• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 116 Views, 13 Comments

My App Stories for Ponyville Ciderfest - ImThatGuy

A collection of small stories that I wrote for the Ponyville Ciderfest convention.

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I Pity the Fool

“ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR STORY TO CHANGE FOREVER!?” Iron Will shouts to the massive crowd of ponies that have gathered for his latest seminar.

“Yes!” Hundreds of ponies shout back in unison.

“ARE YOU READY FOR A NEW CHAPTER IN YOUR PUNY PONY LIVES!?” Iron Will shouts, continuing to hype up the crowd.

“We’re ready!” The ponies answer in a raucous noise.

“AND ARE YOU READY TO REWRITE YOURSELVES INTO A NEW AND BETTER YOU!?” Iron Will shouts, the crowd in his complete control.

The crowd of ponies was positively frothing at the mouth as they beat their hooves and cheered over every word that Iron Will gave them. Iron Will smiles, bits in his eyes, as he runs and leaps across the stage, building the hype and noise of the crowd to entirely unnatural levels. Iron Will’s goats, his faithful employees, man smoke machines, fireworks displays and various other incendiary devices to aid in whipping up the crowd. The display was quite successful as hundreds of ponies whooped and hollered at the showponyship of the minotaur.

“THE TIME IS NOW FRIENDS! WITH THIS SEMINAR YOU WILL FIND YOUR LIVES LITERALLY CHANGED FOREVER!” Iron Will gestures to a large tent that had been previously set up, “Within this tent, friends, Iron Will shall help you rewrite your story into whatever you wish it to be.” Iron Will says, lowering his tone as he walks towards the tent.

“Ooh, I wonder what secrets he has in there?” One pony asks.

“Some magic spell maybe?” Asks another.

“No, no, he just gives you a pep talk and some catchy slogans.” Says a third pony.

Iron Will smiles to himself, his mind on the money. What awaited each pony out there was indeed quite magical. It was something he had chanced upon one day as he traveled from town to town, selling his assertiveness seminars and various other business ventures. What he had found was a magical page that he soon discovered gave him the ability to rewrite certain aspects of pony’s lives. All he had to do was meet with a pony and change their stories to make them more assertive.

It was very simple, a tweak here, an adjustment there, a changed decision or two and presto! A brand new pony ready to take on the world, after Iron Will charged a nominal fee of course. Oh yes, this was a guaranteed money making machine and if Iron Will helped a few ponies grow a backbone then not only was he successful but he would also be a hero of course. A hero helping ponies get their lives in order.

The thought that drastically altering pony’s personalities might be a bad thing had entered his mind of course, but the copious amounts of bits he had made did a good job suppressing it. It was a small, miniscule thought, hardly worth thinking about. Seeing so many ponies changed meant Iron Will was a success, the odd story of his changes going horribly wrong hardly discounted his many successes. Or did it?

“No!” Iron Will says firmly to himself, “A few ruined lives are an acceptable price for hundreds of more successful lives.”

Although, the stories had begun to reach him of the consequences of some of his seminars. At first it was just a few, but recently the number of stories he had heard of ponies whose personalities drastically changed and had gone on to ruin theirs, and others' lives had begun to increase. This gave Iron Will a moment of pause as the first pony of his seminar approached the tent.


What should Iron Will do?

> Keep using the page. (Chaos)

> Stop using the page. (Hero)

[ENDING A: Chaos]
Iron Will pushes such weak thoughts out of his head. He had no time for such indecision when there were ponies to help! The page was a gift, not a curse! And it was a gift that he would use for great profits for himself and all of Equestria.

“Welcome small pony.” Iron Will says, pulling the curtain to the tent aside for his customer, “Are you ready for Iron Will to change your life forever?”

I sure am!” The pony says happily as he enters the tent.

(+1 page for Chaos)

[ENDING B: Hero]
“This isn’t right.” Iron Will mutters to himself, “If I can’t make these ponies more assertive by myself, then I have no business being Iron Will! Iron Will’s methods work because an iron-will is what it takes to be assertive.” The minotaur says assertively.

“I’m here to change my life!” The first pony customer says, trotting up to Iron Will.

“AND DOES IRON WILL HAVE AN ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING COURSE FOR YOU!” Iron Will roars confidently before grabbing the pony and tossing him up on stage and away from the tent.

“I’ll have to bring that page to one of the princesses, can’t just have it lying around and ruining lives.” Iron Will says, before following the pony on stage.

(+1 page for Heroes)