• Published 3rd Nov 2023
  • 183 Views, 5 Comments

Rainbow is Magic S2: Flights of Rarity - aceotaku

Rarity attempts to prove herself and join the Wonderbolts as they compete against a rival team.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Wonderbolts

It was another day in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, a new major villain had yet to appear. Everything was good.

Sweetie Belle gazed at the peaceful, pleasant day with disdain and distrust as she picked out some items from her house’s mailbox and stepping back inside of the home she shared with her sister, who was busily working on something on their dining table, what appeared to be some sort of mechanical contraption.

“...Morning, sister.” Sweetie Belle drawled out monotonously.

Rarity pulled away from the thing she was working on to grin widely at her sister. “Mornin’ sis! Whatcha got there?”

“Mail.” The filly responded, callously shoving the letters she held in her hoof to Rarity’s before walking off. “I’m gonna shower....”

“Alright!” The unicorn grinned and waved at her sister before leafing through the letters. “Let’s see...postcard from Mom from Las Pegasus, postcard from Dad from Tartarus, noise complaint notice from Mayor Rich, love letter, bills, taxes, ooohh coupons for the new fish place! More bills...Letter from Cloudsdale signed with the Wonderbolts...em...blem...”

At that last one her eyes widened and stared in disbelief. She held in her hooves a letter. Signed with the emblem of the Wonderbolts, clearly signposted as being sent from Cloudsdale.

Her eyes shook as she trembled, falling into a cold sweat. “N...no way...!”

She carefully, slowly, opened the envelope and pulled out the letter, licking her lips as she read the message contained within.

A terrible sound rang out throughout the town, shattering windows, scaring animals an causing them to go wild in terror, causing cakes in the bakery to collapse or explode, and in general make everyone in town annoyed and irritable as the sound of Rarity’s voice blew through the town like a tsunami.



Rainbow Dash groaned, drinking some coffee, having been forced awake by the very loud noise.

“Dang Everfree monsters...”

As she sipped at her coffee mug in the kitchen she looked through the mail that had arrived at her home. Bills. Bills. Apology from Mayor Rich for having to send a noise complaint to Rarity. Subscription to Magic Monthly. Letter from home.

She blinked in surprise. It has been a long time she had heard from her parents. What could this be about?

She opened the letter and began to read it.


Later in the day, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were together on a balloon, Spike tagging along as usual, Rarity dancing around excitedly.


Rainbow Dash shook her head. “It...certainly seems that way.”

Rarity halted in her excitement to hop over to Rainbow, grinning widely. “Thanks for letting me come with!”

“Hey, you have official documentation from the Wonderbolts, and I was on my way to Cloudsdale anyway, it was a no-brainer.” The Pegasus shrugged with her wings. “Still...I can’t believe the Wonderbolts would allow you to try out...” Rainbow looked at her friend with a quizzical expression. “Can...can you even fly? I mean, I know it’s your dream and all and I don’t wanna say it’s impossible but...”

Rarity grinned, patting her hoof against a large object she had carried with her onto the balloon, which was the main reason Rainbow had rented the balloon in the first place. The object was covered in plain white cloth and looked fairly heavy, about as large as Rarity’s torso in size. “Don’t worry about that,” The unicorn said, “I finally figured out what I needed...with SOOOOOME help from Twi, admittedly.”

Spike looked at the object, and then at the unicorn. “riiiigghhhht. Well, as long as the Wonderbolts are okay with...whatever it is.”

Rarity grinned at Rainbow, pressing closer and turning her head sideways as she gazed at the pegasus. “Soooooo what are you and spiiiike doiiinnnn?”

“Oh, we got a letter from my parents, it was pretty sudden so I figured it was urgent, seems they want me to come visit so yeah...” Rainbow sighed. “As usual, it was vague as heck.”

Rarity frowned. “Things not...good with them?”

“Oh, nah, my parents are....fine. They’re pretty irresponsible though and weren’t, like, super supportive when I told them I wanted to be a mage instead of be a Wonderbolt, but other than that it’s fine.”

Spike folded his arms, frowning. “They’re nice enough but...they’re weirdos and kinda annoying.”

“Spike, you shouldn’t say that about Rainbow’s parents!” Rarity replied, gazing at the dragon with horror at his bluntness.

“Nah, he’s accurate.” Rainbow interjected. “They’re...they’re nice enough ponies, they’re just....exhausting.”

