• Published 31st Oct 2023
  • 320 Views, 9 Comments

Tricks & Treats! - Midknight_Stardust

It's Halloween and the girls want to make it special for their brand new friend!

  • ...

Welcome to my Nightmare

It was just a few short days until Halloween and all of Canterlot was getting into the spirit of the holiday, jack-o-lanterns littered the sidewalks and porches of homes, many of them having carved designs in them. Houses in the suburbs were artfully decorated with all sorts of scary and spooky apparel to help spice things up and possibly win 'best spooky house', though there was probably no place more excited for Halloween than Canterlot High School and that was purely due to the fact that they had Pinkie Pie as a student and her joy and love for Halloween was enough to power entire cities if it could be bottled and harnessed in such a manner. At the tail end of the month, shortly after the Fall Formal and all the magically craziness, Pinkie had of course been put in charge of organizing the schools annual "Nightmare Night" party.

Of course the party girl took the job with zeal! How could she not?! A holiday all about free candy, dressing up, scary pranks and tricks and of course FREE CANDY! Though there was another big, big, BIG reason Pinkie was excited; this would be a chance for her to help a friend make more friends! Ever since the fall formal and being blasted by a big rainbow beam, Sunset Shimmer had naturally become less than desirable after turning into a she-demon and brainwashing everyone. Of course she had said she was sorry and spent the past month and a half working to help rebuild the front entrance and the hole that had been blasted in the front yard of the school but that mattered little to many of the students. A vast majority gave her the cold shoulder and some even outright bullied her to which Sunset just...let it happen.

'I deserve it for everything I did to them. I'll be okay.'

Is what Sunset would always say any time her friends found her being harassed or given unfair treatment by the other students but Pinkie along with the rest of her friends found that to be unacceptable and were thinking of ways that they could help her. That was when Pinkie got a brilliant idea as they were all gathered around the lunch table.

"You should come to Nightmare Night with us! If we all go as a group, we can show everyone you're not a big, scary mean bean anymore!" Pinkie proclaimed with a big enthusiastic smile towards her flame headed friend who was chomping on an apple.

"Pinkie Pie, that is a marvelous idea! After all darling we are your friends, despite our...'rocky start' we truly do wish for you to fit in and I think you coming with us to this event would be lovely" Rarity chimed in as she wiped her lips with a napkin having just finished her lunch.

"I reckon that sounds like a good idea, we know yer still feelin' might down about what happened sugarcube but you should let yourself have a lil reward for workin' so hard to be better." Applejack replied, taking a sip of some chocolate milk.

"Totally, these parties are always a blast too! Just think of all the fun you could have with us." Rainbow smiled towards Sunset agreeing with the others.

"I think it would be nice if you came." Fluttershy said softly, secretly feeding some baby carrots to her pet bunny in her backpack.

Sunset sat and listened, she had always only really chimed into their conversation when spoken to as she still felt...awkward around these girls. It was true they said they had forgiven her for all that she had done but Sunset still had a hard time forgiving herself and the fact that 99% of the school hated her guts didn't help. She had been working hard this past month and a half to right her wrongs, to be a better person and truly see the light in what Princess Celestia had been trying to teach her. She had tearfully apologized to the 5 girls currently sitting in front of her on numerous occasions since the Fall Formal and each time they reassured her that they were her friends and they would do their best to help her be better.

'You don't deserve such good friends.' A hate filled voice echoed in the back of her mind.

'Shut up.' Sunset thought to herself as if speaking directly to the voice and it was silent...for now. Breathing through her nose and talking a calming breath she would speak.

"I dunno girls, the formal is still pretty fresh in everyone's minds and the last thing I really want to do is scare anyone." Sunset said dejectedly, she was well aware that there were a large number of people who were still legitimately terrified of her and with good reason. She turned into a winged she-demon that looked like a bat out of Hell.

'Ugh, RUDE!' The inner voice replied back in a voice that sounded hurt/offended.

