• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
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Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...

Comments ( 28 )

Velvet is living trash and celestia has the moral compass of a Greek god. If I was nightlight, I’d be tempted to try to assassinate the two.


Try to assassinate your princess/leader!? That's just asking for the royal guard to be on your ass.

And another thing, how would Twilight and Shining feel about all of this?

Tempted, not actually go to try to basically commit suicide by guard(though he might want that after having the core of his world shoot him in the heart because….*check notes* she was bored.). Because I know I sure as hell would be fantasizing about murdering them.

Twilight and shining must be absolutely disgusted with the both of them. Imagine your surrogate mother destroying your actual family.

Y'all, it's just porn. Maybe it's some very intricate roleplay and there's a film crew capturing every sinful minute.

I think Twilight will be a little angry at first, but she's a smart filly and knows for sure that Celestia wouldn't do something like that by force. Well, she also most likely understands how difficult it is to restrain herself in front of the body of a sexy mare.
Shining is a very controversial story. Perhaps he will be angry and indignant, perhaps he will be indifferent (for he is married to an alicorn). In this case, it is unknown how the situation will turn out.


think Twilight will be a little angry at first, but she's a smart filly and knows for sure that Celestia wouldn't do something like that by force.

Sure, Celestia got consent... from one half of the couple. Twilight is still going to be upset on behalf of her father, whom she presumably loves, for being betrayed and heart broken.
When it comes to cuckolding, consent isn't just between the two having sex, but the one being cucked also. Without that, it's just cheating.

(for he is married to an alicorn).

Wonder if Shining ever lets Cadence peg him.

Well, my thanks to the comments section. Gonna file this under "don't like? don't read" and avoid yelling at the screen.

No offense, Leech, last one was great, I'll try again next time. :twilightsmile:

Damn, I forgot about the emotional part. the law of course remains the law, but the fact of betrayal of the family is a very big reason to be angry.
I have no doubt that Shining had such an experience.

No worries

For the record, this was a commission
I tried to tag it to avoid a shit-show in the comments, but that seems to have been a lost cause.

That’s no fun! The drama is the fun part to talk about. This story would be alot less entertaining without contemplating the absolute shit show coming down because of these two idiots.

I appreciate the porn, but I’m staying for the disasters aftermath.



Shit… it just got worse. I just realized nightlights job is as celestias advisor. What the fuck is this man going to do? His day job is under the bitch who basically shot him in the heart.

It never matters... lol. Good go, though!

Why is implied impregnation on the kinks list twice?

I mean, Ceslestia is basically Zeus crossed with Apollo. Essentially Heliod from MTG.

She’s definitely channeling her inner Zeus right now. At least she had the sense to codify her depravity into law. Covering her ass unlike Zeus.

An oversight on my part

It's so nice you gotta do it twice

Twilights an Alicorn Princess, and Spike is a dragon and so just keeps getting Bigger?

Music to Listen to.

Level 42. Running in the family? :trollestia:

Unfortunately that requires people to read more description before reading the story.

Really, this story just needs a sequel where Twilight Sparkle, while spending time with her dad during this hardship, ends up having her alicorn cock revealed to him.

Much to her surprise, he's actually more curious than disgusted, wanting to understand what it was about such a cock that could ruin a marriage of decades. One thing leads to another, and after a BJ, he still wants to understand more. Could being bred by such a cock really be that great. A genderwap spell and thorough breeding later, and Night Light, new concubine to Twilight Sparkle, forgives Velvet completely as he now understands how much better this is compared to their former marriage.

One big, depraved happy ending. Shining tells Cadence not to get any smart ideas when they find out about his former dad.

And Luna is feeling left out and now seeks her own concubines.


Or you could swap Twilight with Luna and have it be she initially wanted to comfort Night Light as a friend who knows what it's like to have Celestia loved more than yourself.

Personally I’d just want it to spiral out of control with unintended consequences that everyone regrets.

Yep, this story's got the depravity all right, and it did the job.
Wouldn't expect any less from the monument of sin.

and luna to haunt your dreams.

Nice story, Leech. Probably not your best effort, but clearly in your style.
Curious, however: why use a Twilight Sparkle picture, and not of her mother? Probably 'cause there isn't that many dreawings of Twilight Velvet...

Nice. Love it.

To be honest I think Velvet ,Twilight and Celestia are all reprobative villains of this story. And all them knowing full well that Twilight is married. “First and foremost, while I may allow you to see your husband, nobody, save for myself, will ever lay an amorous finger on you again - secondly and more prudently, I will breed you.” Cool sentence, and what a lovely story, pause...

They are deprived assholes, but damn are they hot.

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