• Published 21st Nov 2023
  • 1,713 Views, 190 Comments

He's a Vampire - Gormless Wheaton

'Eternity is wasted on hatred, Mr. Harlow. For try as we might, immortality slips away, and we're left with only our shame.'

  • ...


Down in the training yard of the castle, Karl was holding a late-night sparring session with his squires who had finally set up house in the barracks. As Karl parried one squire's stab and then threw them to the ground, he seemed to begin lecturing them before looking up and pointing at me where I was sitting on the spire overlooking the yard. I cupped a hand behind my ear.

"-Feratu got ahold of you, you'd be worse than thrown to the ground!" He said. "Don't over-commit! Stay loose!" I scoffed and lay back on the spire to look at the moon. Even with its usual calming effect, my talk with Celestia and her sister was still eating me up inside.

"Even if it isn't lying and truly wants to surrender its power to him, we can't know what sort of effect that would truly have," Celestia had argued to Luna.

"So long as it helps us, I'm fine with whatever comes," had been my interjection. The hurt look she shot me told me how little that had helped. According to Luna, after Celestia had retired for the evening, I'd said almost word-for-word what their dad had said. With a groan, I dragged my hand over my face.

"Peter Harlow!" I yelped and nearly tumbled off the spire roof but was caught by magic. Looking up, I saw Luna hovering directly over me. "There is an emergency."

"Prime Minister, don't be difficult!" One of the guards demanded to no effect. Coal remained sitting with his arms folded and leaning against the ruined train car.

"Get the rest of the injured to Canterlot Peter, then we can worry about me," he said firmly. I furrowed my brow and looked over the field around the wreck. The guards I'd warped had managed to set up a rough first-aid tent by the fifth trip, which the less-injured minotaurs were quickly hauling their fellows to. Coal grabbed me by the arm and drew my attention back to him. "And give this to Celestia." He held a faintly glowing stone to me.

"What's this?" I asked as I took it. It felt cold and was vibrating slightly.

"Grogar left that with Glass. He claimed it was how Glass was going to find where Grogar and his other cronies are holed up," Coal explained, giving me a smirk. I shared a look with the guard and then nodded at Coal with a smirk of my own.

Quilt rested her head on the balcony banister with her eyes toward the moon and stars. It was the first time in days she'd actually looked at the night sky, and despite her fears, she was still able to enjoy the view. Of course, she still wasn't confident enough that it wouldn't bring up bad thoughts to view the stars alone.

"What does this symbol mean again?" Frill asked, sliding the recipe toward Quilt, who glanced down at the paper where Frill had her hoof. She tilted her head and hummed.

"Powdered garlic. Which makes that the sixth dose in Mr. Katskills' recipe," she furrowed her brow and huffed. "I wonder if he knows we aren't making this just for vampires." Frill humphed in response and scowled at the recipe.

"Probably hoping we'll let him use this on Peter," she groused.

"He promised he wouldn't if my modification works," Quilt retorted as she turned and laid down next to Frill. She slid the paper closer to her and scanned it, before taping one of the symbols. "Easy one. What's that?" She looked at Frill expectantly, who furrowed her brow and hummed.

"That's.." she clenched her teeth and hissed a breath before gasping and looking at Quilt. "Nightshade?"

"Bingo," Quilt replied with a smile. The two shared a giggle before Quilt stood up. "Alright. We both know what we're working with, so let's get to brewing."

"Whatcha cooking?" Cozy called. Quilt and Frill turned to see her, Sunbeam, Hasty, and Blueblood stepping out on the balcony.

"A potent anti-magic acid that Mr. Katskills let me have a look at," Quilt replied with a smile. She looked over the group and tilted her head. "Where's Peter?"

"Master is still aiding the guards in transporting the minotaur's equipment to the castle," Blueblood explained.

"Still?" Frill asked.

"Still," Hasty replied with a somber nod. "It doesn't look like Grogar was aiming to destroy the United Cities' weapons since the only things broken were damaged when the train derailed."

"What was he after then?" Frill pressed, looking between the ponies and then at Quilt, who wore a severe glare.

"Based on what Minister Coal said, it sounds like he was trying to capture him so that Glass Jaw guy could kill him," Sunbeam said before smiling grimly. "'Course, the Minister got the better of Glass Jaw either way." Hasty nodded with a hum.

"Not only that, but he managed to swipe a magic rock from Glass that Grogar was saying could lead to his camp!" He declared.

