• Published 19th Nov 2023
  • 1,232 Views, 43 Comments

Little Donkey - 8_Bit

A lone equine wanders into a new village, ultimately hoping to scout out a quiet place to eventually settle down in and call home. Unfortunately for her, the one she stumbled upon is Ponyville.

  • ...

Chapter VI - Follow That Little Star

The only thing funnier than a conspiracy theorist is a very drunk conspiracy theorist.

"I'm telling you guys, seriously," Lyra insists, her words a slurred mess. "They're not made up. They are totally, one *hic* hundo percent real."

Bon Bon nudges Lyra with an elbow. "Listen hun, don't you think you've had too much to drink? Because I really don't think everypony wants to hear about humans again."

"Huh?" grunts a response, as Lyra's head lolls forward to peer into her half-drunken stein. "Not yet I haven't, Bonnie."

With a scrunched face that screams equal parts apology and bemusement, Bon Bon glances around at the rest of us gathered around the table. A silent plea for support? Definitely.

Adjusting her sunglasses, Vinyl chimes in, as her own frothing mug hovers in front of her. "Lyra, love ya babe, but humans? Really? I mean, come on, I've performed all around Equestria. Never seen a human."

Lyra waves a dismissive hoof. "No, no, no! They're real, and they have hands! Imagine what we could do with hands, like... like playing the lyre with fingers instead of hooves! Or brushing our teeth! Or picking things up! Just, like, can you imagine the *hic* possibilities?"

"But you're a unicorn," Amethyst points out. "You can do all that stuff with magic."

Quietly sipping at her own (non-alcoholic) drink, a very subdued-looking Octavia treads lightly in to the conversation. "Perhaps Lyra has stumbled upon some forbidden ancient texts about mythical creatures in her musical studies."

This elicits a guffaw from Vinyl, who has a foreleg wrapped around Octavia. "Hey, there's an idea. Maybe she's onto something. I mean, who's to say what's out there beyond Equestria?"

"Tara, I believe," Amethyst chimes in. "Well travelled as she is."

Five pairs of eyes fall on me. The background noise of the Hoof & Hearth suddenly becomes deafeningly loud, as my group of friends look to me, expecting an answer. And I can only deflect them so long by sipping at my cider, but luckily, Lyra steps in again.

"C'moooooon guys," she implores, right as I reach the last dregs of my stein. "You all believe in *hic* donkeys, right? Why not in humans."

I swallow my drink. "Well, for one thing, there's a donkey sat right here in front of you. Case of point, me. I'm sat here right in front of you." Making a big show of it to get the point across, I give my ears a waggle. "And you should also take note of the fact that any humans that might or might not exist have resolutely failed to join us for drinks tonight."

"Potato tomato."

"I don't think you're in the right frame of mind for debates."

"I'll debate your mom!"

Alright then, the point was lost in transit and most definitely failed to reach Lyra. Next time I'll pay for expedited delivery.

"And I think that's enough cider for you tonight, sweetie," Bon Bon interjects, pushing Lyra's drink into the middle of the table.

Amethyst seizes the opportunity to redirect the conversation. "Well, if we're on the subject of mythical creatures," she begins, flashing a mischievous grin. "Did you all hear about the elusive Diamondback Dragons that supposedly live in the Everfree Forest?"

Going by the subtle rise in her eyebrows, I assume that Vinyl's eyes light up with intrigue. "Diamondback Dragons? Seriously? Now that's something I'd pay to see at one of my gigs."

Octavia, halving Vinyl’s efforts, raises a single eyebrow as her interest piques. "I must admit, I've never heard of Diamondback Dragons. Are they dangerous?"

Leaning forward, Amethyst mutters in a conspiratorial tone. "The legends say they guard hidden treasure troves deep within the forest. Some say their scales are made of pure gemstones, and if you catch a glimpse, you're in for a lifetime of good luck."

"Diamondback Dragons, you say?" Lyra perks up, the mention of mythical creatures capturing her attention once more. "Do they have hands, too?"

This elicits a nudge in the side from Bon Bon. "Lyra, not everything needs hands. Besides, we're talking about mythical creatures. Who knows what crazy anatomy they might have?"

I chuckle. "I wouldn't mind some good luck. Perhaps we should organize a daring expedition into the Everfree Forest and try to spot one of these 'Diamondback Dragons'."

"Hey, that'd be an idea!" Amethyst gasps. "How about a camping trip, just the six of us?"

Bon Bon reels backwards, ears falling limp. "W-what? You mean, actually go find dragons in the Everfree Forest?"

Before I can stop myself, my eyes roll in their sockets of their own accord. There's no way they can actually believe the yarn that Amethyst spun just now. But, according to the uncertain eyes on most of the ponies' faces (at least the ones that aren't wearing sunglasses), they seem to believe her. So she strings them along even further.

"Well firstly, Diamondback Dragons aren't aggressive to ponies," she explains. "And secondly, I've been trying to suggest we go camping for years now, and we always say we'll do it but never commit. Well if we have to declare it an expedition for us to actually go, then let's just take a leap and do it already!"

