• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 420 Views, 11 Comments

A Sweet Apple Acres Tradition - Serina

Applejack takes on the task of organizing a Hoovesgiving feast at Sweet Apple Acres after Granny Smith's passing.

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Granny's Legacy

The crisp autumn air enveloped Sweet Apple Acres in a golden hue as Applejack bustled around the farmhouse kitchen. The scent of apples, cinnamon, and the promise of a hearty feast filled the air. It was Hoovesgiving, a special occasion for the Apple family, but this year carried a somber note. Granny Smith, the matriarch who had always orchestrated the festivities, was no longer there to guide them.

The rustic farmhouse kitchen buzzed with the hum of anticipation as the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow through the worn curtains. The rich, earthy aroma of apples permeated the air, mingling with the sweet undertones of cinnamon and the promise of a hearty feast. Antique pots and pans, passed down through generations, dangled from hooks above the stove, their polished surfaces reflecting the flickering light of the flames within.

Applejack, her worn Stetson casting a shadow over her freckled face, stood at the center of the culinary storm. The worn wooden table before her groaned under the weight of assorted ingredients — bushels of crisp apples, sacks of flour, and jars of spices that held the secrets to the family's cherished recipes.

The kitchen itself seemed to come alive with the orchestrated chaos of the Apple siblings. The aged floorboards creaked beneath their hooves, echoing the rhythm of their culinary dance. Utensils clinked and clanked against the countertops, a melodic percussion that underscored the symphony of scents that wafted through the farmhouse.

Beside the roaring hearth, pots bubbled and simmered, their contents transforming into savory masterpieces under Applejack's skilled guidance. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows on the walls, adding a touch of warmth to the familial atmosphere. The air crackled with the energy of tradition and responsibility as Applejack expertly wielded a gleaming paring knife, its blade dancing effortlessly over the ruby-red skins of apples.

Each slice revealed the fruit's succulent interior, and the sweet aroma intensified, saturating the kitchen with the essence of autumn. Apple Bloom, her school-age eyes wide with admiration, stood nearby, apron adorned and ready to assist. Her small hooves eagerly mimicked her elder sister's movements cutting her own patch of apples as she prepared to embark on the culinary journey laid out before them.

She peered up from her apple-cutting duties to check the time. Amidst the flurry of activity, a vintage clock, its ticking a constant companion in the kitchen, seemed to count down the seconds to the anticipated feast. The rhythmic ticking, normally comforting, now became a subtle reminder of the fleeting hours and the growing pressure to recreate the beloved traditions of Granny Smith.

She turned to her sister who was busy with her own meal prep, "Applejack, ya know, maybe we should ask for a bit of help. It's a mighty big spread we're plannin'," Apple Bloom suggested, her green eyes wide with concern.

"Naw, sugarcube. We can handle it. Granny always did, and I ain't lettin' her down," Applejack replied, her voice tinged with a stubborn resolve.

Apple Bloom, though eager to contribute, couldn't shake the worry that clouded her green eyes. She glanced at her sister, a silent plea for reassurance in the midst of the whirlwind. Applejack, focused and determined, offered a quick, reassuring smile, but the burden of responsibility lay heavy on her shoulders.

The farmhouse kitchen, steeped in history and memories, bore witness to the passing of time. The worn wooden beams overhead, darkened by years of hearth fires and laughter, seemed to absorb the essence of every Hoovesgiving that had come before. Faded photographs of family gatherings adorned the walls, capturing moments frozen in time — smiles, laughter, and the unmistakable twinkle in Granny Smith's eye.

As the aroma of the cooking feast continued to weave its way through the air, it became a tapestry of nostalgia, each scent a thread in the fabric of the Apple family's shared history. The kitchen, a repository of culinary secrets and familial love, held within its walls the echoes of countless meals prepared with care and passed down through generations.

Despite the bustle, there was a tangible connection to the past in every pot stirred and every apple peeled. It was as if the very essence of Granny Smith lingered in the air, guiding Applejack's movements and whispering timeless advice in the wind that rustled the curtains.