“So...they didn’t say anything?”

“Of course not.” Spike spoke up again. “Because why tell somepony WHY you’re inviting them back home after like...YEARS.”

Rainbow sighed. “Spike...doesn’t exactly hold my family in the highest esteem. Not that he’s WRONG, per se, but they’re certainly not as bad AJ’s parents.”

As the trio chatted the balloon drifted high above the town, Rarity peering over the edge with a wide grin. “Whoah! I’ve never even been up THIS high! This is amazing!”

Spike frowned. “You can’t just change the subject like that...”

Rainbow chuckled. “It’s no big deal Spike, it’s not really a matter for her anyway, it’s not like she’s gonna meet my family, she’ll be too busy with the Wonderbolts...still can’t believe that’s actually happening, for the record.”

Rarity beamed. “Me neither! This is gonna be amazing!”

As they spoke the balloon soon rose through a heavy mass of clouds, coming to a stop as they found themselves ‘docked’ in a massive massive cloud, atop the cloud there were numerous buildings, seemingly also made of carefully carved cloud matter, a large factory set up in the middle of the city.

Rainbow looked around casually while Rarity gazed at the sight in wide eyed awe. “Welcome to the place I was born in...Cloudsdale.”

“I’ve never seen it like this befoooore...” Rarity breathed. “It’s so amaziiiing....”

“Eh, it’s so-so.” Rainbow shrugged as she stepped out, quickly casting a spell on Rarity. “There, now you can walk on clouds.”

Rarity gasped, eyes wide as she leapt out of the balloon’s basket to land safely on the clouds. “By the suuuun! It’s so SPONGEYYYYY!!”

“You can probably cast that spell yourself.” Rainbow said. “It’s a pretty simple spell.”

“Ooooh you NEEEEEED to teach me sometime!” Rarity grinned, her horn glowing as she lifted out the large device she had brought along out of the balloon basket. “So...where’s Wonderbolt Academy?”

“I...suppose you wouldn’t actually know, yeah.” Rainbow nodded. “Sure, I’ll lead the way.” As she turned and trotted along Rarity followed along after her, Spike remaining on his favourite seat atop Rainbow’s back.

As they walked Rarity pointed to a large building that had a rainbow flowing out of it. “What’s that?”

“The Rainbow Factory.” Rainbow’s face curled with disgust. “Never go there.”

“Why? Is it, like, scary or something?”

“No. I just hate it.” Rainbow said mysteriously as she hurriedly continued to walk along.

“Fine, keep your secrets.” Rarity pouted.

The pair soon arrived at a large, fancy looking building with a massive field decorated stands and targets, pegasi performing exercises and stretches as Rarity watched wide eyed.

“Well, here you are. The Wonderbolts Academy.” Rainbow smiled. “Have fun, Rarity. I gotta...go see my folks now, I guess.”

“Thanks very much, Rainbow!” Rarity beamed brightly.

As the two got ready to part ways a voice called out. “Oh! You two!”

The pair turned, eyes widening at the sight of an orange maned yellow Pegasus walking towards them.

“Miss Spitfire!” Rarity greeted, waving her hoof. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, just visiting some old friends...” The teacher chuckled. “I used to work here, yknow?”

“Oh yeaaaah, you used to be a member of the Wonderbolts didn’t you, Spitfire?” Rainbow interjected, a hoof to her chin in thought.”

Spitfire nodded slowly. “It was a long time ago, but yes....”

Rarity gasped. “YOU were a WONDERBOLT!?” Her jaw hung agape in disbelief.

“You didn’t know?” Rainbow asked, brow raised in puzzlement. “She was like the team’s original poster girl back in the day.”

“Indeed, I used to be the team leader, once upon a time.” Spitfire replied, nonplussed. “I left the team and the rest of the original members split apart not long after, the current team is new to me. I came by to see how they were doing and check up on things after so long. It’s school holidays, so I figured it’d be a good chance to reminisce.”

Rarity grinned. “SO you can help guide me?”

Spitfire made a puzzled expression. “Guide you?”

“Yeah!” Rarity grinned widely. “I got a letter saying I can join!”

Spitfire’s eyes widened. “You...got accepted as a member? YOU?”

“yeah! Isn’t that great!”

“Well...that is...unexpected....” Spitfire tilted her head. “How are you going to participate in the first place? Magic?”

