• Published 25th Mar 2024
  • 333 Views, 55 Comments

Brighter Horizons: A Trial of Shadows - Destiny Chaser

An adopted human is pushed to the limits of his loyalties.

  • ...

Difficult Discoveries

The bright streets of Canterlot bustled with activity, with ponies of every color and tribe going about their day without a worry or care in the world. Even so, ponies did take notice and give a wide berth to the strange pair walking together towards the castle gates as they passed by, exchanging concerned whispers.

Flash took notice how the ponies seemed to be keeping their distance a bit more, and even those who waved at him did so with what appeared to be a hint of nervousness. It didn't surprise him too much though, seeing that he and Ferra were both technically predators in a crowd of mostly herbivores. Though he suspected that it was Ferra's presence which was the most unnerving for them as he was a relatively familiar face. It was then he noticed Ferra was wearing a disapproving scowl on her face as her eyes slowly scanned the crowds, a far departure from her normally endless cheer and energy.

"Speak your mind Ferra, what's bothering you?" Flash asked, keeping his gaze forward as they walked. Ferra glanced at him, and then back to the streets,

"It's these ponies master, they are far too careless, and they allow their fear to show too easily. They wouldn't last a minute in the jungle."

Flash smiled, "But we're not in the jungle, Ferra. This is their home, and it has none of the dangers that you've had to dodge since the moment you were foaled." He noticed her lip quiver as she fought to suppress a snarl,

"Even so, they shouldn't be so helpless. Maybe if they learned to look after themselves, even a little, you wouldn't have to place yourself in danger for them all of the time!"

"I love you too."

Ferra's frown faltered for a moment, but she continued, "My point is, one should meet danger with danger, but all I smell from them is fear...It's pathetic! They're so soft, I could destroy ten of them before they even realized I was among them!" She hissed, saying the last part with an irritated clack of her fangs. She fumed for a few more seconds before deflating slightly, appearing sad. "I just, I just wish they would take their lives more seriously, master, that's all." She finished with a sigh.

Flash considered her words for a quiet moment. He had to admit, it stung a bit to hear such a brutally honest assessment from a perspective outside of Equestria, one that was even more harsh than his own. At the same time, it was rare for Ferra to adopt such a critical demeanor, and when she did, he had learned that it would be foalish not to pay attention to her. This had obviously been bothering her for a while, which gave him an even deeper appreciation of just how profound her devotion to him and his loved ones was. Still, it wouldn't do well for her to brood on such things, she needed some assurance that her worries were not being ignored.

"Hey, don't be like that, where'd my happy-go-lucky killer go?" Flash said running a hand briefly through her silky mane; she turned her face away, before looking up at him with a faint smile. Flash smiled back,

"Yeah, I get it Ferra. Almost a thousand years of peace has made ponies around here pretty soft, and we could stand to toughen up a little, believe me. But don't begrudge them too much, they're starting to learn; and I've seen just a handful of them turn back world ending events more than a few times. Though I'm thankful to have strong ponies like you here who see things as they are, you are a great aid in helping us to grow."

Ferra blushed slightly at his praise, "Thank you, Flash." She said quietly before immediately perking up, her spark of joy reigniting with a small bounce in her step. As they continued towards the castle, Flash heard in the distance the sound of somepony yelling through a megaphone, their echoing voice becoming clearer as they passed the next street.

"...And I say this, Equestria needs to be for ponies! Run by ponies! And protected by ponies! Not outsourced to some alien creature who might turn on us at any time!"

"Master, who is that?" Ferra asked, looking towards the direction of the noise.

"Tell me, how can we trust some creature to protect us when they aren't even from our world?! There's no guarantee of true loyalty from such a one, it only guards us because of what it gains from us! Who's to say it won't turn on us the moment our enemies make him a better offer?!"

Flash sighed, "Eh, just my fan club, that's all." He jested, now recognizing the voice of Town Caller, the head of the small but very vocal 'Equestria for Ponies League'. They had first cropped up seven years ago, when he had joined the Junior Academy and started being a much more regular presence in Canterlot. They of course, protested the welcoming of any creatures other than ponies, from griffons and dragons to changelings as of late; but Flash always knew that he was their real reason for existing. He had never paid them much mind, and their disdain for him had never gained much traction as ponies for the most part had always been kind and welcoming to him.

As the next street came into view, Flash had expected to see Town Caller with his usual two or three demonstrators, but was shocked to see instead that a crowd of more than a hundred ponies had gathered round the pale green unicorn. He was standing on an elevated platform, surrounded by more than a dozen well-organized looking presenters. He was surprised to see even a few of the Canterlot nobility among them. While it was no secret that he had enemies among the elite, they had never before associated with riffraff like Town Caller, obviously considering his kind of community organizing beneath them.

"Looks like somepony got a boost in funding," Flash remarked as he stopped walking to take a look. Ferra stood stock still, one of her tufted ears twitching. Town Caller raised his megaphone to continue talking when he caught sight of Flash staring,

"Ah ha! Look there my fellow ponies! Here he is now, trying to intimidate us while we are merely practicing our right to freely demonstrate!" He shouted, causing most of the crowd to turn around, many of them beginning to murmur nervously to each other. "Do not be intimidated my friends, such tactics are powerless against the courage of ponies who stand together!"

Flash gave the friendliest smile he could, "Hey there Town Caller, good to see you again! Nice to see that you've managed to keep my fan club together after all these years, I appreciate your dedication!"

Town Caller's smug grin faltered for a second, and more than a few ponies in the crowd chuckled at the quip which seemed to break the tension as many in the crowd began to visibly relax. He scowled for a second, before regaining a proud look, his eye falling on Ferra,

"Don't be fooled by his niceties my fellow ponies, after all, how can you trust a creature who so frivolously associates with dangerous monsters who are proven to viciously attack other ponies! Look there! That is the same ferocious beast who put a pony in the hospital not two months ago!"

