• Published 5th Nov 2023
  • 794 Views, 15 Comments

Sweetie Belle: The Daughter of the Beast - Big Imagination E

Sweetie Belle is adopted by Belle and finds a family.

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Gaston's Plan and New Friends

Back at the tavern we see Gaston, LeFou and a new man inside discussing something. The man was from an asylum that he runs. He was Monsieur D'Arque.

"I never usually leave the asylum at midnight. But he said you make it worth my while." D'Arque said to Gaston.

Gaston threw a bag of coins at him and smiled.

"Im listening." D'Arque replied.

"It's like this. I got my heart set on Belle. But she needs a little persuasion. Also I overheard some kids talking about my little secret years ago. So I can't have any witnesses. Plus I know she do anything for her father to not be locked up." Gaston explained.

"So you want me to lock up her father unless she agrees to marry you? Oh that's wicked. I love it!!" D'Arque said wickedly.

Back at the Belle house Maurice finished packing up and headed out to meet up with the kids at the castle entrance. Meanwhile Gaston and LeFou arrived and broke in unannounced. They looked around for them but they weren't home. But Gaston wasn't going to give up. So he told LeFou to stay here til they get home. And Gaston went off to plan a way to blackmail her.

At the castle entrance the kids saw Maurice and they all headed in and knocked on the door. Now usually the beast wouldn't let them him but he didn't want to waste anymore time before the rose drops it's last petal so he answered it.

"Oh. It's you again. Hey. Im sorry for not letting you say goodbye to your daughters earlier. I hope you understand that. I want to try be more nice to you." The beast said with more niceness.

"Im glad to hear that. And would it be okay if I let some friends in here too?" Maurice asked.

"Sure. Who might they be?" The beast said as he looked at them.

"They are Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Tender Taps, Button Mash, and Rumble." Maurice introduced. The kids were a little scared but seeing the beast wasn't going to hurt them they calmed down.

"Nice to meet you all. Come in." The beast said as he opened the door.

He escorted them in the castle and to their surprise they saw Belle and Sweetie coming down.

"Sweetie Belle!" Button said happy.

"Button? Oh Button!" Sweetie said as she ran and hugged him.

"Girls! What are you doing here?" Sweetie asked.

"We came to find you. You're our friend. And friends never leave each other." Apple Bloom said as Sweetie cried tears of joy as all of them shared a group hug.

"Papa! Oh im so happy to see you." Belle said as she looked at the beast. "You really do have a good heart."

"Consider this as a way of me saying sorry for not letting you say goodbye to him the first day you came here." The beast replied.

"Apology accepted." Belle smiled.

Then the servants showed up and everyone was surprised by that but knew that their not dangerous. And Button saw Chips and smiled.

"Hey little fella. What's your name? Mine's Button Mash." He asked

"Im Chips! Nice to meet you. You a friend of Sweetie?" Chips said.

"Yes i am. And Chips? I have feelings for her. Since I laid eyes on her I couldn't stop thinking about her. But I don't know how to confess." Button said asking for help.

"Don't worry. I can help you. Once the spell is broken. But I accept the fact that you love her. She and I are good friends anyway." Chips said.

"Thanks buddy. You're a good friend." Button smiled.

Soon everyone got to know the servants. Maurice made friends with the clock Cogsworth, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were friends with Lumière the candelabra, and Rumble and Tender Taps were getting to know the beast much better. But then Maurice remembered something important that he needed to tell his daughters.

"Belle listen. We know who killed Sweetie's parents." Maurice told Belle.

"You do? Who did it?" Belle asked.

"Yeah. If you know then tell us who did." Mrs Potts encouraged.

Button looked at Chips and he nodded yes meaning he needed to tell Sweetie what happened. He called Rumble and Tender Taps to join him as they took a breath and told her.

"Sweetie. This isn't easy for me to say this but we know who killed your parents. It was a man who Belle was avoiding all this time." Button said with worry.

"You don't mean..." Belle said but they finished the answer.

"Yes. The man who killed Sweetie's parents was none other than Gaston." Rumble said as thunder was heard.

The girls, the servants and the beast gasped in horror hearing that. Sweetie was beyond shocked and terrified to finally hear about her parents murder.

"Gaston did this? But why would he do that?" Sweetie said about to cry.

"Because for a long time he tried to get a wife but failed. And every time he fails to get one and learns that her love is not for him he kills the couple. Because of his heartless actions he left many children homeless but our parents were lucky to avoid getting killed. But we fear he's going do the same thing to Belle. So we came here to let you know and we are going to protect you and your mom." Button explained.

Sweetie then broke crying and her mom hugged her daughter trying to calm her down.

"I can't believe that Gaston would do that! All because he wanted a wife. He's gone too far! Im not marrying him ever!" Belle said crying.

"Im glad you're not. Because if you look in the magic mirror things are only getting worse." The beast said as he showed everyone the vision from the mirror. It showed Gaston planning to blackmail Belle into becoming his wife and throw the kids and Maurice in jail. "He won't stop til Belle agrees to marry him. So after dinner we must put an end to his reign of terror for good."

"We agree beast. Cause we can't let that happen." Scootaloo said agreeing with him.

Everyone nodded in agreement and will form a plan to stop Gaston. But they needed something to eat first. The beast smiled and left them to change in the room so they be ready. His servants smiled seeing that their master was willing to try everything right and not be stubborn and do things right with the girls. She then came to the dining room in a yellow dress looking all pretty and lovely. She sat down in her chair and the Beast did the same. Soon everyone else came down all ready for dinner. The boys all wore matching tuxes and the girls wore beautiful dresses. Sweetie's dress was wearing a matching ball gown except the color is cream and gold. She sat on the bed as she admired her ball gown. Then she went down and joined the others at the table. Button blushed when he saw her dress. Then the candelabra begin a show as everyone watched.


They all enjoyed the show and some laughed at the silly acts that Cogsworth did. After the show they all clapped and enjoyed their meal. Then the beast decided to share a little dance. They waltzed and everyone was loving how romantic it was. Button even got the courage to ask Sweetie for a dance. He got up and walked to her.

"Sweetie? May I have this dance?" Button asked.

"Of course Button." Sweetie said as she took his hand and waltzed with him. Soon everyone was dancing. Scootaloo danced with Rumble, and Apple Bloom danced with Tender Taps. It was a nice night to remember for the rest of their lives. Then Belle said that she and her daughter along with everyone wants to stay here with him much to their delight. Everyone was happy hearing that. Even Sweetie because she knew that the beast will treat her like a real father. But back at the tavern Gaston was really losing his patience that the girls weren't back still and when LeFou told him that they weren't coming back those words rang in his head. He got so angry when his plan to blackmail her backfired so he decided to form a mob and kill the beast. That can only mean trouble for our heroes. When Belle uses the Beast's magic mirror to check on the situation she saw worried.

"Oh no. Gaston's coming. He'll have a mob with him. What will we do?" Belle worried.

"Everyone. Keep Belle safe. Maurice take her to the tower and do not let her out of your sight. The rest of us will fight him." The beast answered.

"Ok. Come on Belle. I won't let Gaston get to you." Maurice said he took her to the tower where Gaston can't reach her. And everyone else prepared to fight Gaston. And Sweetie will fight along as her way of getting revenge on him for killing her parents.

Author's Note:

The final battle is approaching. Be ready.