"But Halloween is different, silly filly! It's the ONE time of the year where being scared is fun! C'mon didn't you ever celebrate Halloween back where you are from?" Pinkie asked curiously as they still didn't know a lot about Equestria from Sunset's POV.

"Well, yeah. A few times when I was a filly and once with Princess Celestia when I first became her student but that was so long ago y'know? Plus, I don't really have any money for a costume." Sunset pouted as she huffed, most of her money from her part time job had to be spent on getting supplies to fix the entrance.

"Oh well you needn't fret on that front darling! I would be more than delighted to make you a costume" Rarity proclaimed with her usual flair.

"R-Really? You'd do that for me, Rarity?" Sunset asked still in shock that Rarity could be so generous to someone who had treated her so poorly.

"Oh pish, posh darling of course! You're my friend and I want you to look fabulously frightening for Halloween just like the rest of us. Though I'll understand if you wish to go with something less scary." Rarity replied with a kind and genuine smile, eager to make Sunset a costume.

Sunset would mull it over for a moment longer, thinking about it and back to her past in Equestria; she had gone trick or treating with the other orphans when she was a filly and once when she was Celestia's student at the beginning. She fondly remembered bonding with the sun princess over the holiday and learning the reason behind its creation. She did truly miss dressing up in a silly costume, pulling little harmless pranks, getting candy and just enjoying a fun night out. These past few years for Halloween, she had manipulated Freshmen into giving her their candy or had pulled pranks that could be considered mentally damaging with how cruel she could be with some of her jump scare pranks.

'This is a chance to make up for all of that and maybe truly enjoy Halloween for a change.' Sunset thought to herself.

'Oh yes the girl who speaks to her inner she-demon is gonna make Halloween fun, this oughta be good.' The inner voice snarked back with a laugh that was laced with sarcasm.

'Screw you!' Sunset snapped back at the voice internally.

'It's called masturbation, you should try it some time sweetie.' The demon voice laughed.

'Uggggh why are you like this?!' Sunset groaned inside her own mind and shook her head to clear her thoughts and took a deep breath again and exhaled.

"Okay, okay. You convinced me; how about I come by your shop after school Rarity? We can talk shop on costumes since we have till the end of the week for Halloween." Sunset replied, giving a smile towards the fashion lover.

"Splendid! I'll be sure to have my schedule clear by the time you arrive after your detention." Rarity said though she seemed a bit guilty having mentioned Sunset had detention again.

"A three month detention has to suck ass." Rainbow said as she took a sip of her soda from a can.

"I ran roughshod over this school for three years, three months of punishment seems more than fair and hey? Beats jail." Sunset said with a coy smile having accepted her fate long ago, detention wasn't nearly as bad as sitcoms made it out to be. It was honestly the boredom that was the worst part. Mr. Cranky certainly had that name for a reason and he made sure that anyone who spent time with him in detention was as miserable as he was.

"Enough gloomy doomy talk! We need to get ready for fun! Oh I'm so glad you're coming with us Sunny! It's gonna be so much fun!"

"Until she totally screws it up" A haughty and nasally voice cut in from the side and this got a groan out of everyone at the table.

"What do you want, Trixie?" Rainbow rolled her eyes and shot a scathing look at the wannabe magician.

"Oh nothing just making sure you weirdos are keeping little miss she-demon over here in check. I heard you're bringing her to Nightmare Night; You gonna summon her from a Satan circle or something?" Trixie mocked with an unbearably smug grin on her blue face.

'Keep pushing the demon button and find out you wannabe little witch!' the inner voice snarled and for once Sunset didn't tell it to shut up because she actually agreed.

It was no secret that even before Sunset's fall from grace that she and Trixie had a rivalry going though more in the sense that Trixie was one of the very few around school who bothered to stick up for herself and her 'friends' when Sunset was trying to throw her weight around school. Trixie was the daughter of a famous traveling magician and so it came as a surprise to no one that Trixie had an inflated ego which made it all the more fun to deflate back when she was a mean girl but she was trying to be better, though girls like Trixie made it VERY difficult.

