• Published 17th Nov 2023
  • 564 Views, 5 Comments

Team Superstars: Winds of Change - Lulamoon-Crystal

Who knows that finding a filly on a beach can be the start of your journey? A stylist of Maretine Bay sure was not aware

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Enter Zephyr Heights, city of pegasi

The sun had risen as the group stands on a cliff with a remarkable view of Zephyr Heights. They looked with awe and excitement of what was going to happen next. Until Dahlia spoke as they walked closer to the city.

“So… How exactly are we gonna find a single pegasus or unicorn amongst hundreds?” She asked.

Rocky agreed. It would take ages to ask every pony who lived in zephyr Heights. He looked at Jazz. Surely she knew more about this pony.Because coming to warn ponies about a threat. But not specifying who has the power is kind of a jerk move. Or at least not giving a hint. If she knew Jazz was one of them, how'd she not know the others?

“Do you know their names at least?” Asked Rocky, agreeing with Dahlia on how hard this was sure to be. He noticed Jazz looking a little sweaty and walking cautiously. Which was odd, because they walked to Zephyr Heights before and were not nervous. She must be nervous about the quest! Because Rocky and Dahlia were for sure.

“N-no! But I do know that the pegasus is blue!”

“Blue?” Dahlia asked, annoyed. “Do you know how little that narrows it down?”

“But it is something we can work with!” Rocky exclaimed, with positivity.

“Yeah!” Jazz agreed. “We just need to ask every single blue pegasus!”

“Yeah… But there is a lot. Isn’t there?” Dahlia asked. Rocky sighed as a result. Naming them from whom he knew.

“Glory, Raincloud, but they are both missing. My uncle, but I’d know if he had flashing hooves like Jazz randomly. There is this mare who owns a fashion shop, but I forgot her name.” He then gasped with awe. “There is the leader of the band, Electric Blue! I guess the member on the band, Jam Donut is also kinda a blueish-grey!”

Dahlia and Jazz listened to him ramble on about the band. Since he liked it. While they both thought about blue pegasi. Right now, that had any chance of being the chosen one. They had in mind was that fashion shop owner, Fretlock, Jam Donut. Then Jazz realised.

“There is that soup cart owner!” She exclaimed. Remembering hearing Pipp mention him once when talking about soup. She had gone to try some herself once. “And there is Zoom, member of the guards!”

Dahlia noded and remembered a few. “I think a pegasus that works as a photographer is blue. Also, there is Winter, Iceberg and Tumbles!”

“Suppose we should split and look around.” Dahlia guessed with a shrug.

“Let’s do it!” Rocky agreed before flying away. To look for the pony.

Eventually, Jazz and Dahlia met again. It had been a few hours of searching.

“You didn’t find the pegasus.” Dahlia sighed as she met Jazz near the cafe. “I went to the salon and the fashion shops and every blue pegasus I greeted ended up not being the chosen one!” She groaned and looked around. “I am willing to bet they have ended up in one of those dungeons already! Captured! Ugh!”

“Hey, Hey…” Jazz said in a calming voice. “I am sure Rocky found ‘em!” She smiled.

"I also asked a few blue ponies... Nothing" Rocky landed nearby looking kinda glum. “So I found Electric Blue… They did not have the power of the ancient unicorn… But...” he looked down with a sigh and reached under his wing. Taking out a poster of the band. “I got their autographs! He exclaimed with a big smile and excitement. Not gaining a smirk from either mare. Dahlia looked more annoyed than Jazz.

Dahlia was a little annoyed at him for wasting time. She thought he was more prepared and organised. But no, he couldn’t help himself could he? He just had to. She watched as Jazz smirked, not seeing it as a big deal. Besides, she was having a gut feeling she already knew who it was.

“Good job, Rocky…” Jazz bluntly responded. Then looked towards the castle. Her hooves flashed, making the other two gasped. “Now that I think about it. I get the feeling I know who it is…

“Zoom?” Dahlia asked. Wondering why they didn’t go to her first as Jazz has a feeling. “If you had this feeling it was her all along. Why did we not go there first!?”

As the trio made their way to the front door of the palace. They noticed two other ponies looking at them. Two guards. The orange own with brown socks and a white tail looked a little glum as he gazed as the incoming ponies with his green eyes. Next to him was another stallion. Brown with white socks and blaze with a grey tail. Swishing it side to side slightly. Not even knowing he was doing it. The younger brother spoke first.

He fluttered his wings as he greeted Jazz. “Hello!” He said gleefully. “Uh… Castle is closed from guests.”

