• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 1,467 Views, 93 Comments

Is my marefriend a Changeling? - Aether Nexus

When her marefriend turns up covered in bruises after the changeling invasion, Cheerilee wonders if her marefriend is secretly a changeling.

  • ...

Best laid plans

2 Days later

Rarity had been having a nice calm day. It started with a lie-in, followed by a spa session with Old Fluttershy, at the pegasus' insistence to make up for her behaviour after Iron Wills seminar followed by tea and a cake at Sugarcube Corner before she settled down to get some work done.

She had managed to make good progress, at least until she heard the bell of her store chime. Checking the time, she elected to wait a few moments before saying her signature greeting, it was probably Sweetie Belle returning from school, and it wasn’t long before her suspicion was confirmed.

“Rarity, I’m home.” Called Sweetie Belle. “But could you please come down? Miss Cheerilee is here, she wanted to speak to you about something.”

That was strange, if, no, when Sweetie Belle did something wrong at school, Miss Cheerilee usually sent a letter requesting a meeting at some point in the next few days, a home visit was practically unheard of.

“Oh course Sweetie” Rarity called back, “please ask Miss Cheerilee to take a seat, I'll be down as soon as I tie up my thread.”

Untangling herself from her work, and ensuring that her absence would cause no damage to the gown she was working on, Rarity made her way down the stairs to her foyer, where she was greeted by the pink teacher.

“Ah Miss Cheerilee, it’s a pleasure to see you, I do hope Sweetie and her friends haven’t been causing too much trouble at school. May I make you a tea?”

“Oh, yes please Rarity, but please, but I’m not a teacher outside school, so please call me Cheerilee.”

“Oh course Cheerilee, come this way, I’m certain I have some biscuits in the kitchen unless Sweetie and her friends found them yesterday.”

The pair made their way into the kitchen, Rarity igniting her horn to start the kettle, and Cheerilee sitting at the table.

“So, Cheerilee, is everything going well with Sweetie’s education?” Rarity asked as she gathered two mugs and a plate.

“Eeyup, Sweetie and her friends are all behaving, at least since, the incident.”

Rarity cringed, gossip about her former school friend and Applejack’s brother almost marrying one another had made the rumour mill a few times after Hearts and Hooves Day, though very few ponies were aware of how close the poison had been to becoming permanent. Deciding that something a little extra was needed, Rarity elected to use her fancier tea for this impromptu afternoon tea session, when her gaze spotted a brown bag she couldn’t remember leaving in her cupboard. Inspecting the bag, she found a familiar note.

‘In case of sudden dramatic emergencies - Pinkie’

… With snacks sorted, and the note discreetly discarded, Rarity joined Cheerilee at the table and levitated the teacups and a plate filled with white chocolate & strawberry cookies between them, after a few minutes, the kettle began to whistle. Several, silent minutes passed, while both mares ate cookies, while waiting for the tea to properly brew, without saying a word. After the tea had sufficiently brewed, Rarity poured them both a cup and decided to break the silence.

“Not that I have an issue with your visit darling, but if there's nothing wrong with Sweetie’s schooling, is there something I can do for you?” Rarity asked as she began adjusting her mane with a hoof.

As serenely as the princess herself, Cheerilee lifted the cup to her lips, and took a delicate sip of tea, with a content sigh, carefully replaced the cup onto its saucer and lunged for Rarities exposed hoof.



Morning of the ‘Date’

It was a peaceful day in Ponyville, ponies were selling their goods in the market, birds tweeted their songs in the skies, and the smell of Pinkies baking radiated from Sugar Cube Corner, it was days like this that Twilight appreciated the change from city life when she bumped into a certain yellow pegasus.

“Hi, Fluttershy.”

“EEepp, oh h-hi Twilight, how are you today? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“I’m good thanks, how are you?”

“I’m fine, I think, but, have you spoken to Rarity recently?”

“Rarity? No, but I'm going to her boutique to deliver these apples she ordered from Applejack, apparently she didn’t collect them this morning. Is something the matter?” asked Twilight, as she moved to show the box of apples perched on her back.

“Well, you see, she cancelled our spa session this week, and I’ve tried to speak to her a few times, but I couldn’t find her, I’m err, just a bit concerned that, oh never mind, I’m just been foalish.”

“Are you worried that she might be avoiding you because of the ‘New Fluttershy’ thing?”