"Pft no, the magic we used isn't demonic you dingus." Rainbow rolled her eyes and scoffed at Trixie.

"Yeah! It was super colorful and happy magic! Not witchcraft silly!" Pinkie proclaimed and gasped. "Unless it was a different kind of witchcraft! Oh, oh, oh we can be witches! I can finally use my hair like clothes!" Pinkie said with excited glee only to have it tempered by Rarity.

"We truly must get you to stop playing those silly videogames so often. You'll be doing no such thing with your hair Pinkie." Rarity chastised.

"Awww phooey!" Pinkie pouted as she sat back in her chair with her arms crossed.

"Anyway, to the point here Trixie? No, Sunset will not be up to any 'devilish' or 'demonic' or any such satanic activities on Halloween night. She wishes only to make amends for her past deeds, honestly darling I would think you'd be more mature about all of this." Rarity said, speaking directly to Trixie, scolding her for her behavior.

"Hmph, the great and powerful Trixie doesn't need a lecture from the likes of you. Perhaps Trixie would be less abrasive towards this she-demon had she not acted as such! But that is neither here nor there, no one is even going to notice you losers on Halloween anyway. Why, Trixie hears you ask?"

"We didn't but okay." Sunset snarked and rolled her eyes.

"The Great and powerful Trixie is going to be the winner of this year's Trick or Treat off AND costume contest! You shall all be dazzled and marvel and the Great and Powerful Trixie's grand victory! I have a foolproof plan to acquire the most candy this year and my costume shall WOW the judges!"

“Pft it being foolproof doesn’t make it Trixie proof.” Sunset snarked and got a fist bump from Rainbow Dash.

"Ha! Jokes on you cause we're gonna win! Pluuuuuus don't forget the prize for best spooky house!" Pinkie smirked a rare smug grin of her own as she checked her fingernails haughtily. "And you're lookin' at the crown champ!"

"Hmph, not this year! When my daddy arrives you'll be singing a different tune!" At the mention of her father everyone groaned as Trixie got ready to brag about her father, again. Trixie however was undeterred as she began to spill into a dramatic tirade about her fathers feats of magic and all it managed to do was just annoy Sunset more and more! If Sunset had to guess what Trixie was like in Equestria, she was likely a struggling stage magician but even that was more appealing than that blowhard!

"Heh, right; when daddy comes back from getting the milk and cigarettes I'm sure we'll all be just bowing and marveling at all his smoke and mirrors." Sunset snarked back at Trixie allowing just a little bit of that old fire creep back up inside of her, Trixie had a habit of really pushing her buttons and she was reaching her breaking point.

That verbal jab seemed to have hit the mark though as Trixie's face devolved into a furious scowl as she slammed a fist into the table and glared at Sunset Shimmer and if Sunset didn't know any better? She could swear she could see tears forming as Trixie clenched her fist.

"You take that back you....you...demon freak!" Trixie yelled and glared daggers at Sunset Shimmer. "You will keep Trixie's daddy's name out of your filthy mouth!"

'Let this bitch have it, I know you've had enough of her shit!' the inner voice egged her on and she was listening.

Sunset chuckled and a smirk pulled across her lips, a teasing one that was laced with snide glee. "Trust me Trixie, I nor any self respecting woman would want ANY part of your 'daddy' in our mouths and that includes your mother, I mean the fact she didn’t swallow you is proof enough."

There was a pregnant pause and the silence that crept over the room was enough that if someone dropped a pin you could hear it. A moment passed before everyone within the immediate area burst out laughing.

"Oooooooooh!" Pinkie and Rainbow laughed.

"Ohoho my! S-Sunset t-that was terrible!" Rarity said despite her laughter, trying to wipe away a tear.

"Hahahahaha s-s-speheheheak fer yourself! She got that blowhard good!" Applejack was slapping her knee and holding one of her sides.

“Oh my” Fluttershy snickered and was trying not to laugh but it was just too funny especially seeing Trixie’s furious reaction.