“Oh, hay no!” Rarity chuckled. “I got a little surprise I’m gonna show off when the time is right.” *she grinned, patting the conspicuous luggage she was dragging along behind herself.

“Hmm...well, we’ll see how it goes.” The flame-haired Pegasus shrugged and turned. “I’ll gladly guide you a bit of the way, I’m heading into that direction either way so may as well.”

“Heh, thanks Spitfire.” Rarty turned to Rainbow. “Thanks for bring me along, once I’m all done with whatever I gotta do I’ll try and find ya and catch up! Have fun with your folks!”

Rainbow nodded and waved as her friend walked off with the teacher, Rainbow sighing as she turned the opposite direction and walked along. “Well, Spike, time to go ‘home’...”


Rarity gaped and cooed in awe and joy while Spitfire led her along the pathway to the large Academy building.

“So, where do I go to sign up!?” Rarity grinned brightly.

Spitfire chuckled, taking a liking to the mare’s excitement. “Well, we can just go over there.” She pointed a hoof to where a group of pegasi were standing on a field together, leading Rarity towards them.

“Okay, team, we only got a little time to practice before the trainees arrive.” The leader of the current Wonderbolts, Flash Sentry, called out to his team. “Not to mention our special guest.... We need to be ready to set a good example and prove that we aren’t just a shadow of the original team, that we earned the right to continue their legacy!”

“Yooo, MrFlash Sentry, remember meeeee?”

The Pegasus stallion blinked and turned, seeing the grinning, bruised Rarity trot over to him excitedly.

“Wha...who..?” his eyes narrowed i recognition. “Oh. Right. That crazy unicorn from the Gala...what do you want, Miss?”

Rarity grinned, holding out the letter she received. “MY application got accepted, duh! I’m here for the training day thing!”

“W-wha...?” He took the letter, reading it over. “How in the....!?”

There was a chorus of laughter from his teammates as they stood behind him.”By the sun, she ACTUALLY came...”

Flash Sentry frowned, turning to his fellow wonderbolts. “DO you guys know something I don’t?”

A Pegasus mare with a coiffed purple mane tried to compose herself as her teammates stifled their laughter. “Oh, uh, well, we remembered that dumb mare from the Gala and saw she sent an application ad thought it’d be funny if we made her think she got accepted. Of course, we didn’t expect the stupid Pegasus to ACTUALLY come...like, she ACTUALLY thought we’d accept her!”

“Wait huh?” Rarity tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

Flash Sentry growled in annoyance, Glaring at his teammates. “Clear Skies, all of you, next time you lot decide to pull a ‘prank’ that wastes our time AND a random mare’s...ASK ME ABOUT IT, and I’ll let you know EXACTLY how funny i find it.”He turned back to Rarity. “Sorry but...you...we aren’t accepting...”

“I HOPE you aren’t about to say you aren’t accepting an eager applicant based on what kind of pony she is.” Spitfire spoke up, stepping forward. “I was hoping you were BETTER than that.”

Flash Sentry blinked in surprise and stepped back a little, looking intimidated. “S-Spitfire? I wasn’t expecting you to visit...”

“It’s school holidays.” She replied simply. “You know, I was hoping this sort of behaviour was a thing of the past. It was the entire reason I got rid of the old team.”

“I-I’m not being discriminatory here!” Flash Sentry said. “it’s just common sense! It’s not my fault my team decided to do something behind my back!”

“And, as team leader you should be able to keep your team in check so they don’t do stunts like approve applications as a joke.” Spitfire frowned sternly. “However, since she’s here now, give her a chance. She’s come all this way, and she’s eager and willing.”

“And I totally got a way to fly, don’t worry!” Rarity interjected.

“Or are you the type of captain who will exclude a recruit for an arbitrary reason?” Spitfire added.

Flash Sentry looked between her and Rarity. “I-I...I can’t just...”

Spitfire gave him a stern, disapproving glare as they heard hoofsteps approaching, her frown deepening as she looked to the side and saw who was approaching.

Rarity tilted her head as she looked at the unfamiliar group: a group of ponies clad in purple and black leotards and wearing yellow goggles, strutting haughtily. A white maned Pegasus lead the group, smirking.

“Oh great why now...” Flash sentry muttered under his breath before speaking to to the white mare with visile annoyance.”What do you want, Fleetfloot?”