“I’m sure it has nothing to do with that, she probably just got a large order or something, come on, let's go pay her a visit.”

“If that's not too much trouble, thank you Twilight.”

Now with Fluttershy in tow, Twilight continued her journey to Carousel Boutique, however, when the pair arrived at the fashionista's residence, they discovered a sign on the door.

“Closed for urgent business, reopening after the weekend - Rarity.” Said Twilight, giving an experimental three knocks. “Rarity, it's Twilight, are you there?”

The sound of muffled magic emanated through the door as it opened slightly, however, the pony who emerged was not who they hoped to find.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is, errm, cheap, sleek, and magnetic.” Said, Sweetie Belle.
Somewhere from inside the boutique, came the voice of Scooterloo “That's not it, clothes aren’t magnetic Sweetie.”

Forgetting the ponies at the door, Sweetie Belle turned around and shouted back “Well sorry Miss Fashionista, if you know what we’re meant to say why don’t you have a go!”

“Err, well …”

“Ahem,” interrupted Twilight, “Would you fillies know where Rarity is?”

“Oh, she went to Canterlot for the weekend, she didn’t say why though, just that I should remain out of trouble and I’d be staying at Appleblooms for the weekend.” Replied Sweetie Belle.

“Howdie!” Came the voice of Applebloom from somewhere inside.

“Oh, ok, thanks girls, but erm, what are you doing?” asked Fluttershy.

A scampering of hooves came thundering towards the door, which burst the rest of the way open to reveal the three fillies.

Cutie Mark Crusader Fashionistas, Yeah!
Cutie Mark Crusader Fashionistas, Yeah!
Cutie Mark Crusader Fashionistas, Yeah!

The Crusaders said in unison.

Twilight and Fluttershy shared a look, and silently nodded to one another, coming to a mutual agreement.

Twilight was the first to speak, “OK girls, just make sure you clean up after yourselves, and remember when Rarity comes back she won’t want to find a mess.”

Yes Twilight.
Yes Twilight.
Yes Twilight.

Green magic grasped the door, and slowly, and with notable strain on Sweetie Belle's part, closed, leaving the mares on the door stop.

Twilight blinked at the door, “Should we stop them?”

“I don’t think we could if we tried.”

“I’m feeling rather stressed out, would you like to join me for a spa session Fluttershy? I’m not Rarity, but I'm sure we can still have a nice time.”

“Certainly, if you’re ok with that, but, what about the apples?”

“Oh.” Said Twilight, as she looked at the box of forgotten apples on her back. The box shined in a lavender aura, as it began to float down to the doorstep. Stepping up to the door, Twilight gave two loud knocks, “Apple delivery, ok Fluttershy, close your eyes.”

“Close my eyes? Why would …”

Whatever Fluttershy said was interrupted by a bright flash of lavender and the mares were gone just as the door once again opened.

“Cool, apples!” said Applebloom.

“Aren’t you always around apples?” quipped Scooterloo.

“Yeah, but there weren’t any here before now.”

“Girls,” interrupted Sweetie Belle, “Do you think we can use them to make a new type of clothing?”

“We could be Apple Fashionistas!” Apple Bloom said with a smile.

“I guess,” Scooterloo said dejectedly, “we can’t exactly use the sowing machine anymore, so apples might work better.”

The three fillies looked at one another and cried in unison.

Cutie Mark Crusader Apple clothiers, Yeah!
Cutie Mark Crusader Apple clothers, Yeah!
Cutie Mark Crusader Apple dressers, Yeah!


Meanwhile, in Canterlot


“Is everything alright Rarity?” Asked Cheerilee.

After the date, Cheerilee tried to ask her sister for some help regarding the coming date, however, the mare's best advice was to get very drunk, at least Berry admitted to not being good at dating, and that the advice probably wasn’t good. So she went to the next best pony she knew, Rarity. Since visiting Rarity at her Boutique, the two had rekindled their old friendship. Perhaps friendship was a strong word, but the two had been schoolmates once upon a time and had spent time together outside of school on occasion.

“Oh it's nothing Darling, but I just had a feeling of cold dread run up my body. You’d think that wouldn’t be possible in a hot tub.”

“Ah, I know that feeling, I get it every time I hear Sweetie and her friends shout that catchphrase of theirs.”

Rarity sighed, and said in a dejected tone “Cutie Mark Crudasers, walking disasters yeah.”

