• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014
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Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna dance | https://ko-fi.com/chillybook


The Rainbooms are heroes. They always do the right thing.

Sometimes, doing the right thing is horrible.

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Chapters (5)
Comments ( 45 )

I'm a little confused, is this Hero's Guilt? Did the girls finally learn that you can't always save everyone?

A bit of all of that, yes. Largely, it's a story about guilt, mourning, grief, and living with the consequences of doing "the right thing".

On a lower level, it's about how a group of friends cope when something terrible happens to them

This is a very interesting concept. Most of the times in stories as long as a hero has good intentions they are in the right and everything works out, but this seems different. I’m very curious on where a story like this will go.

This was... powerfully real.

I wonder though:

Did the kid get killed by the girls or did he get killed before they could save him?

will we find out the whole story of what went down i wanna say dark magic and an innocent boy who meddled with things should left right alone

I know Anger is a stage of Grief... but damn...

"Don't care. He was dangerous, and we had to do something. Hell, we should've done more, earlier." It sounds messed up, but it's true. We still use training bullets, but the enemy is firing live rounds. Of course people are going to get hurt. "We keep giving these magical maniacs a slap on the wrist and sending them in their way, but I guarantee you that if what happened to the kid had happened to Gloriosa, or Vignette, or the Dazzlings, then Ginseng wouldn't have even tried us.

"You forgot two people," she says dryly. I tilt my head, confused, and she stands up to meet me. "All those horrible bad guys you say we should have killed. You conveniently forgot two from your list."

It takes a sec, but I finally get what she's implying, and it takes every ounce of restraint I have not to curse her out.

"That's different and you know it," I say.

"No. It's not different. They're all magic, all dangerous, and they all threatened the world. So why not kill them all?"


"No, no, you're right! If we would've just killed Sunset way back at the Formal, none of this would've happened!" For once in her life, Fluttershy puts some bass in her voice, some fire in her soul. I've always wanted that passion and intensity out of her. Now, it's pissing me off. "That's what you want us to be? A gang of killers who shoot down anyone we don't like before they cause us any trouble?"

Fluttershy hit the nail on the head here. By Rainbow's logic ever one of the magically powered antagonists they've faced should of been vaporized via rainbow friendship laser. It's also notable that with the exception of the Dazzlings, all the others reformed and are either friends with the Rainbooms or at the least on good terms. Granted we don't know the full story on the kid that died yet but Rainbow is really being insensitive not only to Fluttershy's but the others feelings as well.

"You forgot two people," she says dryly. I tilt my head, confused, and she stands up to meet me. "All those horrible bad guys you say we should have killed. You conveniently forgot two from your list."


Hey, chillbook1 here, commenting from my alt because I'm on mobile and too lazy to switch accounts.

The two people that Shy is referring to here are Sunset Shimmer and Sci-Twi. They were two villains that The Rainbooms fought and, following Rainbow's line of reasoning, "should have" killed.

Oh yeah. I forgot about twilight.

Rainbow Dash may OR may not be right. Once we learn all the facts and context surrounding the villain, only then can we determine if Rainbow is correct or not. Because, let's face it, there are people in the world that need to be removed from society in order to protect the innocent.

both of them were at fault one dash was insensitive but then Fluttershy has to realize people could have been killed. while we do not know the whole story the kid wasn't going to back down and was not showing remorse for his actions. So Flutters a young girl is probably confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life after he attacked everyone, but it's okay he did not know better he was just sad and needed to talk. fuck off fluttershy. the safety of everyone else was paramount. if he had not been taken down more innocent people would have been hurt or possibly even worse.

Honestly, I’ve heard this argument a lot over the years I’ve been in the fandom. Fans would say that this character deserves this or that but don’t say the same about a character who did the same or worse because they like them.

Not wrong, but I really need to hear the full story as well.

There’s some truth to what you’re saying.

Ngl I completely missed the Incomplete marking on the first chapter and thought it was a one-shot. This clears things up a little more.

The girls need to realize that all this time, they've gotten far too lucky. Everyone they've faced has either reformed or became powerless. Not a single person, opponent or bystander, has died on their watch.

They've never had to learn the cold truth of being a hero... until now.

This is the infamous double standard that plagues Anon-a-Miss fics.

Yeah, I love situations where they can’t fix their problems with rainbow lasers.

Rainbow does have a point, but I think she took it waaaaay too far.

Gave this a closer reread and I have to say that both are in the wrong here.

Rainbow Dash has gravely misunderstood her responsibility as a hero. She doesn't realize it's not just about saving as many lives as they can, but also paying the price for those that they can't save.

Fluttershy is a coward. She thinks she's a monster for what they did, but abandoning her responsibility will make her a real monster.

Yeah, saying that the boy should’ve died is also hypocritical.

“A bit, yes. Been running some calculations, reviewing the footage, doing tests,” says Sci, completely oblivious. Bless her heart, she’s always had trouble picking up what I’m putting down. “Trying to figure out what went wrong. I have some programs running in the lab, I’m just trying to get my data together so I can…” She looks up slowly, and this look washes over her. Like she just remembered I was standing there in the cold. “Do… Do you want to come in? I can make coffee?”

She make it sound like an accident. I assumed that they killed him on purpose, but this is interesting.

“That sounds nice. Right behind ya, Sci!” For some reason, Sci-Twi pauses for a second before stepping aside and letting me follow her into her house. I’m not sure what that’s about, but I don’t say anything about it. Not yet, anyhow. "Sorry I took so long to get to you. I wanted to see everyone one-on-one, and that means someone had to be last."

I wish we saw that.

