made sure to empty each bottle.Turning on the taps slightly before leaving. Not long before the queen returned. Luckily they were not spotted or heard. But there were tracks on the ground one of the guards noticed.

The two fillies just had run around the corner in the Zephyr Heights palace and laughed loudly as the Queen exclaimed in shock down the hall. It caught the attention of a few nearby guards. The blue pegasus filly laughed even louder when the bathroom door burst open, flooding the hallway with bubbles.

"I think this was kinda... Mean?" Honey said softly. Seeing the bubbles that were still pouring out the bathroom.

"Besides, you remember what Jazz Apple says?”

“A good prank is always a funny prank. No matter what…” Honey repeated the words of Jazz Apple. Who would complete the trio if she was present. Honey wondered if this quote was even true, it did not feel like it. But Apple did say that a very famous pony said it a lot and Sesame Avenue also taught it was the case. Honey had not know who this pony was or watched the episode yet. But it must be true, right?

Meanwhile, with the bathroom. Out came the queen. Sopping wet and covered bubbles, she looked quite annoyed, not angry. Just annoyed.

”Guards!” She shouted.

The two pranksters ran off, escaping the palace without being discovered. As she ran past guards that were too distracted. One guard saw them and guessed they were lost. So they escorted both out without any drama.Besides asking them who their family was and where they were. Blueberry stopped Honey from answering and both ran away.

“Oh boy!” Blueberry grinned, proud of what she did.

A week later. They both sneaked into the castle again. Sneaking past the guards was easily, like some sort of quest in a videogame. You just had to stay out of their way and remain quiet and hidden.

It worked! Unless it’s that blue guard with purple eyes. Blueberry’s biological sister. That mare is really observant, and if she caught Blueberry, she wound be a small filly in big trouble. So both of them made their way to the throne room, quickly preparing another prank. Honey felt it was rather complex of a prank with all the containers, objects and wires. But did as she was told.

Blueberry, however, smirked knew the queen simply laughed off her prank from the week before. Who wouldn’t? Honeydew was not as sure, but if Blueberry was saying it was okay, then it was. It must be. She knows everything about Pranks. Not as much as Apple, but this would make her proud.

So another prank shouldn’t hurt, right? This one was more of a show. The queen was going to get the largest supply of ice cream. All over her! Free rubber spiders and a free mustache to go with it. No harm in that, right? After she had placed and prepared all the wires and such in the throne room, she made sure to hide behind a plot plant with Honeydew. Knowing the queen was going to enter any moment.

She held in her snickers as her victim opened the doors. Honeydew sighed and hoped she would not be hurt in any way. The prank can’t be dangerous, right? The queen was chatting away on her phone to someone. It wasn’t important to the fillies. So they didn’t really pay attention to that. Anyway, a wide grin appeared on her face as the queen’s hooves snapped the first wire that was on the ground.

“Oh dear, what was that?” She looked down. Before she could say anything else. The two guards pushed her out the way.

”Your highness! Look-“

Then there was a giant splash of icecream that fell from above onto the two guards who had taken the hit instead. Covering them. A few drops, however, splashed on Queen Haven as she looked in shock. She looked up at the huge tub that was hanging upside down, then back at her guards. Who were wiping the ice cream from themselves. Well, Thunder was licking his hooves. While Zoom was flicking the stuff from her. Wondering who could have done this.

She was not happy the slightest as the cold goop soaked her mane and tail. Some even managing to get to her mane under her helmet. It was disgusting!

Haven was glad neither of them seemed hurt. But being covered in ice cream cannot be pleasant.

“Oh dear! Are you two alright? Who was that?” The queen said with worry. Keeping Cloudpuff from eating the ice cream. She did not want him getting sick.

“Perhaps some sort of ambush from an enemy, your highness…” Zoom guessed. “Who else would do such thing?” As Thunder stepped forward to look for any clues. He snapped another wire, yelping as he ducked a jack-in-the-box that was on the ground. But it was a punching glove that shout out instead that slapped a mustache on his forehead instead of the muzzle, since he was ducking.

”What the?” He looked up at it and pulled to it off, smiling slightly as he playfully put the mustache on his own muzzle. Looking cheerfully at Zoom. Forgetting the fact he was nearly possibly punched by a stupid toy. “Look Zoom-“

“Not now, Thunder.” She scolded him as she searched room with her eyes. Thunder sighing in sadness as the mustache fell off. Becoming unusable as it got soaked in melted ice cream.

As Queen Haven stepped back. She stepped on a button. Which caused little rubber spiders to fall all over her. Which made her scream so loud, it echoed down the hall. Zoom hurried to calm her down and remove each spider by sweeping them off.

“Are you alright, majesty?” Asked Zoom.