Nevermind that he was an assassin. Flash growled inwardly, resisting the temptation to openly glower. Many of the ponies gasped in alarm as they took notice of Ferra, some even backing away slowly. Ferra for her part remained completely impassive, maintaining a neutral expression on her face despite the callous insult that had been directed towards her. Flash was grateful for her patience, though he noticed her unwavering yellow eyes were locked on Town Caller with the sort of calculating look that he was by now very familiar with; he placed a comforting hand gently on her withers. He wanted to respond, to angrily demand that the upstart publicly apologize to the princess he had just calumniated, but he knew a bait when he saw one. Such an outburst would only play in to Town Caller's hooves, and Flash didn't plan on giving him any additional fuel for his fire.

"C'mon Ferra, let's leave silly ponies to their games," he said, turning to walk away, not even bothering to listen as Town Caller crowed to the audience about witnessing the power of ponies standing together. He waited until they were far enough away to be out of anypony's ear shot before speaking.

"I'm so sorry you had to hear that Ferra, I have half a mind to go back there feed him his own megaphone for saying that to you."

Ferra shook her head, "It's alright, master. He's just a small-minded pony who wants to be something bigger, it's kind of sad actually."

Flash smiled at that, once more enjoying the rare occasion where she would show that wise, regal side of herself; revealing that deep down, she really was her mother's daughter, she truly was a princess. Though at the same time,

"Tell me the truth though, you were thinking about biting him, weren't you?" He said, grinning. She looked away, tossing her head in mock indignation,

"Master, how could you say such a thing? No, I was actually trying to decide whether or not I could reach the stage in a single leap, that's all!" She humphed, before quietly adding. "And then I would bite him."

"You're a good pony, Ferra."

"Rise my little one, thank you for coming on such short notice." Celestia said, her warm greeting doing a good deal to ease the apprehension Flash felt from her letter earlier that morning. He stood and accepted her embrace, the sun princess brushing his cheek with her soft muzzle before parting. As per her usual summons, Celestia had asked him to meet with her in her study. Flash had asked Ferra to wait outside, sensing that Celestia wished to see him in private, and now waited with baited breath to see why she had called him.

"It's what I'm here for. What can I do for Equestria, your highness?" He asked, standing at ease with his hands behind his back. The alicorn looked at him with a look that seemed both sympathetic and sad.

"I heard what happened with your ill-fated raid the night before last, it seems that your hard work was undone by an enemy from within, I'm sorry. How are you holding up?"

Flash smiled, "A minor setback your highness, and the way I see it, an opportunity to root out a previously unknown threat. My team is already working on narrowing down a list of suspects."

"I was told that you were injured though, poisoned even. Are you sure that you are alright, my little one?"

Flash shook his head, "More than alright Princess, I'm as fit as ever; but I must say, I owe Sunset Shimmer for that. Her spell once more saved me from what could have been a very close call, you really taught her well." A wistful look flickered across Celestia's face, and she appeared at once both weary and grateful at the same time, as if a burden was suddenly lightened, though not entirely dismissed.

"She was always a skilled pony," Celestia agreed before stepping past him and standing at the large bay window, staring out at the city square. She remained silent for a good while, and when she finally did speak, her voice was soft, but held a serious edge.


"Yes princess?"

"What do you consider to be the greatest threat to Equestria?"

Flash thought hard for a moment, there were many things he wanted to say: complacency, disharmony, a lack of trust between friends, but instead, he stated the one that he truly felt covered the most ground.

"The unknown, your highness. What we can't predict because we do not see it coming." Celestia turned and smiled at him.

"You truly are more Sunset's pupil than mine, Flash Skies. She once told me the same thing. Yes, the unknown. And what, or rather, who, do you consider to be the greatest unknown factor at the present moment?"

Flash did not even need time to think to answer that question, "Chrysalis." He said without hesitation. Celestia nodded,

"I'm glad we are in agreement, Flash. For I must ask something of you, something that you might find very distasteful."

"And what is that, my princess?"

"I know this will be difficult for you to hear, and I hate to ask this of you, but I need to find and to capture the changeling known as Telson."

Flash remained silent at first, and Celestia seemed a bit surprised by his lack of a reaction.

"Why so, your highness?" Flash finally said, though he already knew why she was asking him.

Celestia sighed, glancing off to one side, "Several months ago, shortly after you and Ella were wed, Telson walked right into the newly reformed changeling hive, bold as brass. And there, he announced his intention to place Chrysalis back on the throne. I'm sure you can imagine the concern and consternation this has caused Equestria's newest ally. At first, I thought I could bring him in without having to involve you, to question him about his intentions; but he has proved far too clever for even the most skilled of my ranger teams."

Celestia looked back at him, "I know you consider him to be a friend Flash, and that he has become something of a father figure to Ella. But it is precisely because of your friendship with him, the fact that he trusts you, that it is my hope that he may listen to you if you ask him to turn himself in willingly."

Flash shook his head, "Trust me your highness, Telson won't let something like our friendship come between him and the sense of duty he has towards Chrysalis."

"Perhaps you could subdue him then? Is there a way you could defeat him without bringing him to harm?"

"Even if I did defeat him, and I'm not so certain that I could," Flash said with a wary glance to one side, "All that would cause is a worse situation, because Telson would never trust me again after that, and such an act just might actually turn him into our enemy, and a dangerous one at that. But allow me to allay your fears, my princess. I can assure you, Telson is no threat to Equestria, and he has no intention of bringing Chrysalis back like she was before. He won't bring her back to the hive until he can convince her to reform."

Celestia's eyes widened with genuine surprise, "How can you know this?"

"I know, because he told me" Celestia's jaw dropped,

"What? When?!"

And here comes the hurricane, Flash swallowed nervously, "About a month before my marriage."

