• Published 29th Nov 2023
  • 824 Views, 15 Comments

I'm Lookin' Out For You, or: When You're Off Track, I've Got Your Back - SecondPrances

Sunny and Izzy are destined to be best friends forever...or maybe something more?

  • ...

Chapter 1

“You don’t smell. In fact, you smell kinda nice.”

“Thanks...wait, what?”

“I was told you Earth Ponies smell like rotten sardines, but you smell really good, actually.”

That was the first moment that Sunny Starscout felt it. A tingly, twirly feeling down in her stomach, a flutter like a pegasus trying to break free in her chest. A feeling that Sunny had never felt before. Before she knew it, Izzy Moonbow had fallen silent, looking at her with a goofy expression, as if trying to read her mind. Of course, Sunny knew now that that was ridiculous, Unicorns couldn’t actually read minds.

With a shake of her head, Izzy turned tail and bounded joyfully after a butterfly, leaving Sunny sitting on her haunches, confused. Feelings were bubbling up through her, emotions she couldn’t name or put a hoof on yet. Words hung on the tip of her tongue that she didn’t yet know, distant yet right there at the same time. Through it all, that overwhelming, fuzzy warmness seemed to enshroud her. She tried to clear her head and stood up, casting a wayward glance at Izzy a few steps away, and that fuzzy feeling seemed to double down instead. What was going on with her today?

“Er, what else do Unicorns say about Earth Ponies?”

“Oh, just that you're lazy and not the brightest crystals in the forest.”


“Nope, just those three.” Izzy continued bounding away down the path out of town.

Sunny turned her head to watch, catching sight of Izzy trotting away, her tail and perky flanks swaying back and forth. Sunny’s eyes were glued, even as she stood up and followed, the warm fuzzies suddenly becoming like a flock of birds trying to flutter out of her chest, desperate for escape.

“So.” Izzy stopped, turned around and caught Sunny’s eyes. “What’s the plan?” For a brief moment, her face changed as they peered into each other’s eyes, and Sunny was the first to look away, bashful, hoping beyond hope that Izzy hadn’t caught her looking. An idea struck her like a lightning bolt.

“I’ve got it! Izzy, we’re going on a quest...to Zephyr heights!”

It was night by the time the pair made it as far as the open fields of the Equestrian lowlands, and it was the farthest Sunny had ever been from home. For nearly the whole journey Izzy had kept their spirits high, singing and prancing at random intervals. It was infectious and Sunny frequently joined in. Still, she was exhausted from the day’s travel, her hooves hurt, and the need for sleep was slowly creeping in.

“Izzy, I think we gotta stop for the night. I don’t want to get lost when it’s dark. Plus, it’s cold out here.”

Izzy stopped in her tracks and turned to face the east as if studying something. A breeze drifted by and the unicorn shuddered.

“Brrr, you’re right. I hadn’t even noticed. Should we build a fire?” Izzy looked around.

“I don’t think we can, there are no trees anywhere nearby for firewood. Plus, we still don’t know how the Pegasi are going to greet us. If they see smoke, they could get scared.”

“That’s true. You’re so smart, Sunny!” Izzy beamed, and the accompanying glance caught Sunny off guard. She’d been staring again at Izzy and her perfect rump. Each time it had happened on their journey, which was several, Izzy said nothing. Whether she knew was anypony’s guess.

“I, uh...I try, Izzy. Thanks.” Sunny sat down in the grass, turning her nose up to the sky and studied the stars. Even though she didn’t recognize any of her surroundings or where she was, those were still the same stars, always with her.

Izzy plopped down next to her with a soft thump in the grass, trying to see what Sunny was looking at. She was close, their bodies nearly touching. Sunny shivered, but she was sure it was just from the cold. So why didn’t Izzy shiver?

“Whatcha looking at?” Izzy said, breaking the short silence.

“The stars. My Dad used to tell me stories about them, and what the constellations mean.”

“Ooh. I bet the Unicorns have a completely different story. Different places are funny like that, huh? Like, how that one is the Unicorn Starswirl.” She pointed up at a strip of stars that vaguely resembled a pony.

“Really?” Sunny was excited, “We called that one Rockhoof. The triangle is his shovel. Do you think Pegasi have their own constellations, too?” She looked down from the sky at Izzy, who was staring at her. Sunny hadn’t even noticed. How long had she been looking?

“I bet they do.” Izzy was quiet and calm, a stark contrast from the usual bubbly mare Sunny had grown accustomed to. She looked straight at Sunny, almost through her.

“And I bet they can’t wait to meet new friends.” Sunny smiled, trying to break the tension but she couldn’t help but gaze back. It was like there was nothing else in that whole field but Izzy. The birds in her chest had come back in full force and were trying to escape again.

“You’re really special Sunny, you know that?” Izzy smiled, but this time her smile was different, warmer and somehow kinder, in a way.

“I-I am?” Sunny couldn’t find the words to speak.

“M-hm! The way you look at everypony as a friend, and you just want a better world for everypony. I really admire that!”

“You do?” Sunny blinked, dumbfounded. She was lost deep, deep in those eyes. Maybe this was the real unicorn magic? A kind of secret spell Izzy was using to put Sunny into a trance, to make her do her bidding. It must have been working because that didn’t sound so bad just now.

