• Published 11th Dec 2023
  • 450 Views, 1 Comments

Beware the Jingles Bell - Tsukasa the crystal mage

Sunset had a strong spirit and stronger will when it came to being harassed and could shrug it off easily. But when one targets her childhood traditions you best pray to your God, that her girlfriend doesn't find out.

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For T'was an Unholy Night

It was a quiet wintery night in Canterlot city on Christmas Eve. Everyone was enjoying the Christmas spirit as good little boys and girls awaited the visit from jolly Saint Nick with his sack of goodies. But this year would bring a sad tear to Santa's eyes this year for three little girls broke his heart this year.

For inside the Belle residence his neices had decided to pay a personal visit to all who dwell inside. And Santa could do nothing but pray for their souls. With a heavy heart and tears that threatened to spill out, Saint Nick turned away and ignored the sounds of pain filled and miserable voices for help.

"Aggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Rarity save meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! It burns!!!!!!!" Sweetie Belle cried covered chains, that burned her skin every time she moved, unable to move as Nightmare styled gingerbread men dragged her up the chimney in the kitchen as Rarity desperately tried to pull the chains off with Aj's help. No matter how hard they pulled Sweetie Belle kept going up and away from the safety of her sister's arms.

Rarity cried hysterically for her sister's return while Applejack rubbed her back consolingly, as Sweetie Belle's cries of fear echoed throughout the house. Fluttershy was currently bawling her eyes out in the corner as Pinkie cradled her whispering soothing things to her.

"Why?! Why did this have to happen?!?" *Sob* *sob* "Why the F*&# did you do it Applebloom?!" Fluttershy screeched at the youngest apple sibling as she continued to cry deeply as everyone just watched silently too shocked to do anything else while in the back of their minds they were in complete agreement and somewhat glad it was someone else who said it.

Applebloom didn't say a word just hanging her head in sorrow. "It wasn't supposed to be this way..." She muttered to herself.

*One week earlier*

It was a week before Christmas Eve and Sunset couldn't be any more happier if she tried. Sunset was absolutely giddy with excitement as she skipped out of Luminary Stones jewelry shop and giggled every time as she looked at her right hand. For you see Sunset had spent the last two years, when she wasn't with her friends, she was working her ass off for a 24k diamond ring that Sunset planned to propose with to her girlfriend, Sonata, on Christmas Eve in front of her sisters.

It was going to be absolutely magical.

Or it should've been.

Sunset was currently shopping for Christmas supplies in the local mall having planned to meet up with the Dazzlings at the food court. As she was leaving a shop she ran into the Rainbooms and their sisters who were doing some last-minute shopping themselves. After talking for a bit Sunset went on her way not noticing that one of her bags ripping open just enough for a doll to slip through.

Hearing a thud, Applebloom turned to the noise finding a pretty princess doll, that was designed to look like a fairy, on the floor not far from Sunset. Now normally Applebloom would've simply picked the doll up and return it to Sunset and inform her of the year in her bag. Unfortunately Applebloom didn't fully trust Sunset or believe that the tears she shed at the Fall formal wasn't genuine. And so picking up the kids toy from the ground Applebloom, unknowingly and unwittingly sealed her friends and families fate forevermore.

"Hey Sunset!" Applebloom shouted at the top of her voice gathering everyone's attention. "You forget your dolly!" Waving said doll around in her hand Applebloom smiled innocently as her eyes held unbridled mirth as snickers and snorts filled the air as a crimson red blush raced acrossed Sunset's face.

"I- it's not for me." Sunset stuttered as she went to retrieve the toy. "It's for a charity donation I do every Christmas ever since I was little." Sunset tried to explain while fighting down the blush.

"If that's true then why does it have your hair color your highness?" Applebloom mocked as most of the mall shoppers were trying and failing to regain control of their laughter.

Before Sunset could even refute that statement Applebloom turned around and ran off screaming that Sunset played with fairy princess dolls leaving the poor girl embarrassed beyond belief and at the merciless laughter of the crowd. After picking up the toy, Sunset hastily made her way to the food court and upon finding the Dazzlings barrelled straight into her girlfriends arms and shoving her face into Sonata's neck.

"What is it my sweet Sunny?" Sonata asked worriedly as she cradled Sunset, rubbing up and down her back as she, Aria and Adagio exchanged looks wondering what happened to their girlfriend/unofficial sister while Sunset bawled her eyes out until she falled asleep.