The air was still, so still that Flash swore he could hear her heartbeat. She stared at him in utter shock, with a bewildered expression that he had never seen on her before. It was as if she were seeing him for the very first time, an alien in her world, like she could not believe nor comprehend what was presently before her. And all of the sudden, he found himself feeling extremely vulnerable in her presence, like a moth before an inferno. The temperature in the room rose noticeably,

"...What?" Celestia said, her word carrying more like an accusation than a question.

Flash tightened his grip on the beret in his hand, coming to attention as he prepared to tell what he had been keeping a secret for more than half a year.

Laughter rang across the room as Rainbow Dash blushed furiously, the latest victim to an impromptu round of 'Love or Shot', a game that Rarity had come up with months earlier where she and the other girls would name certain suitable stallions that they each knew to see who had a crush, with Ella's eyes being the ultimate truth detector; fibbers had to take a shot of sour cider. Ella sat on a cushion on the living room floor, sitting in a circle with Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. Pinkie had vanished somewhere earlier, no doubt attending to other guests as several children from Ponyville had turned up as well.

"No! I just think Soarin's kinda, ya know, a great flier, that's all! It's not like I'm planning to marry the guy!" Rainbow Dash protested, downing a shot and shaking her head. "Dang, that stuff's tart!"

Rarity laughed, "Come now Dashie, the eyes never lie!" She said, grinning from over Ella's shoulder from where she had been braiding the woman's hair, "You might as well fess up!"

"I think ah' can see it even without a changeling's eyes, no offense Ella," Applejack quipped with a smug grin, eliciting another session of laughter from the gathered ponies.

"None taken," Ella chuckled with a slow shake of her head. She glanced across the living room to the kitchen, trying to see where Cozy Glow had gone. Last she saw her, she had been talking to another group of foals next to the music player Pinkie had brought along. It set her scalp to itching whenever she lost sight of that filly.

"Um, can we play a different game for now? I mean, if that's alright with all of you," Fluttershy said, a nervous look in her eyes.

"Oh come on, you want to quit now? Right after I get roasted?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Well, we shouldn't force somepony to participate if they don't want to," Twilight said in Futtershy's defense.

"Oh, gettin' nervous Twi?" Rainbow teased, "Afraid we'll find out if you love something more than books?"

"Hey!" Twilight said, a touch of red coming to her cheeks, "I have more interests than just books!" She insisted over another round of laughter.

"Yeah, you're right," Rainbow said, looking up and tapping her chin in thought. "Who was that one guy you met in Sunset's world? Those other kind of humans?" Rainbow Dash grinned devilishly as she seemed to remember, "Oh yeah, wasn't it Flash Sentry?"

Ella honestly couldn't tell if the pink she was seeing was coming from Twilight's spirit or her face as the mortified young alicorn ducked her face behind her wings with an adorable squeak while Rainbow Dash and Applejack rolled on the floor in a fit of laughter at her reaction.

"Speaking of Flash," Rainbow eventually asked, wiping an eye after they had finally calmed down, "Where's our Flash at, Ella?"

"Indeed, it seems to have been ages since we last saw him at a social event," Rarity added.

"Did Celestia send him on another mission?" Fluttershy asked.

Ella suddenly felt a surge of emotions, not sure if it was caused by worry, hormones, or the lingering anxiety caused by the thought of the little sociopath lurking somewhere in her house, but it caused her voice to catch in her throat for a moment. She coughed, trying to regain her composure.

"Uh, sorry girls," Ella laughed wiping a random tear from her eye, "Crazy pregnant changeling feels again, that's all." Every pony around her immediately appeared concerned, leaning forward and asking if she were alright; the collective force of their concern and empathy nearly bowling her over so that she had to narrow her senses.

"Are you alright darling?"

"Are the babies okay?"

"Do ya need anything sugar?"

Ella raised a placating hands, "Girls, girls! I'm fine, no need ta panic, seriously." She said, which seemed to calm them, though some anxiety remained in their eyes.

"No, Flash is fine. Celestia called him to the Castle early this morning, but he's good, just real busy, that's all. And yeah, I kind of miss him too," she admitted.

"Honestly," Rarity said, "One would think that Celestia would give him a bit more time with you, especially given your current condition!" Twilight appeared to be about to say something in Celestia's defense, but Ella beat her to it,

"Trust me Rares, Celestia isn't just usin' him as an errand boy for every little thing. She's well aware of how I feel, and I know she wouldn't call him unless it were absolutely necessary. Besides, as much as I'd like to have him here, having all of you here with me more than makes up for his absence." She said, smiling at them all.

"Wow, we really mean that much to you Ella?" Fluttershy asked, speaking for the group. Ella smirked,

"You kiddin' Flutters? A year ago I was homeless and on the run from a bunch of sickos in a nightmare that wouldn't end. Now I'm somehow married to a magic man in a fairy tale land of magic talkin' ponies who make everyday like another dream come true. So yeah, trust me when I say that you girls make all the difference."

Fluttershy and a few of the others blushed at the praise, with Applejack even pulling her stetson low over her face to hide it. Before any of them could respond, Pinkie suddenly leapt into the middle of the circle, a pointed party hat on her fluffy head.

"Time for cake!" She exclaimed with a huge grin, throwing her forelimbs up over her head.

Ella laughed, "Oh man, Pinkie. I don't think I could eat another bite of cake, I'm already stuffed!" Pinkie giggled sweetly,

"Not that kind of cake, silly," she said, spinning about, "A changeling cake!" She shouted with glee. Ella blinked as she saw an incredible amount of love radiating brightly off of Pinkie's form, practically filling the room. At the same time, she noticed that the lovable mare was wearing a frosted cookie around her neck on a red string; and written in decorative cursive red icing like something straight out of Alice in Wonderland, stood the words 'Eat me.' For a second, Ella was caught between wanting to burst out laughing and almost crying. Instead, she just held her arms out to Pinkie,

"Oh, c'mere ya sweetheart. I'm gonna eat ya!" She said, shaking her head with a small laugh.

