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#CrusadersOfChaos - Cutie Mark Castle Cleaners, Yay!

Cutie Mark Castle Cleaners, Yay!

Code Word: #CrusadersOfChaos

“Ugh! Misty! Misty!!! Where is that unicorn?” the dreadful Opaline Arcana says as she steps through her castle. “This place is filthy! Misty is not keeping up on her chores.”

As Opaline walks down to the main throne room, Misty enters.

“Misty, there you are. Where were you? I can’t find my favorite mane brush! This castle is not clean!” Opaline whines loudly.

Misty sheepishly looks up at Opaline. “Sorry, Opaline. I was in town scouting. Things are getting crazy out there with those book pages.”

“Yes… Well I need you to clean up the place. It’s getting quite ridiculous!” Opaline replied with a flip of her hair. “I’m going to go take a deep soak. When I get out I expect this castle to be spotless!”

Misty grimaces, but nods as Opaline walks back up the stairs. Once she’s gone, Misty groans loudly.

“Great, I was hoping to go see Sunny and the others. How am I going to get this place cleaned quickly?” she says. Her eyes drift across the room to a catalog laying on the throne. Misty walks over and picks it up, scanning the pages until her eyes light up.

She quickly grabs her phone and dials the number.

“Uh yes, hello? I’m answering your ad in the catalog that says you do castle cleaning? How soon can you get here?” she asks the pony on the phone. “Oh wow, that quick? Okay, that’s perfect.”

Misty quickly describes where the castle is and within mere minutes there’s a knock on the door. Misty opens the door to reveal three young fillies, each one with a different coloration.

“Cutie Mark Castle Cleaners at your service!” the lead filly says with a very deep drawling voice. “My name’s Apple Bloom, and this here’s Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo! You said you needed your castle cleaned?”

“Uh, yes, but the pony on the phone didn’t sound as young as you are,” Misty says, eyebrows raised. “Are you sure you can do the job?”

“Trust us. All of our ratings are completely real and not made up at all!” Scootaloo offers. “We know what we’re doing.”

“Okay… I guess you can come in and start working. I’m going to run out, so here’s your payment up front,” Misty says, handing them some bits.

As Misty exits, Apple Bloom and her friends grin widely at each other.

“So where do ya s’pose they keep their power tools?” Apple Bloom says, peering underneath a nearby table.

“I don’t know, Apple Bloom. But maybe we better actually… clean the castle? Remember what happened at Princess Twilight’s,” Sweetie Belle interjects.

“Yeah I don’t ever wanna see that much pudding ever again,” Scootaloo says with a shudder. “Besides… we’re trying to earn enough bits to go to that concert in Manehattan, we might as well do the job we were hired to do!”

“Girls, I’m tellin’ y’all this is a prime opportunity for a remodel! We could get the job done in about an hour and then flip this place while she’s gone! It’s the perfect plan!” Apple Bloom says with a grin.

“Not this again. Discord has got into your brain with that whole venture capitalist propaganda, AB,” Scootaloo says as she runs her hoof across the dusty throne. “Besides, I think this place needs much more than a remodel.”

> Should the CMC go along with Apple Bloom’s idea and remodel the place? (Chaos)
> Should the CMC go along with Sweetie Belle’s idea and just clean the castle? (Villain)

“But girls, think of the bits!” Apple Bloom says, scrounging around one of the closets. “Hey I found the power saws!”

Sweetie Belle sighs and looks at Scootaloo. “Okay yeah, it is going to cost a lot for the concert,” she admits.

“Yeah, true. Okay, I’m game. Where do we start?” Scootaloo asks.

Apple Bloom smiles wider than ever, handing each of the other two a belt and a saw. “Let’s get to work then!”

From her bath above, Opaline begins to hear screeching and yowling from the rest of the castle. “Blast it, Misty, what are you doing down there?!” she says as she pulls herself out of the bathtub sopping wet. She walks to the foot of the stairs and her eyes widen.

Absolute unadulterated chaos reigns in the rest of the castle. Trestles line the walls and paint buckets abound with unfinished paint jobs sitting on the various walls. At the center of it all, sawing and hacking with every power tool in possible existence is three small fillies.

“What, who, what?!” Opaline sputters. “What are you doing in my castle?!”

“Oh, this is your castle? Then who was the unicorn who paid us to clean up?” one of the three pipes up, a bright pink bow just visible behind her face mask that stretched over her head.

Opaline’s eye twitches. “GET OUT OF MY CASTLE! AND IF YOU SEE MISTY, TELL HER SHE’S IN TROUBLE!” she roars, a gout of flame erupting from her mouth.

“Okay okay!” Apple Bloom says. “Girls, let’s get out of here!”

“Cutie Mark Castle Remodelers, yay!”

Opaline growls under her breath as the three fillies scamper out of the castle before looking around. “Huh, I do like that shade of pink though. Not a bad eye for design,” she says before going back up to her bath.

(+1 page for Chaos)

“No, y’all are right. We should just do the job we were paid to do,” Apple Bloom says. “We’ll get the money for that concert the honest way.”

The three begin to very neatly tidy up, dusting and moving items around. In no time flat, the castle is virtually spotless. It’s gleaming even.

Opaline’s horn alights, pulling a towel around her to dry off as she walks to the stairs. “My, my , Misty has been busy. This looks amazing!” she says as her eyes drift down to what appears to be three small fillies diligently cleaning. “Uh… wait, who are you?”

“Oh, hi there. Sorry, we’ll be out of your mane in a few minutes,” the lead filly, a yellowish earth pony with a big pink bow replies. “We were paid to clean the place. Didn’t know you was home.”

“Speaking of, did you need us to clean up the bathroom after your bath? If you don’t get those wet floors it eventually causes problems!” the second one, a white unicorn with a pinkish/purplish mane says.

Opaline blinks. “Well, Misty sure took some initiative it seems. What are your names?”

“I’m Apple Bloom, and this here’s Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. We’re the Cutie Mark Castle Cleaners,” Apple Bloom says proudly.

“Interesting. How would you girls like a regular job? I dare say you do a far better job than Misty ever does on a good day at keeping things clean,” Opaline says.

“Girls, we can definitely get the money to go to the concert now!” Scootaloo says with a whinny.

“Oh yes, I shall pay you well for keeping up the place so that I can go about my evil business,” Opaline says with a wicked grin.

“Did you girls hear that? We get to work for an evil queen!” Sweetie Belle says. “Best day ever!”

“Alright alright, hold your horses, both y’all,” Apple Bloom says before looking up at Opaline. “You got yourself a deal. But no funny business.”

“Deal,” Opaline says.

“Cutie Mark Castle Cleaners, yay!”

(+1 page for Villains)

Author's Note:

Face it, if Opaline had the CMC in her court she would be basically unstoppable. They are a terror unlike the G5 crew has ever seen!