"So we might be able to find where he's hiding?" Cozy asked, beaming and clapping her hooves as Hasty nodded in response. "Awesome!" She whirled around and smiled at Quilt, before noticing she was staring at the floor. Cozy's ears shot back and she crept next to her friend.

"How you doing, by the way?" Cozy asked, nuzzling Quilt. Quilt didn't respond right away but finally nodded.

"Better," she looked up with a resolute glare. "And by a lot."

"Wonderful to hear," Blueblood replied. "I'm sure the Master will be thrilled to hear it as well." Quilt smiled with a hum.

"I hope so. It's 'cause of him that I-" She winced and took a breath before readopting her firm expression. "That I want to keep going." She looked back at the moon.

"Peter lost everywooly from his family too, but he kept moving. He found something to live for like Celestia said I should," she smiled at Frill. "I'm pretty sure that something is all of us." Frill smiled back.

"I'm not going to just let that mother scruffer keep me down. I'm not going to sit and cry anymore. I know what I want to do, and I'm already taking steps to do it," she stamped her hoof on the recipe and firmly glared down at it. "I'm going to use all the gifts and talents he taught me and tear down every scruffed-up evil thing he's ever made."

A day after Coal and the minotaurs were safely in Canterlot, the rest of the delegates had begun to arrive to discuss our new plan of attack. As the meeting couldn't begin until everyone was here, Apollon joined me in visiting Coal while he recovered.

"It's so strange," Apollon said as he leaned back in his seat next to Coal's bed. "He's proved he can infiltrate our lands practically at will, but he's only done so to contact the traitors." Coal grumbled and sat up, wincing and clutching the bandages around his torso.

"Really have to wonder what he's playing at," he grumbled.

"When he popped up in Woollachia, he made it seem like he was looking for a challenge," I replied. "Maybe he's trying to make us all aware so we can actually put up a fight?" Apollon scoffed.

"If he's powerful enough to survive Celestia, I'm not sure that matters much," he sighed and folded his arms. "Even my air fleet might not be too useful."

"Don't count out numbers!" Coal said with a strained laugh. "So long as we can keep him pinned long enough for Princess Twilight and her pals to blast him, it won't matter how strong his magic is!"

"Plus, as much as I hate to admit it," I began with a huff. "Karl van Katskills is on our side, too. He and Quilt have been working on some kind of miracle potion for killing monsters. Can't hurt our chances." Apollon considered my words before smirking.

"So long as he remembers the monster on our side is off limits," he said with a chuckle. Before I could retort, a knock came at the door as a guard stepped into the room.

"Queen Novo and the King and Queen of Abyssinia have arrived," he reported.

"Where is this vampire we've entered a pact with?" Queen Panthera demanded as she scanned the sunlit parlor before settling her eyes on her husband, who sat across from the sofa Novo and Coraltail were sharing. Compared to his wife's confident, relaxed stance, the King of Abyssinia sat with his head hanging and his paws meekly folded between his knees, adding further contrast between the pair despite their matching black fur.

"He, uh-" the king began.

"Don't stutter," the queen retorted, rolling her necklace between her claws. King Panthera cleared his throat and nodded.

"He is most likely visiting the Prime Minister of the United Cities, Beloved," he tapped his claws together. "Minister Coal and he are very good friends after all." The queen hummed and turned to Novo and Coraltail with her paw on her hip.

"I have to wonder if the Prime Minister has been informed of the vampire's actions against the Catican," she purred. The hippogriffs shared a look before Coraltail met the Abyssinian Queen's eyes.

"He and Princess Celestia are fairly close from what I've seen, so it may be that she's kept such information from him," he replied, drawing a hum from the queen, who tilted her head.

"Is that really true?" She queried. Coraltail raised an eyebrow before realizing she was looking past where he was seated. He glanced back and wilted slightly.

"Not entirely. But then again, as Sir Katskills can attest, it's not entirely true that Peter Harlow's actions were completely unjustified," Celestia explained as she stepped to the center of the room. She wore her characteristic serene smile as she bowed to each creature. "Rest assured, Mr. Harlow is prepared to work towards making amends as best he can for what has happened." She blinked when Queen Panthera barked a laugh.

"Make amends! They should be thanking him for pulverizing that fat cat Bubsy!" She giggled through her paw before clapping. "But then again, they are still citizens of our country. So! He has my appreciation for aiming to avoid further conflict with them."

"Mine as well," Celestia tittered. "Were you seeking to speak with Mr. Harlow?"