Pinkie Pie immediately flew into her arms, tucking her soft, velvety muzzle up underneath the young woman's neck and snuggling close. Ella wrapped her arms around the beautiful creature, soaking up the sweet comfort and love that flowed from her like an endless flood, filling her with warmth and light.

"Ya really know how to make a girl happy, Pinkie," Ella said while burying her face deep into the mare's soft curly mane; it smelled like cotton candy.

"It's what I live for, Ella," Pinkie softly whispered back, only loud enough for the girl holding her to hear. Ella didn't bother to look up as she suddenly felt the other five girls surround her, holding her in a warm embrace. Their collective love, each distinct in its own unique flavor and sensation, like so many layers of a luxurious cake, smothered her in a taste so otherworldly and wonderful that it made physical food seem like dust and ashes in comparison. She wished this moment would never end, and for just a second, was able to completely let go of all her worries. Dangers, magic, the little psycho in her home planning to take over the world? Posh. What worries could possibly compete when there was love like this?

Ella cracked an eye open, and caught Cozy Glow staring at her from across the room, a pensive look on the small filly's face. It was hard to tell, she couldn't be sure, but for just fraction of a second, Ella thought she saw a hint of envy shimmer like an emerald ripple through the little pony's aura.

The proud and noble walls of Canterlot Castle were one of the most well-designed pieces of architecture in all of Equestria, constructed with great skill and at great expense using the finest of masonry and material, and layered with ward upon ward against damage and decay. And at that moment, Flash Skies felt certain that all of that was being put to the ultimate stress test as Princess Celestia laid into him with a level of outrage that would cower a full-grown dragon. He prayed that the sound insulation wards surrounding her study were holding up.


She had raised her voice at him a few times in his life, like that time he had lost his temper and attacked a fellow cadet who had taunted him by insulting Princess Luna to his face in the dark days following Tirek's attack on Equestria. He had been in a bad place at the time, and Celestia was sympathetic, but she had to make it abundantly clear to him that such behavior would not be tolerated and that it could never happen ever again if he wished to remain a candidate for the Royal Guard; it was the first time in his life that he had actually felt afraid of her. But this was different. It wasn't just the rare sight of her being upset with him, or the fact that she had been perhaps just one decibel away from the Royal Canterlot Voice for the last twenty minutes, but the detectable tone of hurt that came through in her voice and was visible in her features. That alone made it more painful than anything. He'd rather receive actual lashes.

"I told you, your highness, I gave Chelicerae and Telson my word. I wasn't at liberty to tell you until you asked me about it. If I broke my promise, I would have lost all the trust that I have built up with them, and at a great cost too." He said while absentmindedly rubbing the scar over his eye. The heat in the room was making him itch and sweat.

"They're my friends, Princess, I trust them, and they trust me. I was trying to build a bridge between them and Equestria. Haven't you always taught me that friends keep each other's secrets?"

Celestia twisted about from her pacing, facing him directly, her eyes sharp and ethereal mane billowing like the flames of a wildfire, "Your personal promises to them do not outweigh your larger responsibilities to both me and to Equestria, Captain." She said with particular emphasis on the last word, making her words cut even deeper despite the fact that she had finally lowered her voice to a more tolerable level. "It was unwise, Flash. You should have considered your greater obligations before making such a promise. You may trust their goodwill to try and reform Chrysalis, and perhaps I do as well, but what if they can't? How do you know if they will resist her ill-wishes and not follow her in their clearly evident iron-clad sense of duty towards her regardless of their own personal feelings on the matter?"

Flash wilted slightly at that, now seeing her point; he hadn't considered at the time that there could be a hierarchy to loyalty and promises. And did he really know how far Telson and Chelicerae would go for their queen? Celestia seemed to notice his inner realization of his blunder as her face immediately softened and the temperature in the room began to lower back to a more comfortable temperature.

"I, I just wanted them to trust us, your highness, that's all, to trust you. I'm sorry." Flash said, looking down, unable to meet her eyes. A smaller, angrier part of him wanted to challenge her about how she and Luna had kept secrets from him regarding Rose Dust, as Celestia had known about what her sister was up to and didn't tell him. It still made him feel angry that they still treated him like a foal in some ways; but now, he realized that accusing her of hypocrisy to satisfy his own personal angst would be both petty and immature. After all, she and Luna had millennia of wisdom on him, what was he compared to them and the responsibilities that they bore? Nothing.

Maybe I really am just a foal who needs to be watched. He thought despondently, seeing now that his decision to not tell Celestia about Chelicerae and Telson's plans may have been short-sighted sentimentalism on his part after all.

Celestia sighed, and to Flash's surprise, sat on her haunches instead of maintaining a more regal bearing. She bowed her head, closing her eyes in thought, "Oh Flash, my little one, whatever am I going to do with you?" She said shaking her head, the weariness of her centuries weighing on her voice.

Flash grimaced, "Whatever you want to, my princess." He replied in a soft voice. Celestia looked up at him, her face at once both affectionate though still slightly aggrieved.

You're lucky you're cute, Flash. Celestia thought to herself before rising to her hooves once more. "Get out of my sight, Flash. I can't look at you right now. I need some time to think, to think and reconsider if sending you after Telson is still a good idea."

Flash just managed to resist wincing a the harshness of her words, maintaining his military bearing as he snapped briefly to attention and saluted her.

"Your highness," he said before bowing, turning and walking out of the study, closing the door behind him.

The room was silent as Celestia stared at the door, lost in thought about all she had been told, her heart aching from having to have disciplined Flash so harshly, especially with the knowledge of all that he had already done and sacrificed for Equestria, and at such a young age.

"What do you think my sister, was I too harsh on him?"