“Y-yeah. Thankfully they are just rubber spiders….” She shivered. “They gave me a fright…”

Zoom looked at the wires. “We need to remove these carefully, your highness. We don’t know what over hidden traps are around…” She grunted. “I advise you stay somewhere safe for now..”

Haven nodded as a result. Thunder went with her as Zoom scouted the room for any more wires or traps. Her body was dripping with ice cream as she flew through the room. After safety disabling each wire, she found a pale blue feather behind a potted plant. The prankster. She felt like this was familiar…

But lucky for her, the responsible did leave some chocolate covered hoof prints behind. Creating a trail down the hall. Zoom smirked as she began to follow it. “Aha!”

Blueberry was laughing around the corner. She sneaked out after the queen and Thunder. Completely not caught! The whole thing was a blast! Sure she didn't get much ice cream on the queen. But she sure did give her and her guards a surprise! Honeydew was looking gloomy.

“Oh boy, that was good!” She told herself. Smiling as she opened her purple, glittery back pack to get something out. “I even recorded it.

“Don’t you think we kind of went too far this time?” Honey asked. “I know what Apple said. But I just think either the mustache or spiders would have been enough…” She looked worried.

“Nah! No one was hurt, right?” She asked. Facing Honey. “It was just a prank...”

“I know but I kinda feel…” Honey said before looking up with a shocked expression.

“Feel what?” Blueberry tilted her head. “What is it?” She asked before her face slowly turning to horror as she felt a cold, ice cream covered hoof touch her on the shoulder. She had just been caught, hadn't she? She shivered as she heard a familiar voice.

“Oh really?”

She looked up at the guard who was covered in ice cream. Looking very displeased with her, pouting slightly. Completely covered in ice cream. Blueberry could not help but smirk at the mare, not her target, but still funny. If only she had not gotten caught.

Besides, this guard was likely was just going to escort her out the palace. Unless she took her to the queen and have a special punishment decided. But why would she be punished? It was just a prank. Pranks are funny!

”Oh hey there?” Blueberry acted innocent.

“Don’t act innocent. I know it was you!”

Honey gulped as she cowered, watching as Blueberry rolled her eyes and scoff. What could Zoom possibly do to her? It was just a silly prank. What Zoom said next made Honey a bit scared. ”Do you have any idea what happens when a filly assaults the queen?” Her voice was cold and bitter. Zoom was a very strict guard when the moment comes. She does everything commanded to her and takes every duty seriously.

“I’m sure she loved it and is laughing! Just like the bubbles!” Blueberry responded with confident. Only to be pulled away, with Honey willingly obeying and following her. Perhaps she needed to be punished, too.

Much to Blueberry’s dismay and Honey’s expectations. The queen did not even smile. In fact, it was basically the opposite. She was really crossed about the prank, telling her it wasn’t a prank and actually an assault. Giving her a lecture on what makes a prank a good prank and what makes a prank a bad prank. As a warning and punishment. Both fillies were given a 1 hour time-out. After they clean up the mess with help of Zoom and Thunder

But first, they had to wait for Thunder and Zoom to shower and clean their guard uniforms first. Which took a bit of time. They waited in the hall, under supervision of two other guards.

“Can you belive it!” Shouted Blueberry. Getting up off her butt. “Zoom is such a buzzkill!”

Honey poked her hooves together and looked up at her. “We kinda did deserve it. After all, the queen did say she was aware of our prank record…”

“Screw her!” Screamed Blueberry as she kicked the wall. “Actually. Don’t…” She scoffed then kicked the wall again. “Screw Zoom! Of course she turned us in! She is such a- Tapdancing pinecone with nutmeg ego egg!” She screamed, not knowing any rude words at the moment.

“Hey!” Honey quietly defended. “She is just doing what she knows is right. It is her job!”

“To ruin our plans!?” she shouted before slamming onto her butt. “I hate her!”

Honey disagreed. Zoom had a reason and it was acceptable. She was doing her job. She was in the right and they were in the wrong. Sure, she was strict, but she seemed really dedicated to her royal duties. Which is a good thing.

Once both the guards returned, Zoom looked pretty grumpy as she approached them. “Blueberry, Honey. Come with me!” She ordered. Both fillies getting up and following her and Thunder. Who was carrying a box of cleaning supplies, buckets and mops.

Zoom grunted, walking next to both, making sure neither filly tried and get away. “This place has to end up looking the same before you booby trapped it like a su-“ She then paused for a second as she realised what she was about to say. “-Silly filly…” She groaned as she and Thunder opened the dorrs to the throne room. Watching as Honey gasped in horror as a mess. Thunder seemed a little bad for Honey, Zoom did not blame him. There were times where she seemed she did not want to do any pranks.