The day wore on, the sun casting long shadows that danced across the kitchen floor. Yet, within the heart of the culinary creations, Applejack and Apple Bloom pressed on, determined to carry the torch of tradition forward. The kitchen, a haven of familial love and the keeper of Granny Smith's legacy, bore witness to the unspoken bond that tied the Apple family together in the face of challenges. They juggled recipes, timers, and the memories of Hoovesgivings past. The farmhouse echoed with the clattering of pots, the sizzle of ingredients meeting the heat, and the occasional laughter of family members working together.

Despite the flurry of activity, the absence of Granny Smith's guiding presence hung in the air like a bittersweet melody. Applejack could almost hear the creak of Granny's rocking chair on the porch, a sound that had accompanied every Hoovesgiving in memory.

Meanwhile, Big Macintosh, the quiet strength of the family, lumbered onto the porch carrying bags of flour and sacks of sugar. His bright red coat glistened in the warm light of the setting sun, and his ever-present yoke, adorned with apples, spoke volumes about his dedication to the orchard.

“Big Mac, you mind keepin' an eye on Big Sugar while I go check on your sister?" Sugar Belle requested, her uplifting voice resonating.

“Eeeeyup!” Big Mac replied as purple foal darted around the yard, eager to explore every inch of the farmhouse.

Sugar Belle, a gentle unicorn with a talent for baking, chuckled at the sight with a smile. Her lavender mane cascaded over her shoulders as she cradled some fresh baked goods in her magical embrace. She knocked gently on the old oak door.

Applejack’s ears perked when she heard the knocking. With a flourish, Applejack carefully placed the final masterpiece into the preheated oven—the famous Zap Apple Pie, a concoction Granny Smith had perfected over the years. The rich aroma of sweet apples and spice filled the kitchen, wrapping around her like a familiar embrace. Satisfied with her culinary achievement, she wiped her flour-dusted hooves on her apron, “Just in time! Come on Apple Bloom!” Both ponies headed towards the door in a hurry, leaving an untouched apple-shaped timer set at zero minutes.

As she stepped outside, the crisp evening air greeted her, and there, on the porch, stood Sugar Belle, Big Mac, and the lively bundle of joy that was Big Sugar. Their smiles mirrored the warmth of the setting sun.

The farmhouse porch, adorned with flickering lanterns and a rustic rocking chair, welcomed the bustling Apple family as they gathered for the Hoovesgiving celebration. "Howdy, y'all!" Applejack's voice rang out, a hearty declaration that echoed through the crisp autumn air. The pride in her tone was undeniable, a testament to the dedication she'd poured into the day's culinary endeavors. Apple Bloom, her little sister, trotted closely behind, a miniature mirror of determination in her apron-clad stride.

As Applejack and Apple Bloom joined the festive gathering, Sugar Belle headed to the kitchen to place her desserts for the evening. However, she couldn't help but express her admiration at the feast presented in the dining room. The Hoovesgiving dining table at Sweet Apple Acres groaned under the weight of a sumptuous feast, each dish a testament to Applejack's dedication to tradition. Stuffed acorn squash exuded a tantalizing aroma, their golden-baked shells cradling a symphony of quinoa, cranberries, and pecans. Layers of vegetable lasagna showcased the vibrant hues of roasted vegetables nestled between sheets of pasta and creamy ricotta. The butternut squash risotto, an epitome of autumn comfort, emanated a fragrant blend of sweet squash, Parmesan, and sage. Amidst the feast, cauliflower roast stood as a centerpiece, its roasted perfection accompanied by a drizzle of tangy sauce. Sweet potato casserole, adorned with a cinnamon-kissed pecan crumble, provided a sweet contrast, while pumpkin ravioli bathed in sage-infused brown butter added a touch of luxury. A medley of wild mushroom gravy and brussels sprouts with maple glaze added depth and sweetness to the meal. Completing the tableau were garlic mashed potatoes, Stuffing, and a refreshing pomegranate, apple, and goat cheese salad. As a sweet finale, the table featured pecan pie and apple cinnamon tart, ensuring that the Hoovesgiving celebration was not only a feast for the senses but a tribute to the love and legacy that defined the Apple family.