Luna stepped into the room from a shadow she had warped out of, sympathy coloring her features.

"Perhaps a little, but it was understandable considering the shocking nature of his revelations to you. I too am surprised that he kept such a secret."

Luna stepped forward and embraced her sister. Celestia immediately felt grateful for the solace her presence provided. Having her there with her made it feel as if a centuries worth of worries had just dissolved in an instance.

Luna brushed Celestia's cheek with one hoof as they separated, "Do not doubt his loyalty dear sister, this was simply a case of youthful indiscretion. I believe his impressive ability and maturity for one of his tender age often makes us forget at times that he is still but a child of 18, only just a man by his own species standards. He still has much to learn."

Celestia gave a tired laugh, "Yes, I know. There are times where I'm not sure if I want to snuggle him under my wing or strangle him."

"A skilled mare could do both at once," Luna quipped, a sly look on her face. They both shared a laugh at that, briefly touching horns together.

"What do you think sister," Celestia asked, "Should I still send him to apprehend Telson?"

Luna glanced to one side, tapping her chin in thought for a moment, "I have an alternative sister," she said before looking back up. "Perhaps I might have better luck in this endeavor. I struck up a good acquaintance with Telson at Flash and Ella's wedding, he may yet be persuaded to discuss his intentions with me if I approach him in a respectful manner."

Celestia smiled, "And if he isn't?"

Luna smiled back, "Then I shall persuade him further, sister."

Celestia laughed softly, "Of course you will. Yes Luna, I think this is wise. Go with my blessing, but be cautious. We do not know for certain if he has already found Chrysalis yet and received new instructions from her."

"Of course," Luna replied, giving her a quick embrace.

"Have I ever told you how glad I am that you're my sister?" Celestia called to her as she turned to leave. Luna looked back and smiled warmly,

"Yes, but I welcome hearing it more often."

"Come Ferra," Flash said as he stormed out of the room, making for the nearest exit. The orange pony immediately jumped to her hooves from where she had been dozing, stretching quickly before falling into step beside him. She said nothing, as she could tell both by sight and by his scent that things had not gone well.

Flash kept a brisk pace, eager to put as much distance between himself and Celestia as possible. His mind raced, examining and reexamining all of his choices regarding Telson and Chelicerae for the last several months. And the more he thought of it, the more he felt ashamed of himself.

Of course Celestia is right, how could I have been such a naive foal?! Trust the magic of friendship Flash! It'll all be alright Flash! Don't worry that they are still loyal to a homicidal egomaniac Flash!

He slammed his fist down on the stone guardrail of the outdoor walkway he had paused on. It was one of the many connecting walkways of the Castle, and this one was thankfully in the shadow of one of the towers which presently blocked out the sun, allowing him a moment for him to feel like he was out of Celestia's sight. Nopony else was around, so he stayed, taking a few slow breaths to calm his thoughts. But as much as he tried, he couldn't stop the singular realization that he could no longer excuse, he'd royally bucked up.

A gentle lick to one of his hands caused Flash to open his eyes and glance down at Ferra who had seated herself next to him, looking up at him in earnest, her faced etched with concern. Flash gave a humorless smirk,

"Heh, you can go ahead and eat me now Ferra, it's about all I'd be good for at this point." A glimmer of excitement seemed to pass through her yellow eyes for just a second, but she shook her head.

"Nah, your stress would make you all tough and gamey right now, master. Let me know when you're calm and happy, then you'll be tender and perfect."

Flash gave a tired chuckle at that as he turned around and slid down into a seated position, his back against the guardrail. Ferra sidled up next to him, resting her head against his shoulder and lending him her comfort. Flash put an arm around her withers, slowly scratched one of her shoulders with his hand. For a while he just stared off at the beautiful green countryside, allowing the sound of Ferra's soft purring to calm him.

"I messed up, Ferra. Real badly." He finally said after a few minutes.

Ferra sighed, nuzzling her cheek against his shoulder, "It happens, master. Even to the best hunters."

"Yeah, but I'm supposed to be better than this. How can I be trusted to do my job well when I don't even see what is so obvious to everypony else?"

Ferra didn't respond at first, but eventually, began to speak in a quiet voice, "When I was a filly master, one of our greatest and strongest warriors was chosen to lead a pack of novices on a hunt, to teach them the basics. Everypony looked up to him, he was so skilled and confident that even the most timid of foals felt braver whenever he was around. Yet when the hunt started, he forgot to check if they were downwind, something that even the most inexperienced amateur would remember to do. He ended up losing a forelimb to boar, and had to be rescued by the very novices he was trying to teach, it was a great embarrassment for us all."

Flash winced in sympathy, "Ouch. So what happened after that? Did he have to give up hunting?"

Ferra shook her head against him, "No. In fact, he went on to become an even greater hunter than he ever was before, even with his hooficap, and brought great honor to his family. He would even proudly show off his injury when teaching new hunters, as a visible reminder to stay humble, stay focused, and to always, always learn from your mistakes. The hunter who accepts that he is not perfect and has the humility to learn from his mistakes gains far greater wisdom and ability than the hunter who never knows failure."

Flash slowly traced small circles on her shoulder with his thumb as he once more found himself in awe of this extraordinary pony who was pleased to call him of all people, 'master.' Her wisdom reminded him of a lesson he had heard from the Scriptures the last time he had been able to go to Church with Ella back on earth, Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart.

Flash took a deep breath and slowly let it out, allowing his stress to dissipate, "Heh, I guess moping about messing up doesn't really do much good for anypony, huh Ferra?" He felt her smile against his shoulder,

"Nope! If you know you're not perfect, why should you be surprised when you're not? Just accept it and do better!"

This mare... He roughly grabbed the side of her head and placed a quick kiss on top of her fuzzy head.

"Thanks Ferra, that actually helps a lot. You really are a princess, aren't you?"

