• Published 31st Oct 2023
  • 582 Views, 3 Comments

Tricks and Treats - Liquid Savage

The local witch causes fetishy shenanigans

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Have You Tried Their Never-Ending Chocolate Bag? It Never Ends!

A hippogriff fluttered away from the stall, looking quite pleased with herself. Her slender, light purple body was clad in the dynamic blue and yellow of a Wonderbolt uniform, with her sky blue mane and tail flowing in the breeze as she hovered along.

“Man, that witch pony was so nice,” she chirped. “And her snacks are so cheap.”

Like many customers before and after her, Silverstream was enticed by those enchanted treats. What caught her eye was what the mare called a ‘Bag of Bottomless Bites’. She said it contained all the chocolate balls a sweet tooth could take. Silverstream had more of a sweet beak, but she was sold all the same.

She fluttered down onto an empty bench in the park away from the festivities, and looked at the bag in her claws. It was black velvet, with a stylish purple design resembling a mare’s head wearing a witch hat. She loosened the string and opened the mouth of the bag to peer inside. She licked her beak at the pile of chocolate balls inside.

“But is it really bottomless?” she wondered. Only one way she could find out. She put her claws into it and pushed down. Down. Down. Much further than the bag would make her expect.

“Whoa!” she squawked when she got shoulder deep, using her wings to keep herself balanced on the bench and not tumbling into the truly bottomless sack. “Okay, she really meant it!”

She was impressed so far, but the proof was in the pudding. Or in the chocolate, in this case. She fished a ball from the bag and popped it in her mouth. Her eyes shot open as the sweet, delectable flavour exploded in her break, making her fur bristle and her feathers ruffle.

“Bottomless and delicious?! Now this is my kinda snack!”

Wasting no more time, she started cramming clawfuls of chocolate balls into her maw. She didn’t care that a number of them were rolling onto the ground - after all, there were plenty more where those came from.

What she hadn’t noticed (and should probably have been worried about) was how her Wonderbolts costume was starting to feel snug. With every few gulps of chocolate, her slender body swelled a little thicker, and her outfit tried to accommodate it.

But she was blissfully unaware. She was falling into a chocolate-fuelled reverie and had no intention of coming back out any time soon.


Silverstream paused and looked around. “What was that?” she wondered, investigating the source of that very close sound, akin to torn paper. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she shrugged. “Must’ve been something else.”

She went back to stuffing her face, since she couldn’t see the tear in the seat of her spandex.

She got herself comfy on the bench, slumping down and letting the chocolate balls pour into her beak. Her hind legs kicked happily in the air while stretching the fabric to a dangerous degree. Even with her stomach right in her line of sight, she gleefully ignored its bloating into more and more of her vision with the more chocolate she swallowed. Her backside crept across the bench as it grew wider and wider, as did the rip in her costume.

But still she kept eating, her mind drowned in a sea of endless chocolate. She shook the bag to get even more to fall into her gaping mouth. “Mmf, so good!”

More little tears sounded, and light fur and feathers bulged out of more gashes in the spandex as she kept developing more layers of soft, thick flab. The noises were followed by a low, ominous groan of wood and metal as Silverstream’s seat bended beneath her. Not even her starting to squeeze against the armrests deterred her from gorging.

“It’s a good thing this bag really is bottomless,” she giggled, “because this stuff is so good! I never wanna–”



The heavy hippogriff squawked as she suddenly found herself collapsing onto her back. The bench could handle her steadily growing weight no longer and surrendered with a vengeance. She slammed with enough force to send a small tremor through the ground, and the sudden impact was enough for her to finally explode out of her costume with a mighty RRRRRRIP. Her stomach, now a great balloon filled with jiggling lard, bounced and wobbled violently for many seconds before finally settling down. Her flabby legs splayed out at her sides, like an overfed starfish.

“Oof! What in Celestia’s name happened?” Silverstream looked around herself, and found a more important question popping into her head. “Where’s the bag?!”

She looked up at her gut, and let out a sigh of relief when she saw the bag perched on top.

“Oh, there you are.” She reached her claws toward it, but got nowhere close. She tried to roll forward, like she was making a pitiful attempt at a sit-up. “Nngh… get down here…!”

With a thump, she flopped back down with enough force to send her stomach shaking back and forth, causing the bag to fly off. She grunted as its mouth covered her beak, causing a constant onslaught of chocolate balls to pour into her.

Now this I can work with! she thought cheerfully, happily chewing and ballooning even bigger…