• Published 22nd Nov 2023
  • 1,815 Views, 52 Comments

Long Road to Friendship Abridged - Albi

The Elements of Harmony are forcing Sunset to be a better person. Sunset has objections.

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2. No Puppies Were Harmed in the Making of this Terrible Fic

Am I gonna get in trouble for this? Who knows, mods are gone.

Did you know turning into a raging she-demon gave you mental scars? Sunset didn’t. That’s why she woke up screaming like a little girl every night.

“Why am I so terrified?” Sunset asked herself. “I should be enjoying the pain and suffering of others!”

“But that isn’t nice!” The little Princess Twilight doll squeaked.

“You know what else isn’t nice?” Sunset took the doll and set it on fire. Unfortunately for her, the plot demanded it be invincible.

“Dammit, Albi!”

“So, vat seems to be ze problem?” The doll asked in a stereotypical German therapist voice. It also had a beard. And a monocle because reasons.

“F*ck this, I’m going to school.” Sunset left, more irritable and angry than usual, which is really saying a lot. That’s when she ran into Fluttershy and remembered that she was cursed.

“Please help at the animal shelter,” Fluttershy asked, handing out flyers and acting as moe as animeishly possible.

Spitting fire and hissing, Sunset stomped over and said, “I’ll help you.”

Fluttershy shrunk away. “Is this a joke?”

“Me volunteering or the story in general?”


“No. Sadly.”

Fluttershy eyes became huge and filled with kittens and rainbows. “So you’ll help me? Oh, thank you, Sunset senpai! Wait until you see all the little, happy animals—”

“F*ck off,” Sunset said, walking away.

“I’m now secretly in love with her,” Fluttershy whispered.

“Back off, bitch, she’s mine,” Twilight hissed, walking past.

Fluttershy bowed her head. “Okay.”

While Sunset was mopping floors after school, Rainbow marched up to her, sweaty from having just finished stroking her ego. Oblivious to the wet floor sign, she slipped and slid into a locker.

“Classic comedy right there,” Sunset said.

“I think I bruised my ego.” Rainbow pulled herself out and pointed to Sunset. “I’m onto you, Shimmer!”

“I hope not. Half the school already thinks I’m hot, and the other half already thinks you’re a lesbian.”

“F*ck you!”

“Take me to dinner first.”

Rainbow grabbed Sunset and pinned her against the wall. “I know you’re planning to hurt Fluttershy by… burning the puppies or something.”

Sunset smiled sadistically. “Yes, I’m going to burn all the puppies!”

“You f*cking sadistic bitch!”

“Rainbow, watch your language; we only have a teen rating for this story.” Seriously, how did this get past moderation?

Rainbow dropped Sunset and started walking away. “If you burn one puppy, me and my ego are going to beat your face in.”

The next day, Sunset went to the animal shelter, hiding a box of matches in her pocket. What, you thought she was joking about burning the puppies?

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, Peter the Parrot stole the matches from her pocket.

“Raawrk! Pyromaniac!”

“Damn straight.”

Fluttershy walked in. “Senpai! I mean, Sunset, you’re here.”

Sunset forced herself to smile. “That’s right. I am here to play with animals and totally not set them on fire.”

Fluttershy clapped her hands. “Yaay! That’s great!” She handed Sunset a broom. “Now, clean up their poop.”

So, Sunset spent the next hour cleaning cages. “I hate my life. But now I realize, maybe if I hadn’t been a bitch, I wouldn’t be here right now. Or if the princess hadn’t interfered. Yeah, let’s go with that second one. It’s all her fault!”

Something licked her leg and she jumped into the air. Behind her was a cute puppy with a torn ear.

“Evilness… suddenly… melting away.” Sunset shook. “Must… fight urge… to cuddle.”

She lost.

“Oh, you’re so adowable, yes you are! Yes, you are!” Sunset cuddled and petted the puppy while it licked her cheek. “When I burn the world down, you’ll be right there by my side.”

It barked in joy.

Later on, Sunset sat outside with Fluttershy watching the dogs play. Fluttershy pulled her legs to her chest, looking extra moe. “I thought about killing myself sometimes.”

Sunset choked. “Okay, way to kill my mood, ‘Shy! What the heck?”

“Yeah. I came here almost every day crying.”

“Okay, Woobie, stop making me feel things!”

“I wish I had someone to talk to during those hard times.”

Sunset threw her hands up. “All right, I get it, I’m sorry! Geez, what do you people want from me?”

Fluttershy flashed her super moe eyes. “Can I have a hug?”

Sunset rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth. “Fine.” She hugged Fluttershy, trying to ignore the burning sensation on her skin. Why does kindness hurt?

Over in a dark corner, Twilight was watching, sharpening a knife.

On her way home from the shelter, Sunset cut through the park and found Rainbow and her ego.

“Didn’t Applejack tell you not to stroke your ego in public?” Sunset asked.

“Shut up!” Rainbow marched over and pointed a sweaty finger at her. “Did you hurt Fluttershy or the puppies?”

“Since I’m forced to tell the truth, no. And while I’m on the truth, you’re just as terrible a person as I am for ditching Fluttershy for three years.”

Rainbow stared slack-jawed, apparently just realizing that. The sudden realization broke her ego in half, and she dropped into a fighting stance.

“You have stolen my honor! Now I must fight you to get it back!”

“You mean make yourself feel better for being a total ass to Fluttershy?” Sunset snarked.

“Shut up!”

The Wheel of Fate is Turning! Rebel one… Action!

