• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 339 Views, 3 Comments

A Crusader Love Added - Big Imagination E

After Spike and Rainbow returned they go camping and Scootaloo develops a crush on Spike. Will he accept her?

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Camping and A New Lover.

I bet you wanna know what's happening. Well lemme help you catch up. Last time we saw Spike feeling alone at the wedding and wanted a loved one. Then Rainbow of all ponies confessed that she had a crush on him. They both enjoy the company and surprisingly got invited to the honeymoon by Cadence and Shining Armor themselves. They both enjoyed a day at the spa and shared a dance. They even had a little fun in the bedroom. Now they returned to Ponyville and we will start our story.

A was a bright sunny day in Ponyville and everyone was enjoying the weather. We even see Spike and Rainbow walking enjoying their company. Even snagging a few kisses now and then. While they were walking an orange filly with purple hair was riding her scooter. Her name is Scoolatoo. But then she caught her eye on Spike and started to fall in love. But she wasn't paying attention and crashed into a stack of hay. That didn't bother her as she sighed lovingly. Back with Rainbow and Spike she wanted to ask him something.

"Hey Spike? Can I ask you something?" Rainbow wondered.

"Sure babe. What is it?" Spike asked.

"Well. Ever since the honeymoon I feel like I wanna spend more time with you. So I was wondering you want to go camping with me, Rarity, Applejack and their little sisters?" Rainbow answered.

"Sure Rainbow. I love to go camping. I'll have to ask Twilight." Spike responded.

Rainbow hugged her boyfriend and said goodbye as she went to go packing. Spike asked Twilight if he can go and Twilight permit Spike to go with Rainbow Dash on the camping trip. Since he's her boyfriend it was only fair. The others were packing up for the trip too. But Rarity didn't want to go camping. Luckily for Sweetie Belle she used the puppy eyes and convinced her to come along.

Soon everyone is walking in the woods heading out to find a camping spot.

"All right y'all. Got everything ready?" Applejack asked.

"Yep. Got the bug spray and everything else you asked for." Apple Bloom answered.

"Looks like were all ready." Applejack said.

Then they all saw a cart with dozens of cases. Turns out Rarity packed almost everything in her house while Sweetie Belle was carrying it.

"Hey!" Rarity greeted.

"Gee, Rarity, did you remember to pack?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, well, let's see who gets the last laugh when you're absolutely desperate to curl your lashes, and you realize you didn't bring your eyelash curler." Rarity responded.

"Well, looks like we're all set now." Applejack said.

"But what about Rainbow Dash? Isn't Rainbow Dash coming?" Scootaloo asked.

"Course she is, sugarcube. She's gonna meet us up at our first campsite. And she has her boyfriend Spike with her." Applejack answered.

"Oh." Scootaloo blushed.

"Alright, y'all, let's move 'em out!" Applejack shouted and the crowd headed off.

Soon everyone was heading in the direction of where the first campsite was. But had to deal with Rarity's complaining through the whole trip. And that was annoying as heck.

"Oh, are we there yet?" Rarity whined.

"The last thousand times you asked that, the answer was no. This time, it's actually yes. There's Rainbow Dash and Spike up there right now." Applejack answered.

And sure enough she was right. Spike and Rainbow were waiting as they helped everyone get unpacked and settled. Meanwhile Scootaloo went to Spike and talked to him.

"Hey Spike. I'm so glad to be joining you and Rainbow on this camping trip. Are you excited?" Scootaloo said.

"Yes I am. You excited about this camping trip?" Spike asked.

"Yes. And maybe you and I can get to know each other?" Scootaloo wondered.

"Sure. I like that very much." Spike smiled.

Soon everyone finished unpacking and Rainbow tells Scootaloo that they will be sharing a tent along with Spike. Scootaloo blushed and smiled knowing she'll get to know him better. At night, Rainbow tells the ponies a scary campfire story about The Olden Pony. Much of it is told offscreen. When she finishes, Rainbow Dash imitates The Olden Pony and asks, "Who's got my rusty horseshoe?" She scares the Crusaders by shouting that they do. Scootaloo mocks their fear while badly concealing her own in an attempt to impress Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash leaves Scootaloo outside the tent. Scootaloo’s fears become more real when she is alone. She quickly enters the tent and falls asleep. Scootaloo “wakes up” when she hears a pony's voice outside. When she exits the tent, Applejack and Rarity's tents are gone. Scootaloo runs out of the clearing. When she looks back, she sees The Olden Pony following her.

Run away, Scootaloo!

Scootaloo slows down and comes face-to-face with The Olden Pony when she turns around. When the pony asks about her horseshoe, Scootaloo gallops back to the campsite. On the way back, she sees Princess Luna in the trees. Scootaloo returns to the tent and finds that The Olden Pony has taken Rainbow Dash’s place.

Scootaloo wakes up from the nightmare and attempts to prevent herself from going back to sleep. Spike woke up and saw Scootaloo all scared.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Spike asked.

"No. I'm not. I'm scared that the Olden Pony is gonna get me." Scootaloo said.

"Hey it's ok. It's only make believe. How about you come rest with me? I'll make sure that no Olden Pony gets you." Spike offered.

