• Published 24th Nov 2023
  • 347 Views, 3 Comments

Friends with Magic. - Big Imagination E

A group of friends meet three ladies from Disney's Encanto.

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Vacation Bonding.

One lovely sunny day we see three friends arriving in Columbia for a vacation. They were two girls and a boy. One girl had pink skin and ocean blue hair. Her name is Silverstream and is portrayed as incredibly hyperactive and bubbly, similar to Pinkie Pie and her cousin, Princess Skystar. Another girl is tan skinned with brown hair. Her name is Yona and is portrayed as very excitable and clumsy, initially frequently tripping over her own hair. Finally the boy had light green skin and teal hair. His name is Sandbar. They were walking around Columbia to see where they can stay for the weekend.

"Oh im so excited to be spending the weekend in Columbia!!" Silverstream shouted.

"Me too Silverstream! But we've been walking for a while now. Is there any place to crash for when night comes?" Sandbar asked.

"What about that place? It looks cozy enough." Yona said pointing at a house.

The house was decorated with all sorts of flowers and they loved the way it looked.

"Ooh!! It looks so pretty! Let's go check it out!" Silverstream said.

"Alright. It sure beats having to walk around some more while looking for a hotel." Sandbar responded.

The trio went to the house and once at the door Yona knocked. The door opened and showed us three ladies that are sisters. The first was Mirabel Madrigal: A 15-year-old girl who has no gift and tries to save her family's magic which she did. The second was Luisa Madrigal: Mirabel's aunt and a super-strong woman who hides her insecurities. And the final one was
Isabela and she is Mirabel's older sister who is smart and brilliant. She is so perfect that flowers start to bloom with every footstep she takes. The three saw the gang and smiled.

"Oh hi there. Who might you three be?" Michael asked.

"Im Silverstream."

"Im Sandbar."

"And im Yona."

"We came here for a weekend vacation and we were wondering if it's okay to stay here at your place." Silverstream told them.

"Sure. We love having company over. And you seem nice. Come right inside." Isabela said.

She offered them in and the trio walked in seeing the house was decorated in Mexican culture. Sandbar was impressed seeing all that.

"Pretty nice place you got here. So where exactly can we sleep?" Sandbar asked.

But then they saw a elderly woman coming down. Her name is Abuela Alma Madrigal: The matriarch of the family and the keeper of the magic candle that grants the gifts. She eyed her sisters and their new friends.

"Girls? Who might I ask are they?" Alma asked.

"Oh Abuela. These are our friends. Silverstream, Sandbar, and Yona. They came here for a weekend vacation and we decided to let them stay here. If that's okay with you." Mirabel answered.

Alma knew she doesn't like intruders but if they weren't robbers then they need to prove it. She sighed and answered.

"Alright sisters. They can stay here for the weekend. I was gonna head out and practice some of our family's magic. While im gone I need you to watch them. Think you can do that?" Alma asked.

"Yes Abuela." The trio said in unison.

"Good. I'll be back Monday. See you then." Alma said as she left the house. But the three were confused.

"Excuse me ladies but did she say something about magic?" Sandbar asked.

"Yes. You see Sandbar our family has special gifts in us. Mine for example is super strength." Luisa said lifting up a donkey with ease.

"Wow. Your strong. And I don't usually like to brag but im strong too." Yona replied.

"Really now? Then let's see it." Luisa challenged.

Yona saw the cabinet filled with dishes and lifted it off the ground with all her strength and didn't break a sweat. Luisa was impressed and Yona gently placed the cabinet back down without breaking the dishes.

"Nice. I like you already Yona." Luisa praised.

"Thanks. So do you feel a little nervous when having this much strength?" Yona asked.

"Not really. Lemme tell you why." Luisa said as a song started to play. The group went outside and she sang.


She sang as she showed off what she can do with her strength. Even Yona decided to join in the dance and together they put on an excellent stunt. They ended the song with the both of them smashing a rock into pieces.

"Wow you really aren't scared at all." Yona replied.

"You bet. But I ain't the only one who has a special gift. Try asking Isabela." Luisa said.

"So Isabela. What's your special gift?" Silverstream asked.

"Lemme show you." Isabela answered.

She twirled around and in doing so caused many beautiful flowers to bloom from the ground and Silverstream stared in awe.

"Wowie! You can make flowers bloom! And you didn't need gardening tools for that!" Silverstream replied.

"I sure can. It's the beauty from my heart that makes them bloom. Allow me to explain." Isabela said as a song started to play again.


She sang as she used her gift to make many plants bloom into glory. Silverstream loved seeing this and joined her in the dance. They ended the song by landing in a pile of flowers and the two laughed in happiness.

"You are amazing. I think you and I are going to be best friends." Silverstream replied.

"Me too Silverstream. Me too." Isabela answered.

"Well I see your sisters getting along very well with your sisters Mirabel." Sandbar told her.

"Yes. They seem to have something in common based on their gifts." Mirabel said.

"What about you? Don't you have a special gift?" Sandbar asked.

"Sadly no. But that's okay. Cause what I learned is that sometimes you don't need a special gift to be special. Being yourself is what makes you special. I learned that the hard way when I tried saving my family's magic." Mirabel explained.

"Oh. Well im glad that you are being yourself. So what shall we do for our weekend vacation?" Sandbar asked.

"Well we can show you all the great things in Mexico. And maybe show you some magic. What do you say?" Luisa offered.

"We would love that." Silverstream replied.

"All right! Vamos mi amigos!!" Mirabel shouted as the gang walked with her and her sisters.

For the next two days the sisters show their friends everything that Columbia offered like their Columbian dances especially on The Feria de las Flores (the Flower Festival) which is an incredible festival in Colombia that takes place in Medellín, Antioquía. This festival happens every year during the first two weeks of August and lasts around 10 days. They also learned about the different Columbian foods their were to try like how typically rich in carbohydrates and lunch is often the most substantial meal of the day. Beans, corn, rice, fruits and various types of meat are some of the staple ingredients. Back at the house they witnessed all sorts of magic like Isabela making the flowers bloom to make the garden look pretty, Luisa using her strength to move anything that's too heavy for their friends, and seeing the furniture move all by itself whenever they share a meal so they don't have to do anything.

After the weekend went by Silverstream, Sandbar, and Yona all packed their bags and prepared to head home. But they couldn't without saying goodbye.

"Girls. We want to thank you for everything you did." Sandbar replied.

"Anytime Sandbar. And if you come here again feel free to swing by anytime you want." Mirabel said.

"Oh we will. We promise." Sandbar promised.

"Oh and Silverstream? I got these for you. I hope you like them. It's my goodbye present to you." Isabela said giving Silverstream a bouquet of colorful flowers.

"Aww thank you Isabela!" Silverstream said hugging her.

"And Yona? I look forward to spending more time with you in the future. Keep that strength going and show me what you can do." Luisa praised.

"I will Luisa. And thanks again. Well we gotta head home. Catch ya later." Yona said as they left the house and the sisters waved goodbye.

And so my friends is how they met the sisters and showed them what magic they can do. And to everyone that's seen Encanto I hope you like that movie.

Author's Note:

Well that was a great story. Shouts too Cookielover for requesting this. Smiles to you bud!

Comments ( 3 )

I haven't read your fic yet, but I can already spot a glaring issue with it in the summary: Encanto takes place in Colombia, not Mexico (entirely different South American country).

(also, what's with the Indian spambots posting ads in the comments? Never seen that one before...)

Just got back online and read this! This now what I needed to read after a long day at work. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

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