Her eyes sparkled with warmth as she looked at the bustling scene before her. "Applejack, everything smells amazing! You've truly outdone yourself," Sugar Belle praised, her gratitude evident in her sincere gaze.

Big Mac, the quiet giant of the family, stood nearby, his approving nod a silent endorsement of Applejack's efforts. With a simple "Eeeyup," he conveyed volumes—pride, support, and the unspoken understanding that family was the heart of their traditions. The golden glow of the lanterns flickered, casting shadows that danced upon Big Mac's stoic expression.

The porch became a stage for laughter and animated conversation, a symphony of familial bonds woven into the fabric of the cozy autumn evening. Friends and family members exchanged stories, their voices blending into a harmonious melody that echoed through Sweet Apple Acres. Amidst the chatter, Big Sugar, the lively foal, contributed his own joyous laughter, his excitement contagious to all who joined in the celebration.

"Honestly, I’m not sure I should have brought dessert; we can feed all of Ponyville with this spread," exclaimed Sugar Belle, her eyes widening as she surveyed the extravagant vegetarian feast laid out on the dining table.

Before Applejack could respond, a sudden gasp escaped her lips. The familiar aroma of the zap apple pie, a symbol of Granny Smith's legacy, wafted through the kitchen. Panic set in as Applejack yanked open the oven door, revealing a once-golden crust now shaded a disappointing dark.

"Oh no," she muttered, her shoulders slumping in defeat.

Apple Bloom, standing by her sister's side, bit her lip, exchanging a worried glance with Applejack. The guests, blissfully unaware of the culinary crisis unfolding behind the scenes, continued their chatter and laughter, filling the air with the joy of the Hoovesgiving celebration.

Sugar Belle, smelling the strong scent of burnt apple pie trotted into the kitchen. As she entered she saw the darkened pie crust with Applejack and Apple Bloom staring at the very crispy dessert. With a reassuring smile, she approached, her lavender mane cascading like a calming waterfall. "Don't worry, Applejack. We can fix this. Let me lend a hoof."

With a gentle glow of her horn, Sugar Belle skillfully levitated the overbaked pie onto the counter. The air shimmered with magic as she worked her unicorn prowess, mending the scorched crust and transforming it into a perfect golden brown. The sugary aroma intensified, filling the kitchen with a renewed promise of sweet delight. The culinary crisis averted, the room seemed to sigh in collective relief.

However, Applejack's furrowed brow betrayed a lingering worry. She glanced at the magically salvaged pie, then back at Sugar Belle. "Sugar, I appreciate your help, I really do, but this was Granny's special zap apple pie. I wanted to make it just like she used to."

Sugar Belle met Applejack's gaze with understanding. "Applejack, Granny's watching over us, and I'm sure she'd want this celebration to be filled with love and joy, not worry because one thing out of a thousand went wrong today. We're keeping her spirit alive by being together and sharing this meal. The pie may not be perfect, but it's made with heart."

Applejack couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. "I just wanted everything to be like it used to be. Granny would make this pie with such love,” She felt tears welling in her eyes as her voice slightly cracked under emotion, “and I w-wanted to honor that."

Sugar Belle laid a comforting hoof on Applejack's shoulder. "You are honoring her, Applejack. The love and effort you put into this feast, the memories you're sharing with family and friends—it's all a beautiful tribute to Granny's legacy. And besides, it's not about the pie itself, but the love that goes into making it."

Big Mac, who had been quietly observing the exchange, stepped forward, offering a supportive presence. "Eeeyup. Sugar Belle's right, sis. Granny would be proud of the love ya put into all this."

Applejack wiped away a stray tear, a mix of emotions playing across her face. "I reckon I'm just bein' a fretful granddaughter. Thanks, Sugar Belle, and thanks, Big Mac. Y'all are right. Granny would want us to celebrate together."

Touched by her brother's words, Applejack felt a lump in her throat. With a deep breath, she stepped into the dining area, where the warmth of family and friendship enveloped her like a comforting embrace.

"Everypony," Applejack began, her voice resonating with a deep well of gratitude that emanated from the very core of her being, "I wanna say how much I appreciate y'all bein' here. It's been a challenge without Granny, but we're keepin' her spirit alive today. Let's eat, laugh, and remember the good times."