"Ooooh you will pay dearly for this Sunset Shimmer! No one makes a fool of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie proclaimed, having now officially declared vengeance upon Sunset Shimmer.

"Pft you seem to be doing a pretty good job of that on your own, so make like your 'daddy' and disappear will you?" Sunset rolled her eyes and scoffed at Trixie's empty threat.

“Boom! Roasted!” Rainbow laughed and fist bumped with Applejack and Sunset.

"You have not seen the last of Trixie!" Trixie said angrily as she tossed down a smoke bomb and seemingly vanished.

Pinkie gasped dramatically. "She's gone! Oh no wait, there she is." Pinkie said, pointing to Trixie who was trying to slip out through the cafeteria doors unnoticed. She bumped into the wall and then tossed down another smoke bomb, making her escape. Shortly after everyone would return to their normal business but now the confrontation between Sunset and Trixie was at the forefront of everyone's mind.

"Sick burn on Trixie Sunset, she was really starting to piss me off," Rainbow said, giving Sunset a congratulatory punch in the arm.

"Wasn't gonna just let her continue to insult you guys like that. Especially when she's the blowhard who can't do actual magic. You girls literally stopped a rampaging she-demon but she acts like SHE is the one capable of tossing out rainbow beams." Sunset rolled her eyes and sighed, resting her arms and head on the table a bit, feeling a bit guilty about the things she said.

"Don't let that meanie get you down Sunny! We're your friends and we'll make sure you have a fun time! Pinkie promise! Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Pinkie made the motions of her sacred promise to her fiery haired friend which made Sunset smile.

She held back a sniffle and blinked a few times to make sure no tears fell as she counted her blessings yet again for this amazing group of girls that had been kind enough to forgive her after having been so horrid to them. After the Fall Formal, Princess Twilight had left Sunset in this world, at first Sunset presumed it was a form of exile but in truth she realized the Princess of Friendship left her here so that she may learn the most valuable lesson that she failed to learn under Celestia; friendship. Sunset often found herself wondering if it was her destiny to be Celestia's student or Twilight's but that was a thought for another day, on this day she was happy to have such good friends and she vowed to do right by them.

It hadn't been easy at first and even now she was still trying her best to be better and it was clear by her snide comments towards Trixie that she was still learning to restrain herself at times but at least she was doing better rather than not having changed at all. With a newly renewed confidence and determination, Sunset sat back up straight and looked to Pinkie Pie directly.

"You know what? You're right, let that blowhard be mad all she wants! Because WE'RE gonna have the best Halloween EVER! Whatdya need help with Pinkie? Whatever it is I'll do it." Sunset was determined to see this through and show that meddling Trixie what for!

The bell would ring to signify the end of lunch period and the girls would look to one another to see where they had to go from here.

"Ah, nuts just when we were about to get into planning." Pinkie pouted a little.

"No worries, you and I have Home Ecc together so we can chat about it there." Sunset reassured Pinkie.

"Awesome blossom! See ya there Sunset!" Pinkie said with a wave as she went to discard her food tray and head off to class.

The rest of the girls moved to do the same, each of them heading their separate ways, Sunset was the last to leave and as she did she felt a pressure building in her gut which signaled a trip to the bathroom. Rushing to the closest girls room near the gym she slipped in and picked an empty stall. Once inside she sat down to do her business and sighed as she began to think and speak to herself out loud but more or less mumbling to herself.

"Okay so I need to help Pinkie with Nightmare night while also making sure I don't totally mess anything up otherwise everyone is gonna start targeting Pinkie. I can't let that happen, not after everything she's done to help me."

Sunset wanted to do right by her friends, all of them. They deserved that much after everything she had done and she wouldn't let anyone stop her from doing that, least of all some blowhard magician with an ego bigger than Rainbow Dash's and that was a feat in itself. Out of all the students at CHS she truly did not like Trixie and despite her best efforts to try and make peace with the girl she was always met with hostility. Pinkie wanted her help to make Nightmare night fun and she would do exactly that, however deep in the dark corners of her mind that irritating voice spoke back.

