• Published 2nd Dec 2023
  • 182 Views, 3 Comments

Never meet your heroes - MadAboutThePony

Fame has many advantages, but when it arrives it also brings with it limitations. For example, he decides who you can't love

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You may fall in love with them

Love is like a storm.

A violent storm, and some are more violent than others. It rarely comes when or where you want it. At first, it's only a few drops, then a rain, and finally a tempest. You get swept away. and if you try to escape into a shelter, the constant sound of rain reminds you it's there, even if you can't see it. and you can't think of anything else.

I was sitting in a small blue room at the Wonderbolts' Headquarters with a dozen other ponies. It wasn't a secret that enrollments at the academy had declined. With the growth of cities like Manehattan and Fillydelphia, many pegasi had moved out, pursuing more traditional jobs.

The meeting should have started fifteen minutes ago. At some point, while I was lazily looking at pictures of ponies in uniforms on the wall, the door opened and a light blue pegasus with a navy mane entered.

I recognized him immediately; I have a poster of him in my room, after all. I wasn't the only one since the buzz that had formed in the last few minutes ceased. His entrance was so loud and splendid, that everyone turned towards him. It was like the long-awaited entrance of a late actor ready to start his monologue. Silence fell among the audience as he strolled on a little stage at the far end of the room.

Once in front of his audience, the new Pegasus straightened and his gaze became that of a general demanding attention “Recruit!” he shouted. “I am Soarin, vice-captain of the Wonderbolts. I've been selected by Spitfire herself to test first-hoof who among you is Wonderbolt material.”

His hard eyes passed over all the recruits. When those eyes lingered a bit longer on me, I couldn't help but stare back. His tough look faltered only for a moment before he turned away and avoided my eyes. Mine stayed on him.

I didn't know why I couldn't tear them from him. I convinced myself it was admiration.

Love is like a door. A heavy door, and some are heavier than others. The lover's door is ajar, and you need a lot of strength to open it. But if you try to force it open, it might close, so you limit yourself to peeking through the hole at what could be.

I didn't want to try forcing that door and risk getting hit in the face as it closed forever. But it seemed like someone on the other side had started pushing to get in, so I pulled the door, and it crept open.

That’s the thing about love, isn't it? It takes two ponies.

I plodded into the locker room and collapsed on the nearest bench. The plan for the night was simple, at least in theory: when the muscles stop hurting too much, I get up, take a quick shower, and then fly home.

“Thunderlane!” I heard Soarin's voice approaching. “Hey, it seems to me you survived the first training with the main team.”

Soarin sat down next to me and wrapped a wing and a foreleg around me in a half-hug. “I think this calls for a party!”

“How do you do this three times a week?” I gasped. “It was exhausting.”

“Meh, you'll get used to it. Anyway, we need to celebrate! I know a place nearby that makes fantastic cocktails,” he suggested with a cocky grin on his face.

“I don't know, I'm a bit tired after the training. Everything hurts, besides, who else would be there?”

At that question, I felt Soarin's wing tense up, his smile trembling a little.

“W-well,” Soarin turned to the center of the dressing room. The rest of the teammates were busy getting ready to shower or exchanging a few words, completely oblivious to the conversation. “I was thinking of something small,” Soarin admitted, scratching his neck. “Just the two of us.”

My heart skipped a beat as I processed what he had just said. “Just the two of us?”

“Yeah.” He faced me again with a smile a little too tight and something in his eyes that wasn't quite happiness. “It’s okay, isn't it?”

I was tired, weary, and exhausted. The only thing I wanted was going to sleep. So I did the only thing I could in that situation.

I smiled back and replied, “sure.”

Love is like a secret. A shameful secret, and some are more shameful than others. Thus those who love must do so in silence. You must be careful with the secrets you carry in your heart. This kind of secret grows, thrives in silence, burns inside and it might explode. But this is the price to pay for love.

‘The Wing Bistrot’ was a fancy restaurant, more famous than affordable, located in the center of Cloudsdale near the main square. Over the last month, Cloudchaser and I have developed a habit of meeting up there with Soarin and Spitfire on Saturday.

That particular Saturday, Cloudchaser and I hurried inside. We were fashionably late, but if we didn't hurry, we would have to remove the term 'fashionably.'

“Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation?” a handsome green pegasus asked me from behind a fine-crafted wooden counter.

“Yes, we have a reservation for four under the name ‘Spitfire.’”

“Perfect,” he replied, checking the reservation log. “Your two companions have already arrived,” he informed us, standing up. “Please follow me; I'll lead you to your table. I've been instructed to assign you the usual.”

The restaurant was more crowded than ever before. It seems the word had spread about our appointments. The presence of three Wonderbolts tends to attract some customers.