The dining room, bathed in the soft glow of lanterns and the ambient warmth of familial love, became a sanctuary of shared memories and celebration. The ponies gathered around the table, their expressions a mixture of joy and reverence for the matriarch they all held dear. As the aroma of the meticulously prepared vegetarian feast mingled with the sounds of laughter and clinking utensils, the farmhouse became a haven where Granny Smith's legacy thrived.

As the gathered ponies dug into the bountiful feast, the farmhouse echoed with the sounds of joy and camaraderie. Applejack, with a plate filled with the fruits of her labor, moved among the guests, sharing anecdotes of Granny's eccentricities and heartwarming tales of their time together. The air buzzed with nostalgia, and laughter bubbled up like a wellspring of shared memories, each chuckle and guffaw a tribute to the indomitable spirit of the Apple family matriarch.

The evening wore on, and the stars blinked to life in the velvet sky, casting a celestial glow over Sweet Apple Acres. The farmhouse porch, adorned with twinkling lights, beckoned with the promise of quiet reflection. Applejack, surrounded by the warmth of familial love, found herself drawn to the porch's edge, where the expanse of the orchard sprawled before her.

Big Mac, ever the silent pillar of support, joined her. The rhythmic creak of the rocking chair on the porch provided a comforting soundtrack to their shared moment. The moon cast a gentle glow, illuminating the siblings in a soft radiance. "Granny would be mighty proud of you, Applejack," Big Mac intoned, his words carrying the weight of shared history.

Tears welled up in Applejack's eyes, but this time they were tears of gratitude and affirmation. The night seemed to hold its breath as she turned to her brother. "Thanks, Big Mac. And thanks for bein' here for me. All of you."

Outside, a gentle breeze rustled the leaves in the orchard, and the rhythmic creak of the rocking chair on the porch echoed through the air. It was as if Granny Smith's spirit lingered in the rustle of the leaves, smiling upon her family with love. The night embraced the Apple siblings, a tapestry woven with familial ties, shared laughter, and the enduring spirit of a beloved grandmother.

Author's Note:

As the holiday season unfolds, the absence of our loved ones can be deeply felt, casting a bittersweet shadow over the festivities. It's important to acknowledge the sadness and embrace imperfections, realizing that grief doesn't adhere to a schedule. Rather than striving for perfection, let's find solace in carrying on cherished traditions as a way to honor those we miss. In these moments, be gentle with yourself, understanding that love is a guiding light that connects us to the past. This holiday season, let's celebrate the enduring legacy of our loved ones through the warmth of shared memories and the love they left behind.

🦃Happy Thanksgiving everypony🦃

Comments ( 11 )

Tại sao bạn cho rằng việc quảng bá nội dung của mình trong câu chuyện của người khác là có thể chấp nhận được? Không hay đâu anh bạn. Đừng.

(Why do you think it's acceptable to promote your stuff in another person's story? Not cool, dude. Don't.)

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Just report it, it’s likely a spam bot


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Another very well written fanfic from you.

Stars and moon above, you’re great at descriptions. There’re so vivid, so rich, so alive - it’s truly beautiful. Your descriptions of the food in particular are so good you’re making me salivate. Great work, Serina.

That being said, it does get a little flowery and wordy at times. And a fair share of descriptions are repeated a couple times throughout the story. Nothing a second pair of eyes and a little revision can’t fix.

All in all, I really like this. Thank you for it.

Thank you!

Thank you! Yes, this story was a tad rushed. I thought of the idea and wanted to get it out before Thanksgiving passed. I think I only reread it one time which is not my usual forte especially with my chaotic writing style haha.

It’s okay. It was still a very beautiful read.

This, this is beautiful my friend.

Interesting. I added this to my read later list before I decided to follow you. I didn't know it was the same author as Mareternal. How serendipitous.

I liked this. Short and to the point. I enjoyed that Sugar Belle was used here a lot. Sometimes we forget that extended family is just as important as immediate.

Great message.
Great read.

And I think Granny Smith would be proud

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