Cheerilee giggled into a muddy hoof, regardless of whatever happened with Sunny, she would hopefully keep her friendship with Rarity going. As she suspected, Rarity was indeed a pony who was interested in romance, and the white unicorn was more than eager to help when asked.

“Did Sweetie tell you that there is a list at school, specifically aimed at the Crusaders, to ban them from repeating ‘crusades’ they’ve tried to do?”

“She hasn’t, and I dread to ask how long it has gotten.”

“If you’d like, I can bring it over sometime this week.”

“One date at a time Cheery.”


“Hehe, sorry, I just couldn’t resist.”

Over the last two weeks, the pair spent a fair few evenings together, not just Rarity providing advice to the school teacher, but the two reconnecting, catching up over the years they’d been, mostly estranged. In the run-up to the date, Rarity even offered to come to Canterlot. As a result, Rarity and Cheerilee were now in the Canterlot Fancy Spa (owned by Fancy Pants) and were enjoying a soak in the mud baths. After all, being relaxed and not stressing one’s self into a neurotic mess was one of Rarity’s top tips.

The pair relaxed in the mud bath, listening to the humdrum of the busy Canterlot streets outside, and chatter from the other spa clients until Rarity broke the silence.

“I would love to see that list darling. We can not allow ourselves to drift apart again. Perhaps you’d like to join Fluttershy and I when we visit the Ponyville Spa?”

“That sounds great, count me in.”


A few hours, a massage, and a manedoo later, Cheerilee bade Rarity goodbye as the two separated. Rarity went back to their room, and Cheerilee to the Wayfarers Shoe, hopefully where Sunny Skies would be waiting.

The walk to the pub seemed to go on for an eternity, each corner revealed another street that she hadn’t expected, and then another, and then Cheerilee came to a realisation.

“I’m lost.” Stated Cheerilee, coming to a halt. She looked around desperately for anything she recognised but quickly realised that she knew nothing about her environment. In her past trips to the city, she had either been with her sister, only required to retrace a route back to their lodgings once Berry had passed out, or, when she’d visited the city for a teacher training/ conference day, but on those occasions, she had been given directions on where to go from the station. Now, however, she was lost, in one of the largest cities of Equestria, and had no idea where her destination even was. So Cheerilee resorted to doing what she did best in these situations, running around in a panic until she found what she was looking for, in hindsight, it works a lot better finding a purse, or a foal hiding in the schoolhouse rather than a specific pub in a large city.

Shops became little more than blurred shapes, passing ponies no more than streaks of colour, as she desperately looked for anything that she could recognise, climbing ever higher up Mount Canter, and the heart of the city. Her hooves thundered as she rounded another corner, and straight into a pony, barreling them both over.

It was over, Cheerilee thought to herself, tears threatened to stream from her eyes, so she kept them closed, holding back the inevitable flood of tears. At least her landing had been soft. Cheerilee felt a pair of hooves and soft wings wrap around her, as a heavenly giggle whispered into her ear.

“I did not believe we would be head over hooves for one another so soon Cheerilee.”

She knew that voice, “Sunny!?” Cheerilee opened her eyes, only to see two large purple gazing back at her, only a few inches from her face.

“That's me! Oh, and while I don’t mind you using me as your personal hoof warmer, we might be arrested for public indecency if we stay like this.”

With Sunny’s wings and hooves releasing her, only then did Cheerilee take stock of her situation. She was on top of Sunny Skies, in the middle of a street, with several stunned ponies watching them. It didn’t help that one pegasus’s wings poofed open.

“Oh, I'm sorry, so sorry! Let me get up, are you ok? I didn’t mean to, but thank you, and did I say I'm sorry?” Cheerilee spluttered, as she practically leapt off of the pegasus.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine, If I can bounce off a mountain, being your landing mat will be no problem,” Sunny said, serenely, with each work, Cheerilee could feel her stress melting away.

But now that she had found her date, a new concern entered her brain, she’d been running around Canterlot, and had just taken a tumble, her coat was probably a mess, and her mane was definitely ruined. Could this be going any worse?

“Oh thank Celestia you’re alright, and again I’m sorry, I was trying to get to the Wayfarers, but when I realised I had no idea where I was going, or where I was, I, may have, kind of, panicked,” Cheerilee said, as she hung her head in embarrassment. “And I probably look like a disaster, I spent so long getting ready, I wanted to look my best for you, and then I go and knock you over and I’m making a fool of myself, an-”

Cheerilee was cut off, as a white feather pressed against her lips.