It was full of ponies, and they were all looking at us. Since I became a Wonderbolt, I had to get used to being always in the center of attention wherever I went; it's part of the package. The trip to the table was like a parade; it was as if there were spotlights on us. I was the protagonist, while Cloudchaser was a supporting character meant to provide context and make the star shine.

Cloudchaser tried to hide behind me; she still hadn't accustomed herself to all that attention, and I think she never will. I wrapped a wing around her back to comfort her. “You don't have to do it, you know,” I whispered, bringing my muzzle close to hers.

She offered me a faint, unconvinced smile, and I began searching for our two companions among the attendees. Looking around, I immediately recognized, among all those ponies, a light blue pegasus with a darker blue mane, sitting next to a fiery mare with a bored look on her face. A smile formed on my lips; obviously, he was on time. Years of responsibilities had that effect.

"Here you are," the waiter said, bidding us farewell with a slight bow. "If you need anything during dinner, don't hesitate to call me."

Thirty minutes later, we were seated at the table, waiting for our courses. Spitfire was gesticulating wildly while sharing some anecdotes. I wasn't sure what she had been talking about, since I was more focused on the ponies at nearby tables. They kept casting glances toward our table, murmuring among themselves.

"Take it easy, Lane," Soarin said, shifting my attention to him. "They're watching us just because we're famous, no other reason. Besides, after what the tabloids wrote, it's better if they watch us, isn't it?" Soarin added, nodding toward Cloudchaser, engrossed in Spitfire's story.

Despite knowing he was right, it felt like the murmurs of those ponies were talking about me, and not in a good way. I gave Soarin a desperate look, then turned my gaze toward the restroom, hoping he'd understand. After noticing the direction of my glance, he shot me a knowing look and nodded.

"I gotta go to the bathroom," I said, getting up.

"Me too," Soarin added. "You girls don't run away while we're gone."

Spitfire smirked at him. "I don't think you'd be so upset if we did."

Soarin’s cheeks became a little redder, and he hurried after me.

"I can't keep this up," I snapped as soon as the restroom door closed behind us. "I don't want to play this comedy."

Soarin's eyes focused on anything but me. "Me neither, but did you hear the comments from the ponies after those articles came out about us? They're not ready yet, and with our media exposure, we can't do otherwise."

"I know, but it just isn't fair! What about Spitfire and Cloudchaser? It’s been a month, and she’s still not comfortable doing this.”

"They're aware of everything and chose to help us. They know the consequences.” Soarin finally looked at me with eyes reflecting the hopelessness of his words. “They can end this whenever they want.”

He approached and enveloped me in a hug. "Fame comes with obligations. As long as we're Wonderbolts, we're not free to live as we want" - he leaned in to give me a quick kiss -"but there are moments when no one can see us, and we’ll make the best out of them.”

I melted in that embrace, putting all of my worries aside for that moment.

After too short a time, he let me go. "Are you ready?" Soarin asked.

I give him a defeated nod and sighed. “Ready”

“Well then,” he said, opening the door, "the show must go on."

Love is boundless. A boundless freedom, but lovers aren't as free as love itself. They may be confined in cages of expectations and judgments, the famous unwritten social rules that are scarier than the written ones, and they are forced to play a part. But love has the power to change; these norms can't change overnight, so it's the lovers who must change for them.

“Are you sure you want to do this, Thunderlane?” Rainbow Dash asked for the last time while fidgeting with the envelope in her hooves. “You’re pretty young, I think you have at least another six years of career before you.”

“Yes, Captain,” I responded. “You know why I’m doing this. I trust that you’ve already found a good replacement.”

“Yeah, that was easy. Since I became captain, we’ve had too many recruits, I picked up the one with the highest score.”

Rainbow Dash leaned back on her chair and sighed. “So it’s official now,” she said, her tone shifting to a less formal one. “Well, it was good while it lasted, I wish you an awesome retirement, Thunderlane.”

I smiled earnestly at my now ex-captain. “Thanks Dash. Now, even though I would love to stay here and chat, I have unfinished business to take care of.”

“Go ahead, that is not my problem as of two minutes ago. See ya around!”

Moments after leaving Rainbow Dash’s office, I was running out the Wonderbolts Headquarters’ doors, and with a flapping of wings, I was in the air, rushing through Cloudsdale. I don’t know how, but it was the fastest yet longest flight of my life. I crashed before the door of a townhouse, and I started knocking in a rush.

Some time passed without an answer. ‘Maybe he isn’t at home,’ I thought. My visit wasn’t anticipated; it was a surprise, after all.

‘Where is he? It isn’t like he has a lot to do nowadays.’

Then, the doorknob shifted, and a light blue pegasus with a navy mane appeared from the other side. “Hey Lane, ho-”

He never finished his sentence as I tackled him to the ground. “What-” he tried to ask, astonished, before I silenced him with a kiss.

