• Published 6th Nov 2023
  • 3,193 Views, 39 Comments

Can I have a hug please? - Silent Wing

Asking for a hug is a simple question, though when the one you ask is Princess Celestia, this might not be true anymore.

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A simple question

You were standing in the line, waiting patiently as it slowly grows shorter with every pony left through these gigantic golden doors. And now, after many hours of patient waiting, you are the only pony left in the hallway. Yet, the closer your chance to talk with this country's ruler comes, your anxiety increases.

Once more you think about everything that has led you to this point, going over all your decisions, wondering if there is something you should have done differently. Though you always come up with the same answer, you chose the optimal way available from all those options.

Ten more minutes pass, in which you take in as many details of the surrounding hallway, certain that you will never be able to do so again. Yes, it reminds you a bit of Neuschwannstein, but it certainly hasn't beat it. On the other hoof, you have to keep in mind your bias, since Castle Neuschwannstein is one of the greatest tourists attractions in your home country. You pause for a moment, realizing something that scares you. You said hoof not hand. "Great, I am going local now," you mutter under your breath, scared just how much more of you has already adapted to this new world.

"The Princess will see you now," one of the Guards says as the doors to the throne room open, ripping you out of your thoughts as another pony passes you, looking at you for a brief moment in confusion. Probably wondering what such a little one is doing here.

As you enter, you once more take a look around, amazed at the sight before your eyes come to a halt on the center of the room. A massive Golden throne, on which a pony thrice the size of every pony you ever saw until now sits, possessing both horn and wings.

You hadn't believed it, that a mythical creature could actually have the abilities of two different kinds at the same time. Yet, there in front of you sits the living proof of these tales.

Slowly, you approach the throne, the reason why you came here fading into the background, as something in you steers awake, a feeling long forgotten. Something you hadn't admitted to yourself just how much you desire it for a long time. So, instead of asking for help to get home, to be turned to normal again, you ask an entirely different, yet far more important question. "Can I have a hug, please?"

She looks at you perplexed for a moment, probably surprised by the simplicity of your request before rising from her seat. "Of course you can," she replies in a gentle voice as she approaches you. After a few steps she is right in front of you and kneels down to be on your eye level. Unable to look her into the eyes, you avoid her gaze, scared what might happen if she pierces the hard shell, you have taken so long to craft.

Just as you mentally go over all the ways this might go wrong, she lifts you up pressing you to her chest, her soft wings wrapping themselves around your back.

You can't help yourself, you throw your hooves around her, pressing your face into her soft fur and break down into tears. And for the first time after many years, in which you denied yourself any sort of affection, you are reminded just how wonderful it feels to be hugged.

You don't know how long the two of you stay like this, but you are certain that it takes quite a while for you to run out of tears. Yet, she doesn't set you down immediately, keeping you pressed to her chest just for a bit longer. Which you are quite thankful for.

"Are you alright, little one," she asks, her voice full of concern, worry clearly written all over her face, as you find yourself unable to avoid her gaze any longer.

"Yeah, I am fine," you reply weakly, and before you are unable to stop yourself, you add, "It's just, I had forgotten how good these feel."

As you realize what you just said, your eyes go wide in shock. "Gotta go, was nice meeting you Princess," you say to her, already running through the large double doors, scared what else you might tell her, should you spend any more time with her.

Just as you race around the first corner of the large hallway, leading to the exit, you feel a soft tingling on your flank. Though it disappears as quickly as it came you easily dismiss it as unimportant.

Though, while you run past a few Guards, they react too slow, to hinder you in any significant way. Sometimes, thanks to your small size, you simply run through under them.

Only when you are out of the castle, you spread your wings and take to the sky, increasing your speed significantly as you ferociously flap your wings. True, you don't know for sure if the Guards, or the Princess actually want something from you, yet you decide to play it safe and get the hell out of here. Not giving any of them a chance to dig deeper.

However, as you are approaching the gates to the castle grounds at high speed, your eyes widen in shock as they are slowly closing. Being to close to pull up and pass over the fence surrounding the area, you simply pray to whatever god that is willing to listen, that you make it through them.

You almost make it in time, screaming in pain as your left wing smacks into the gate, bringing you slightly off course. Despite everything in you screaming to land and examine the damage, you power not only through the pain, but these feelings as well.

Your flight takes you far away from the castle grounds. You head for a small park, significantly reducing your speed as you fly below the tree line before allowing yourself to crash into the ground.

Yes crashing. Taking of is easy, flying in a straight line as well. Taking slow turns, manageable. But landing? That's were you really suck! Of course you are new to flying, having only gotten your wings a week ago, but this doesn't excuse your horrible landings. Despite trying so often, it almost feels as if your landings get only worse. You simply can't figure out what you are doing wrong.