Murmurs of agreement roll across the table. Except from the corner where Vinyl and Octavia are sat. I try not to stare, Octavia's been real down in the dumps all night. At a guess, the trip to see her parents didn't go so well. Vinyl, meanwhile, has been very outspoken tonight, bantering with us, but very subtly shifting the conversation away from certain topics. The unspoken message has been crystal clear.

'Don't ask.'

And in my periphery, I see Vinyl leaning backwards to whisper in Octavia's ear. She seems to mull over Vinyl's words for a few moments, and then gives a very gentle shake of her head.

"We'll sit this one out, guys," Vinyl announces. "Both our schedules are just, completely full. Go without us."

The rest of us exchange some glances. We seem to collectively agree not to press the matter. It bums me out, sure, but they're grown mares. Whatever's up, I'm sure they'll talk about it when they feel up to the task.

"Only if you're sure," Amethyst says, her tone dropping to one of reassurance. "Obviously we'd love you both to be there, but if you can't, that's okay. You're welcome to join in on our plans if you... err... find time in your schedules."

While the rest of the group nod their heads in affirmation and support, Octavia leans over, now whispering in Vinyl's ear.

"And I think we're gonna head home now," Vinyl says. "Gettin' real tired here."

As the pair of them shuffle out of the booth, digging out bits to pay for their drinks while Lyra and Bon Bon start wishing them a good evening, I turn to whisper in Amethyst's ear.

"Diamondback Dragons, seriously?"

She giggles before whispering back. "Yeah, seriously."

"You know that's just Chineighse mythology right?"

"I do, as a matter of fact."

"So what makes you think we'll find any in the Everfree?"

"I don't. It's just to keep Lyra interested."

Amethyst, you're too clever for your own good sometimes.

When Vinyl has dug out enough bits from her purse to cover the drinks she and Octavia had bought, we all rise to give them a proper farewell. With Vinyl settling for hoofbumps, and Octavia accepting gentle hugs from each of us. Normally she's quite big on the goodbye hugs, despite what I gather to be quite a formal and respectable upbringing, the kind where public displays of affection are held in the same light as public defecation. But tonight, my comforting squeeze is met with a feeble press in return.

I really hope, whatever's getting her down, she can either work through it or open up to us about it soon.

Returning to our booth after their departure, Bon Bon's eyes momentarily flicker towards the exit where Vinyl and Octavia disappeared. She evidently decides to address the unspoken tension.

"Maybe we should check in on them later, see if everything's alright," she suggests.

Amethyst nods in agreement, her playful demeanour giving way to a more serious tone. "Yeah, you're right. They've been through something pretty rough, that much is obvious. We should make sure they're doing okay."

"Any idea what happened in Trottingham?" I ask.

Lyra shrugs. "No idea, they'll probably *hic* open up to us when they're good and ready. We should be supportive, but it'd *hic* probably be best if we didn't pry."

Looks of resignation flicker across Amethyst and Bon Bon's faces. Though away with the faeries, Lyra has a point. It wouldn't be fair of us to force an answer out of them, not if they're not comfortable talking about it. I feel like we should steer the conversation elsewhere. So I grab the wheel and yank it, hard.

"Well," I announce, forcing an edge of cheerful notes into my voice. "Camping. If we're going to do it, we'll need to decide when. Ideally a couple of weeks notice would be good for me, if that's okay, just so I can let Merry and Holly know."

"You guys know I'm pretty flexible," Bon Bon says with a shrug. "Just tell me when."

Amethyst and Lyra look thoughtfully at each other. The booth falls into silence as each pony ponders the prospect of an ideal time for the camping trip. Eventually, Lyra breaks the quiet, if only to let out a quiet belch. Right in Bon Bon's face.

"Well," she slurs, as Bon Bon swipes at the air in front of her with her hoof, her muzzle scrungled up at what I can only guess is the putrid smell of Lyra's breath. "I still gots plenty of holiday time at the *hic* store I haven't used yet, I can put a few days in with about two weeks notice as well?"

"Sounds good to me," Amethyst agrees, biting her lip to hold back laughter at Bon Bon's evident suffering. "And Flitter owes me a favour, I'm sure I can persuade her to watch the stall for a few days. I can't wait to explore the Everfree Forest and hunt for those Diamondback Dragons!"

Lyra nods enthusiastically, reaching out with a fumbling hoof to try and grab her unfinished drink. "Yeah, let's do it! Maybe we'll even find evidence of *hic* humans while we're out there."

In the end, Merry and Holly didn't argue about me having a few days off. In fact, I'd yet to have more than two off in a row, and they were only too happy to accommodate my request to have some of those off-days in a row to occur on days of my choosing. And so, on this quiet Monday afternoon, the four of us venture off from Ponyville into the Everfree Forest.

Amethyst leads the way, the local expert that she is. I didn't realise that said expertise extends to the forest as well, but judging from the way she talks, she's camped in there before. Family trips in particular, she has a young niece that she takes camping on a regular basis. She said, and I quote, 'there's a cute little spot on the banks of the Whispering River that I know, that'd be a swell place to set up a base camp'. It seems she's keen to keep up the pretence of searching for mystical creatures, if for no other reason than for Lyra's benefit.

