• Member Since 5th Aug, 2023
  • offline last seen Sunday



When Victor Arsenault was still a colt, he was extremely close with his parents. Being an only child, he was not only showered with love but heavily disciplined. With so many firearms around the house, he was taught at a very young age their dangers but also the mechanics and often had shooting lessons. Both his mother and father were gunsmiths so he has been around guns his whole life, shooting becoming second nature for him. But knowing the risky circumstances of the fallout, his father often had to make trips to deliver custom guns to support his family. Each of these dangerous trips was a reminder of how fragile a life is so he would always wear a dog tag in case anything happened to him. Years passed relatively comfortably thanks to these trades and Victor had earned his very own dog tag in hopes of supporting the family one day too. One day, his father went on another one of these trips but had not returned. Fearing the worst, his mother set off to retrieve him, dead or alive. Days went by. Those days turned into weeks. Victor could not take any more of the uncertainty of his parents’ well-being and was prompted to look for both his kin with the help of his partner, Killjoy, and some friends he meets along the way.

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