• Published 1st Apr 2013
  • 1,813 Views, 13 Comments

The Colt in the Box: Time Turner's Story of Playing Doctor - Sam Cole

The telling story of Time Turner, the latest actor to play the beloved Doctor.

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Alternate ending: A Look Forward to the 75th Anniversary of the Doctor.

Time and Derpy sat there proudly on this most glorious of nights. They were a touch sad in all honesty that Dinky could not get the time off of her new job to come out tonight, but this was still a magical evening. The 75th anniversary special of the show, and the wrap party for the past season. This was a private showing tonight, and it was pure wonder and joy.

The announcer was listing off the guests of honor here tonight, with nods to the Princesses, the guard heroes, and then the past Doctors. This was Derpy's favorite part, seeing Time blush when he stood up and received the loudest applause yet for any of the Doctors. No pony was as proud as the walled eyed mare that night.

"Oh that is such rubbish," Time muttered as he took his seat again, "Reign was twice the Doctor I was. I loved the 14th Doctor."

"Yeah yeah," Derpy chuckled. "Just shut up and enjoy the show." They sat back as the reel spun, and let the light dance for them as it showed them worlds of wonder and mystery, showing true heroes rise, and false gods fall. It was a very good teaser for the season to come, and at the end, it was confirmed there would be a new Doctor next season.

"Some of you might be asking who this new Doctor will be," The announcer laughed, holding out his hoof to the screen. "Well, tonight, we'll tell you. This next Doctor is taking the series in an all new direction. For the first time ever, the Doctor will be-"

"Ginger?" Time shouted at the stage, to a jab in the ribs from Derpy and a round of laughs from everypony else.

"Not, still not ginger Time," The announcer laughed.

"It's never ginger!" Each Doctor cried, making every pony laugh uncontrollably.

"No, this new Doctor is a mare actually," The colt on stage declared, to a round of awe. "This mare has been a part of the show since she was little. This show is in her blood-"

"No," Time and Derpy muttered as it dawned on them a second before she trotted out on stage. She looked so beautiful tonight up there, right where she belonged.

"And we are proud to have the tenth Doctor's own daughter as our Newest Doctor Whooves! Please give it up for the 16th Doctor, Dinky Hooves-Turner!"

"Allons-y!" Dinky smiled and winked to her father, the now proudest colt in the world.

Author's Note:

Okay everyone. I get that some of you didn't care for the original ending. And normally, I'd say tough luck. But I had this thought last night at work, and it was too good to pass up. I wish I had possessed the foresight to write this before, but alas, such is life.

So if you prefer, I'll leave this here. Just ignore the ending of the last chapter, or treat this as an epilogue. It works both ways. But I hope you enjoy the thought none the less. Till next time, Allons-y mis amigos.

Comments ( 5 )

I love this ending as much as I did the first! Bravo and a mustache to you sir! :moustache:

I like both of them! Love how time ask's i the doctors ginger!


Ahahaha, both endings are adorable. Bravo.

I don't care how old this fic is, I am commenting because this is a truly touching and beautiful story. You should feel proud to have written something this spectacular. Bravo!:heart:

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