There’s something of a lack of a grey area, regarding how the locals perceive the Everfree Forest. Either it’s a place of eldritch nightmares where walking horrors will maul you to death before you can even crunch a pinecone under your hoof, or it’s just a regular woodlands. I have yet to encounter a pony whose opinion is anything but one of these extremes. Suffice it to say, Amethyst’s stance needs no elaboration.

I follow closely behind her, with Lyra and Bon Bon bringing up the rear. Between us, we've done a decent job of packing enough supplies for the few days we'll be gone. Each of our saddlebags has the bare essentials each of us needs. Sleeping bags, air mattresses, personal toiletries, all that stuff. If we're going to have to be doing our business into a hole in the ground, at least we've splurged on decent paper.

On top of that, each of us is carrying communal stuff. Amethyst has a four-mare tent, I have emergency medical stuff (just being prepared for the worst), Bon Bon has all our food, and Lyra all our water supplies. Bringing loads of water didn't make a lot of sense, given we're camping right by a river. So we're bringing some big, collapsible canteens that squish down flat when empty, and some water purification tablets to make sure it's safe to drink. See, big brain move that was. My idea!

Why am I carrying a first aid kit while the three of them are burdening themselves with heavy necessities? The three of them agreed on it, given my petite stature. I guess their hearts are in the right place, but still, I'm not fond of being coddled like that.

Excitement hangs in the air as we cross the threshold from the outskirts of Ponyville into the waiting woods. The trail we follow is narrow, surrounded by dense foliage, and occasionally marked by rustling leaves along the edges, stirring in a soft breeze. Shafts of sunlight pierce through the thick layers of branches above, casting an pleasant glow on the path beneath our hooves.

The air is moist with the heady scent of earth, moss, and the delicate perfume of wildflowers that adorn the forest floor. As we delve deeper, the ambient sounds of Ponyville fade away, replaced by the symphony of nature. The gentle babble of distant streams blends with the melodious chirping of crickets, creating a peaceful soundtrack that resonates through the woodland. The breeze carries with it a cool freshness, a welcome reprieve from the bustling town we left behind.

Amethyst, our guide through this bewildering territory, navigates the winding paths with a confident stride. Bon Bon, bearing the weight of our meals for the next few days, moves forward to trudge beside her. Lyra and I follow, taking in the ever-changing tableau of flora and fauna. Despite knowing for a fact that I have indeed packed them, I still need to reassure myself several times that I do have my antihistamines with me. It’s only because I took one this morning that I’m currently able to breathe.

Minutes roll into hours, and the foliage gradually thickens, creating a lush tapestry that envelops us in a cocoon of greenery. Sunlight filtering through the intricate network of leaves creates patterns of light and shadow that dance upon the forest floor. Every now and then, a sunbeam spotlights a patch of vibrant flowers, their colours vivid against the muted hues of the underbrush. As we ascend a gentle incline, the trees begin to thin, unveiling glimpses of roving woodlands extending for miles and miles beyond the immediate foliage.

Starting to struggle from the gradual ascent, Bon Bon turns to Amethyst. "How much further until we reach that 'swell spot' of yours by the Whispering River?"

Amethyst glances back over her shoulder at me and Lyra. "Not too far now. It's kind of a hidden gem, you could say. Once we get there, you'll see why I call it perfect for camping."

I practically hear the *ding* of Lyra having a light bulb moment next to me. "Maybe we'll find evidence of..."

"Wait!" I cut in. "Don't tell me. Evidence of... humans, per chance?

"Yeah," she gushes. "I bet they'd love a riverside camp spot!"

I chuckle, appreciating Lyra's unwavering commitment to her fascination with humans as much as I enjoy her inability to detect sarcasm. "Well, Lyra, if there are humans around, I'm sure they'll appreciate a scenic campsite as much as we do."

As we continue, the trees gradually thin out, and we emerge into a small clearing bathed in sunlight. The soft murmur of the Whispering River reaches our ears, and Amethyst points ahead.

"There it is, girls. Our camping spot."

The sight that greets us is nothing short of breathtaking. The river gently meanders through the clearing, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the sunlight. The grassy banks are adorned with vibrant wildflowers, and a few butterflies flit about. A large flat section, backed by a small rocky ledge, bears the tell-tale signs of having previously been camped on. Most prominently, a trio of felled logs arranged around a small circle of stones denoting a designated spot for a campfire. To one side of that, the large imprints of flattened grass seem to suggest that tents have been erected there before, maybe even fairly recently.

Amethyst begins by directing Lyra to help her with setting up our own tent on the flattened area, a sensible distance away from the campfire circle. Bon Bon carefully unpacks our food supplies, stacking the tupperware neatly next to all our bags. She's even taken great care to label each tub by the day, and which meal it is. I, meanwhile, see an opportunity to help out by heading out in search of firewood.

