• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I wouldn't consider myself "insane" but I do like mlp, computer engineering, quantum physics, writing and art. So I try to do things which combine ALL those things. That's sane... right?


A Japanese Salaryman finds his life cut short by a disgruntled employee. Just before his death he is given an ultimatum by a certain God of Chaos.

Forced into a new world, he – now she – wishes only to once again climb the corporate ladder and live a comfortable life. Unfortunately, she finds herself born in the radically republican former Griffon Duchy of Cloudbury where every citizen clamors for continent-wide revolution, and rampaging bandits prowl the countryside. Could things get any worse?


An Equestria at War x Youjo Senki (Tanya the Evil) crossover. A mix of two Alternate World War Universes. The Salaryman (Tanya Degurechaff) is the only character from Youjo Senki in this story. Any understanding of that franchise is not needed (to the point where this is arguably not a crossover).

I wrote this because my EaW installation is constantly crashing for me recently (worked for 4 years with no issues until now... :fluttercry:) so I am writing this to tide me over until it "magically" fixes itself with a patch or something. That, and there is a horrifying amount of monarchist apologism and startling lack of republican fanaticism in the other EaW fics /s.

Most characters are not my own, but made by Lauren Faust, Carlo Zen, or the EaW writing team. However, the source of the cover art of griffon-ized Tanya Degurechaff is all me.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 174 )


Alright you have my attention I'm curious to see where this goes

Tanya in the griffon Kuomintang is not something i knew I needed, but now I want more.

Long live the Republic! Liberty, Prosperity and Democracy forever!

Great start to the story, the writing quality is very good, I personally love Youjo Senki and EaW, it surprises me that no one hasn't done more crossovers with Hoi4 modes yet.

I find that despite the enormous universe and all the possibilities of EaW no one seems to make fanfiction in this universe, I have already thought several times about a self insert in EaW unfortunately I don't have the talent for writing.

I just hope the author doesn't abandon the story 🤞🤞, too many good stories have died this way. :fluttercry:

seems interesting lets give it a read

im still waiting for a Tanya as Flurry Heart

Honestly, if there wasn't already a Flurry Heart focused EaW fic (Princess and the Kaiser) I might have done something like that. I definitely would read that though.

Sorry about that. For the record, I had no idea what The Saga of Tanya the Evil was, and I still don't know the series well. That being said...gimme that sweet, sweet Republican Fanaticism. I'm on board.

‘ He’s right in a way… after all, these idiots aren’t the self-interested “purging” type of Communists – the Stalinists or Maoists. These are “true believers”; the “convenient pawns” . While it would surely be impossible to convince these people that a Central Bank leveraging interest rates and regulation can offset the issues they think capitalism has, some of them might still be convinced to take a less radical approach. T here’s no doubt numerous contradictions and fallacies waiting to be found in all th is dogma and if I could use it to deprogram people. I would be making things better… at least enough to offset working here until I can find some other job . After all, despite how idiotic it is, the idea of Socialism never really goes away. Even in a capitalist utopia like Japan, small groups still made the news. These true believers serve an important function in showing the rest of the world how stupid the idea really is. ’

If you think American Capilitalism is bad, we aint got nothing on Japan. Hopefully Rickard can convince. Tanya can chill a bit on the hypercapitalism. Looking forward to more! It's rare to see the republican side of the struggle, probably because the monarchists have more characters to write about.

While there was plenty of bad things to say about the Griffonian Republic: the lack of national freedom, the disorganized mess of its politics, the lack of racial equality, the illiteracy, or the backwards economic and political mindset of most of the people in it, it was also the best nation on the continent. It had the potential to turn itself around like Post-War Japan. When its neighborswere described in the books she read as “knightly orders”, “aristocratic feudalism” or “autocratic slave-states”, was it any wonder that the Republic struggled with these radicals? She just needed to do her best in pointing them down the right path.

>River Republic, Kasa Free State, Skynavian Republic, Flowena, and more: exists
>Sanya's books: I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that.

Yeah, that's why I focused on "neighbors" there. Tanya isn't exactly very worldly at this point and only really has the Republic's own history and whatever snippets she can get from other people. So there is some pretty heavy bias (and Republican propaganda) coloring her world view. So in her understanding you would have:

Kingdom of Vedina: Knightly Order (maybe "good" but clearly backwards)
Skynavia: Communist (and we know what Tanya's view of that is)
Northern Tribes: barbarians ("not much better than Vedina")
Sunstriker Clan: Autocratic Slave-State (they aren't really, but they would kidnap and ransom people during their raids. I could certainly imagine their reputation being rock bottom in the Republic)
Strawberry/Feathesia Duchies: Aristocratic Feudal states (also not completely true, especially in Feathesia's case, but you can imagine that Republicans would not feel the need to talk up "filthy royalists")

Honestly, if she knew about places like Skyfall, she would probably fly there on her own wings... she would probably die five minutes into the journey by bandits, but she would (maybe) take the chance anyway. That would also kind of kill the story's pacing so I'll leave that for later.

More More We Need more

I love the first thing you do when your EaW keeps crashing is to start a fanfic to pass the time :trollestia:.

