• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 820 Views, 52 Comments

A blaze rekindled - RedBlack

An alicorn, one whose life had been nothing but war and despair finally finds peace when a purple alicorn, one he had known to be dead appears for a short while, giving him much needed hope.

  • ...

First Major Difference

"I'll stop here" Blaze said.

"Are you sure? Can you even walk right now?" Luna said as she craned her neck sideways to look at her back.

"I'm fine, just need to rest my veins for a bit" he answered as he stepped down from Lunas back.

"Make sure not to use your magic much, else it'll only take longer and be more painful to heal" Celestia said with her motherly tone.

"I know, you've reminded me 3 times now, I don't have short term memory loss or something" he gave an annoyed face.

"Just making sure, damaging ones veins by infusing magic in them is very risky, and takes time to heal since you can't use magic to heal it"

Blaze rolled his eyes at the explanation he's heard the fifth time now.

He was really annoyed with having to deal with it whilst mentally tired from the earlier events.

The trio of ponies were outside of the large tree shaped library.

"I'll see you two at the party then" Blaze ended calmly as he jumped from various parts of the building and got in through one of the higher windows.

The two alicorn sisters only watched with confusion as they left to join the ongoing party.

Blaze jumps in through the window, landing without a single sound and seeing Button Mash still sleeping in his bed.

There were two extra beds there as well

A small one on the side and a normal sized one on the opposite of his bed.

His clone had just started to disappear as some of his features began fading.

With a simple lighting of his horn, Blaze makes the clone disappear, leaving traces of magic in the room as he goes to wake up Button.

"Button, wake up" he said with a quiet voice.

"Well, I tried to be gentle" he smirked as his friend didn't move.

Grabbing the sheets, he prepared himself and pulls it to the sky, along with the blanket and pillows and most importantly, a sleeping colt.

"WAKE UP!" with his shout, the items plus one pony fall to the ground.

"What the hay? What's going on?" Button asks with a slurred voice as he frantically looks around.

He soon finds his red coated friend, laughing and wheezing on the ground.

"That's meeaaaaan" Blaze stops as he hears his friend crying.

Getting up, he hooks his right hoof around his friends' neck with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I couldn't let you miss out on one of the biggest events in Equestria right now" he persuaded.

"What do you mean?" he said as he instantly stopped crying.

"You wouldn't believe it without seeing, now come on" with that the colt dragged his sleepy friend through the door and stopped at the sight.

The main area of the library was littered with all kinds of piles of canned and non-canned food, water bottles, stuff for hygiene and boxes of medical supplies.

Two mares were sitting at the only table in the middle with a bottle of some kind of wine and two glasses.

They looked as if they've made their biggest mistake in life as both had facehooved.

"Uuuuuh" Button was confused as he took a water bottle from one of the piles and drank it with confusion.

"Why is the library filled with supplies for an apocalypse?" Blaze asked with confusion.

"We" Delicate Cuisines started, "might have overreacted with the appearance of Nightmare Moon"

"In our defense we really did think we needed to survive an apocalyptic Equestria" Cream Heart said with a tired face.

"No kidding, look at this stuff" Button said as he held a can of dried corn.

"Most of these non-canned foods are going to expire in three weeks" Blaze commented with a slightly amused face.

"It was all they had" the two mares complained with embarrassed faces.

"I'll give a lesson on imperishable foods later, right now, we should head out for a bit" Blaze finished as he went to the front door after dropping the cans.

"Why? Is the celebration happening that quickly?" Delicate asked as she left her chair to approach the door, followed by Cream Heart.

"Yes, in fact" he said as pulled the door open, "It's happening right now"

The four ponies looked out of the building as banners congratulating Luna for coming back were strewn about everywhere with plenty of decorations to go along with it.

All kinds of fresh food were being given out for the occasion as ponies ran from place to place, dancing, singing and just enjoying the party.

In the midst of it all, was Luna, happily munching on a cupcake with a flower wreath around her neck.

"Imma eat some snacks" he said as he headed to the confectionery tables.

The ponies decide to all do their own things and congratulating Luna at some point.

Five hours pass as Blaze was sat right next to Button Mash in front of an arcade machine, looking on intently as Button Mash, true to his name, mash the buttons on the machine.

Button Mash was panting and was drowned in sweat as Blaze assisted him from the side by wiping his sweat with a cloth and bringing up a box of apple juice when he requested it.

The brown furred colts' eyes bloodshot, barely blinking as the pony character on the screen flew around the screen at impeccable speed, dodging attacks from a large octopus being, its attacks covering about ninety percent of the screen, only staying for about one second before instantly changing positions, forcing the character to use perfectly timed teleports to evade it.

The red furred colt watched on intently, assisting his friend with trained perfection.

"ONE MORE HIT!" Button said as his hooves moved around with blurring speed, pressing the six different buttons in a second, moving with great skill.

"Good afternoon Calming Blaze" an excited voice said from behind them.

"Huh" Blaze turned around to see who spoke.

This action however, allowed a single drop of sweat to travel down from Buttons' forehead and into his eye, causing him to close both his eyes naturally.

"Ow, my eyes"

"Defeat, Equestria has fallen" an autonomous voice announces.

"What! Equestria has fallen?!" Luna hurriedly asked with an anxious voice as she stepped closer to the machine.

Button Mash just looked on with complete shock as tears begin forming.

"NOoooOOooo, five HOURS, Wasted!" he cried as he banged his hooves on the machine.

"That" Blaze pointed at the machine, "Is called an arcade machine"

"I am not familiar with this piece" she asked with a worried expression.

"It's just a game, all fiction" Blaze explained while steeping down from the stool he was sat on.

"Oh, thank Faust it was just my mistake" Luna said whilst releasing a relieved sigh.

"Yep, and my friend over here spent the last five hours trying to finish it" he finished while stretching his body, causing several pops to be heard.

"I apologize for your loss then"

"It's fine" he said before turning to Button Mash.

"Buttons, Imma go for a while"

"Ok, I think I'm heading back now anyway" he said as he also stepped down.

"So, what'd you wanna talk about princess?" he asked as they walked down the street.

"Please, do call me Luna, I believe you more than qualify to speak to me casually"

"Alright Luna" he spoke, causing Luna to grow a happy smile. "What did you wanna talk to me about?"

"I, would like to apologize, for your injuries during the battle"

Luna stared forward as they walked, hiding her face from his sight.

"It's fine, your body took some heavy hits as well"

"But it's not the same, I don't feel any after effects or the injuries after being cured, only tiredness from low magic"

"The after effects are from myself, nopony else"

"I-" a slight quiver in her voice. "You gained those injuries because of me, so it's still my fault and I-I"

"And nothing" he said he took a step in front of Luna.

"Luna" he said as he jumped and lowered her head to look into her tearful eyes.

"You, are now your own pony, this is your chance to redeem yourself, so don't waste it by only thinking of the past, you're supposed to remember your mistakes, but you're also supposed to move on from it, learn from it. So if you're going to make me forgive you, forgive yourself first, got it?" he released her head from his hooves with a calm smile.

"Alright" she sniffed as she nodded and raised herself. "Thank you"

"No problem" he gave a small smile.

He looked around the area a bit before looking at Luna.

"Good thing this spot is away from the party, saves you the embarrassment"

"Yes, it is a good thing nopony saw me cry" she blushed a small bit before coughing to clear the awkwardness.

"Well, the party will probably go on for the whole day, so why don't we enjoy ourselves?"

"Yes, let's"

With that, the two spent the rest of the day, blossoming their newfound friendship.