Delving into the forest, the trees close in around me again. The underbrush rustles, distant sounds of unseen creatures going about their business. My ears perk up as I hear the distinct crack of a twig. The darker, attention deficit slices of my brain ponder the notion of giant, donkey-eating animals. But for now, I push those thoughts away, my mission is clear. Gather enough firewood to keep us warm through the chilly night.

If anycreature is going to eat me, I reason, they'll at least have to go away and find out how best to season me first. Don't eat an ass without some good paprika.

As I scan the area, I look for fallen branches and dry twigs. My hooves crunch on the fallen leaves as I walk, and the scent of pine surrounds me, kicked up with every step. It doesn't take long before I find a promising spot, where the ground is littered with suitable firewood. Like an arboreal massacre took place above me.

Either that or some timberwolves had an orgy down here.

I begin to gather fallen branches, snapping them into manageable pieces with my hooves. The repetitive task allows my mind to wander, thinking about Vinyl and Octavia. I can't shake the feeling that there was much more to their reluctance to join the camping trip. Lost in thought, I nearly miss the sound of approaching hoofsteps. I turn to see Amethyst, a tiny smirk teasing at her lips.

"Need a hoof?" she offers, one eyebrow loitering slightly higher than the other.

I chuckle. "You trust Lyra to put that tent up alone?"

Amethyst gives a dismissive wave. "Yeah, we're just about done. When I left her, she was sat down and Bon Bon started snuggling up with her."

"Well in that case, sure. The more, the merrier."

We go about collecting branches and logs, as the sun dips lower in the sky, casting long shadows through the trees. By the time we have gathered enough firewood, is has dipped below the horizon, casting the Everfree Forest in a soft twilight glow. With my hooves laden with branches, and larger pieces aloft in Amethyst's magic, we make our way back to the campsite. The clearing greets us with a cool and inviting ambiance, as Lyra and Bon Bon are engaged in a not-so-subtle smooching session.

As we deposit our firewood into a small pile, Amethyst grins up at the tent. "There we go! Home sweet home for the next few days."

Lyra, coming up for air after her kisses with Bon Bon, grins at us. "I'm gotta admit, this is the perfect spot. Here's hoping we can find evidence of these Diamondback Dragons." She tilts her head up, muttering to the sky. "Or, you know, humans."

This earns her a playful eye roll from Bon Bon, as she nuzzles Lyra's neck. "Let's focus on fire and food. We can indulge in dragon and human talk later."

"Okay then!" Amethyst says with gravitas. "Let's get a fire going then!"

When enough of the gathered wood is neatly arranged in the fire pit, Amethyst prepares to light it. She produces a small bundle of dry kindling and a couple of magical sparks. The dry twigs catch fire, flickering and crackling as the flames erupt into life and slowly grow. They dance and leap, casting a warm glow across our campsite, the forest around us seeming to embrace the burgeoning firelight.

Settling herself onto a moss-covered rock, Bon Bon watches the flames with a contented smile. "There's something magical about a campfire, isn't there? It's like a little piece of home, no matter where you are."

Amethyst adds another log, the flames licking at the fresh wood. "And it keeps the night at bay. The Everfree can be a different place after dark, but with a good fire, we'll be just fine."

I watch the wood blister and blacken in the heat, as warmth seeps into the air around us. "It is comforting, especially in the wilderness. I admit, the Everfree has a few more legends about it than most wooded areas I've travelled through, but it seems a bit more welcoming with our own little campfire."

As the fire grows stronger, we settle closer to it, sitting on the logs as the crackling flames punctuating our quiet conversation. The fading sunlight paints the forest in hues of amber and gold, creating a blissfully picturesque backdrop for our gathering.

"It's so... so quiet and peaceful here," Lyra remarks, scooting closer along the log to lean against Bon Bon.

I chuckle. "Maybe it saves its wild side for nighttime? We'll find out soon enough."

"No, we'll be fine," promises Amethyst. "Yeah, the Everfree has its share of wild animals, but they won't come near a campfire. We're safe here."

With her assurance hanging in the air, Amethyst casts a satisfied gaze over our riverside haven. Then a glint appears in her eyes, and she casually strolls toward a particularly large rock near the edge of the clearing. She reaches down and shifts a bunch of leaves aside. To this, I just exchange a look of confusion with both Lyra and Bon Bon.

"Girls," Amethyst announces with a triumphant flourish. "Prepare yourselves for my incomparable forward-thinking." She produces a wooden crate, which presumably is what she'd found beneath the pile of leaves. As she lifts the lid, the tell-tale clinking of glass bottles reaches our ears.

My pulse quickens. I know that clinking.

Lyra's eyes widen. "Is that...?"

"A stash of the finest Sweet Apple Acres cider," Amethyst confirms. "Carefully hidden away for this very occasion!"

Laughter and cheers erupt as her surprise is met with delight. She distributes the bottles with the precision of a seasoned sommelier, each one gleaming in the fading sunlight. The hoof-written labels on the bottles exude a country charm that is utterly unmatched, in my experience. There's enough bottles in the crate to last us several days, as long as we don't go overboard.