She giggled and gave him a playful headbutt that bonked the side of his head, "Yup! And you really are delicious! So, can I eat you now?"

"Ow," Flash said, squinting and rubbing the side of his head, "No. Maybe later."

"Aww, shucks. You're no fun." She whined. As the two of them rose to their feet, Flash caught site of a lone courier pegasus scanning the area from the air. Spotting Flash, he quickly flew down and landed in front of him, rendering a hasty salute. Flash recognized the patch on the yellow pony's green fatigues of a boulder being cracked underneath a stamping hoof as belonging to that of the 2nd Division Guard Expeditionary Unit, affectionately known as the 'Ground Pounders', one of General Iron Shod's ponies.

Flash saluted him back, "At ease private, what's the word?" The pony reached into his satchel and handed Flash a small sealed scroll.

"Urgent missive from the general, sir. He's asked if you can meet him at Building One Headquarters right away!"

Flash opened the scroll and read the message:

"Good afternoon Capt. Skies,

Please report to my office at Building One at your earliest convenience, I have made a startling discovery that I think requires your, unique attention.


Maj Gen. Iron Shod
CO 2nd Div, GEU"

Flash looked up, "Yes, tell the General I will be right over, thank you private." The pony nodded, saluted, and took off, winging his way back towards the the northwest corner of Canterlot.

Flash stretched his arms over his head and started walking towards the castle gates, "C'mon Ferra, lets go bother the general."

Ferra gasped excitedly, "I'll get to come into headquarters? Is that allowed?"

Flash grinned, "Allowed? It'd be amusing to see anypony try and stop you."

"Take your time Ella, you almost got it."

Twilight Sparkle watched as the young woman's brow furrowed in concentration, her eyes fixed on the apple sitting on the small coffee table in front of her. The other girls and most of the partygoers had left a while ago, but Twilight had chosen to stay behind, taking the opportunity to continue the magic tutoring lessons that she had been giving off and on to Ella. They had become less frequent in the last few months as both of them had growing responsibilities, but Twilight was still certain that Ella had barely scratched the surface of her potential abilities and wanted to make sure that she could still make progress with them.

The alicorn held her breath with anticipation, watching as a green glow slowly began to envelop the small piece of fruit. The magic began to flicker and fade before with a snarl of effort on Ella's part, the signature buzzing hum of changeling magic filled the air, and the apple shot up into the air, floating in a green aura of magic in front of her face.

Twilight clapped her hooves together, "Congratulations Ella! You managed to close the loop!"

Ella let out the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding, breathing hard as she stared with a mixture of frustration and wonder at the apple she could now feel clearly linked to her mind and will. She looked down at her right hand which was also enveloped in the same green glow of magic, pulsing with greater intensity around the large diamond of her engagement ring which she had chosen to use for her focal point.

"Argh, now why was that so dang difficult?!" Ella glowered as she waved her hand back and forth, causing the apple to do the same. She cut the flow of magic, causing the apple to drop before immediately catching it again in a telekinetic grip as easily as she could do it with her hands. "It feels as easy as blinking now that I know what it actually feels like!"

Twilight gave a playful laugh, "Don't be so hard on yourself Ella, you've lived most of your life without magic, and you don't even have a horn to focus yours with! Somepony with those liabilities attempting to grasp and harness the simple basic principles of creating a Gryt loop is like a blind pony trying to learn about color! I'm actually impressed that you've come this far with only three weeks of training."

Ella flushed slightly at the praise. "Heh, I guess you're right." She agreed, her sense of frustration quickly being replaced by a kind of giddiness of being able to do something that most people could only fantasize about. "Wow, look at me! I'm a friggin' Jedi!" She exclaimed with a laugh as she caused the apple to flick through the air at her whim.

"Jedi?" Twilight inquired, tilting her head to one side.

Ella laughed, "Oh man Twi, you and I just gotta watch some movies together from my world!"

Curious about how far she could take this, Ella squinted in concentration, picturing in her mind what she wanted to do. Her magic responded to her input, and the apple split into two perfect halves, one of which she floated over to Twilight and the other to herself which she took into her hand.

Twilight smiled and took a bite of the offered snack, "Mmm, not bad Ella! You're a real natural! Most unicorns take weeks after their first experience with telekinesis to gain finer control like that! Ooh, I can't wait to see how far we can take your abilities!"

Ella sighed and leaned back in the sofa she was sitting on as she released the magic, feeling a little tired from so much concentration. "Yeah, me too. I really appreciate you continuin' lessons with me with everything else you got going on, Twi."

Twilight shook her head, "Oh, it's no trouble at all Ella, I'll always have time for a friend. And this is a lot of fun for me as well!"

"So, friends make time for each other?" Said a curious voice. Ella and Twilight both looked up to see Cozy Glow hovering in the air, her hooves clasped innocently under her chin, her scarlet eyes glittering with interest.

"That's right, uh, Cozy Glow is it? Yes, friends will always try to make time to help one another, it's part of a healthy relationship." Twilight replied.

Cozy Glow's eyes widened with what Ella could easily see was feigned wonder, "Wow, golly Miss Twilight, there's sure a lot to learn about friendship. I sure hope that I'll be able remember it all when your new school starts!"

Ella squinted suspiciously, Alright Cozy, just what are you up to?

Twilight smiled and nodded, "Yes, friendship does take a lot of effort Cozy, but don't worry. When the school opens, you'll have lots of opportunities to learn and many good ponies who just can't wait to teach you all about growing good and healthy friendships!"

Cozy Glow looked at Ella and gave what appeared to be a sweet smile, but to Ella, it appeared downright sinister thanks to the thick cloak of violet duplicity she could see practically dripping from her spirit; it smelled like engine grease.

"Well, it seems then that I already have a very good friend in Ella, because she has been making lots of time for me!"

"She has?" Twilight asked, looking appreciatively at Ella, who fought to not appear nervous.