She chuckled, dismissively looking over her hoof as she turned it over in the air. “Oh just came to check up on the competition. You know, how we’re gonna have our new members compete, as a ‘friendly’ test of skills?” She smirked at the stallion mockingly. “Hope you got some good ones.”

“We’re dealing with that soon be patient...”

Her eyes flicked over to Rarity, completely ignoring Flash Sentry. “A unicorn? What’s someone like that doing here?”

Rarity grinned.”Well, I’m Rarity, first of all. I came to apply as a wonderbolt!”

Fleetfoot grinned back, though looing far less friendly. “Oh really? Well, seems you got a lamb to the slaughter already, Flashy!”

“It hasn’t been decided yet if...!” Flash Sentry began,trying to regain control of the situation.

“So who are you anyway miss?” Rarity asked, looking over the group of four costumed ponies. “Your uniforms look like Wonderbolts, but like...edgy?”

Fleetfoot sneered. “Look, somepony had to show the Wonderdolts they aren’t the ONLY top fliers in Cloudsdale, and that’s where we come in. We may be new but we’re tougher, faster, cooler and got more experience than these replacements for a has been group.” She and the four ponies beside her postioned themselves into a group pose, Fleetfoot hover a few inches in the air with her hooves crossed over her chest as her entourage formed a pyramid underneath her.

“Oh!”Rarity gasped. “Rivals!”

Fleetfoot hopped back to the ground, her eyes finally moving towards Spitfire. “Well, well, been a long time, SPITTY.”

Spitfire glowered. “Don’t talk to me like that.”

Fleetfloot laughed and stepped closer, pressing a hoof to spitfire’s chin. “Is that any way to speak to an old friend you haven’t seen in...hmmm...how long has it been now? Five years? You and I used to be a team, remember?”

Spitfire snarled and recoiled from the other mare. “We are not a TEAM.”

Fleetfoot’s smile fell, replaced by a cold, icy frown. “Yeah, I know. You QUIT.Because you’re a weak little coward who’d rather fall to mediocrity. What do you even do now, anyway?”

“I’m a teacher.” Spitefire turned her head derisively. “It’s quite fulfilling work, not like you’d understand.

“A teacher, eh? So you went from a star to a loser who coddles children all day, eh?” Fleetfoot laughed. “You used to BE someone, you know? You used to be a WINNER.”

Spitefire glared at the other mare, gritting her teeth. “Who I USED TO BE is somepony I see no pride in being. I was hoping my disbanding of the team would teach you something, but you just went and...what, started your OWN wonderbolts? Why?”

Fleetfoot sneered. “We’re the SHADOWBOLTS. Because we’re gonna make sure that everyone knows that anyone who replaces REAL WINNERS will always be in OUR shadow. Because unlike SOME ponies, we’re not gonna let some nobodies take what is OURS.”

Anew voice spoke up. “Alright, alright, settle down, settle down, everypony.” A stallion walked over slowly, his right hind leg having a noticeable limp and his left wing was missing, wearing a green cap atop his head. “We all got things we got to, no point arguing and such. Right, Fleetfoot?”

Fleetfoot sneered, gazing at the stallion with disgust. “Ugh.” She turned, gesturing her entourage to follow. “He’s right though. We got our own recruits to train. Not that they’ll need it, if all the competition’s got is a HORNHEAD.” She laughed mockingly as she trotted off.

Rarity blinked, having been a little distracted from the argument, looking at the calm stallion that had stepped over. “Well, you’re quite a mediator! Who are you?”

Flash Sentry shook his head. “you know, for a fan, you don’t know a lot about the founding wonderbolts. This is Soarin, one of the three faces of the team.

Rarity gasped, eyes wide. “REALLY!?”

Soarin chuckled, tipping his green hat to her. “Well those days are far me behind. Nowadays, I’m satisfied acting as the official head janitor of the Wonderbolts. It’s not a bad job, though. I can watch everyone and help out when I can.”

Spitfire remained quiet, looking down at the ground as her former teammate spoke.

Soarin turned to Flash Sentry, grinning. “So, a unicorn’s joining the team, huh? That’ll be fun!”

Flash stared. “I-I...noone’s made that decision yet.”

Soarin just kept smiling casually. “She came all this way, she got the acceptance letter, I don’t really see an issue. Besides, you’ll need as many hopefuls for the competition.”

Rarity blinked. “Competition?”

“Yeah!” Soarin grinned. “It’s essentially a race, meant to test all of a pegasi’s skills, and it’s to train the applicants, as like a big test. Everypony’s gonna work their butts off getting ready for it!”