I weep for the Line Of grover for there is nothing We Can do to stop Tanya

fear not, for the true gods (not being X) are with the grover line, and knowing tanya she will SOMEHOW lead to a constitutional monarchy by accident.

There is nothing We Can do!

I don’t think I realized until I saw someone actually try to make it a reality, but I really wanted to see a Youjo Senki X EAW fic!

What made you choose the Griffonian Republic?

It was a couple reasons all coming together (apologize for being too meta here):

  • I think the biggest reason is that it wasn't something done before. I didn't want to make something in Equestria or the Griffon Empire since those have been done already
  • I wanted a nation that wasn't too "safe". Many nations are very stable and it's only focuses/threats that make them unstable. Otherwise Tanya just hops into a "normal" salaryman position and the story is over (once she had a stable career she won't join a war).
  • I needed something with a strong Communist presence because getting her way out of her comfort zone is more fun, but I didn't just want to throw her into Stalliongrad or Skynavia because then I feel she would just leave at the first opportunity (she needs to have some hope she can have a "normal" life in the nation for her to stick around)
  • I considered Nova Griffonia, Mareland, River Republics etc. but I just find those places very "ordinary" even if they weren't completely stable (or could be made unstable) and I figured Tanya would fit in too well. I wanted people that Tanya would think are "radical" and "crazy" so she might grow as a character
  • Likewise, I did not want to do Discret Aquilea/Changelings/Longsword etc. because they are too crazy/evil. Either Tanya would just leave, or she would come off as supporting really evil stuff (and I find Tanya best when she is pushing good people for a more "pragmatic evil"). I had considered a post-civil-war Aquilea, but I think this is more interesting because-
  • The republic has a crap-ton of problems well before 1007 which I found interesting (bandits, warlords, political instability, language issue)

Good reasons! I hope this fic goes far!

I hope Tanya learns about Harmony and accidentally becomes a Harmonic socialist faction leader in the NRP after a point.
The whole pre enlightenment integralism would fit her weird view of how society works to a t i feel.
Maybe she could come around to the value of unions under that paradigm even.

I could see this working in Kiria either in the Harmony path with her taking over after Fickle Current is kicked out as chairkirin or going with the corporatists and seeing her views and values shattered as they implement corpo feudalism.

Fucked up thing is a huge number of workers rights that Tanya knows is right in the modern world we're socialist ideas to begin with.
Tanya is a socialist thinker in that world of Empire and Robber barons.

YUUUUUP. Corporations would still be employing children if they could. None of the greedy corporations would ever give rights to their workers if they could help it. It was only thanks to the unions of yesteryear striking and fighting for rights that we can enjoy our free time today and not have to spend 100 hours a week in a factory.

This isn't at all what I expected when I started this story, and I'm not entirely sure where it's going. But I am curious: is it intentional that the self-proclaimed socialists are acting like capitalists while the self-proclaimed capitalists are acting like socialists?

Your "socialist" promoted Tanya based on merit, after an internal monologue about how market forces determine the price of goods and the wrongness of the labor theory of value.

Meanwhile, your "capitalist" has a confined workforce that's being compelled to work for the good of the state.

You gotta remember, this isn't modern day capitalism and Socialism, this early 1900's capitalism and Socialism, where the capitalists are like, "Living wage? Safe working conditions? What are those? Now, I don't care that you've already worked 12 hours today, we've had to many slowdowns because the idiot children keep losing their hands in the machinery, get back to work!" and the socialists just wanted to not die from their working environment, and be able to afford to feed their families. Seems pretty accurate to me, especially the eager glee the capitalist shows at being able to use the army to brutalise his workers.

Rikard never said anything against the Labor Theory of Value, rather that people sometimes misunderstand what it means: that the labor value of a good is not this anecdotal thing (like "the sweat of someone's brow"), but a complex statistical measurement. For instance, the soil quality of land and the level of infrastructure in a region would adjust the labor needed to harvest fruit there and therefore change the labor value. Therefore, a socialist should move a farm to a location where the labor value will be lower, despite the fact it may otherwise be a very well-run enterprise.

As for the rest... certain types of post-scarcity utopian communism ignore merit, but as a democratic socialist, Rikard wouldn't buy into that. For example, a Co-op is socialist, yet most co-ops in my country recognize the achievements of individual workers which would entitle them to a bigger shares of the value of the business (as their labor is valued more). In addition, there's an entire field of socialism called "market socialism" that (like most types of capitalism) has a full market-economy, just with the means of production in the hands of democratic bodies (co-ops, workers' councils, etc.) instead of privately-owned corporations.

As for the capitalist side of the argument, I would note that I never mention that the owner is capitalist, just that Tanya believes he has contacts with Capitalists and Industrialists. It is clear that while the owner owns the factory, it does not operate in a free-market economy. The Republic is in the midst of a transition out of an agrarian subsistence-mixed-economy and have de-prioritized that transition in critical industries (like military goods) in order to keep the country from collapsing to banditry.

In short, none of this chapter is really an argument for or against any particular ideology (since the bad situation doesn't really lend well to fair comparison). In fact, the point Rikard makes at the end is that the Republican ideal of compromise is more important than any one side "winning".