The orange guard smirked. “Yeah… Our queen’s mood is in another castle.”

“That reference did not really work, Clay…” The other guard whispered.

Jazz had an idea. “But I am good friends with Pipp? May I request permission?”

“Being friends with Pipp means nothing!” Clay chuckled. “Earth ponies are really dumb? What part of ‘Castle is closed’ does she not understand!?”

Jazz groaned, getting a little annoyed. “It is an Emergency.” She grumbled. That comment about earth ponies was pretty rude. She thought pegasi were other than and knew it was untrue. But no, seems some still think earth ponies have tiny brains and complete idiots.

“We are not here to see the queen!” Dahlia exclaimed. Stomping her hoof in annoyance. Wanting them to get the message. “We are here to see Zoom!”

“Yeah, right! What are you gonna do?” Luaghed Clay. “Invite her for a tea party?”

“Emergency?” Coffee exclaimed. As he realised what she had said. “What’s the emergency?” He seemed pretty empathetic now. Realising this was actually seemingly serious. Clay simply rolled his eyes, scoffing as he looked at him.

“Maybe nothing…” Clay smirked. “They gotta show us proof first. I think. But I must be right! Because any silly pony can just run up and say it is an emergency once they are denied entrance… If we let every pony in who said ‘It’s an emergency’ then the queen could be in danger!”

“Oh…” Coffee perked up a bit and looked at his older brother. Then he nodded in agreement. “I guess that makes sense when you put it that way.”

“The world is at stake! Zoom might be one of the chosen three than can save it!” Jazz exclaimed.

“Yeah yeah… The world at stake. You should go to a studio. They are more likely to pick this plot up than us.” Clay waved a hoof as he looked smug.

Dahlia had enough of them. They were being kinda rude. Jazz was getting annoyed to them, but keeping her cool. “Fine… Maybe a song can persuade you.”

Rocky and Dahlia stepped back, watching Jazz in confusion as she stepped back, turning on a tune. Moving her hooves on the beat of the song. Then doing a twirl. Right after that she started singing.

“I’m gonna tell you! I’m gonna tell you now!” She started, lifting her hooves on the air. Dahlia put a hoof to her forehead and groaned, knowing this idea was stupid. Just because Pipp can persuade ponies with music, does not mean she can!

Rocky watched, puzzled. Wondering what the outcome would be.

But much to their surprise, they soon saw Jazz’s hooves glowing once more as she sang the calming tune. But something else was happening. As she danced, she did not seem to notice small music notes slowly flying out her hooves and towards her guards. Who started looking a bit droopy and tired as the song went on.

It appeared she was unknowingly using some type of magic connected to the ancient power. It appeared it was putting the guards to sleep as one of them yawned. Rubbed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall as he started to snooze. While the other one curled up on the ground. Looking very comfortable.

“And thats whyyyy-“ Jazz sung before gasping as she noticed they were sleeping. “Eh?” She stared in confusion. Was her music that boring that it put them to sleep?

“Good job, Jazz! Let’s go before they wake!” Dahlia quickly grabbed Jazz and pulled her into the palace as Rocky opened the door. Jazz looking back at the sleeping guards with confusion. Wondering what on earth happened. It was not like she was singing a lullaby. Even if she did, then she’d guess that guards were trained to be immune to lullabies.

She was so confused.

In the throne room. The queen was a mess as she wiped tears from her eyes. Her mane was a mess as she looked at her two guards. She sobbed as she thought about Zipp and Pipp. Her own daughters going missing with no trace. She, however had not stopped texting them twice a day with the hope they would return. Any news about them would be great. She hoped her daughters were safe more than anything. She could not really keep her royal, formal composture long enough for visits. So she didn’t allow guests. But did give updates occasionally. So the kingdom would not fall apart.

Just because her daughters were gone. The kingdom was still her responsibility.

“Your highness… Is there anything I can get for you?” Thunder asked with sorrow.

“No… I just…” She had given up on addressing the guards more formerly.

Then before anyone could say anything else. They were all alerted by Jazz, Rocky and Dahlia who burst into the throne room. Surprising the three inside. Zoom was quick to get in position.

“Halt right there!” Zoom called out from next to the throne. After pouring the queen a drink of juice as Jazz and Rocky bowed down in respect. She glided over to the intruders, ignoring their words. They were not meant to be here. The queen only watched.

“Your highness!” Jazz exclaimed. “We have- hey!” She exclaimed as Zoom got right in front of her, putting hooves on her shoulders. Grabbing her tight, like Thunder was doing with Dahlia. “Let me go!” She pouted.