'I don't see why we can't just kick her ass and be done with it'

"Because violence isn't the answer to my problems. Now shut up. I'm trying to think and pee. Both of which, you make very difficult." Sunset mumbled as she dragged her hands down her face.

'pft you're more of a drama queen than that snobby white girl you hang out with.'

"Shut up! Rarity is really nice and we were wrong to be so uncivilized towards her." Sunset snapped back, keeping her voice as low as possible, she didn't wanna get caught talking to herself again.

'Whatever, but I think we can both agree Trixie is gonna just continue to make life hard for us right? I think it's about time we finally put her in her place! and what better time than now? I mean April Fools day perhaps but Hell, Halloween is notorious for pranks of the scary type and I think a good scare will get that witch to leave us alone.'

The voice manifested itself as a miniature version of the demonic form Sunset had taken just a month ago, though her features were slightly less warped and she wasn't wearing the prom dress made of fire...this time. She tended to change outfits to reflect Sunset's mood and currently her mood was neutral but leaning on nervous. This saw the demon dressed in a simple black shirt, jeans, sneakers and her hair was tied into a ponytail.

'Face it Sunshine, for once we actually agree on something.'

"Scarlet I am not letting you take control and that is final."

'Oh c'mon, I said I was sorry about the Fall formal like a billion times already. Can't we just let bygones be bygones?'

"You haunted me with nightmares for WEEKS."

'I was lonely and you kept ignoring me.' Scarlet shrugged

"Gee I wonder why? Perhaps it has something to do with turning me into a monster and nearly committing murder!" Sunset snapped, her voice a bit louder than she would've liked. She was thankful no one was around right now as she argued with herself.

'Okay so I stepped out of line a bit and got a little hot under the collar, I'm sorry alright? But c'mon are you seriously gonna keep letting that wannabe magician make a mockery of us?' Scarlet asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Trixie is annoying but she's otherwise harmless, eventually she'll just get bored and find someone else to be her little rival. All that matters is that in the end? I have my friends and I am learning to be better. I don't want to stoop back down to her level, I never want to feel that low ever again." Sunset was determined to never go back to being the jerk she used to be, she hated that version of herself and looked upon her past actions with utter disgust.

'Ugh I swear that magic beam took off some of your edge, probably the reason I still exist. Tch fine, keep trying to play nice; but the moment you wanna get heated? You know where to find me sun-butt.' Scarlet said, having grown bored with trying to bait Sunset to her side. She couldn't forcefully take control, Sunset was the dominant force in the relationship and all Scarlet could do was whisper in her ear or give suggestions that leaned more on the 'bad girl' side of things.

With that final comment the voice went silent and Sunset sighed and groaned into her hands as she finished peeing. It was a pain having all her insecurities and negative emotions placed into a single entity that acted as a shoulder devil, the best she could surmise was that it was an after effect of the elements of harmony, a way of giving her negative thoughts form so that she could hear them aloud and refute them. An odd punishment but one she was willing to endure for the sake of friendship. However one thing she did truly hate was when she actually did agree with that annoying little devil form of hers, Trixie was a problem and she did need to be taught a lesson. Perhaps her friends could help with that? After all, it was only natural to ask friends for help right?

"One thing at a time Sunset. I should get to class, Pinkie is probably wondering where I am." Sunset said with a brief chuckle as she wiped herself, flushed and pulled her pants back up. After washing her hands and straightening out her hair, Sunset would exit the bathroom and make her way to the Home Ecc room for her next class.

In the auditorium behind the stage, Trixie watched as the girls she 'hired' to construct her costume finished putting the finishing touches on her outfit. This was a shoe in to win the contest! Trixie grinned widely as she rubbed her hands together fiendishly, giggling to herself.

"This oughta show that she-demon to mess with The Great and Powerful Trixie. Insult Trixie's daddy will you? So be it Sunset Shimmer; now you and your silly little band of loser rainbow friends will pray for mercy from-"

Trixie would take the now finished costume and with incredible actress like speed and grace, changed into it. She was adorned in black and silver armor, her long silver hair sticking out of the back of the helmet that covered her head. A long flowing cape billowed in the wind and Trixie struck a pose.