"Uh, yeah, it's no big deal, just tryin' to help all the kids get ready for school haha," she said, forcing a smile. Where are you going with this Cozy?! She thought with alarm, sensing that something was already moving past the point that she could control.

"Yup, she's been teaching me all about what it means to be a good friend. In fact, Ella has even agreed to let me stay with her here in Ponyville to help me get ready for the school year! She's so nice."

Ella felt like the air was pulled from her lungs as she struggled to not to let the outrage presently exploding within her to break her decorum. Why you audacious, little, MONSTER!

Twilight looked at Ella in amazement, "Ella, that's so generous of you! You're already dealing with so much, and yet you're still trying to do more to help everypony!"

Cozy made a mocking face at Twilight while her back was turned, pushing her hooves into her cheeks and wagging her tongue back and forth while looking directly at Ella; the young woman actually wondered for a second if magic could make literal daggers fly out of her eyes.

"Oh, it's nothing, really!" Ella said through clenched teeth, barely maintaining a forced smile. "It's just that Cozy looks like she might need more help than all the others, and I simply can't stand to see such a slow learner fall behind, that's all."

Cozy's smug grin immediately morphed into an angry scowl, one of her eyes twitching as she silently mouthed murderous threats at Ella while making violent gestures, drawing a hoof across her throat in a slashing motion.

Twilight smiled, "Wow, that's very considerate of you Ella. If you didn't already have a job, I'd ask you to be a teacher at the school!" She said while turning to Cozy Glow who instantaneously switched to the very image of sweet innocence, holding her hooves shyly behind her back.

"Well Cozy, I hope you can fully appreciate what Ella is doing for you. This really is a rare opportunity for you to learn about friendship from someone who is truly special! Make sure you make the most of it while you can before the semester." Twilight said.

A smile slowly creeped across Cozy's face, "Oh, you can count on it Miss Twilight!" She said, shifting her devious gaze to Ella, "I promise, that I won't waste a single second of it." Ella for her part, held her gaze, doing her best to not glare, but said nothing.

Shortly after that, Twilight said her goodbyes, assuring Ella that she would be back again soon to pick up where they had left off. Ella and Cozy watched together from the front door as Twilight walked out into the front yard, turning to wave before disappearing in a violet burst of magic.

Cozy kept smiling and waving until she was sure the Princess was gone before fluttering back inside and slamming the door shut. "Ugh, I thought she'd never leave! Can you believe just how gullib-"

She never managed to finish her sentence as a green glow suddenly enveloped her small form with an angry sounding buzz, yanking her down with a startled yelp towards Ella who snatched her by the scruff of her neck, holding her like a kitten at arm's length before her face.

Ella was beyond furious, and it wasn't simply because of the little stunt Cozy had just pulled with her and Twilight. No, it was for what she had done before when she was talking to Flash earlier that morning. She had seen it, as clear as the day, the full-blown murderous intent glowing red behind her sweet words to him; she knew a deliberate threat when she saw one. Ella suspected her blue eyes were probably glowing with their signature green light as she bared her fangs at the little pony and for just a second, saw a flicker of genuine fear pass through Cozy's spirit. Good. She wanted her to be afraid.

Cozy Glow gave her a shy smile, "I see you've mastered telekinesis." She softly observed.

"Let's get one thing straight you little devil," Ella hissed while giving her a rough shake, "I don't care if you mess with me, but if you ever threaten my husband like that again, then so help me, I'll-"

"You'll what?" Cozy quietly interjected, "Kill me?"

Ella's jaw dropped slightly, the words caught in her throat. To be honest, she wasn't sure how she was going to finish that sentence. But the revulsion she now felt at the realization that she was presently threatening a child rattled her to very her core. A smile slowly spread across Cozy Glow's face as Ella saw her momentary fear being replaced by the golden glow of growing satisfaction and even a little pride now radiating brightly through the pony's spirit. It smelled tempting, like a savory broth. And then it hit her.

She, she did that on purpose! She threatened Flash, on purpose! She knew that I would see it and, and...

"There you go, there she is," Cozy said, her eyes sparkling with morbid delight as she watched the horrified realization of what she did dawn on the human's face. Ella let go of her, stumbling back and almost falling over, catching herself on the back of a chair. Cozy Glow held herself aloft in the air with soft beats of her wings at the same level Ella had been holding her, continuing to smile proudly at Ella who stared fearfully back at the little pony who had so easily manipulated her, breathing hard.

"I always knew you were smart, Ella. It's why I like you, you're not like all the other insufferable little nitwits I've been surrounded by since the day I was foaled. You saw through me the day we met, and it wasn't because of your powers, but because you can spot a fake a mile away. I like that, you're the first to ever do so. I just had to know if you were real, to know if you had limits like anypony else. And now, I know!"

Cozy floated over to her and Ella flinched as the filly gently took the sides of her face in her tiny hooves. The pony smiled at her, and for once, and to her immense surprise, Ella could see that her smile was genuine, and not at all like the fake saccharine grins that she always gave to everyone else. There was even a small glint of affection and appreciation in her spirit. And though the motivations behind those kind emotions were utterly twisted and depraved, they were shockingly genuine.

Cozy Glow slowly shook her head while maintaining eye contact, "Don't hate me Ella, you know what I am." She whispered before placing a small, sweet kiss on the woman's forehead.

Ella shivered, collapsing back into the chair that she had been holding onto for support, her swirling emotions making her feel lightheaded while her heart continued to pound away in her chest. She was vaguely aware of a warm sensation settling into her lap as Cozy gently set down and snuggled close to her. Without thinking, she placed a hand on Cozy's back and began to scratch her soft fur. Oddly, in spite of every horrible thing that had just happened, she found the act very soothing, allowing her to begin gathering her thoughts.