“You are unwelcome on these premises, so you must leave!” Zoom pushed Jazz towards the door, making her step backwards a few steps. She was commanded days ago when the castle was shut off from guests to simply make any visitors leave.

“We have something we must say!” Rocky exclaimed. No guard was handling him, but Thunder and Zoom where nudging him along with their wings.

“Wait! We have things we must say!” Jazz said as Zoom spread her wings to block her view of the queen. Pushing her softly with her hooves to try and urge her towards the door. Her face was stern and serious. Obviously she was not listening, neither was Thunder. Who looked more sad. “I can get Zipp and Pipp back!” She shouted without thinking. The whole room froze in shock. “Sorry…” She whispered.

“E-excuse me?” Queen Haven asked, her voice shaking as her ears were lifted up. She had heard this a few times before, from search groups and such. Each loss being worse than the last. But this one claim sparked small glimmer of hope. She wanted and needed to hear more. “Guards, let them speak…”

“We heard that many times. They all failed.” Zoom responded, lowing her wings as she spoke. But quiet enough so the queen would not hear. She would hate upsetting her any more. She simply moved to the side, unblocking Jazz’s view.

Remembering the size of the teams that tried to look for the missing ponies, Thunder shook his head. “Yeah! No offense but… I think it’s gonna take more than the three of you…” His voice cracked as he looked to the ground.

“She’s right!” Dahlia exclaimed. “It is gonna take more than the tree of us. Obviously.”

“Well. Thunder is right, too. Me, Dahlia and Jazz cannot do it ourselves. But she needs you, Zoom!” Rocky exclaimed, facing her.

Zoom thought about it but declined. She would hate to fail and let the queen down. Every one failed, so would she.

“I appreciate how strong you think I am. But me tagging along won’t make it any easier…” Zoom said, expression not changing. “I need to be here for the queen!”

“Zoom.” Jazz took a deep breath in. “Remember that filly? Stardust? She was a transformed creature sent here to warn of of this Dark Matter thing created by some evil witch fairy thing. A really long time ago, there was an ancient unicorn who had the only powers that could destroy the core or something. But those powers were transferred to me, you and somepony else!”

“What?” Zoom asked, cocking her head. Not believing these claims. Sure Stardust was weird. But surely she can’t have been telling the truth. Where was she, anyway? Hopefully not causing trouble anywhere else.

“All the missing ponies are trapped in dungeon realms created by shards of the original core. All the missing ponies are trapped in those dungeons So we must unite and work together to destroy each dungeon and Dark Matter! But this time. The core will not spread and regrow!” Then she paused and breathed normally.“If you do not belive me, then look at your hoof!” She exclaimed, lifting up her own hoof that was glowing brightly. Her purple hoof polish not effecting it in the slightest.

“That’s a lot of information…” Thunder raised a brow. Watching as Zoom lift her own hoof. Noticing each one of them was glowing. Her stern expression turning to surprise as she looked at Jazz and back to hers. She would have normally asked questions and get evidence. But she had it already. This was explaining why her hooves constantly were glowing.

It also meant that Zipp, Pipp could come home. Along with all those other missing ponies! Finally and answer and a way to bring them all back! Zoom was speechless. Not knowing what to do or say.

“Y-you can bring my darlings and all of the missing ponies home?” Haven asked, smiling for the first time in weeks.

Jazz gulped. Not really wanting to make a promise she was not really sure she could keep. “I belive so.”

The queen had many emotions going through her at the moment. She had never thought this was some kind of quest about a special, unique power only three ponies had. She never thought it was some dimensional pockets. This was all bizarre to her.

But there was a change that they could get her daughters back home. She needed to see them safe again. Finally, there was hope. She never thought it’d be a great friend of Pipp’s going on this quest, or her own guard. But she was glad they were accepting of this.

But this did not sound like it could have been done in one day. They needed somewhere to stay… Thankfully the guest rooms were free.

“Guards… Show them the guest rooms.” She then realised the quest might be a bit dangerous. “If you’d like. Train them, too.”

“Yes, your majesty…” Zoom nodded. Leading the surprised trio and Thunder down the hall.

“I can’t belive that worked…” Jazz sighed. Grateful Zoom’s hooves were glowing when hers were.

“Welcome to the training arena!” Zoom exclaimed, opening a door. It led to an open space grassy place on a large cliff area on the other side of the palace. It was surrounded by high walls. The ground had grassy patches and dirt patches. Mostly in the running track that was outlined with grass. On inspection there were two tracks.