I broke the kiss and giggled like mad. “I retired! Now I’m your full-time not more Wonderbolt boyfriend!”

His eyes widened in shock. “You what!?”

“I Retired! I chirped back, “now nothing can stand between us, no tengo rules, no journalists, no nothing!”

“You are crazy.” A smile crept on Soarin’s lips. "Completely crazy.”

“Yes, and you love it,” I teased.

Soarin leaned a hoof on my chest. “Yes, I do,” he said, before looking over my shoulders, “but at least close the door, Lane.”

“I suffered five years for this! I don’t want to wait any longer.”

“No, seriously,” Soarin said, waving to the stunned couple on the street watching our little show. “Close the door”

I grinned and approached the doorway. “There is nothing to look at! Just two non-Wonderbolts having some private time!” I shouted, closing the door.

“Now-“ I tried to say, turning back to Soarin, but as I faced him, I saw him on all fours, ready to take revenge. In a moment, I was back on the ground, pinned, with Soarin over me.

“Now we can start again properly,” he said, lunging down.

Our lips met. Even if that wasn’t our first kiss, it was by far the sweetest, for it was finally free. Our first true experience of love.

Comments ( 3 )

I really enjoyed the tone you struck with this story. Your choice of first-person narration for Thunderlane bolstered the introspective nature of the piece, which I could tell you were going for. The snapshot vignettes of how his life progressed with Soarin were effectively emotional -- I really wanted their love for one another to be afforded some ease!

If I could offer a piece of constructive critique, I would have liked to see the central ideas of this story fleshed out even more. You've created a very captivating narrative around balancing one's public perception as a celebrity alongside the love one only feels safe expressing in private and that is a very heavy theme. Why do the Wonderbolts in specific feel this pressure? Is this a version of Equestria where homophobia is present? There's a lot of rich ground to dig deeper into.

A real strength of this story though was your interlude passages that began with "Love is like a ____" They were beautifully written and I enjoyed the way they illuminated how Thunderlane was experiencing his and Soarin's developing relationship!

I was sitting in a small blue room at the Wonderbolts' Headquarters with a dozen other ponies. It wasn't a secret that enrollments at the academy had declined. With the growth of cities like Manehattan and Fillydelphia, many pegasi had moved out, pursuing more traditional jobs.

honestly the fact that the canon narrative gives so little attention to these major cities that theoretically hold a good chunk of Equestria’s population really is something! good to see them having an effect on stories

I didn't know why I couldn't tear them from him. I convinced myself it was admiration.


Love is like a door. A heavy door, and some are heavier than others. The lover's door is ajar, and you need a lot of strength to open it. But if you try to force it open, it might close, so you limit yourself to peeking through the hole at what could be.

i have never heard this metaphor before but it is a good one! love truly can be like that sometimes yeah

“Meh, you'll get used to it. Anyway, we need to celebrate! I know a place nearby that makes fantastic cocktails,” he suggested with a cocky grin on his face.

that is the best way to tell someone a place has fantastic cocktails

Love is like a secret. A shameful secret, and some are more shameful than others. Thus those who love must do so in silence. You must be careful with the secrets you carry in your heart. This kind of secret grows, thrives in silence, burns inside and it might explode. But this is the price to pay for love.

oof this is such a sad way to look at it, but really illustrates where Thunderlane is here

That particular Saturday, Cloudchaser and I hurried inside. We were fashionably late, but if we didn't hurry, we would have to remove the term 'fashionably.'

oh no, a social disaster that would be!

Spitfire smirked at him. "I don't think you'd be so upset if we did."

ahaha gottem

He approached and enveloped me in a hug. "Fame comes with obligations. As long as we're Wonderbolts, we're not free to live as we want" - he leaned in to give me a quick kiss -"but there are moments when no one can see us, and we’ll make the best out of them.”

ah, this makes the timeline make sense, in retrospect! good scene to illustrate the tension Thunderlane feels with his private life in the face of public scrutiny. and a clever way to replicate the dynamics of having to keep a relationship hidden in a world that isn’t shown to have the same homophobia as ours!

“Yes, Captain,” I responded. “You know why I’m doing this. I trust that you’ve already found a good replacement.”

love the timejump being established here just with Rainbow Dash being the captain

I grinned and approached the doorway. “There is nothing to look at! Just two non-Wonderbolts having some private time!” I shouted, closing the door.

hehe, great way for Thunderlane to finally shake off the constraints of fame and the public eye from earlier, with this couple actually being random passersby rather than paparazzi

really adorable at the end, just like the cover of the fic itself. thank you for writing!


Thanks to both of you for your comments and congrats on the 1st place!

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