"I wouldn't be opposed, but I was unable to attend the previous conference, and so I have only what information my husband returned with," the queen replied with a smile. "So, now that I'm able to take a more direct role, I'm interested in direct knowledge of our allies and assets. Especially given things seem to have escalated beyond simple undead warlords." Celestia beamed and raised a hoof.

"Well, I'd be happy to speak with you on all such matters while we wait for the rest of our allies to arrive," she said. "In fact, if you'll give me a few minutes to discuss a sensitive and personal issue with Queen Novo and her aid, we could do so right away." The hippogriffs in question jolted at her words. The Abyssinian Queen meanwhile smiled and bowed before striding out of the room, followed by her husband. Celestia stood in silence, still wearing her smile for a few moments before turning to Novo. The queen furrowed her brow as she met Celestia's eyes.

"How is Skystar?" Celestia asked, taking a seat where King Panthera had been previously. Novo blinked and smiled.

"Ah, I see," Novo sighed and laughed. "She's doing fine. Perhaps you weren't made aware, but she's here in Canterlot as well." Celestia nodded.

"And the Storm Isles? I understand after Sir Katskills rescued your daughter, he left the Remnant forces in quite a mess."

"I personally oversaw the occupation effort of the Storm Isles, though Sir Katskills made it easy for us," Coraltail explained, puffing out his chest with a smile. "Truthfully, all we had to do was round up a demoralized garrison."

"Wonderful. And what was the nature of your agreement with the Catican?" The pair wilted in shock. Celestia's expression was unchanged.

"Excuse you?" Novo squawked.

"Sir Katskills explained to me that in exchange for rescuing Skystar, details relating to Peter's ewe-friend were given to Administrator Bubsy," she tilted her head forward. "A very short time before she was abducted as part of a scheme to kill Peter." A crushing silence took the room, broken after a full minute by Coraltail.

"If I understand you correctly, that is quite a severe accusation, princess," he said.

"I am aware."

"I hope you have more than simple conjecture supporting it," Coraltail continued.

"I have the testimony of Sir Katskills as well as a few of his squires who were attending the Administrator the night you first contacted him." Coraltail blanched and his wings snapped out.

"I was certain he was alone!" Celestia raised an eyebrow, and he looked from her to Novo, who held a claw over her eyes. He blinked and then wilted. "Oh." Celestia took a breath and shook her head.

"What would Skystar think if she knew your actions led to the attack on Woollachia?" She huffed, causing Novo to groan.

"What else was I supposed to do?" She gasped. "Wait on that monster Adam to turn himself in?"

"We were in the process of countering him using similar methods we used to locate his ally," Celestia retorted with a sad scowl. "But even baring that, your actions were shortsighted, especially given Prime Minister Coal's warning. Have you considered what would happen if he learned what you have done?" The pair went wide-eyed and still.

"Precisely. But even setting him aside, you have put my friend's life in jeopardy, as well as that of his loved ones. The Catican ransacked a village in Woollachia to act on the information you gave them," Celestia sighed hard. "Which, of course, leads to another issue. Peter Harlow acted in defense of his loved ones and dealt retribution upon the Catican. Now, except for Sir Katskills, the entire organization is opposed to us."

"What?!" Novo cried while Cortaltail stared ahead in shock.

"They firmly believe that the entire coalition was on board with their scheme, and yet we still employ Mr. Harlow. So they now also believe it was a double-cross," Celestia explained. "So firmly do they believe this that they've exiled Sir Katskills and his squires." The hippogriffs digested the news in silence for a minute before Celestia spoke again.

"The Prime Minister is not aware of your actions and will remain so if I can manage it. But in exchange, you must agree to aid Peter Harlow in making peace with the Catican when the time comes. It is the least you can do."

"What kind of name is 'Lugrim'?" Grogar snorted, earning a scowl from the storm beast at his side.

"What do you mean?" Lugrim demanded as the pair walked past the scrambling teams of lower-ranked beasts who were racing all around the central square of the isle.

"It's a stupid name," Grogar chirped, stopping and leaning his head back to glare at a dark crevice between two ruined buildings. He held his gaze for a moment before tilting his head that way, and a dark yellow beam instantly filled the space between his horns and the dark spot. A gurgling cry of pain rang out followed by silence.

"Nice shot," Lugrim appraised to Grogar's satisfaction. The beast scanned the square at the path of destruction the goat had carved. All around lay the occupying hippogriff warriors in varying states of death and evisceration. He and the army had been so decimated by the Catican assassin that they all but immediately surrendered when the hippogriffs arrived. As a result, this was the first time he'd gotten a clear picture of how many soldiers there had been. Even then, he had to do some rough estimation, as only a clawful of bodies were actually completely intact.