“Who’s your guardians anyway? They have to be alerted of this…” She said as she grabbed the mop and a bucket she and Thunder brought with them. “I know who yours are, Blueberry.”

“No clue.” Honey responded

”So, they’re in Maretine Bay or Bridlewood?” Zoom asked as she raised her eye brow in confusion. Dipping her mop into the bucket of warm soapy water. Before she began to mop the ground. Blueberry had also started to do the same. Groaning as she did so.

“No. Neither of those places.” Honey quietly responded.

Thunder gasped, putting a hoof on his chest, fearing the worst. “They’re not… dead, right?”

“I don’t think so…”

”Then… Where are they?” Zoom asked, confused.

“They are very busy and only come home occasionally. I can give you their phone numbers! Can I text you them?” Honey asked.

“No. Just tell me and I’ll write them down.”

“Alright.” Honey said before proceeding to tell them. Zoom putting them in her phone to contact later. Meanwhile, Blueberry had found the rubber spiders and were washing them in a bucket of water. Putting them in a Ziploc bag that was given to her.

Thunder sighed as he put his mop away. “Well, that took a while…”

Blueberry groaned as Zoom confiscated the rubber spiders. Very unpleased with her. “Time for your time out!” She alerted in a serious tone. Leading her down the hall.

“Ugh… Fine!” Blueberry groaned. She kinda did not want to make her anymore angry than she already was.

Speaking of Zoom, soon enough, she stopped in her tracks. She grunted as Blueberry, not paying attention, walking right into her hind leg.

“Hey! Move it!” Blueberry shouted as she slapped her flank hard. Hard enough to make her flinch. Honey gasped in concern, finding that really cruel. Why would she slap her for? Zoom had to stop herself from giving her a hard shove with her hoof. It was not gonna be great if she hit her back, even on instinct. So all she did as a result as point inside of the empty cell.

“Get in.” She bluntly responded, eyeing Blueberry sternly as Thunder worriedly looked at the slap mark on her butt. It really looked like it hurt her a lot. Good thing she knew how to properaly react.

The cell was a lot bigger than either filly imagined. It was more decorated too! She could see that it had a recliner, fruit bowel and looked more like a room to rest in rather than a jail cell. Which was kind of odd. But Zoom did call it “time-out in a cell” after all and not saying they were being arrested.

“Ahem!” Zoom coughed as she began to walk inside. Blueberry groaned as she left her bag with Thunder as requested, as Zoom wanted to confiscate it for a little while.

“What now?” Blueberry sighed, looking up at her “I gave Greeny the bag, as you asked me to…”

All Zoom did was scoff. “Just. Behave.”

As They were put in the cell and shut in. Zoom stood in front of it, with a serious expression. Luckily for Honey, there were some paper and crafting stuff in the cell. Placed there for her by the queen. Since they were just children. Honey wanted to do some, but noticed Zoom was about to soak. So she decides to listen to what she said. Even if it did not concern her.

”Blueberry. You’re lucky you’re a filly. Any adult or teen wouldn’t be getting off this easily. This is to teach you.” Zoom informed.

Blueberry rolled her eyes and grabbed a piece of paper. Watching as Zoom turned her back towards her. A smirk appeared on her face as she grabbed some glue and a pen. Honey was also drawing stuff. She was not good at it, but she was drawing something she was very interested in. Bikes! Motorbikes, dirtbikes, unicycles and more! She liked sports that dealt with bikes. She watched bike races of all kinds. When given the chance, she would play a bike racing arcade game in the arcade!

Blueberry was being a little cheeky now. First. She drew a pair of eyes on the paper. They weren’t perfect, but she tried. She gave them purple pupils and black irises. Of course she also eyelashes. Next she drew an open smile, drawing in some teeth at the top and a tongue and the bottom, the tongue was drawn like the moth was poking its tongue out. She coloured the mouth in, trying to not giggle as a result.

Then she cut the pieces out and slowly went to the bars with the tube of glue. Glueing the pieces, smothering the back side in glue. Ignoring any that got on her hooves. Zoom’s butt was up against the bars. So this would be easy. She gently got the paper through the bars and aimed exactly where she wanted to put it.

As soon as Zoom’s butt was touched. She warned. “Watch it!” Then she looked at Thunder who walked over to her. Looking a little comfused at her shouting. Then saw the reason.

”Sorry. Just got a bug …” She lied

Zoom rolled her eyes. “I feel like i do not belive you.”

”Oh, alright!” She pretended to agree.

But it was a short while until Zoom’s wings twitched and she looked behind her. Her butt was touched again. “Hey, don’t touch my butt, please!” She exclaimed to the filly. She turned around to see what Blueberry was doing, who simply raced to another piece of paper and innocently acted like she was drawing the whole time.

”What butt?” Blueberry snickered a little. Her friends was ignoring her and doing her own thing.

