• Published 2nd Nov 2023
  • 1,128 Views, 26 Comments

A New Dawn - Moonlight0405

David Schmidt, retired military officer, successful businessman embarked on a new adventure where there is new opportunities to have and exploit.

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Chapter 1: Hastily Integration and Explanation

Year: 1001, Early Summer, After Nightmare Moon Return (A.N.M.R)
Location: Stalliongrad Revolutionary Head Quarter, Abandoned Factory

[Last Time on The New Dawn]

"Halt! You are advised to stop where you are and return home! You are all in violation of the law by disturbing the peace of this esteemed city!" admonishes an officer, his revolver pointed at Vladimare Lime, identified as the rally's leader.........



"Stalliongrad? Shouldn't it be Stalingrad or something?" the Changeling Queen mused aloud, her voice tinged with confusion.

"HALT!!! Stop right there!!!" bellowed one of the guards, taking aim at one of the ponies in rags. Without a moment's hesitation, the Changeling Queen's curved horn emitted a blue aura, summoning a protective magic shield that deftly intercepted the bullets mid-flight. Observing this miraculous display, the fleeing ponies swiftly extended an invitation, urgently exclaiming, "Come with us now!!!"

Recovering her composure and facing the array of armed ponies, the Changeling Queen managed to muster an amused smile. The newfound memories had granted her a sense of assurance in her abilities, and she now understood that she could withstand whatever they might unleash. With a confident yet enigmatic grin she casually said "Why hello there...."

(Present Time)

A tense silence fell over the assembled ponies as they exchanged uncertain glances, their bolt-action rifles aimed at the Changeling Queen. Her unconventional response had left them thoroughly perplexed, challenging their preconceived notions about Changelings. The widespread belief was that Changelings were inherently malevolent creatures, characterized by a superiority complex that could rival the most haughty of Stalliongrad's nobility.

In this surreal moment, the ponies grappled with the stark contrast between their expectations and the Changeling Queen's seemingly affable demeanor. A profound sense of uncertainty filled the air, as they struggled to decide their next course of action in the presence of a Changeling who defied their assumptions.

The tension in the air remained palpable as the light brown-coated mare with a brown mane and tail, red eyes, and the attire of an everyday worker in Stalliongrad, sought answers. Her no-nonsense tone conveyed a sense of urgency and suspicion.

"Enough joking!!! Answer me right now! What's a Changeling Queen like you doing in our fine city?" she demanded, leaving no room for ambiguity and awaiting a swift and clear response from the enigmatic visitor.

David Schmidt, now transformed into a female Changeling Queen with a striking blue mane and tail, knew that this moment required a measured and unambiguous response. Drawing upon the discipline and composure she had cultivated during her military career and business ventures, she assumed a cold, pragmatic, and calculating demeanor—a stark departure from her previous interaction.

With a demeanor that conveyed authority and assurance, she declared, "Let me be honest with all of you, and even if you do not believe me, what I'm about to tell you is nothing but the truth." The abrupt shift in her presence left everyone present in a state of shock, as if they had suddenly found themselves in the presence of someone who embodied cold, calculating pragmatism, in contrast to her previous personality earlier.

As the armed ponies took a collective deep breath, they awaited with rapt attention to hear what the enigmatic Changeling Queen, David Schmidt, had to reveal. Her unusual presence and the unexpected turn of events had created a solemn atmosphere that held their focus.

In a calm yet assertive manner, she began to explain her background, fully aware of the skepticism she was likely to encounter. "Before meeting all of you in that alley, I was, what you might call, a Human male or, in your terms, a stallion," she commenced. "I am 48 years old, having retired from my military career. Prior to my arrival here, I was a businessman."

She could sense the incredulity in their expressions and continued, "I understand that my words might seem strange, but the information that now resides in my mind should not exist here. At this moment, my ability to stay grounded and rational is a testament to my training and priorities. At the top of that list is one simple goal: survival." The frustration that had been simmering within her became palpable as she nearly shouted her declaration. She followed it with a deep breath, endeavoring to regain her composure in the face of this bewildering revelation.