Not that the storm beasts fared much better all said. Lugrim had to sigh as he watched his comrades haul and load gear on their ships.

"To think we used to dominate the southern skies," he groused. "Barely enough left for a squadron."

"And that's plenty for what I have planned," Grogar replied as he scrapped the ground with his hoof. "You remember what you're doing?" Lugrim watched as the goat scratched a circle into the stones.

"We sail on Equestria's capital from the south while you attack from the north."

"And when do you do that?" Grogar pressed before flipping the flat circular stone he'd cut from the ground over.

"Immediately?" Lugrim offered.

"Bingo," Grogar blasted the stone and then tossed it at Lugrim. The beast caught it, then cried out and juggled the scalding hot piece of rock for a moment. "That's the homing charm I promised. It's locked to Canterlot Castle, so just follow it like I told you."

"I-" Before he could speak Grogar began to rise in the air, legs stiff as boards. He held out his claw to the goat. "Wait!"

"What?" Grogar rotated in the air to fix him with an annoyed leer.

"If the coalition hasn't been dissolved yet, what about the Dragon Lord?" Lugrim asked. "She and her kin can easily sweep even a full fleet from the sky!" Grogar hummed and considered his words.

"What was Adam's plan for that?" He asked.

"Lord Adam? He claimed his hypnosis would deal with them," the beast replied, furrowing his brow at Grogar's smirk. "But no one's seen him since the Abyssinian attacked."

"Yeah, s'cause he died," Grogar said plainly, drawing a choking stammer from the storm beast. "Don't worry though. I gotta plan for them."

Lace shivered as the late-night icy mountain air bit into her wool, and she huddled closer to the fire. Except for the rockface of the mountain, the land just around their camp had been magically scoured free of trees and debris, all of which were piled in neat, manageable chunks inside a cave in the rock face.

"What good is all that fur if the cold can still torment you?" Chrysalis demanded from the opposite side of the fire. Lace scowled at the changeling.

"In case you haven't noticed this scruffing mountain is covered in snow," she hissed, waving a hoof at their surroundings and then at the cave they'd been sleeping in the past few nights. "Even Grogar said we should stick to the cave at night to avoid freezing to death."

"Hah! That was clearly advice for you alone!" Chrysalis jeered, bringing a hoof to her chest. "I'm perfectly adapted to this climate." Lace sneered at her.

"Is that why you snuck up and huddled against me the past few nights?" Chrysalis leaped to her hooves.

"You were awake?! Deceiver!" Lace scowled smugly at her.

"Not initially! But it's kinda hard to stay asleep when somewooly twice your size suddenly grabs you in the middle of the night!"

"How dare-"

"Quiet," Grogar demanded as he suddenly stamped on the fire, causing it to turn blue and then go out. Chrysalis flinched and nearly collapsed, while Lace screamed and tumbled over. Grogar leered at the pair and then scanned the clearing around them. "Where's Glass?"

"Who?" Chrysalis quietly asked. Grogar hummed and closed his eyes.

"Oh, he's dead. Sounds about right," he bared his teeth and hissed, drawing a shudder from his allies. "Meaning his homing charm is missing."

"His what?" Lace murmured, looking between him and Chrysalis as she slowly rolled to her hooves.

"Magic rock I whipped up. It glows when it's near the place it's locked to and if you set a compass on it, it'll point you in the direction of that same place," he stamped his hoof on the extinguished fire. "I gave Glass one set for here." Chrysalis cried out and stood up straight.

"So the enemy has a path straight to us?!" She shrieked, wilting as Grogar laughed aloud.

"Probably!" He chuckled. Chrysalis and Lace shared a look before Lace stepped forward.


"S'fine though," Grogar said as he strode toward the mountain and looked up. "Everything else is ready so we can proceed." Before either could ask, they found themselves lifted into the air by shadow tendrils before Grogar rocketed skywards, dragging them with him. After a terror-filled minute, they found themselves hurled onto a snow-covered plateau near the top of the mountain that hugged the peak in a narrow crescent shape. As they struggled to clamber to their hooves in the heavy snow, Grogar touched down. From where his hooves made contact a blast of dark energy flared out in a dome, sweeping away the snow and leaving behind bare stone.

