• Published 13th Dec 2023
  • 1,571 Views, 51 Comments

Like Mother Like Daughter - I Vicious I

After Sunset is left with no family to take her in, Celestia decides to take in the young and extremely gifted mare as an adopted daughter

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What's Your Name?

The Castle hallway was dimly lit by flickering torches along the sides of the hallway, causing shadows to dance along the high walls. Vaulted ceilings with intricate designs gave a sense of grandeur and history while stained glass windows filtered in patches of colored light, casting a mosaic of hues across the floor.

The hoofsteps of the Raven Inkwell rhythmically echoed against the stone floor as she trotted with urgency. The distant sounds of other ponies moving about, muffled conversations, and perhaps the occasional clank of armor or distant music from a celebration created a sense of activity within the castle. The faint aroma of burning torches added a touch of warmth to the cool, damp air. Occasionally, the faint scent of polished wood or leather from furniture wafted through the air, only eclipsed by the scent of aged books; a gentle reminder of the castle's long and storied history.

The castle's grand halls echoed with the hurried hoofsteps of Raven Inkwell as she navigated through the intricacies of stone corridors and tapestry-lined walls. The dimly lit passages seemed to stretch endlessly, adorned with suits of armor and flickering torches casting dancing shadows. Raven's hooves clicked against the cold stone floor as she briskly made her way toward the heart of the castle. With each turn, she passed by ancient portraits of nobility long gone, their eyes following her in silent judgment.

As she approached the towering wooden doors leading to the Grand Chamber, the distant murmur of voices and the clinking of glasses became more pronounced. The anticipation of the important gathering fueled Raven's urgency. The Royal Guards stationed outside the door snapped to attention as she approached. With a nod, Raven motioned for them to open the doors, revealing a room bathed in the warm glow of candlelight.

The grand chamber of Canterlot Castle was adorned with golden tapestries and bathed in the soft glow of sunlight filtering through stained glass windows. Princess Celestia sat at the head of a long, polished table, engrossed in a meeting with her most trusted advisors. The atmosphere was serious, as they discussed matters of utmost importance to Equestria. The ornate table placed in the center of the table was decorated with a beautiful sun and moon and surrounded by high-backed chairs, each adorned with the crest of a noble family.

The chamber was alive with animated conversation, the air thick with tension and expectation. Advisors from various government positions huddled in discussion, their attire a mix of luxury and formality. As their discussion reached an unsettling climax, the large double doors creaked open.

In stepped Raven Inkwell, the light-coated, stoic advisor to the princess. Her wings were tucked neatly to her sides, and her dusky brown pupils flared with intensity. Celestia turned her attention to this unusual disruption, her eyes were fixated on Raven.

"Princess Celestia," she said, her tone unwavering and respectful, yet carrying an undeniable urgency that brought a new sense of gravity to the room.

The princess raised an eyebrow, acknowledging her presence. "Raven, this is an important meeting. What is so urgent that it cannot wait?"

Raven Inkwell bowed slightly, maintaining her composure.

"My apologies, Your Highness, but an urgent matter requires your immediate attention. It concerns the future safety of Equestria."

The advisors exchanged concerned glances, and Princess Celestia leaned forward, her regal expression now tinged with curiosity and concern.

"What has happened, Raven? Please, be swift in your explanation."

Raven took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. "For reasons I can't explain in front of others, I cannot divulge the issue right now, please allow me to show you in secrecy".

A hush fell over the room as the weight of Raven's words sank in. Princess Celestia stood, her regal demeanor undisturbed, though a glint of concern shimmered in her eyes.

"Very well, Raven. We shall adjourn this meeting for now. I trust you to keep me informed as we proceed."

Raven nodded in acknowledgment, her expression unyielding. The advisors rose from their seats, casting worried glances at each other as they filed out of the chamber. Princess Celestia followed Raven, and as they left the room together, the grand doors closed behind them, sealing the urgency of the moment. The fate of Equestria rested on the wings of the princess and her loyal advisor.

Raven quickly led Princess Celestia through the castle, their hooves clicked loudly in sync, finally they arrived at an unassuming wooden door leading to a small bedroom. Raven gently pushed the door open, a large and elegant bed sat in the center of the room, and an expensive red cashmere blanket was laid upon the Rosewood frame. Delicate artwork adorned the walls, the lighting was a combination of ambient and accent artistry; A dazzling chandelier hung from the ceiling and a series of elegant pendant lights lined the walls, and provided a soft, warm glow.

A lone filly stood trembling in the corner of the room, her fur was a faded yellow, and her mane was a mix of a saturated yellow and red.

Raven looked at Celestia nervously as she began to speak. "This is the issue right here, it is of utmost importance that we find a proper home for this filly. She was orphaned shortly after her birth after her parents left us. Luckily, her aging uncle was able to take her in, but recently he too passed, and now she has no direct family left to take her in."

Princess Celestia raised the corner of her mouth in annoyance, surveying the filly with a calm expression. She tilted her head slightly, her aura radiating an air of nonchalance.