"Nightmare Moon! Mawhahahahahahaha!" Trixie threw her head back and laughed maniacally only for the helmet to fall off and clang to the ground. Trixie would blush and turn to the girls who made the costume and raised an eyebrow.

"You took the helmet before we could attach the straps." Sweetie Belle shrugged

"Well fix it! What am I paying you for?" Trixie rolled her eyes as she removed the costume and placed it back on the mannequin, now dressed back in her normal clothing.

"Ta do all the work for ta cause ya can't design for squat." Apple Bloom snarked under her breath.

"What was that Freshman?" Trixie asked in a warning tone.

"Nothin'." Apple Bloom said in an innocent tone.

"And you promise to uphold your end of the deal?" Scootaloo asked with her arms crossed

"As promised, Trixie will share her bounty of candy with the three of you equally provided my costume is the best! And yes, in exchange I shall also scare you big sisters for you." Trixie rolled her eyes having loathed having to partner with these Freshman girls for her plans to work.

"Hehe I can't wait to see the look on Rainbow's face! She's always scaring me every year and calling me a chicken! Well we'll see who the chicken is this year!" Scootaloo was determined to scare the pants off Rainbow as retribution for all the jokes about her being easily scared.

"Yeah and Rarity is totally gonna pay for ruining my trick or treating last year." Sweetie Belle said, still sour at her sister for the incident last year when her fancy costume garnered her more attention and thus, more candy. Oh sure Rarity tried to share her large surplus of sweets but it was the principal that mattered!

"AJ thinks she can't get scared? We'll see bout that this year! Imma get a yelp or shout outta her if'n its the last thing ah do!" Apple Bloom said with determined fervor, the elder Apple sister claimed that she was incapable of fear or at the very least seemed to be fearless. Apple Bloom was determined to prove otherwise.

"Yeah!" The CMC chanted together and high-fived.

"Excellent, now do be good little minions and finish Trixie's costume, you have free period and Trixie must make her way to the gym. I expect the costume to be fully complete by Thursday. Mischief Night shall be when the first blow is struck!" Trixie would toss down a smoke bomb and vanish from sight leaving the CMC astounded.

"She's gone!" Scootaloo said with shock.

"Nah, she's right over there." Apple bloom said pointing over to Trixie making her exit through the back door of the auditorium.

"Oh c'mon!" Trixie shouted as she tossed down another smoke bomb and vanished proper.

Once Trixie was gone, the three girls snickered to themselves as they all fist bumped.

"She thinks she's the only one with tricks up her sleeve? Think again" Sweetie Belle said with a devious smile.

"You really think she'll fall for it?" Scootaloo asked

"Trixie is about as smart as a chicken, which is ta say not that smart. She'll fall for it hook line and sucker" Apple Bloom said confidently.

"First Trixie, then we deal with Diamond and Silver." Sweetie said those two names with disdain

It was no secret that The CMC had a bitter rivalry with the two resident school rich girls Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon; last year the two rich brats made it a point to show off on Halloween having hosted a big Halloween party and now this year Diamond's father was the one funding Nightmare Night and Diamond Tiara wouldn't let anyone forget it. The CMC intended to give her a Nightmare Night she would NEVER forget and have their sweet revenge against their elder siblings or in Scootaloo's case her mentor figure.

"Halloween is gonna be a hoot this year" Apple Bloom proclaimed with a devious smirk

"Can't wait to see the look on their faces!" Scootaloo said with an equally devious smile.

"All the candy shall be mi- I mean ours!" Sweetie Belle had to caution herself, her namesake was more than just to sound cute, she had a massive sweet tooth, one that could even rival the likes of Pinkie Pie.

The CMC would return to work on Trixie's costume and giggled to themselves as they imagined the coming nights filled with fright and free candy!

Author's Note:

Will release the second chapter tomorrow. Felt like doing something festive.