"Where am I?" Lace grumbled as she sat up before looking at the rock face and blinking. "Wha?"

"My sentiments exactly," Chrysalis hissed. The pair stared in tandem at a cave level with the plateau, which had a faint yellow membrane stretched over it that faintly crackled with power. Grogar hummed and his horns lit up, sending out sparks of magic that burned runes in a semi-circle around the cave.

"This is where Gusty the Great hid my bell all those years ago," he explained as a detailed ritual array was carved into the rock. "She poured almost all of her magic into a spell to keep it sealed away." He stepped up to the membrane and tapped it with his hoof, causing it to squeal and crackle violently.

"Your bell.." Chrysalis whispered. "So this-"

"Is where the greater brunt of my magical power is hidden, yes," Grogar continued, appraising the mountain with a smile. "She probably thought I'd have to search for it. Ha! Like I'd need to search for my left hoof!" He cackled and sighed before smirking at the barrier.

"At least she was smart enough to put this little doozy up. I certainly won't be breaking through this!" Lace and Chrysalis flinched and shared a look.

"So how-" Lace began, squealing in shock when the runes let out a deep bassy drone.

"Easy. It only guards from the outside, and that bell is still a part of me," he sat down, and his eyes glazed over. "Just have to let it know I'm here." His eyes rolled back, and he clamped his forehooves together. He uttered a prolonged meditative hum as the runes glowed red and began smoking. Magical energy began to arc up from them and dissipate into the air. There was a faint rumble from deep in the cave, followed by a deep, metallic clang.

All at once, the barrier stretched outwards towards Grogar at speeds that startled even Chrysalis. Then, slowly, the barrier began to shudder and peel back until finally a cracked grey stone bell with a red collar snapped through and affixed itself around Grogar's neck. The barrier shot back to the cave like rubber and then settled, as the goat took a strained breath and then exhaled with a shudder. The runes let off wisps of steam, cutting the silence with a hiss before he stood up with a smile.

Chrysalis and Lace watched him anxiously as he looked up at the thick clouds above them. The last of the hot steam slipped into the air and was carried off by the wind, leaving the plateau in a tense quiet. Lace shuddered and bared her teeth.

"So," she began slowly.

"So," Grogar replied. Lace wilted and looked at Chrysalis who had her eyes glued to Grogar. The sheep gulped and bit her lip.

"What, uh," she murmured. "What now?" Grogar hummed and rolled his head back and forth.

"Well," he began. "I was planning on briefing you two and Glass on the new world order you'll be a part of. Then I was going to pull Briefs back to life." He hummed and went silent. The pair shared a look.

"But?" Chrysalis offered, causing the goat to look back at her with a frown.

"But besides the fact that Glass is dead and I've got someone else to revive, it feels like we're missing something," he stared at the ground. "I mean, this is it! This is when I clash with the modern heroes!" He waved a hoof and shook his head.

"It feels," he screwed up his face and hummed. "Empty."

"Empty?" Chrysalis groused. "What in the world does that mean?" Grogar scanned the ground.

"Too similar to how things used to roll out. Scheming and slinking around far from the meek and helpless, planning attacks they never saw coming," he narrowed his eyes. "Then basking in their shocked terror when we fall upon-" He whipped around with a bright smile.


"So it not only resonates with the location it is set to, but it also acts as an arcane pole!" Twilight explained, holding a compass up to the stone Coal gave me for the entire room to see. The needle spun and then settled on the north-western point. "Meaning we can use it to navigate right to wherever Grogar wanted Glass to meet him!"

"Brilliant!" Queen Panthera cheered, leaning onto the conference table with a bright smile aimed at Twilight and her friends. "So, now we can march on his little hideout and you girls can blast him!"

"Or we can fly there," Apollon offered, nudging Celaeno at his side.

"Might be the best option, since otherwise we'd have to march our soldiers who knows how far," Coal said, rubbing the bandages on his chest.

"Will that really be necessary?" King Panthera asked, leaning back to see around his wife. "Can't the Elements just handle him?"

"If he's recruited any other creature besides Lace, it'd be best if we supported the princess regardless," Graggle said, rubbing his chin. "Otherwise they could be ambushed and captured." Rainbow scoffed and waved her hoof at him.

"Puh-lease! Like he could really catch us off guard!" She declared. Then I blinked and shot to my feet, as Grogar suddenly appeared right behind her. Only now he had a weird stone bell hanging from his neck.