“I saw the way you’ve been looking at me, Sunny.”

In an instant, Sunny was broken out of her trance and dropped painfully back into reality. The world started to shrink around her and she frantically tried to think of something to say or do to get her out of this. Was Izzy going to be mad or disappointed? Had she already ruined this friendship before it had really started?

“I-I didn’t mean to! It’s not like that! I was just...studying unicorn anatomy and I--” Sunny was silenced by a hoof--Izzy’s-- that had placed itself on her muzzle. Izzy moved closer, scooting a little across the grass until their bodies really were touching side-by-side and the heat in Sunny’s cheeks rose. She could feel the warmth coming off of Izzy, her fur tickling her side. The hoof fell away.

“It’s okay, silly filly. I didn’t mind.” What had happened to Izzy’s voice? It had dropped tempo, softer and her words more deliberate and careful. Her eyelids drooped slightly and she was leaning in.

“Did you like what you saw?”

“I…” Sunny stammered, looking for the words. Her cheeks and the tips of her ears were a deep red, her heart was pounding and the fluttering just wouldn’t stop. Suddenly it hit her, like a grand piano being dropped on her head, exploding into a million beautiful notes. Was this love? Was she crushing on Izzy? Is that why she couldn’t stop looking?

“I guess I did.” Sunny finally answered, her eyes glued to the ground where she was drawing small circles in the grass, too afraid to look up at Izzy. How had she been such a foal not to identify her feelings sooner? Why was it all spilling out like this, like an awkward teenager fumbling through her first school dance?

“Is there something you wanna say, Sunny?” Izzy cocked her head to one side, and her expression was neither judgemental nor angry. It was simply kind and patient.

Sunny finally looked up and into those wonderful eyes, like little pools shimmering under the moonlight. This time she knew she didn’t want to look away.

“I don’t think I know how.” Sunny whispered, almost timidly.

“It’s okay, Sunny. I think I know. Maybe I can show you how.” Izzy reached out a hoof and planted it on Sunny’s chest, pulling her closer. Sunny was sure that Izzy could feel, no hear, her heart thumping in her chest. It was a cacophony in her ears that drowned everything else out. She leaned closer, Izzy meeting her halfway. By the time she realized what was happening the world had completely fallen away.


Their lips touched, just grazing at first, then fully pressed together. Izzy’s eyes were closed and her ear did a little flick. After the shock had worn off Sunny closed hers and leaned into it. Her first kiss--and with another mare. A unicorn no less!

Then it was over, seconds felt like an hour. They pulled away from each other, Izzy looked satisfied and Sunny was shocked, alarmed, and excited.

“Was that what you wanted to say, Sunny?” Izzy smirked, that tone in her voice still there.

“Y-yeah. Yeah. Yes.” Sunny gulped. “I think so, at least. That was…”

“Pretty good!” Izzy giggled, giving Sunny a little nudge with her shoulder. “You’re kinda cute, you know?”

Sunny blushed, and this seemed to make Izzy smile even more. Sunny liked when Izzy smiled.

“Izzy, can we do that again?”

“You wanna?” Izzy was really smiling now. Grinning, even. Sunny merely nodded.

This time Sunny leaned in without encouragement and their lips touched again. There was no timid grazing, but muzzles pressed together instantly. Izzy cocked her head to one side, exhaled through her nose. Sunny reached out with an exploratory hoof and touched Izzy’s chest, stroking through fluffy chest fur and around her shoulders. Izzy let out a hum of contentment.

The kiss lasted much longer than before. Izzy leaned away first, giving a little gasp for air, still grinning wide. Sunny watched, feeling the flutters die down but not her heart rate. Her hoof was still on Izzy, cupping her cheek. Izzy leaned into it.

“Izzy, I think I’m...I’ve got a…”

“Crush on me?” Izzy giggled. “I know, silly. I’ve got a crush on you, too.” Izzy reached out and lightly poked Sunny in the nose with her hoof. “That’s how these things are, you know?”

Sunny relaxed for the first time in what felt like an eternity, slumping down a bit as the fatigue of the day’s journey returned and sleepiness set back in, making her feel heavier than before. She moved away from Izzy and regarded her surroundings for the first time. Off in the short distance, a large rock outcropping offered some semblance of shelter from the cold.

“Wanna catch some shut-eye? I’m exhausted.”

“Sure!” Izzy rebounded back into her bubbly self and jumped up onto her hooves. “I hope you like snuggling. I’m a big hugger, especially when I sleep!” She giggled and skipped away.

Sunny watched her trot away, following at a much slower rate. This time she watched her rump unabashedly, not caring if Izzy saw or knew. Because that was okay, Izzy wanted her to. Izzy was okay with it. There was something there between them, a spark, a sort of promise that went unspoken; to be good to each other, to protect each other from the cold and the harsh reality of what might be in store. Not just as friends, either.

They huddled under the rock, Izzy eager to spoon up and hug fiercely. Sunny hadn’t felt so safe in a long time, nuzzling into the thick, fluffy mane and smelling sweets and blueberry.

“You smell kinda nice, too.” Sunny whispered.

Izzy snored.