Great story so far, missing a few spaces though lol

Damn. I keep going back and finding more. The format conversion to this site completely messes up what I wrote. I'll try to find another BBCode importer rather than use the default one in the site for the next chapter.

damn, her dealing with best girl Starry night in longsword, or talking with Grand Cru and Cécile Gaudreau would have been great.

What an idea.:heart: A crossover of TTE and Eaw. Like to see how things fan out. But most of all, I like to be included in this. As I have ideas to revolutionize warfare; with your approval of course.

Either tanya becomes the president or she becomes the hero of the Republicand there is no in-between because she's tanya

Nice chapter! Tanya wants the socalists to fail, but still proposes solutions that they are happy with (so far, since it at least gives them a chance).

I wonder if Tanya will still be good at combat, since she doesn’t have magic to rely on (as far as we know)?

Typical Tanya adventure lol

I can attest there’s nothing socialist about that!’

Funny as fuck this statement almost all modern workers' rights and Universal healthcare are directly from socialism.
She's a Socialist to the core with that thinking and she doesn't realize it.

Vice-President Sunglider chuckled.

“A citizen’s militia? Ho ho, I never thought I’d ever see the day again. You must be serious.”

Fighting starts and Sunglider laughs.

I think he misses the simpler days of the revolution, of citizen-militias rising up against the aristocrats, compared to the politicking the Republic has become.

Tanya here nationalizing the means of production and establishing workers councils like a true socialist revolutionary, it brings a tear to my eyes.

Tho seriously when this works at reducing local banditry and increases productivity i hope Tanya will start to crack at least a bit on the fact that maybe the SocDems are not the enemy.

‘It good that at least somegriff has common sense to see the threat of socialism… although I can’t agree with banning strikes. They are a valuable signal of a healthy capitalist society. If the work conditions are so bad that workers are risking their livelihoods to make something known, that means something’s clearly wrong. It’s one thing to ban a Union – a worker-led mafia – that will interfere with the day-to-day operation of a private enterprise, it’s another thing to take away the right to protest. What the heck is Human Resources doing… although I suppose it would be called “Griffon Resources”?

My brain hurt at this level of mental gymnastic. Didn't she lean about how capitalist societies operate outside her utopia post-ww2 japan?

Which factory going to win?

  • A shithole sweatshop operated on 1900s idealogy
  • A socialist experimental project ran by a manager from post-globalizaion world

That's the real problem. Tanya keeps thinking of these guys as post-Cold War capitalists, not the pre-WW1 merchant aristocracy they actually are.

Feeling a bit emotional today story had me in tears by the chapter end.

Hero of cloudbury tanya

So… Tanya is upset she will still be near the fighting, even if it isn’t the front lines? Why was she angry at the end? Was it that she wasn’t acknowledged?

Regardless, this should earn her some political capital (though chanting the REPUBLICAN slogan may have mixed reactions from the socialists… maybe? She did just become a symbol and she is technically still a representative of the socialists…

The stoic major instantly brainrotted the moment he met tanya lol.

I decided to be ambiguous there. She would definitely be upset, but for various reasons I felt were not important narratively to explain:

  • She's a child and it's late. She is naturally cranky (no coffee in the republic :fluttercry:)
  • People are forcing her to do more unpaid work. If she's so valuable, why aren't they paying her?!
  • She might not be on the front, but she would be a nice juicy target as the focus of this mob/singing. While she hasn't seen any snipers they may be out there (there aren't any, but she's paranoid)
  • She hasn't thought through the implications yet. She only sees this whole "bannergriff" thing as garnering the wrong (military) attention right now, but that will change.

In short, she just wants to go home...

And yes, this will be seen as a good thing by the democratic socialists. They want socialism by popular support / election, and her actions here helped.

"Ah, ah, ah, no can do, I'm afraid. Moving across Planes of Existence and freezing time are trivial. This conversation; all this around you? This is all happening inside your mind. Since you're going to die soon anyway, I'm not really making any lasting changes, if you get my meaning… at least nothing that can't be fixed with a little re-arranging of probabilities here and there. No butterflies causing tornadoes or anything like that. You could say I'm a bit of an expert in Chaos Theory."

Expert in* not expertin

Of course it was easier said than done. Until the Republican Army liberated the former Durchy, Cloudburian griffons had been isolated from the rest of the Empire. They had lived simple lives and had looked at outsiders with suspicion and so had no need nor desire to learn another language. Even now they saw little point; they still had little say in how the government ran. Likewise, the Herzlanders were in the military or other vital jobs keeping the country together and had little time for anything else. So while Rikard himself could speak both languages thanks to his parents, he was by far in the minority.


‘ Even in a capitalist utopia like Japan, small groups still made the news.’

I would tell him to go kill himself, but statistically he would’ve done that anyways in Japan :rainbowlaugh:

In all seriousness, I disagree with socialism, but Japan is not a “capitalist utopia” no matter how you splice it.

Hold on Tanya, let me fix that for you.

There we go, much better!

Tanya revealing a revolutionary piece of industrial technology by pure accident and without realizing it was quite funny, I admit.

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