One in the sky, seen by the location of hoops and a tree. There were wooden beams sticking out the walls, with targets sticking from them along with a few hoops coming from them. There were flags and a fine pointing out the start and the end. But nothing else was marked.

The other track was almost a circle, the path itself was dirt. It had obstacles like hurdles, hoops, cones and barrels. Along with a few dummies.

“Huh? I get you guys need to train your flight skills. But I thought there’d be a roof… What if it rains?” Jazz worried. What if they had a day when it was raining and they were supposed to train?

“No problem!” Thunder exclaimed. “Well, the others say it’s a good idea to train in different weather situations, so we get used to it!”

“That’s enough, Thunder!” Zoom exclaimed, moving him aside. Facing the group of ponies who were in a line, facing her as they looked at the track. No one had noticed she shivered at the thought of training in the rain. The thought of getting soaked kinda was not ideal.

“Today… I want you, pegasi to fly through these hoops and hit the targets without stopping. Then tackle one dummy each!” She demanded as she pointed at some dummies that were standing under a very tall and high hoop. They noticed that many targets were either hanging from tall hoops or sticking out the wall by a stick.

“Can you uh… Give as an example on what route we take?” Rocky asked. Finding a little complex as it appeared the hoops and targets were randomly put around the place.

“Fine…” she grumbled.

Zoom gracefully slew through a few hoops and kicked a hanging target, changing direction quickly and flawlessly diving through the next hoop.

Jazz watched with awe, pegasi flew so gracefully. Dahlia was also a little impressed and amused. But not as much as Jazz. While Rocky was wondering how well she was expecting them to do. He watched as she smashed another target and did a loop in the air, into the sky before angling herself. She grinned as she dived towards another target. Not noticing her hooves glow as she gained speed.

“Wow! She is fast!” Jazz exclaimed.

“Uh. Zoom?” Thunder was with Worry as Zoom lost control as she turned after missing the hoop, screaming as she got faster and faster.

“That’s not good…” Rocky worried.Remembering when Jazz was singing her hooves was glowing and something happened. Maybe this was similar. “I suppose it is… in a way?” He tried to assure himself as Zoom got faster, sounding more scared. Dodging things just barely. Before she crashed into a wall. Her hooves stopped glowing as she went crashing down towards the ground. Crushing some barrels that were filled with water.

“Zoom!” Everyone cried out in concern.

Thunder was quick to help her out the puddle of water that fame from the barrels being broken. Her wings and backside were wet. Water dripped down her body, to her belly as she got up.

“Are you okay, Zoom?” Thunder asked as she slowly came to her senses. The world was spinning all around her as she stumbled a little. Felling Thunder’s hoof against her as he watched for injuries.

“Yeah… Nothing I can’t handle.”

There was a pause as everyone thought of the speed boost she certainly could not handle.

“I… Dunno about that…” Rocky responded, maybe sounding a little bit smugger than he thought.

Zoom flicked water from her tail and felt water tickle down her belly. She looked around at the group. “I hope you have memorised the trail. Because that is what I want you pegasi to do. To practice your flight and aim while flying! Earth ponies! I want you to use your earth pony magic on those dummies and find ways tp hit the targets on the walls. In that corner. Than see those cones and hoops on the ground. That is the course we had before we could fly. I want you earth ponies to complete that!”.

“Minus the crashing?” Rocky asked, getting a glare. “I mean… Yes, of course!”

He and Thunder soon started the trial Zoom tried to show them. While Jazz grabbed a slingshot and used her earth pony in creative ways to hit the dummies. Before starting the course with running in and out between some comes.

That night. The queen had Rocky, Jazz, Dahlia long with Thunder and Zoom join them for dinner. Which would make many other royal guards jealous.

They happily sat at the table, eating their potatoes and salad. It was just so tasty.

“Thank you so much for this meal, your highness!” Jazz said with a smile before stuffing a larch chunk of tomato in her mouth.

The queen smiled back. “Anything for such a brave pony like you.” She seemed to have perked up a little. But marks were still under her eyes. “For going on this quest to destroy the bad thing, figure this out and save the world. Even bring everypony missing home!”

Jazz smiled a bit, happy she gave the queen some hope for Zipp and Pipp’s return. She hoped it would happen soon, tho. She hoped they were okay.

“So…” Thunder said, swallowing a tiny potato. “Zoom?”

“Eh? Yes, Thunder?” She asked. Curious on why he was looking a bit eager.

“When your hooves were glowing… Were you aware that you would get super speed?” He questioned.