Rainbow started with a forward A attack, but Sunset easily blocked it and countered with an up B before comboing into a down-forward A. Luckily, Rainbow had a fast recovery time and rolled back up. She jumped out of range from Sunset’s half-circle back C and attacked with her own half-circle forward B. She caught Sunset and followed up with several standing As before grabbing and throwing her across the field. Sunset caught herself and closed the gap, attacking with a quarter-circle forward D before canceling into back C and knocking Rainbow into the air and going for an up D, quarter-circle forward B, back C combo. Rainbow hit the ground and was about to activate her Overdrive when suddenly—


Gilda and three lesser characters stepped out of the shadows. “Sup, Dash; fighting with your girlfriend?”

“I’m not a lesbian!” Rainbow shouted.

“Riiiiiiight,” everyone said.

“That’s it, no one’s leaving here until I give everyone a black eye!” Rainbow pounced at Gilda.

“And that’s how Rainbow and I teamed up and fought some gang members,” Sunset said to everyone gathered at the table.

“So, yer friends now?” Applejack asked.

Sunset shook her head. “No, I still hate all of you.”

“Riiiiiiiight,” everyone said.

In the next chapter, the author remembered to give Sunset her motorcycle back. She tried to drive away from all her problems, but the plot police caught her.

“Ma’am, where do you think you’re going?” Shining Armor asked.

“As far away from this fan fiction as I can get.”

“Can’t allow you to do that, Miss Shimmer. Also, here’s a ticket.”

“For what?”

“Breaking the fourth wall too many times.”

So, Sunset was forced to go back to school, where she heard a delightful sound coming from the music room. She was surprised to find Twilight playing the violin because all prodigy children know how to play the violin.

“Twilight, was that beautiful noise coming from you?”

“Was it a turn-on for you?”

“Actually yes.”

“Then yes, I was totally making that noise!”

Sunset’s meanness meter went down a little more. “You want a ride home on my motorcycle?”

Twilight squeed. “Yes, I’d love to ride yoouuuuuuuur motorcycle. Ride your motorcycle.”

Shining Armor looked up from his video games. “My lesbian senses are tingling… Dammit, it’s my sister!”

That weekend, the girls minus Sunset went to the park. “So, Twilight, I heard you had a crush on someone,” Rarity said.

“I do not!” Twilight protested. “By the way, where does Sunset live?”

“Let’s ask Flash!” Pinkie suggested.

Flash gave them her address. “Does this mean I can be in the story now?”


Sunset heard a knock on her door. “That better be the flamethrower I ordered off Amazon.” Instead, it was her ‘friends’. “Eeynope.” She slammed the door and turned around, only to find Twilight already inside. “Dammit!”

“Wanna go to the mall with me on a totally not date?”




So they went to the mall and played giant chess. Sunset laughed maniacally. “Your army is formidable, Twilight, but you are no match for me! I have played with an immortal princess! My skills are far beyond your comprehension! I shall grind you into the dirt where you will grovel at my heels, begging for mercy while my pieces capture your king and force you to surrender a humiliating defeat at my hands! You will rue the day you—”

“I yield.”

“F*ck you!”

To celebrate Sunset’s victory Twilight bought them milkshakes… which she then spilled on Sunset’s shirt. It was an accident. Totally an ‘accident.’

“Oh my gosh! I’m sorry! Here, let me clean that up!” She grabbed the napkins and started rubbing Sunset’s boobs.

“Twilight, you’re fondling me!”

“No, I’m not, I’m cleaning you!”

“Twilight, there wasn’t that much shake, you’re just rubbing my boobs!”

“Shut up and let me clean you!” Twilight rubbed harder.

After Twilight finished fondling Sunset, they went their separate ways. Sunset rode her motorcycle home, confused. Why was she rubbing my boobs like that? It’s not like she likes me.

At this point, some of you might be wondering how Sunset didn’t realize Twilight was completely in lesbians with her. Well—

That night, Sunset had more nightmares about burning her friends while she laughed in delight. She woke up sweating and shaking. “I don’t understand, why don’t I enjoy their suffering anymore?”

“Because they’re your friends?” Princess Twilight suggested.

“Yeah, that’s not it.”

Then came Halloween, and Sunset had somehow been talked into dressing up as the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz.

“So, are we on Earth Earth or a parallel Earth?” Sunset asked.

“Yes,” Rarity answered.

All of the girls gathered at Pinkie’s house for trick-or-treating and a sleepover. “Come on Spectacular Seven™! Let’s get candy!” Pinkie cheered.

So they got candy.

The Spectacular Seven™ played games, told spooky stories, and danced until everyone fell asleep. Then Sunset had more nightmares about being a demonic bitch and woke up in terror. She stumbled into the kitchen and started to cry.

“You’re supposed to be a manipulative jerk who only cares about herself! Stop crying over them!”

Just then, Twilight conveniently walked in. “Sunset, what’s wrong?”

“I’m growing a conscience!”

“Oh, come here,” Twilight cooed, taking Sunset’s head onto her chest.

“Twilight, this isn’t as effective since you’re kinda flat-chested.”

“Shut up and let me cuddle with you!”

So they cuddled all night long.

“This doesn’t mean I like you or anything… b-baka,” Sunset said the next morning.

Maud watched them from the shadows. “It totally does.”

Later that day, Twilight went to see Cadence at her radio station. “Cadence, I’m a lesbian.”

“Hallelujah!” Cadence threw her hands up. “I totally ship you with this girl!”

Flash’s voice came over the radio. “Can I be in the story yet?”


Moondancer stuck her head into the recording booth. “Can I be in the story yet?”