Thunder then looked at Zoom’s butt and tried to not snicker as a result. The eyes were a little crooked, making the face look derpy. While the mouth was right on Zoom’s tail. “Butt face…” he snickered a little.

“Thunder! Be serious!” Zoom shouted, annoyed as she turned around. After a few minutes, she stomped her hoof as Thunder started to chuckle. He was watching as Blueberry started writing on her butt! “Oi!” She exclaimed as a result. Stepping forward a bit and turning around to keep an eye on the filly.

He chuckled as he saw what she wrote. “Zoom butt?”

“That’s enough butt jokes!” She exclaimed, annoyed. Putting her face up against the cell. Seeing the naughty little filly with hooves behind her back. Staring at her innocently. Ignoring the grumpy face.

“Ms Zipper-wings… I have a request…” She said after a pause.

She rolled her eyes as she looked down at her who was giving her a cute face. Before she knew it, a crudely drawn mustache was slapped on her face. “Lighten up!”

Thunder snickered a little as a result as he watched poor Zoom deal with these nonsense things. It was clear she was having enough, however. “Are you asking to be banned from the palace? Not like you should even be here in the first place!”

“You’re just a Gloomy Gloom Gloomywing.”

Thunder grew concerned as she watched how annoyed his friend was getting with this filly. “Okay. I think you should stop!” He explained. “This isn’t funny anymore.”

Stardust looked at him. “Alright, Green Thunder!” She grinned.

”Green Thunder?” Thunder said quietly.

Zoom grunted as the filly blew a raspberry at her. “Hey! We royal guards deserve respect, too!”

All Thunder did was watch helplessly as Blueberry continued to insult Zoom. Who had a trick up her sleeves, which she did not have. But whatever.

“I know you are going to watch a basketball match soon.” Zoom smirked.

“Uh… Mind your buisness-“ Blueberry growled.

“If you keep treating us with disrespect. You won’t be going. So you better change your attitude, young mare!”

There was silence as Blueberry gulped. Not wanting to miss this so much! She got them fairly herself. Why would she suggest such a thing? She was such a jerk! “I brought these tickets myself!” She shouted.

Zoom wondered where she got the money from. There was no records of any major robberies caused by her, so she did not steal a bank. Did she earn up enough for one all on her own? Unless her parents or someone else brought it for her and she is lying.

“Well. Insulting any member of royal family or palace staff. including guards can come with punishment if you do not stop when told! So I can raise the time out time and you miss the game!”

“You wouldn’t dare…”

Then behave!” Zoom shouted. "You are lucky I did not make your stay here any longer!"

Blueberry and Honey were quiet for the rest of the time. They were escorted off palace grounds without and trouble. With Blue making it to the game on time while Honey, went to the arcade and play a dirt bike video game instead. Having a more fun time than she had earlier with Blue!

While Zoom informed both Honey and Blue’s parents of their actions. Sitting in the throne room texting Honey’s about what happened. Then she rung up Blue’s parents.

“Hey... Yeah. Blueberry- Mother- I am at work! I need to inform you about Blueberry. Who broke into the palace unauthorised and annoyed the queen today. She-“

Then there was a pause as Zoom made a shocked face. Thunder and Haven stayed quiet. Minding their own business.

“I am not!” She shouted into the phone then groaned. “She made a mess with ice cream in the throne room and- She- She has done nasty stuff after breaking into the palace!” Then there was a long sigh. “Fine. I love you too, bye.” Then the phone hung up and Zoom groaned.

“Zoom?” Questioned Thunder.

“Focus on your duties, Thunder!” Zoom scolded.

He nodded and stayed quiet. Wondering what was going on with her and her family. But it was none of his business. Maybe it just seemed bad today. He maybe should not judge based on one day. Maybe her mother was too busy to talk to her. Hopefully that was the case.

It was only a few days until they stuck again. Zoom groaned as she saw large writing on the castle wall in the garden. "Blue Rules. Zoom Drools!" It said. Luckily, the paint was the type that washed off easily with soap and water. So all she had to do was wash it off with soap and water.

Which would have been easy if Blueberry did not ambush her with water balloons and water guns. By herself this time. She shrieked as she felt the cold water hit her.

"Blueberry!" She shouted as she chased her out the castle grounds.

Who knows what other mischief Blueberry will cause her sister in the future.

Author's Note:

This idea was cancelled and have been focused on Stardust pranking the queen. Then meeting Zoom and Thunder and getting punished, which would explain her dislike for her. (While she trusts and likes the other side characters I like)

But I revived the idea with plans of two new OCs instead (Well, three. But she does not appear and was only mentioned)
Blueberry being Zoom’s annoying little sister was just a thing I decided to do in the story. But this idea is not final.

Blueberry: *Annoys Zoom


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