"Raven, this is a sorrowful situation, but not a sound reason to interrupt an important meeting." The disgruntled tone in her voice was profoundly evident. "Equestria has a well-funded series of orphanages as well as a system in place to help parents adopt foals and fillies in need." Celestia raised her voice and agitation along with it. "I love each and every single one of my little ponys, but that was an important financial meeting; I cannot believe you thought it appropriate to interrupt us."

The young filly in the corner started crying at these harsh words. Raven fervently shook her head . "No, Your Highness! This is a unique matter, it is of our national interest that she be placed into a good home of ponies that are loyal to Equestria."

Celestia's expression remained irritated as she looked over at the filly whose had grown louder.

"Raven, I understand the importance of making sure she has a good family, but calling me here is out of proportion, you could have dealt with this yoursel—"

Celestia paused as a faint hum of magic began to fill the air. Both mares turned their attention to the young filly who was bawled even louder; her horn had begun to glow, and the hum of magic mirrored such intensity whilst it surged.

There was a sudden silence and darkness before a blinding ray of light beamed from the horn of the filly, obliterating the bed, leaving the mares in awe as their pupils tracked a single piece of red cloth as it floated onto the floor.

Raven blinked, her eyesight began to return after the bright flash. She looked over to Celestia whose mouth hung open, after such a blast Celestia was shell-shocked.

Raven breathed deeply. "This is why I called you here, and why I believe this to be of the utmost of importance."

Celestia had managed to close her jaw, but she still seemed unable to find any words.

"At this point, this filly is already among the most powerful unicorns in all of Equestria. If her power continues to grow as she ages, one day they may even rival that of an Alicorn"— she took notice of Celestia who managed a slight nod—"If she were to fall into the hands of a rival government entity or an anarchist family, the results could be disastrous."

With a conceding sigh, Celestia managed to find her sense of poise. "Raven, I sincerely apologize for dismissing your request of concern. It is indeed a pressing issue, and you did an excellent job in identifying this pony. I will take her with me and make sure that she finds a benevolent family who will nurture her with kindness and love."

Raven beamed at the kind words, giving a wide smile at Celestia for her approval before turning and trotting out of the room. Celestia turned her attention back to the young filly.

"And as for you, young one, you are safe now, and I'll make sure that you are well taken care of."

In response to the kind and loving demeanor of Celestia, the little filly managed to muster the courage to emerge from the corner of the room, much to the former's maternal relief

"Please come with me, little one, I'll make sure that we put you in a..." She paused to glance about the now destroyed room— "much nicer bedroom."

Celestia turned towards the door, gesturing with a nod for the young filly to follow, and in taking another deep breath of courage, she found the bravery to follow this strange tall pony.

They walked calmly through the halls, Celestia retaining her poise to make sure to keep the filly calm. Celestia's wide and slow hoofsteps made a louder and deeper clicking noise, between the rapid and higher pitched hoofsteps of the younger filly as she struggled to keep up with the giant pony. But after a longer time than would have ordinarily taken with Celestia's more briskly paced trots, they arrived in front of a small wooden door that led to one of the castle's luxury guest bedrooms. "You'll be able to sleep here, and I'll make sure my assistants take care of you while you're here in the castle and we look for permanent accommodations."

The young filly stared at the ground, avoiding Celestia's gaze. She had been through more than most ponies did by her age, and her reserved temperament was of but one result. Her staring contest with the floor was quickly lost as she collected enough brazenness to ask Celestia what had been on her mind since she first heard Celestia's angelic voice. "Are you my new Mommy?".

Celestia looked shocked at this question, "I... I... um..." she dug for a proper response so as to not add any more damage to the already vulnerable Unicorn. "I'm going to make sure that you find a good home personally." She stated softly, finding that the young filly had made her way under Celestia and was cozying up to her large hind legs. Celestia's heart melted as the young filly seemed to finally find a place of safety after going through so much. Celestia tried to maintain her poise and to resist her own emotions, after all, it was inappropriate for her to become too close to her subjects. With a high pitched whirring sound, Celestia opened the door to the bedroom, and the filly eagerly trotted into the room. "Please make yourself at home, I'll have food brought to your room shortly."

Excitedly, the filly pranced about the large bedroom. "Wow, is this my new bedroom? Thank you so much!" she declared with a squeal. "Are you coming back later to play with me?" she queried, a smile finally finding its way onto her face.

Celestia looked a bit uncomfortable at this request, after all, her day was absolutely packed and today's change of schedule would leave tomorrow even more packed and she generally made an effort not to become too close to any one subject. "I suppose I can find some time before you go to bed to play with you" she replied gingerly. This affirmation caused the filly to respond with awkward dance in place.

"I have to go now hun, but I promise I'll come visit you later" Celestia turned away before coming to a realization. "I never asked what you're called. What's your name dear?"

The filly smiled gleefully. "Sunset Shimmer."