In the wake of her revelation, an eerie silence pervaded the vicinity, and David Schmidt, in her Changeling Queen form, braced herself for what seemed like an impending storm of emotions and reactions. However, what transpired was beyond her expectations. After a few minutes, it became apparent that the ponies surrounding her were not responding with anger or hostility. Instead, they seemed to have reached a collective understanding.

The sudden turn of events came as a surprise, particularly when the pony who had initially questioned her suddenly exclaimed, "Wait!!! Did you just say 'a retired military officer' as in a military leader?" David nodded in response and replied, "Yes, First Lieutenant David Schmidt, at your service." The reaction that followed was even more startling.

The ponies, previously poised to attack, dropped their weapons and converged on her with an almost desperate enthusiasm. They excitedly declared things like, "This is it!" and "Finally, a real soldier that can help us!" The abrupt shift in their demeanor left David Schmidt perplexed, and she felt compelled to interject in order to gain a better understanding of what was happening.

Amidst the escalating excitement and fervor of the gathered ponies, David Schmidt, now compelled to gain clarity on their motivations and actions, raised her voice to command attention. "Stop!!! Please stop!!" she implored, her stern tone successfully quelling the commotion that had begun to unfurl. She continued, "Tell me why you're all acting as if I'm some kind of miracle. I understand you're rebels, based on the guards who attempted to shoot you back there, but please provide me with all the details. I need to comprehend the full extent of the situation here."

David's tone and her request for information helped rein in the bewildering chaos. From her keen observations and the environment around her, she had surmised that they existed in an Industrial Era, drawing upon the knowledge and memories from her previous life. As the gathered ponies began to recount the grim events and hardships they had endured in Stalliongrad, a sense of foreboding washed over David. The tales of oppression, abuse, and the unchecked power of the nobles and the monarchy bore a haunting resemblance to the injustices she had learned of in her previous life. The memories of her former existence as a human male resonated deeply as she listened to the accounts of the ponies.

The all-too-familiar narrative of the privileged few exploiting their power at the expense of the suffering masses struck a chord with her. The parallels between the world she had known and the one she now inhabited were unsettling, and the urgency of the situation became unmistakably clear. David realized that she had unwittingly stumbled into a world on the brink of revolution, and the experiences of these ponies had brought her face to face with the injustices that mirrored her own past life.

David's voice was tinged with concern as she addressed the assembly of ponies before her. "From what you've shared, I fear that your suffering is only just beginning," she remarked somberly. "You did understand what I said earlier about me being from another universe as a human, correct?"

The ponies nodded in acknowledgment.

"In my past life as a human," she continued, "we experienced something eerily similar to what's transpiring here right now. It led to a great deal of death and immense suffering for millions." The collective gasp and wide-eyed expressions among the ponies painted a vivid picture of the shock and dread they felt upon realizing the gravity of the situation. The prospect of their world spiraling into a fate akin to the dire circumstances in David's previous life was a chilling revelation that hung heavily in the air.

It was a moment of profound realization for all, and the urgency of their circumstances weighed heavily on their hearts as they contemplated the perils that loomed before them. David continued to speak passionately, "What I'm saying is, I've seen firsthand the devastation that such tyranny can unleash, I have seen how horrible it is to be under such tyranny and I'll be damned if I didn't help ensure that your world doesn't suffer the same fate." Her expression was resolute, as she was now committed to preventing history from repeating itself.

In their desperate quest for a leader who could guide them out of the shadows of suffering and oppression, the ponies assembled before David cast aside their preconceived notions and prejudices. It was a moment of collective recognition that transcended her identity as a Changeling Queen, her claims of hailing from another universe, and even her existence as a being known as a human.

The deep yearning for change and the overwhelming desire for a just and powerful leader led the weary and downtrodden populace of Stalliongrad to a profound decision. They saw in David, with her compassion and her willingness to assist them, the potential for the miracle they so desperately needed. The plight of the oppressed had found its beacon of hope, and they were ready to unite under her leadership to achieve the freedom and justice they had long fought for.

Author's Note:

Hello and thank you for reading this chapter.....
I hope you have liked it......