Rairty grnned widely. “That sounds RAD!”

Soarin grinned wider. “Oh it will be! It’s gonna be a contest between the Wonderbolts and the Shadowbolts, it’ll be a good chance to see the different styles of the two teams and how they match up.”

“Oh I can’t wait!” Rarity did a little dance in excitement.

Soarin laid a hoof on Flash Sentry’s shoulder, smiling. “I know you’re apprehensive, but she has the application, you really can’t reject her now. All you can do is let her try like the other applicants.”

Flash sighed. “...You’re right, darnit. Alright...recruit. We’re giving you a chance, but remember we CAN still reject you if you aren’t up to snuff. Not just anyone can BE a Wonderbolt, even if they’re invited here. You still gotta train and prove yourself. Got it?”

Rarty saluted. “Yes SIR!”

“Alright, while you’re training here, we got some dorms set up for you and the other incoming applicants to stay in. I’ll show you the way. Be sure to be on your best behaviour.”

Rarity grinned wider. “ALRIGHT! I mean, yes, SIR!”


Rainbow Dash knocked on the door of her small, childhood home. “Uhh...it’s...it’s me. Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh! Come in!” She heard a familiar mare’s voice call out from inside.

She sighed and walked into her old home, looking nervous at just walking in. She knew they said she could, but still...it felt like she was an intruder.

An older pegasus stallion and an older pegasus mare greeted her in the living room. “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes!” Rainbow’s mother called out with a wide grin.

“I...I don’t mean to sound rude, but... It’s been years.” Rainbow said nervously, looking down. “Why did you guys call me up here out of the blue?”

“We wanted you to meet someone.” Her father said, looking as nervous as his daughter was.

“Hmm? Meet who?” Rainbow looked up, tilting her head as she noticed standing behind her mother and father, wearing a purple and black uniform, sporting a blonde mane and unusual eyes.

“...wait, aren’t you, like,the mailpony in Ponyville, or something?” Raibow asked. “What are you doing here, and wearing such a weird outfit?”

The other mare blushed a bit. “well umm...that is...apaprently...”

Rainbow’s mother giggled. “Oh, you two are so SHY. Rainbow, this is your sister, Derpy.”

Rainbow stared wide eyed. “I...my...what?”

Author's Note:

After a very long hiatus/writer’s block...i have finally made progress on this story.

The nature of Derpy here was planned for a while but the details weren’t exactly filled...in fact they aren’t filled entirely now, and her wearing that particular outfit was a last minute addition to the story.

The other elements, such as the presence of the Shadowbolts and their leader, was planned for a long time.

Sorry for the wait and hope you enjoy.

Comments ( 5 )

This version of Rarity not knowing wonderbolts history seems odd. Like isn't she a flight fanatic despite being a unicorn? How come she doesn't know who was on the previous roster.

Also Rainbow and Derpy siblings hello curve ball.

she can be a fanatic and not know some things, we don't know the details of how she got to know about the wonderbolts after she first saw them as a child, and who can say how soon the roster changed between her getitng into them? Initially i did have her know about Soarin but felt that would just be confusing given how i already had her not really know about Spitfire and Fleetfoot. I'll likely bring it up in the future XP

and yeah had the idea of Dash and Derpy being sisters in this AU for a loooonnng while. Just never had a chance to have it come up.

Gotcha so she's familiar with the roster involving Flash. Makes sense generations and team changes.


Well, I finally got around to reading this, and I must admit I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, the plot with Rainbow and Derpy is looking very interesting, even if there are questions about how Rainbow never heard about this before which could undermine it, but on the other, I have serious issues with the Rarity storyline. Setting aside the roster/history knowledge issues (although they're really hard to justify for someone who wants to join), the only plausible outcome of this whole thing is a massive trainwreck. Even if Rarity's gadget works (unlike every other attempt she's made to fly), she clearly has no experience with it so there's no way she'll be any good in the air. That means she's guaranteed to crash and burn, and it's hard to see how that can be satisfying, especially since you appear to have set up a conflict where she needs to not just fly, but fly exceptionally well for her to get a win. Unless you have a rock solid plan for how she can win while utterly failing at her dream, I think you would have been better off building up to this over the course of many stories, starting with one dedicated to her getting airborne since that would allow any flight to be a win even if she only goes a few dozen feet before crashing.

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