"Evenin' folks! Grogar here," he chirped, causing a chill to race over my whole body. Twilight and her friends leaped away from him, someone in the room screamed, and Celestia and Luna shot forward before hesitating and sharing a look. "That's right! The Grogar from all the old stories. You aren't hallucinating or having a bad dream. This is real. though I can already taste that plenty of you are having the hmm, appropriate response." He chuckled and shook his head. Even through the curtained windows, the sound of panic in the city outside was audible. Grogar waved a hoof and shook his head again.

"Now, don't panic too much, 'cause this ain't even all that bad! This is a telepathic broadcast to, well, everyone. Not the first time I've pulled this off, but I'm betting it's the first time any of you have witnessed it," he pursed his lips, squinted his eye, and tilted his head. "Well, except for two of you, maybe." He smiled and winked, at which Celestia audibly growled and Luna snorted.

"Some of you may have heard of a spell called the Evil Eye. Some may have even tried to sanitize its name. However you know it, know that I invented it. So, it shouldn't be too shocking that I can invert its effect, basically. No time or interest to explain that fully, especially as at least one out of every ten of you isn't making it to the end of this month." A grim, even, subdued smile spread across his face. The door was suddenly thrown open and Quilt, Frill, Cozy and all the rest of my friends came scrambling in, stopping dead when they saw him. Quilt clenched her jaw and glared at him.

"That is, of course, the purpose of this message. I've just gathered my commanders and reclaimed my bell, so I'm going to begin conjuring up a proper horde of just about every awful thing you've spent ages hunting and dreading," his smile split, revealing his needle-like fangs as he tilted his head forward. Karl appeared suddenly at the door, leaning in with a wry smile. "And then I'm taking them on the warpath. We're going to march on Canterlot in central Equestria and raze the whole mountain. Once it has been scoured of life I'm going to occupy it and make it my new lair, out of which my armies will stream forth unto every corner of the world." Coal's chair was suddenly hurled from his place at the illusory Grogar, phasing right through and shattering on the ground.

"Now, I know! I know! Ya'll've probably heard this spiel before. Why, I'd be surprised if the changeling over here hadn't made similar threats a few dozen times all on her own!" He laughed but then flinched and looked to the side. "Huh? Yes, you, now shut up." Grogar snorted and rolled his eyes before continuing.

"Chrysalis," Thorax groused.

"Anyhow, I'm betting you wastes of space are at least a little desensitized to threats by now," a dark chuckle rumbled in the air as his horns crackled with red magical power. "So allow me to reinvigorate your fears with something tangible. And permanent." Then he vanished, and Celestia and Luna cried out and stumbled over onto each other. I spied that their cutie marks were spasming.

Before any of us could move, the entire room began to shake and the panic outside went quiet. The little amount of daylight slipping through the curtains intensified and then turned red. Celestia and Luna managed to stand back up and shared a look before turning, stepping passed Quilt and the rest, and exiting the room.

They approached a window directly opposite the conference room door and threw its curtains open, revealing a blood-red skyline, and the moon slowly crawling up from the horizon. The moon itself was now an abnormally dull orange, which only added to the eerie scene. I felt a chill, like what I usually felt when the sun had set and it was safe to walk outside again.

One by one, we all exited the room and stared out the window at the sky. The entire city, the mountain, the countryside, everything was now bathed in a miserable red glow matching that of the sky.

And high above, the moon finally completed its journey and stopped directly in front of the midday sun, casting the world into an unnatural eclipse.

"Fucking... Christ," I gasped as Frill clung to my leg.

"No kidding," Quilt added, leaning against my other leg. I heard the sound of Celestia casting a spell followed by an annoyed sigh. Looking over at her, I saw she was glaring at the eclipse with narrowed eyes. After a moment she met my eyes. For the first time since I'd met her, I could see genuine weariness, regret, and sorrow in her eyes.

"He has cursed them both. I cannot reach the Sun," her head hung slightly as she looked into my eyes. "Peter."

"Yeah?" She winced and closed her eyes.

"Now that he has his bell, there is no telling the damage he can cause even if the Elements are deployed."

"Twilight said as much a while back."

"Therefore, we must seek every advantage we can."

"For sure." She hummed and looked at me again.

"Are you certain?" She asked with a waver in her voice. "Are you prepared?" I looked at Frill and Quilt who looked up at me with confusion, and then the eclipse before nodding at her.

"Whatever comes of it, so long as it helps."

"Hey," we all turned to see Ember with her claw on her hip, leering out the window. She turned to face us. "So, uh, what'd I miss?"