Amethyst, you legend.

We each eagerly take a bottle, settling down around the now-roaring campfire as Amethyst raises hers in a mock toast. "To dragons!"

A reply of 'to dragons' fills the air before we sip at our ciders, the crisp sweetness a welcome tonic to my weary body.

Lyra, taking a hearty gulp, grins. "This is perfect! Just what we needed after the trek through the wilds."

"Amethyst, you sly mare," Bon Bon chides. "How long have you been planning this?"

"Let's just say a few days ago, I had a feeling we'd be in need of a little pick-me-up while we were here. So I stashed a couple of crates."

I almost choke on my drink. "A couple," I gasp. "Jeez, Ammy. What's your plan, vultures to find us dead of alcohol poisoning?"

"I can think of worse ways to go," she replies, sliding down to sit on the ground and reclining against her log. "So, how's everypony enjoying the Everfree experience so far?"

Bon Bon, resting against Lyra, lets out a contented sigh. "I never knew this place could be so... serene. I always thought it was all about spooky creatures and untamed chaos."

"It's a pleasant surprise," Lyra agrees with a nod of her head. "I guess the Everfree has its quiet, beautiful spots too."

I hold my bottle up, watching the orange glow of the fire permeate through the dark brown glass. "It's not my first night in the woods, but it's my first time doing it with friends. So yeah, I guess as far as experiences go, it's not too shabby so far."

Amethyst grins. "See, I told you this camping trip would be worth it. It's all about finding the hidden gems, and I'm not just talking about the cider stash."

"Speaking of hidden gems," Lyra says, turning to Amethyst. "Have you ever come across any mystical creatures in the Everfree during your camping trips?"

"Well, the Everfree is full of wonders, but we haven't seen Diamondback Dragons yet," Amethyst laughs. "Or humans. But hey, who knows what we might discover during our stay. Anything is possible!"

"Next time we do this, we'll definitely bring..." Bon Bon murmurs, her voice trailing off.

We're all thinking it though, Vinyl and Octavia's absence is a quiet undercurrent. We skirt around the topic, not wanting to intrude on their personal space, yet the concern lingers in the air. Amethyst, sensing the unspoken tension, gently steers the discussion towards lighter subjects.

"Alright, enough about mythical creatures and the mysteries of the Everfree for now," she declares, raising her cider bottle. "Let's talk about something else. Anypony up for a game, or maybe a story, something to pass the time?"

My stomach growls, drawing my attention downwards. "Actually Ammy, I'm starving, I haven't had anything since lunch."

"Oh that's right," Bon Bon gasps, scrambling to her hooves. "I've pre-cooked some pasta for us, it just needs to be reheated in a pot over the fire. Let me go get that set up."

While she busies herself with setting up the food pot, the scent of the forest and the crackling campfire begins to enhance the anticipation for a warm, hearty meal. The flickering firelight casts dancing shadows across the clearing, and the sounds of the night creatures start to emerge as the sun dips further below the horizon. I sit back, taking in the comforting warmth of the fire, my cider bottle nestled in my hoof. The unspoken worries about Vinyl and Octavia linger, but for now, we bask in the tranquillity of the Everfree Forest.

Bon Bon expertly arranges the pot over the flames, carefully positioning it so the heat will ensure the pasta can warm through without burning. The aromatic promise of a home-cooked meal wafts through the air, and my stomach growls in response. I share a sheepish look with the others, and a chorus of laughter echoes through the clearing.

Some time passes, and as the pot bubbles over the fire, Bon Bon dishes out the piping hot pasta into our bowls. The savoury aroma fills the air, making our mouths water in anticipation. The first bite is a burst of flavours, sweet, crunchy vegetables and slightly spicy tomato sauce, and I can't help but express my appreciation with a contented sigh.

"This is so good, Bon Bon! Your cooking skills are on point," I compliment, talking through mouthfuls of food in my eagerness to chow down.

Bon Bon blushes, the dancing flames reflecting in her eyes. "Well, I do try my best. Glad you all like it."

The night unfolds with a symphony of whispers from the rustling leaves, distant calls of nocturnal creatures, and the gentle crackle of the campfire. All noises that fill the silence left by all of us silently ploughing through our bowls of food. When we finish, the conversations re-emerge and transition into relaxed banter and shared laughter as we each crack in to more bottles of cider. Except for Amethyst, who's still sipping at her first one.

After polishing off the final dregs of their fifth and second bottles of cider respectively, Lyra and Bon Bon exchange sleepy glances, their eyelids heavy with the warmth of the food, the comforting ambiance of the campfire, and most predominantly the rise in their blood alcohol levels.

Lyra yawns, her hooves stretching in a languid manner and offering Bon Bon a rub to the shoulder. "I think I'm ready to hit the hay, guys. The Diamondback Dragons can wait until morning."

Bon Bon chuckles, leaning in to Lyra's embrace. "Agreed. After that walk, I'm pooped."