There was a pause as Zoom swallowed some food. The queen was right there. She needed to say the right thing. She did not want to be seen as weak and useless. She quickly decided on her answer. “I was aware of my hooves randomly glowing for a while now, Thunder.” She answered, sounding a little unamused.

Rocky shrugged, “It seems your glowing hooves might be more than blasts and glowing…” He pointed out. “At the palace entrance. Jazz’s were glowing as she sung a song. It put the two guards to sleep so we could get in.”

“I did what!?” Jazz exclaimed in shock. “That explains why they fell to sleep with my song…” She put a hoof to her forehead.

Thunder gasped, “That sounds cool! Zoom goes zoom-zoom while Jazz gets music-y with the powers!”

“Yeah…” Zoom responded, looking down at her hoof. Wondering why it could not have happened when she was aware it was going to happen. “If that’s the case we need to get used to them and train them.”

Jazz snickered, “So we arent crashing into walls and barrels? Got it!” She then got a very annoyed stare by Zoom. She was unharmed but still kinda annoyed that others were finding humour in it.

Jazz raced Dahlia down the hall to the bedroom after they both brushed their teeth.

“I’m gonna get the big bed!” Jazz cried out.

“Not if I beat you to it!”

The two ponies raced to the guest room. Inside was two wardrobes. Two beds, sone bigger than the other. There was more than one guest room, but the one they were running to had two beds. So two of them would sleep in the same room. While the other, maybe Rocky. Would sleep in another guest room.

The two mares jumped onto the bed, crashing onto the soft blanket and pillows. But something that Jazz’s hooves slammed on was not soft at all. Her answer soon came to her as Rocky shot up. Yelping in pain as Jazz had just kicked his face.


“Jazz!” Rocky cried out. Staring at the two mares, not looking very happy with the rude awakening. Who would be with two mares jumping on them all the sudden. He was having such a great dream, too. He grumbled as he took off his cream sleeping mask, that had two black lines on it to resemble the triangle-shaped closed eyes that would appear in certain things. Like emojicons. His mane was messy and his face was full of annoyance. Staring glumly at the mares.

“I guess Rocky on here first…” Dahlia grumbled as she sat down on the bed. Not realising Rocky wanted the bed too. If only they finished dinner earlier and brushed their teeth quicker. She would have gotten the bed. Knowing she could easily beat Jazz in a race.

“Well, I jumped on it first, clearly!” Jazz smirked, jumping on the bed, making him more annoyed. But she did understand that Rocky didn't know that either of them wanted the bed. He was not present when she and Dahlia argued about who would get it and agree on a race. He was getting ready for bed when they agreed on a race.

But now Rocky knew about the race now and who jumped on the bed first would get to sleep in it. He was not happy about being trodden on my Jazz. Then slammed in the face by her. She had such a kick!

“In that case…If the first obe on the bed gets it.” Rocky grumbled. “Perhaps I should get the bed?”

“But, Rocky…” Jazz pouted slightly.

“While Jazz, being the winner of this race between you two, gets that other bed!” He grumbled. “since you both also likes the view from the window more than the other guest rooms…” As Dahlia jumped off the bed, he pushed her out the room. He slammed the door in annoyance.

Jazz did not say a word as he flopped back down on the bed and put the blanket over himself. “You can get this bed tomorrow, Jazz…” He grumbled a bit. Trying to get back to sleep. The other bed was smaller and not as soft. But it was still far from a cheap bed. She laid down on it and pulled her blanket over her. Thinking about everything that happened that day…

She looked at her phone. That morning, she had gotten a message from her own mother. Asking her where she was and why the salon was not open earlier in the day like it should be. Then texting every few hours on why she was not responding and where she was. She sighed, not knowing what to say, besides. ‘Everything’s Fine…’ Just to calm her nerves.

Even tho. She would not say everything was fine. Sure, they got Zoom to agree on the journey easily but… It was bound to be a dangerous one. She was scared. It was nerve wrecking just to think about it.

“Good night, Rocky…” She sighed. Looking towards the bed he was one. Before closing her eyes and trying to sleep.

Zoom and Jazz were confused and scared. But they knew they had to keep hoping and eventually find the other pony with the powers. They did not know who it was. But they did know it was a unicorn. Now it was a quest to save the world and it had just started.

Whoever it was. This was sure going to be a quest. They were a team now. They had to stick together till the end, even if it did not make much since. They were not going to give up.


Author's Note:

Early post, because I felt kind demotivated. But I decided to try and continue it when I am better. It’d be a shame for the plans to go to waste.