“I think, that we should find somewhere to sit, get a drink to calm your nerves, and perhaps a bite to eat. I happen to know a lovely little pub, it just so happens to sell a nice salad. Would you like to join me?”

Cheerilee smiled, as a single tear fell down her cheek, “Yes, I would love that!”

“Then follow me,” Sunny said walking in the direction Cheerilee came from.

Cheerilee was mesmerised by those swaying hips, soft and plush, with a cutie mark of a sun partially covered by a cloud on each. Shaking her head to get her mind out of the gutter, Cheerilee leapt after Sunny.


Laying upon her bed for the night, Rarity flicked through the latest issue of Canter Fashion magazine, though she had to admit, this season’s fashion was merely slight adjustments to last spring's Manehatten fashion. She could probably capitalise on this with her own fashion line, after all, she’d already designed a few dresses in this style.

Looking out a window, the unicorn checked the moon to gauge the time, almost midnight. Rarity smiled to herself, if the date had lasted this long, then it must be going well. The sound of hooves walking up the stairs and towards her room reached Rarity's ears, which stopped once they reached her door, replaced by a very timid double knock. Igniting her horn, she raised the latch and opened the door to reveal a disaster of a pony.

“Hel … Oh, dear Celestia! Look at your coat! Look at your Mane! Good heavens darling come in and take a seat. Whatever happened to you? You look like you joined a rodeo.”

“Hehe, sorry, I forgot about that, I may have gotten a bit lost, and started running around Canterlot.” Replied Cheerilee perching herself next to Rarity.

“Oh darling I'm so sorry, please tell me you haven’t been searching for the inn all this time?”

“I haven’t, I actually ran into Sunny.”

“Thank goodness, not a complete disaster then.”

“I literally ran into Sunny.”

“Come again, darling?”

“I ran round a corner, and ran into her, barreled her over, tumbled around a bit, and landed on top of her.”

“...” Rarity stared at Cheerilee with a frozen expression.

“If it helps, she took it well.”


“She even wrapped me in her wings.”


“And when I was about to have a nervous breakdown, she calmed me down and made me laugh, before reminding me that we should probably break apart.”


“Yes Rarity?”

“Have your mane and coat been in that state since you met your date?”

“Err, yes.”

With that admission, Rarity fainted.

“Oh, she didn’t shriek, guess Sunny was right.” Cheerilee smiled to herself. Losing a bet to the pegasus wasn’t too bad, after all, it just meant that she was paying for their next date.


Midnight - Ponyville

Three shadows moved between the houses on Market Street, which led to Carousel Boutique. One darted from cover to cover, desperately trying to avoid being seen, the second seemingly melted from one shadow, and reappeared in another, and the third followed the others, but at a slow walk down the centre of the street.

“Errm, is this really necessary?” Asked the third shadow.

“YES,” the second shadow hissed. “We are on a secret mission, and cannot be seen by any pony, no one can know who we are number three.”

“Oh, ok.” The shadow said dejectedly.

“Hush girls.” Said the first Shadow. “Pi-”

“Number two” Interjected the second shadow.

“Number two … pointed out that we don’t want to raise suspicion, so we need to be stealthy, we both agreed this would be for the best after all Fl … Number three.”

“But isn’t this a bit unnecessary?” Replied number three.

“Of course not, If we fail, then when …”

“The target,” interrupted number two.

“When the target returns, she will surely find a mess, and if she discovers that we knew about it and did nothing, she’ll hate us, never talk to us again, Celestia will find out, declare that I'm a terrible friend, force me back to Canterlot, and send me to Magical Kindergarten so I can learn friendship from foal while Equestria falls because the elements of harmony can’t be used anymore.” Said number one, who was now almost hyperventilating.

Number three sighed, “Ok, let's keep going then.”

They’d tried to have a nice time at the Ponyville Spa, but number one had found the experience anything but relaxing, believing that leaving the CMC unsupervised would only make a mess of their friend's shop. She didn’t know how it escalated to this degree, it was becoming more akin to a break-in. She also didn’t know how *Redacted* got involved.

The three eventually made their way to Carasel Boutique, and with a flash of lavender light, they disappeared and reappeared inside the boutique.

“Oh, oh my.” Number one said as she bore witness to the disaster they found. It was going to be a long night.

Author's Note:

:pinkiecrazy: No one can know