Scootaloo blushed and smiled at Spike. She went to him and cuddled with him knowing that now she'll be safe. Rainbow turned and cuddled Spike. When she noticed Scootaloo is there she wanted to yell. But realized that she's a little scared so decided to let her be.

The next day we see everyone heading out to the next campsite. Scootaloo sleeps in the cart as the ponies continue traveling. She wakes up when Applejack mentions that they may not reach the campsite before dark. Scootaloo rushes to check the path ahead and pokes fun at her fellow Crusaders' fear.

Scootaloo has a difficult time staying awake when traveling ahead on the path. Considering the nightmare really got to her good it was impossible to be fully awake. She eventually returns to the other ponies. Worried, Applejack walks with Scootaloo, who is extremely jumpy. Scootaloo denies Applejack's concerns and moves away to pull the cart.

Then everyone stop for the night in a large cave, and Scootaloo collects firewood. She only gathers a small amount because she is frightened by eyes she sees in the forest. At the campfire, Scootaloo unsuccessfully attempts to tell a happy story. Rainbow tells the story of The Headless Horse despite Applejack’s interjections. When Rainbow finishes, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are frightened by the sparks from the fire. However, they quickly realize there's nothing to be afraid of. But that didn't make Scootaloo feel better as the second nightmare started.

This one was about the Headless Pony and boy it scared her even more now. So much that she ran out of the camp to try and get away from the monster. It only woke up Spike and Rainbow as they groaned from their beauty sleep.

"Man. Who is screaming like that? Don't they realize it's really late?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes babe." Spike answered and saw the empty sleeping bag. "Um where's Scootaloo?"

"Scootaloo is missing? Spike we gotta go find her!" Rainbow declared.

The two got up and headed out to find Scootaloo. With her she kept running to escape the Headless Pony. She got on her scooter and rode as fast she went. She slides down a hill and toward a river canyon when her scooter hits a rock. When she falls into the river, it carries her toward a waterfall. Spike and Rainbow saw her riding the current and Rainbow flew right after her with Spike hanging on and scooped her out of the water. She thanked her for rescuing her but Rainbow needed answers.

"What are you doing out in the middle of the night?! You could have died if I didn't save you!" Rainbow shouted.

"Whoa babe calm down. Scootaloo. Can you tell us why you were out in the middle of the night?" Spike asked.

Scootaloo cried a little but decided to tell them the truth.

"Rainbow I'm so sorry. I just wanted to impress you by being brave. But the truth is I'm scared. After all those spooky stories you told us I was pretending to be brave. I'm sorry if I wasn't really honest with you Rainbow. And as for Spike I grew some feelings for him. But after hearing he's dating I didn't know what else to do." Scootaloo confessed.

The two took it all in processing everything she said. Then Rainbow came to her.

"Scootaloo. You didn't need to pretend to be brave. If you were scared why didn't you tell me?" Rainbow asked.

"Because I was afraid that you would call me a fraidy pony if I did." Scootaloo answered.

"Scootaloo look at me. I would never call you that. It's perfectly normal to be scared sometimes. In fact I was a little nervous when I wanted to confess my feelings to Spike. But I overcame my fears and now he and I are two peas in a pod. So you didn't need to pretend to be brave just to impress me. If you were scared then you should have come to me. You always go to someone if you feel nervous and plus you weren't the only one. Cause i was a little scared too. So next time if you feel scared come to me and I'll gladly help you." Rainbow explained.

Scootaloo cried tears of joy and hugged Rainbow. She returned it and Spike joined in. This lasted for 10 minutes til they separated.

"Thanks Rainbow. And Spike? I have to confess something. When you snuggled me the other night I felt safe. Like someone who can protect me from harm. And you can do that. Spike what I'm saying is....I love you. So will you have me as your lover?" Scootaloo confessed.

The two were shocked but smiled at her when Spike spoke.

"You know Scootaloo? I actually did think that you and Rainbow are both cute and beautiful. So how's about you join me in a harem?" Spike offered.

Scootaloo cried more tears and ran to him and locked her lips with his. Rainbow not wanting to be left out kissed him on the cheek and the two girls were held by Spike's arms.

"Oh Spike. Thank you! In fact I want to share this song I wanted to sing for you." Scootaloo said as she began to sing.


Scootaloo started singing and soon enough Spike started singing along with her. When the song ended they both cuddled each other and Rainbow came in and did the same thing.

"Well Scoots you got a lover. But let's remember to share him okay?" Rainbow reminded her.

"Yes Rainbow. I promise you that I will share him." Scootaloo said.

They all smiled, got up and headed back to the campsite. Once there they all got in the tent and Rainbow and Scootaloo sat on the sleeping bag with Spike to keep him company. Then they both cuddle up to him. Spike was in the middle and Rainbow was on the right and Scootaloo on the left. Then everyone fell asleep in his embrace and smiled. Meanwhile what they didn't know is that Applejack, Rarity, and their sisters watch happily seeing them sharing their love for each other. They all went back in their tents and went to sleep. And that my friends is how Spike gained another lover and start a harem.

The End

Comments ( 3 )

"Hey there. I'm Scootaloo. You must be Spike." Scootaloo said.

Hold on, Scootaloo already met Spike. There's no need for that. She's a flower girl for the wedding.

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