"But it's me. It has to be me. I'm the outsider, I'm the one who doesn't belong. I'm a spare cog in this machine, not the right size, and things went off the rails." I can hear the tears rising up in her voice, and I reach out for her. She pulls away, almost sliding out of her seat to get away. “I’m only here because The Rainbooms need a Twilight, anyway. If Princess Twilight was here, Scootaloo wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Ginseng would still be alive.”

Why don’t you check yourself first before coming to that conclusion.

Well, I definitely appreciate the slightly more lighthearted note after what went down last chapter. If anyone's gonna end up talking some sense into the rest of the girls, it'll most likely be Pinkie.

We still need to see the battle and Ginseg's motivations before we can draw any conclusions. Oh no, this better not be one of those open ended stories where the author doesn't tell us what happened. It's the author's job to tell us what happened, so I hope we are given that information
Also, speaking of Twilight, she should know about this.

Turns out, Humans in this universe were not ready for magic.

They may never be ready. Now, they'll never know.

Worse still, The Rainbooms, as it turns out, have killed four people and not just one.

Now, Sunset has taken the road of isolation, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are divided by their anger, Applejack and Rarity have been drawn closer by their shared grief, Sci-Twi believes herself unnecessary to the group, and Pinkie Pie is hellbent on bringing the girls back together.

I wish them all luck.

“Can't say I condone killing a kid in cold blood, but hey.” Aria shrugs, every word out of her mouth making me froth inside. The way she talks about Ginseng, so callous, so casual, it gets me closer and closer to punching her lights out. “I bet you wouldn't keep getting attacked by magical monsters if you guys would've quit with the half-measures earlier.”

She’s not entirely wrong.

“Four, you mean.” All eyes are suddenly on Sonata, who had managed to stay mostly quiet. She mainly fiddls on her phone, and it takes a few seconds of our stunned silence before she looks up, just as bemused as the rest of us. “What? It's obvs not just us you're mad at. You were already drinking before we saw you, can't blame it all on us.”

Wow, didn’t know sonata had some brain.

“Shut up, Aria.” To my surprise, and I think Aria's too, Sonata speaks up again. She's still buried in her phone, but she rolls her eyes at her sister's antics. “I don't really like cheater-pants here either, but lay off. She might, like, off herself or something.”

Yay Sonata!!!

“We all knew that what we were doing was wrong. Ginseng… I'm not so sure. Those kids at school, they were brutal to him.” They treated him so badly, and we just stood there and watched. I could've done something, anything, but I didn't. “He was fighting back. And yeah, he went about it the wrong way, but maybe if we would've done something different…”

Ok I’m starting to be on ginseng side.

They're lying. They have to be lying. We didn't… we couldn't have… No. No, it's not a lie. We hurt them. Maybe that's all we ever did. Just hurt people we should be helping. Save the day? Maybe. But then we leave people like The Dazzlings behind. Our actions have consequences, and we never cared to deal with them.

That’s an interesting premise.

“You've been through a lot, hm? Well, Sunset. Let me give you some advice.” Adagio stands up and throws a $20 onto the table. “Forget about us. Forget about the kid. Start over. Move on with your life. I'm going to call you a cab, and then, hopefully, we never see each other again.”

Sometimes you shouldn’t forget.

I read Ginseng’s… manifesto, for want of a better word. I'm sure you've all seen it by now, so I won't put you all through that again. What matters is that Ginseng was a troubled, haunted soul, and you all did everything you could for him. Sunset seemed to blame herself, but you all did everything right. Some people just can't be helped, because they don't want to be.

Based on what sunset said they could’ve helped him but chose not to.

By closing the Mirror, this will stop any Equestrian magic from spreading in your world. It will also kill off any Equestrian magic that’s already here. This means your powers will fade in a matter of weeks, although based on what I’ve heard, some of you may prefer it that way. Obviously, in addition to your powers being gone, this would also make it impossible for another Ginseng Incident to occur. You won’t have to worry about a tragedy like this ever again. Of course, this means that the journals will no longer function as communication devices, so you won’t be able to contact me again. I don’t expect that you’d want to. Perhaps someday, when I find a way to make things right for your world, I can reopen the Mirror and apologize face-to-face. For now… I hope this letter will do.

Is it that simple?

I wouldn’t say the world isn’t ready. Just certain people weren’t.


That's all they are. Just a bunch of cowards. Taking the easy, painless road and giving up instead of facing what's haunting them and powering through. Disgusting.

While I probably wouldn’t call them cowards I do agree to a certain extent. Sometimes you have to face a problem no matter how hard it is.

You don't call them cowards??? Sunset is banishing herself, and Princess Twilight is stripping the girls of their power and their contact with her without their consent.

Well, when you put it like that it does sound bad.

So, what? GIinseg went on a killing spree because he was bullied? He didn't even need magic to do that, assuming guns exist. And I still don't get why the Rainbow Power killed Ginseg instead of just depositing him, so this whole story falls flat.

Ginseng's murderous intent likely came from the magic that possessed him.

Maybe he had the killing intent before the magic came along. I don’t think magic affects your behavior. Maybe it just enhances what’s already there.

This is intense, good work

I like serious Pinkie

That's not a solution you idiot, you're cutting them off.

This story is largely about how good people react when terrible things happen. It's not always going to be what an outside onlooker would consider to be the "right" thing to do.

I think a lot of readers have misunderstood, my intention with this story wasn't to convince you that anyone did the right thing, or that anyone did the wrong thing. I don't necessarily want to make you agree with their decisions, just empathize with the difficulty of reaching them

Ohh. I understand, now. Kind of like how some people process grief differently.

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