• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago



They say the military changes you, all the way to the core. Rainbow Dash is about to learn that the hard way. Surrounded by angry drill instructors and with only nuclear engineers for friends, the path ahead is going to be rough.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 64 )

That cover picture is absolutely horrifying... Just letting you know. I'll let you know what I think of the story after I read it.

Went with your own description?
Conceited bastard! :rainbowwild:

That picture is going to haunt my dreams.

That cover art will give me nightmares.

Yay! Core's up! :pinkiehappy:

That picture, though....


Oh dear. That cover image is right at the bottom of the uncanny valley.

Ok people: The cover image is from hell; We get it.

Read the fucking story.

Military nuclear engineers? I love this already!

Shouldn't that be "Corps" or am I missing a joke?

Hmm, I'm not use to so much military lingo, but you made it readable regardless. Very well done! I'll need to catch up to later chapters. I can tell, the rest will be awesome!

Forget Fluttershy's stare... That cover art is soul-rending... :rainbowderp:

Heh. . . Dashie is going to learn what the word "Faith" really means

Once a Marine, always a Marine.

Semper Fidelis, Forever Faithful.

found a mistake in your military lingo.
Class 19-12A. “This is pronounced ‘Class one-nine-one-two Alpha’.
it should be niner. won-niner-won-too ALPHA. to be exact if it was describing how to pronounce it also.

2059049i think it might give me nightmares

Best story from you so far, in my opinion.

Congrats on feature, you deserve it :pinkiehappy:

Oh, my... That damn face... Dont blink...

One nine tac one two alpha. Only scrubs say niner.

Likes a comment: CAN"T LET YOU DO THAT STARFOX!!

.....How'dja know I was a fox?

....That....cover.............aaaaaaaarrrrrtt. gah.

First chapter's good so far.


What's wrong with your faaaaace?

OH damn, your right.
TNaB fix it. Fix it quick before the actual marines come hunt you down. :raritydespair:

Unless were talking about the nuclear subs.

I learned a lot about the Navy today. Huh. Interesting story.

I was really looking forward to this story.

Then I saw the cover. I have never come so close to needing a new pair of pants at work.

Still looking forward to story, not looking forward to sleep.

The best part was all the art you showed up to this point.

Lest sentence of the story.

All the way to the core.

I'm guessing the title is how at her core, despite the training and conditioning, she's still Rainbow Dash.

Enjoyed the story. And I will be seeing those haunting eyes in my dreams. The rest of the pic is fine, it's just the eeeeeeyyyyyeeeessss!

That was really fascinating. Nice work.

Best nickname ever.

The word fun, I think, is being used in a very sarcastic way.:moustache:

I was waiting for this story for a while. I am not disappointed.
By the way, is there any chance of a story about Dash's experience in the military?

Definitely a worthwhile read. One enjoyed it quite a bit.

Well, at least she's motivated. The most terrifying thing I ever heard on basic was a Sergeant screaming to the platoon, "IF YOU WILL NOT MOTIVATE YOURSELVES, I WILL HAVE TO MOTIVATE YOU MYSELF!!!" :flutterrage:

2065486 That is a bowel loosening statement.

Oh the irony. It's delicious. Like cupcakes.

This was great. Even more so because the thing about being one of the most intensive documentaries about life in the USN OCS, used for ponies. And, even though this (unfortunately) reminded me yet again that my dreams of becoming a pilot for the military (it doesn't really matter what branch at this point) will probably never come true, nor will any form of service likely be a possibility (fucking asthma...) I couldn't possibly hold that against it. Especially because this story was so... interesting, to say the very least. Your 'battleships' universe, as you have described it, fascinates me, as does Rainbow Dash's storyline with college and all that, as it has ever since I stumbled across Roommates. Something about the level of detail in this, the minute little things that come with working to become an officer with the Navy, was.... fascinating.

This also had some pure entertainment, like Pinkie's 500 cupcakes- things that are just funny.

To wrap this up, I would be rather pleased to see Rainbow Dash appear in any future stories of this universe- unless she gets killed, then that would be sad. I doubt that you'll make a direct sequel to this story, but since this is all the same world, I guess it all depends on what you decide to write.

2071323 The 500 pushups for 500 cupcakes was based on a story an Ensign told me. The truth, in this case, is actually more intense.

The punishment was 500 pushups for a 500-calorie package of cookies. And yes, the Candidate received the nickname "Cookies"

2071409 Wow. I'm going to take a wild guess that the Candidate learned his (or her) lesson. Talk about making a point.

This was great. I loved the detail throughout the whole story, and it had just enough humor and interactions to make it stay interesting the whole time. :pinkiehappy:

but for some reason it keeps showing up in my unread favorites so idk if there is a chapter glitch or what. either way, another great story.

The funniest thing is there was no lesson to learn.
The soldier had nothing to do with the cupcakes/cookies.

Good job on the uniform. It looks like a more or less normal female (American) summer whites naval military uniform. With a national defense service ribbon? Hmm... Nice detail....

Something about the eyes and squareness of the the snout has put the picture on the wrong side of the uncanny valley though. Maybe if you softened it a bit, put a little more whites into the eyes or (possibly most of all) put the mouth farther down (equines do not really have chins.) people would see it as less ... off-putting.

Could've been "Butch"... :rainbowderp:

Meanwhile, at the USNA...


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