With farewells and wishes of sweet dreams, Lyra and Bon Bon make their way to the tent, disappearing into its cosy confines. The forest seems to grow quieter as the night settles deeper over us. Amethyst and I remain by the fire. The warmth contrasts sharply with the cool night air, creating a perfect equilibrium. Amethyst scooches closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder. Which, given our height difference, must be a strain on her neck.

"Quite a night, huh?" Amethyst muses, a soft smile playing on her lips. "You know, I brought something else besides the cider stash. A little surprise for later. Care for a midnight snack?"

Intrigued, I raise an eyebrow. "A midnight snack in the Everfree? My lady, now you're onto something."

With a foal-like grin, Amethyst reaches into one of the tupperware tubs, and pulls out a bag of marshmallows and a pack of chocolate. "Ever tried making s'mores under the stars? It's a campfire tradition!"

I chuckle. "I can't say I ever have, actually. You really know how to keep the night alive, Amethyst."

The fire crackles and pops as we skewer marshmallows with long sticks, holding them over the flames. The amber glow illuminates our faces, casting playful shadows on the forest floor. Amethyst, an experienced camper, demonstrates the perfect technique for achieving the ideal marshmallow roasting. 'A slow and steady rotation above the flames' she explains.

"See, Tara, it's an art form. You've got to find that golden balance between a crispy exterior and a gooey interior."

I attempt to mimic her technique, but my marshmallow seems to have a mind of its own. It wobbles on the stick, threatening to escape into the fiery abyss below. With a sudden lurch, it droops and plummets into the flames, eliciting a burst of laughter from Amethyst.

"Well, that's one way to do it," she chuckles, retrieving a fresh marshmallow from the bag. "Don't worry, it happens to the best of us."

"What, everycreature's marshmallow commits seppuku at some point?"

Amethyst playfully nudges me. "No worries, Tara. We'll just call it a sacrifice to the campfire gods."

Undeterred, I try again, fixated on redeeming myself. This time, I manage to roast the marshmallow to a perfect golden brown, its sweet aroma wafting through the air. But then, in testament to my hubris, I get overconfident and misjudge things. Instead of leaping into the fire, the flames instead climb up onto the marshmallow. A panicked bray slips out of my mouth, and I frantically wave the sugary fireball around trying to extinguish it.

But, such is life, it's too late. The perfectly browned exterior is now a blackened husk of its former glory. Amethyst, ever the shoulder to lean on, raises her stick in a mock salute.

"That's still edible!" she declares, clinking her stick against mine. "Room for improvement, huh Tara?"

We proceed to assemble our s'mores, sandwiching the marshmallows between squares of chocolate and cracker. The melted chocolate mingles with the gooey marshmallow, creating a deliciously messy treat, even if mine does have hints of charcoaly flavours to it.

Amethyst takes a hearty bite of her creation, smacking her lips in approval. "Nothing like s'mores under the stars to make a camping trip complete."

"So," I say, still chewing my s'more, my ears giving a flick as they pick up on twin sets of snoring coming from our tent. "You're a history buff then?"

"Oh yeah, big time. You know exactly, why don't you?"

"Diamondback Dragons," I confirm, digging deep for the memories as my ears wave slightly to illustrate. "Chineighse mythology. I saw some actual shrines to them, you know? While I was there, they had these beautiful statues of mighty reptiles with gigantic diamonds for spinal fins. The dragons were symbolic, the ponies associated them with wisdom, spiritual energy, and prosperity."

"You forgot one thing," Amethyst coos, jabbing me playfully in the side, with the marshmallow-free end of her stick.

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

"The diamond fins were thought to represent the stars in the sky," she explains. "Legend has it that these dragons would soar across the night sky, higher than any pegasus, their diamond fins reflecting the brilliance of the stars. Ponies believed they brought good fortune and protection to those who revered them."

I nod, appreciating the added insight. "It's a beautiful interpretation. And it's fascinating how myths and legends can shape a culture's beliefs and values."

Amethyst leans against my shoulder again, gazing up at the clear night sky. "Exactly! That's why I love exploring these stories. They give us a glimpse into the way ponies perceived the world around them, and it's not just about creatures. It's about the meaning behind them."

"I loved seeing Chineigh," I mutter, glancing upwards as well. "The food, the ponies, the culture. It's one of my best memories from my travels."

"You're so lucky, Tara," Amethyst sighs. "Like, don't get me wrong. I love Ponyville so much, but I wish I could see more of the world. Like you have."

We find ourselves in a quiet moment, our eyes directed up. The air feels charged with a gentle intimacy, a shared understanding that goes beyond words, one that I can't quite put a hoof on. Amethyst breaks the silence, her voice a soft murmur that blends seamlessly with the nocturnal serenade.

"You know, Tara, these moments by the campfire, they're special. There's something magical about sharing stories under the stars, about being surrounded by the quiet beauty of the night."

"Yeah," I agree with a nod. "It's moments like these that make you appreciate everything you've got."

"And there's more to the Everfree than the legends and the mysteries. It's a place where friendships are forged, where the boundaries between the known and the unknown blur, and where the quiet moments become memories."

I give a small chuckle. "Like the forest itself is telling a story. We're its characters."