Picking her up with Adagio's help as Aria grabbed the bags, Sonata carried Sunset to the Dazzlings car driving them home where they learned the truth, Sonata laid Sunset down on her bed and cuddled with the distraught girl the whole night as her sisters went to call an old friend of theirs.

Christmas Eve

It was on Christmas Eve with the sun long set and the moon starting to rise high into the night sky as a sleigh, pulled by reindeer, stopped in front of the Dazzling abode. Leaving his sleigh as the door opened Santa had a megawatt smile on his face as the Dazzlings ran up to hug him all the while Sunset stood in the doorway with a smile on her face holding a cup of hot chocolate.

"Hello again Santa." Sunset said softly handing the jolly man the drink.

"Hello to you as well Sunny." Santa chuckled seeing Sunset blush as he hugged her lovingly, happy to see his biggest fan and supporter doing well. Despite being born a unicorn Sunset tried to always go out of her way to bring joy and Christmas spirit to any who needs it.

Sitting at the table inside Santa nearly laughed as he saw Sonata manipulating Sunset into her lap, across from him, nuzzling into her red and gold hair as Adagio and Aria sat at his sides. His smile dimmed somewhat at the ensuing discussion.

"Girls." Santa said getting his neices attention as he dug into his pockets pulling out three crimson ruby pendents, laying them down on the table. " If you accept these then their is no going back." He warned. He knew the danger of the Krampus gems and wouldn't even wish it on his worst enemy. For to wear the Krampus gems was to become the living embodiment of darkness and evil unable to return to your previous self no matter what.

"We know Uncle. We all made our peace with it." Aria said solemnly as she grabbed his hand hugging him with all of her sisters.

Putting the pendents on, with Sunset and Sonata sharing one much to the taco lovers surprise, and with a flash of light the four human girls ceased to exist. Instead sitting at the table with Santa was four monster girl hybrids (Look up monster high gen 3 female characters).

Back at the Belle residence Sweetie Belle's cries of pain and horror was silenced by a large bang from the front door. Rushing in to find the cause Rainbow and Scootaloo were soon assaulted by monsterous elves that giggled dementedly as the others could only watch, paralyzed in fear, as the two were chained and dragged out the broken front door screaming to be let free.

One by one the Rainbooms were picked off by the unnatural army of demonized Christmas cookies, elves and presents leaving the only evidence that they existed were their tormented screams until only Applebloom and Applejack were left as they huddled around each other near the Christmas tree whimpering in fear.

Coming through the broken front door was evil Sunset Shimmer, with the Dazzlings right behind her, smirking evilly as she and her new family basked in their prisoners fear and horror.

"Well well well." Sunset said as she towered over her frightened former friends with Sonata hugging her with alluring eyes, as Aria dragged Applejack away with Adagio's help despite the girl's struggling to defend her sister.

"Why?" Was the only question that Applebloom could ask as her world went dark as Sonata lifted her up by her red bow and slamming her head into the wall.

Dumping the last target into the sack as the two rejoined Aria and Adagio outside the now abandoned desolate house, Sunset spun Sonata around as she dropped to one knee holding out a sky blue box.

"Sonata my beautiful siren..." Sunset said holding Sonata's hands as the blue girl started crying happy tears. Behind her both Aria and Adagio had gigantic grins that threatened to split their faces. "Will you marry me?"

All throughout town everyone would swear they could hear a high pitched squealing noise that shattered the sound barrier as well as some windows.


Sometime later Applebloom woke up with a start believing everything that happened was just a dream. As she went to the living room she found her sister and the others looking out the window. Joining them all the youngest apple could see was endless plains of snow. Just snow. And nothing else. With dawning horror spreading across her face Applebloom turned her head to look at her sister only to let out a blood curtailing scream. For Applejack's and everyone else's eyes have been clawed out.

"Merry Christmas Applebloom." Applejack said laughing hysterically and dementedly as Rarity grabbed her shoulders holding the girl in place as Rainbow handed Aj a blood soaked ice cream scooper.

Looking inside a Christmas ornament that now forever housed the screaming victim, Aria cackled loudly as Adagio brought some drinks out of the kitchen while Sunset and Sonata were kissing deeply on the couch inside their newly decorated home.

Comments ( 1 )

Wild Christmas tale for all, and dark fantasy indeed. Love it!

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