The other pegasi you observed from one of your few hiding spots always make it look so easy, you think as you finally get up. Taking a short look at your left wing, you can't find anything that seems off. Relived that it appears to be just a bruise, you take a look around, inspecting the new trench you have carved. "8 times my own length? That must be a new record," You voice your thoughts, hopping that nopony is around who might overhear your words.

Waiting for a few moments, for any form of reply, you sigh with relief as nothing makes itself known. Feeling safe for now, you quickly head for the exit, being far more familiar with the park than you'd like, it doesn't take you long to find it.

Having a bad feeling about the main road, you leave it at the first opportunity you get. Which proves to be quite fortunate, as you hear two ponies arguing soon after. "Are you sure he flew into the park?" One of them asks before the other replies. "It doesn't matter what I think private, Sargent Oaken shield ordered us to check upon it, so that is what we do."

Realizing quickly what they mean, you increase your pace slightly. Trying not to make any sound, while getting as much distance between you and these Guards as you can. Yet, you still fear that they can hear the clip-clop of your hooves. Something you never had to worry about before.

Time passes fast as you bring more and more distance between yourself, the castle and your crash-site. Having walked aimlessly, you are surprised that you end up in yet another familiar part of the town.

You still don't know why, or what, but you know that something is drawing you here. And yet, it calls to you again. Having nothing better to do anyways, you give in and follow the call. Rows upon rows of stones you pass in silence, not daring to make any sound before you reach the blood maple tree.

You lay down under it, a soft breeze rustling it's leaves, like to say hello to you in their own way. Believing this gives you strength, having been alone all the time since your arrival in this strange new world. "Hi Mom, hi dad," you say, fully aware that this sentence is far from the truth.

"I know you aren't my real parents, but I hope you don't mind me calling you that," you reasure them that you are aware of the fact, yet can't help yourself. For some reason, it just feels right and so you continue doing this.

"You know how I was considering asking that Princess for help in getting home," you ask them, waiting for an answer you know will never come. Though giving them the chance to reply is simply something you must do. "Well, I chickened out at the last moment."

"I know she would have never believed me, just having it cast of as the imagination of a foal running wild." Knowing that if a child said something like that in your world, this is exactly what would happen. "And honestly, if I think now about it, I doubt that I would have reacted differently."

Once more, you give them the chance to reply, but the only thing happening is a soft breeze blowing all over your back. "and besides being all alone here, I am not sure if I want to go home again." Pausing for a short moment, you know there is something missing before adding, "And no, it isn't just for the wings."

"Yes I always wanted to fly, but not like this. Not by having to leave everything behind I ever knew." You admit, painfully being reminded of how you ended up in this strange new place. A place you could have never imagined to exist in your wildest dreams. Yet you can't deny it's sheer beauty.

"I think I wouldn't mind staying here, if I wouldn't be alone all the time." You pause once more, for some reason feeling there disapproving glare on you before admitting. "And yes, I know that I am the only one to blame for that. Being too scared of what might happen should I actually tell somepony of my situation."

"I just don't know what to do anymore," you admit, finally accepting defeat. Finally accepting that this is a problem you can't solve on your own. "I don't care what happens now, as long as I don't have to be alone anymore." Now voicing, what you knew to be true for quite some time now.

"You don't have to be alone anymore," a voice you have heard not too long ago says, as something soft is placed over your back, gently pressing you into her side. You think it can't be, there is no way that she followed you all the way out here. Yet, as you turn your head, there she is laying next to you, the one pony you have been running away a mere few hours ago in fear.

"How much did you hear," you ask her, wondering what she might think of you talking to a grave. A grave of ponies you never knew, yet you somehow feel a connection to the ponies buried here that you can't explain.

"I never lost you," she replies, a soft chuckle escaping her muzzle at this. And while she didn't answer your question directly, you just know that she heard everything. She heard everything and didn't judge you for it. She simply was there to hold you when you needed it the most.

And it is in that moment that something snaps inside of you and you start talking. Under tears you tell her everything that has been happening in the last ten days. You tell her about the car crash, how you woke up here and what you have been doing the last few days, always fearful of what might happen next.

Not interrupting you once, she listens attentively to everything you say. And when you finally finish, she does the most unexpected thing. "How about we get you home then and get some food into you. I can hear the rumbling of your tummy all over here." She says while scooping you up, making you wonder what she means by all that.

True, you admit that you are quite hungry, only having eaten a small apple yesterday, but yet you still fail to understand the second part. What does she mean by that? "But I don't have a home here," you reply after you finally processed her words.

"Then how about you let me show you," she offers to which you can only nod in reply, still unable to make any sense out of her words. Though only when you feel the wind blowing past you, you understand that she is flying, carrying you somewhere.

Wherever she is taking you, you will only find out the next day. Exhaustion having finally caught up with you, you fall asleep to the sound of her heartbeat. For some reason, finding it extremely relaxing, just like her soft and gentle voice.