Amethyst's next words are spoken in a hushed tone, as if sharing a secret. "I brought you here because I wanted you to experience the Everfree. Not just as a place of curiosity but as a place of connection. To connect with nature, with friends, and... with me."

My gaze shifts downwards from the stars to the campfire, watching the dancing flames as I think over her words, her slow breathing gently pressing against me.

"And I wanted to ask you something as well," she adds.

"Oh yeah?"

"Why don't you ever talk about your home? I mean, yeah, you told us about some of your traditions when we did Frostfire Night with you. But you've never even told us where your hometown is. Are you hiding something?"

"No," I answer sharply. A little too sharply. "Sorry, I... no, I'm not hiding it. I'm just not presenting it openly either."

"Oh," She seems to recoil for a moment, but she leans back against me, reaching around with a hoof to offer me some comforting back rubs. "It's okay, Tara. Well, if you don't mind me asking... where are you from?"

A fair question, I suppose. I've been in Ponyville long enough that eventually somecreature would have to ask me directly about my life before I was a traveller. Somewhere deep down, I feel almost relieved that it's Amethyst asking.

"So, think about how far away Trottingham is from here," I explain. "Go through it, keep going until you're about as far away again on the other side of it. That's where I'm from, Cantshire. A little town called Rambleford. It's a donkey town, always has been, but there's a small community of ponies that also live there. They're basically a minority though. But like here, everycreature knows each other, the sense of community doesn't really give a toss about any species barrier."

"Rambleford," Amethyst repeats, her tone hushed and gentle. "What's it like?"

A genuine smile forces its way onto my face. "A lot like Ponyville, to be honest. Nestled by the Trottingham River, with rolling hills and meadows stretching beyond the horizon. On the outskirts of a large city, the port of Newhaven. It also started off as a farming community, but grew exponentially from there. I guess I just never expected to be so close to home, and find somewhere that feels so much like home without actually being home." I pause, as my brain catches up to the words I'd said. "If that makes any sense?"

"Huh, kinda. No wonder you never got around to leaving Ponyville, if it has the same vibes as where you came from. What made you leave?"

For a moment, I freeze up. I want to tell her everything, I really do. And deep down, I do make a conscious effort to open up to her. But it's not her that's the problem. I am. I can't bring myself to say it. A comfortable half-truth, that seems like the best compromise.

I exhale slowly. "I guess I've always had a yearning for adventure. Rambleford is a great place, but I wanted to explore, meet new faces, and... just see what's out there. So, I travelled. All the way around the world. Ponyville was going to be one of the last stops before getting back to terra firma. Last thing I expected was that, in its own way, it's become a home away from home. And I wasn't even aiming to be here. I was heading for Canterlot, just couldn't bring myself to leave here. Still can't."

Amethyst's hoof gently rests on mine. "Hey, there's no rush. I'm glad you found a second home here."

Her head rises from my shoulder, and I turn to face her. "Me too, Ammy."

Her sparkling eyes rest just inches from mine, burning with some fierce passion as the flickering flames bounce off her irises. And her smile, though small, is gentle, kind, and supportive. Everything I've come to appreciate from Amethyst.

"You know, Tara," Amethyst begins, her voice softening further still. "This camping trip... it means a lot to me."

"Oh? Why's that?"

She sighs, glancing back at the fire. "Because... because I've been wanting to spend more time with you. To get to know you better. It's not just about the camping or the stories or even the s'mores. It's about being here with you, under the stars. I wanted to let you know that Ponyville feels different when you're around. And it's not just because you're a donkey in a town full of ponies." A frown creases her eyebrows as the seems to think over the words she's already spoken. "Sorry, I'm normally good with my words, but I don't know how to put this across."

"Go on, Ammy," I chuckle. "You're doing fine."

Glancing back at me, a hint of a smile graces her lips again. "It's just... I never expected to feel this way. It's like you brought a different kind of magic to my life, and I don't want it to end with this camping trip."

She's really sweet. I didn't realise that she felt this way about a friend. Like, I've only been here for... what, eight months? Guess I've made a real big impression in that time.

"I've never really felt like this before," Amethyst continues, her gaze fixed on the flickering flames. "It's a bit scary, but it's also... exciting. I care about you, Tara. More than I thought I would. And I wanted you to know that."

Her vulnerability resonates with me, and I reach out, placing a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. "Ammy, you don't have to be scared. I appreciate your honesty, and I... I care about you too."

"Thanks, Tara," she giggles, her eyes level with mine again.

I'm so stupid for not seeing it coming.

It begins with the most barely perceptible movment. Her head leans in towards mine, closer and closer. A slow exhale flares her nostrils as her eyes fall shut. And then her lips, curled in that littlest of smiles, press outwards towards mine. In that suspended moment, the air feels charged with an unspoken energy. The crackling of the campfire, the gentle rustle of leaves, the distant whispers of the night creatures. They all fade into the background.

Oh, heck.