God, what am I doing? She asked Him. She still felt sick with remorse that she had actually threatened Cozy. Even if she was a little monster, she was still a child, and the thought of almost losing her temper like that, even if it was the result of deliberate manipulation on the part of the little beastie, made her feel ashamed.

Ella began to consider for a moment that she was in over her head, that perhaps she should tell Flash and the others of the danger present in their midst, a wolf in filly's clothing, but she immediately dismissed it. She remembered how she had promised herself, when she had first gained Cozy's trust by not exposing her, that she would do whatever she could to help this poor, sick child. She knew that deep down, somewhere in that cold little Machiavellian heart of hers, was a poor little girl just looking for love, even if that little girl didn't know it herself.

Ella knew it, she had seen it in her envy earlier. No, exposing her now would just ensure that that part of her would never see the light of day. She would learn from this mistake. After all, there was still time. Time enough to love this little pony, as difficult as she was, and help her to see that what she really wanted was already right in front of her.

Ella took a slow breath and let it out, giving a small smirk at the sight of the little pony curled up in her lap, enjoying her scritching like she hadn't a care in the world.

"You're a real piece of work Cozy, ya know that?" Cozy Glow rolled over onto her back and smirked back,

"Flattery will get you nowhere, but it's nice of you to notice."

Ella reached down and gently cupped one of her soft cheeks with her hand, "Sorry." She whispered to her to which Cozy simply gave a small smile, nodding in acknowledgment.

"So," she began, sitting up and resting her chin on top of Ella's protruding belly, hugging it with her forelimbs and looking up at her with doe eyes, "How are you going to explain our new little arrangement to your precious handsome hubby?" She asked, giving Ella a small squeeze.

Ella rolled her eyes with a humorless laugh, "I suppose I'll just tell him the truth," she paused, looking down at Cozy slyly, "That I'm taking the time to help a slow learner get ready for school." She said with a wink.

Cozy scowled, "Witch."


Author's Note:

Often, actually, very often, God allows his greatest servants, those who are far advanced in grace, to make the most humiliating mistakes. This humbles them in their own eyes and in the eyes of their fellow men.
-St. Louis-Marie de Montfort

Ah, good to be back. Whoever knew that writing the mind of a villain could be such a challenge? And fun!

Special thanks to Venerable Ro for his wonderful assistance and as always, may God bless you all!

Comments ( 10 )

Yay! It's back.
I'll be here later.

Sorry, but here's a bunch of editing suggestions.

It didn't surprise him too much though, seeing that he and Ferra were both technically predators in a crowd of mostly herbivores, though he suspected that it was Ferra's presence which was the most unnerving for them, <-( I could be wrong, but a semicolon might work better here. Or even a sentence break.) he being a relatively familiar face.

They of course, protested the welcoming of any creatures other than ponies, from griffons and dragons, and lately, changelings; but Flash always knew that he was their real reason for existing.

That "from" there seems a bit misplaced. "Including" would work better. And you might want a comma right after the They.

Flash did not even need time to think to answer that question, "Chrysalis." He said without hesitation. Celestia nodded,

"I'm glad we are in agreement, Flash. For I must ask something of you, something that you might find very distasteful."

And you have a few of these instances in that chapter so far. XXX said/other word, then a line break, and then the dialogue. I might be wrong, and this formatting might be perfectly acceptable, but it just looks weird to me.

"Thanks Ferra, that actualy helps a lot. You really are a princess, aren't you?"


The air was still, so still that Flash swore he could hear her heartbeat. She stared at him in utter shock, with a bewildered expression that he had never seen on her before. It was as if she were seeing him for the very first time, an alien in her world, like she could not believe nor comprehend what was presently before her. And all of the sudden, he found himself feeling extremely vulnerable in her presence, like a moth before an inferno. The temperature in the room rose noticeably,

Don't turn accidentaly turn Celestia into Daybreaker, Flash.:pinkiecrazy:

"Speaking of Flash," Rainbow eventually asked, wiping an eye after they had finally calmed down, "Where's our Flash at, Ella?"

Huh. I was wondering if that would ever be addressed.

Luna stepped into the room from a shadow she had warped out of, sympathy coloring her aquiline features.

I looked it up, and do you mean a secondary meaning to eagle-like?

Ah, little Cozy Glow, adorafying as usual. Enraging one second, and almost loveable the next. No spoilers, please, but if Cozy Glow truly redeems herself in this story, I know you'll do a great job with it.

And I know you do have other readers, but even if you didn't, you are making this one guy right here very, very happy with this series of fics.:pinkiehappy:

Fixed, thanks!

And you have a few of these instances in that chapter so far. XXX said/other word, then a line break, and then the dialogue. I might be wrong, and this formatting might be perfectly acceptable, but it just looks weird to me.

I believe these are called bridging actions and they are a common literary tool as far as I know.


I looked it up, and do you mean a secondary meaning to eagle-like?

It was a misuse of a pronoun, I was thinking of something else. I got rid of it.

Ah, little Cozy Glow, adorafying as usual. Enraging one second, and almost loveable the next. No spoilers, please, but if Cozy Glow truly redeems herself in this story, I know you'll do a great job with it.

We shall see, though I appreciate the vote of confidence! I had a lot of fun with her in this chapter.

And I know you do have other readers, but even if you didn't, you are making this one guy right here very, very happy with this series of fics.

Glad to hear it. And your great feedback makes me happy!:twilightsmile:

Maybe I just haven't ever noticed them myself and glossed over any I saw. Oh well, it's not like I was too bothered by it anyway.

There's an old proverb from out in the sticks:
"The only good snake is a dead snake."

Le gasp!:pinkiegasp:
You couldn’t possibly be speaking of precious little Cozy Glow could you???



To quote a Wisconsin judge:
"Don't get brazen with me!!!"

Okay, so she’s a little psychotic, and she might (definitely) put a big butcher knife in your back, but hey, she’s still cute.:twilightsheepish:

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