Author's Note:

I actually had planned for something more dramatic, but in the process of writing this, I realized that it might not fit as well as I thought. To be honest, I am actually surprised that I could convince myself to write this, and what's even more surprising, it took me only one day.

Comments ( 39 )

(Ebony pony Approves)

Good start I would really like to see you expand on this. It has potential. Also found these for you, gotta love spellcheck.

you have to keep in mined your bias. [mind]
scarred just how much more of you has already adapted to this new world. [scared]
on which a pony trice the size of every pony [thrice ]

Thanks for pointing those out, I will take care of them right now.

That's a good one, thanks.

Say it with me, folks!:

No problem. I thought it thematically apropos.

Fun read dudette, keep it up.

Damn, I'm kind of okay with this just being a one-shot. Very nice and sweet.

Holy cow, that's a great setup. I really wish there was more to this story.

Not sure about that yet.
Happy to hear that.
I try, but you know how I am.
It sure is.

I'd really like more to this story as its absolutely adorable

Aww this was really bittersweet and adorable, very well done <33

And then Flufflepuff emerged from pinkie's mane and the world was forever changed.

It's quite good. I hope you expand upon this further in another story perhaps or further chapters. Very enjoyable either way.

Thanks for the chapter.

If there will be more, it will be in a sequeal.
Thank you for those kind words, they mean a lot to me.

I gotta say I love this more realistic approach to a human turned pony HIE story, if that happened and you have no idea about the show then you'd be scared shitless, not running around yelling profanities in ponies faces like most HIE protagonists.

I think you would be scarred no matter if you know about te show. It's an entirely new alien body and world you find yourself in. Also, only cause you know about Equestria from the show, figuring out where in the timeline you landed up still could be difficult. Could be during canon events you are familiar with, but much more likely at a point in time you know nothing about

Yet, the closer your chance to talk with this country's ruler comes, your anixty increases.


Awee, that's adorable. This feels almost like a short-written premise for a whole story.

Pleases stop giving me ideas liek that.
I already have enough unfished projects. :fluttercry::fluttercry:

Taken care of, thanks for pointing it out.

If I was busy creating a backlog on my own projects, I'd steal this one for myself! :rainbowwild:
Though actually, cute one-shot stories aren't off the table... Hmm, I'm sure I have a couple of ideas sitting around I never touched.

I mean, 30k words seem like quite a backlog, but I still not going to publish anything yet until I actually figure out how long I want it to be, and how and where I want it to end. I never figured coming up with an ending to a story would be hard, and figuring out how to go from point A to B harder.

In all honesty, I think coming up with a good ending is probably the hardest. What's even worse, for one of stories, there are only 3 or 4 chapters missing and I know what is supposed to hapen there. Yet, I simply fail to put that into words....

Opposite for me it seems, I can't figure out what I want to put there in the first place, but when I do I can usually start writing.

This was pretty cute. Good 'ol Celestia was great and lovable here.

I noticed some errors when I was reading.

So, instead of asking for help to get home, to be turned to normal again, you a ask an entirely different, yet far more important question.

Unable to look her into the eyes, you avoid her gaze, scarred scared what might happen if she pierces the hard shell, you have taken so long to craft.

As you realize what you just said, your eyes go wide in shock. "Gotta go, was nice meeting your you, Princess," you say to her, already running through the large double doors, scarred scared what else you might tell her, should you spend any more time with her.

You almost make it in time, screaming in pain as your left wing smacks into the gate, bringing you slightly of off course. Despite everything in you screaming to land an and examine the damage, you power not only through the pain, but these feelings as well.

I don't think I had never heard of Zoho until now, but yet, no grammar-checking tool can catch everything. I use at least five for my stories and every time a few errors manage to pass all of them.

Thanks for pointing those out. They are taken care of now.

Five tools? Wow, that's a lot. I doubt I would have the endurrance to go through all of them, only to check for spelling and grammer.

That was really well done story. Liked the interactions they had, felt honest. You have written great Princess Celestia as show intended her to be.

Ponks has gone to fluff. She should return to pone classic. Being a fluffy pony very rarely ends well.

I belive that this is only temporary. Probably won't be able to keep that up for a full. On the other hoof, it's Pinkie we are talking here about so everything is possible.

Hey, so... I need more of this. Like, lots more. Cuddles and fluff and hugs and fuzzy feelings. Thank you for hearing my request. xD
Seriously though, this just made me smile and brightened up my day so much. Keep up the great work! :D

I think that's something we all need and I am happy to hear that I brought a smile on your face :)

The mention of Neuschwanstein caught me off guard since I live in the same country.

Was there once when I was a little kid, would love to go there once more. It isn't that far from home even.

I think this story is going to make me start reading shorter stories

Do it, there are quite a few good ones out there. And I am happy to see that you enjoyied it.:twilightsmile:

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