She pauses. Not for any hesitation on her part, if anything she seems certain in her action. She only had the one cider, she's been sipping slowly at it all night, so it's definitely not liquid courage. There is no doubt at all, she is fully cognizant. And subtle actions from her flood into my brain, small moments pushed aside in my memory. Scooching close to me at the booth in the Hoof & Hearth. Small, stolen glances my way, only to suddenly look away and blush. The fact that she hugs me a tiny bit longer than she does any other pony. So it does break me a little to give her cause to stop, intercepting her pursed lips with my hoof.

Her eyes snap open with a mix of surprise and confusion. I quickly withdraw my hoof, and we both sit there in an awkward silence, the once lively crackling of the campfire now sounding like an uncomfortably loud reminder of the situation.

"Oh stars, Tara, I... I'm so sorry," Amethyst stammers, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I-I shouldn't have assumed, and I didn't mean to make things awkward. I thought... I thought we had a connection, but I shouldn't have presumed."

"Ammy, it's not about you assuming anything," I assure her, my voice gentle as my heart sinks somewhere past my spleen. "I appreciate your honesty, and it's not awkward. I just... I wasn't expecting it, that's all."

Amethyst takes a shaky breath, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. "I didn't mean to make things weird. I just felt... in the moment, and I got carried away. I'm really sorry, Tara."

"Ammy, it's okay," I say, trying to offer her a reassuring smile. "Look, for what it's worth, it's not a hard 'no' per se, it's just... well... I'm ace."

"Well, yes I know that, it's just..."

"No, no," I cut in. "Ace. I'm asexual. At least, that's the closest label I have for it. For what I am. I don't really know for sure what team I play for, heck I don't even know if I want to commit to a team full-stop. But I guess if I was to play for any one team, it'd probably be the girls team? Maybe? Honestly, I never really stopped to fully figure it out."

Amethyst's head tilts, and she bites her lip. "I mean, I've heard the term asexual before, but I've never really heard anypony talk about it in depth. What does it mean, like, for you specifically?"'

Taking a deep breath, I meet her gaze again. "Being asexual means that I don't experience sexual attraction," I explain, choosing my words carefully. "It's not that I don't appreciate deep connections and friendships. I do. But the desire for an inherently sexual relationship just isn't something I feel."

Amethyst nods thoughtfully. "So like... does that mean you're not interested in romantic relationships, at all?"

I smile. "No, not necessarily. Asexuality is a spectrum, and people who identify as ace can still have romantic attractions. Some asexual individuals are aromantic, meaning they don't experience romantic attraction either, but that's not the case for me."

Amethyst's curiosity shines through her eyes. "So, you could still fall in love, just without the... physical aspect?"

"Exactly," I reply, laughing at her careful word usage. "For me, it's about emotional connections and shared experiences. I can form deep bonds and care about someone profoundly. It's just without the sexual component."

"Oh, I see," she says, biting her lip in thought. "Well, that's pretty neat to know. And you're still you, Tara. I should probably have said something instead of just diving in head-first, but I'm glad you opened up to me. It doesn't change how I see you."

As the flames continue to dance in the fire pit, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Amethyst's unwavering support. I reach over and gently place my hoof on hers, a silent statement of gratitude for her acceptance.

"Amethyst," I mumble. "Thank you for being so understanding. Your acceptance means the world to me. Our friendship is incredibly important, and I want you to know that being asexual doesn't change how much I care about you. And, for the record, I am a little flattered by your forwardness."

For once, she doesn't recoil her hoof with mine atop it. "Tara, I'm grateful for our friendship, too. You're an amazing fil... sorry, jenny. I'm lucky to have you in my life. Nothing can change that."

I smile, feeling a profound sense of comfort. "Exactly. I know I can count on you. You're not just my friend. You're... you're my best friend, Amethyst."

She turns to me, her smile wide, and we sit there. Hoof on hoof, enjoying the moment. The night continues around us, filled with the sounds of the forest and the crackling of the fire. In that moment, I realize that our friendship had weathered a new revelation, emerging even stronger than before.

Aww shit, the ponies in this town really do bring out my sappy side.

We sit side by side, eventually reclining back against the wooden log. Amethyst repositions herself, half laid down against me with her head resting on my chest. One of my ears droops down towards her, and she bats at it playfully. Honestly, I don't mind all that much. Not with all our cards out in the open. Together, we gaze up at the vast expanse of the night sky. The warmth of the campfire envelops us, casting a gentle glow as we marvel at the brilliance of the stars above.

"It's incredible, isn't it?" Amethyst whispers, her voice conveying her sense of wonder.

I nod, captivated by the celestial display. "I've always found comfort in the stars. They only come out from me when I'm far away from bustling towns and big cities. Like a reliable friend, welcoming me back to serenity."

"And look," Amethyst says. "I think I see a Diamondback Dragon."

"With a human on its back?" I ask.

She glances up at me. Our eyes meet for a fraction of a second, before we both burst out in fits of laughter.

Comments ( 2 )

I am also ace. Tho I didn’t know what that was til about three years ago. I’m super in to romance but any spicy time things are only brought about by romance. I’ve even got a son.

Cool story. Added to read list. :twilightsmile:

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