• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 416 Views, 55 Comments

Stories From a Single Mother - emerald_shine

Let's take a peek into Derpy's life as a single mother.

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Chapter 8: Trapped!

I stood motionless as Ganondorf stood there laughing.

Zelda continued to shake Queen Sonia's body in a desperate attempt to wake her up. Ganondorf turned around and stopped laughing. "Finally," He said. "Finally it is mine." He walked over to the end of the balcony and raised the shining yellow stone to the sky. The stone then stopped shining. The yellow color began to fade to a dark black.

The stone grew in his hand and began floating into the sky. It then began to glow a dark red and it fastened itself into a crown. It attached itself to his head. The same black and red smoke that came from the Zelda copy began rising up from the ground.

"Haaah... I can feel my strength surging." He said. Zelda picked up the top half of Sonia's body off of the ground and began hugging it tightly as Ganondorf began growing to twice his original size. Smoke began swirling around him and he disappeared into a tornado of black smoke.

He raised his fist as the moon turned a deep, blood red. He turned around to face Zelda and I. He laughed again and shot a beam of dark magic into the sky as Zelda hugged Sonia's body closer to hers.

I couldn't believe it. Meteors of smoke began raining down from the moon. From the height of the balcony, I could look down upon Castle Town. Monsters began to emerge from the smoke and began attacking the civilians.

I attempted to take flight. I was going to go down there and help them. Ganondorf, however shot a beam of magic towards me, knocking me to the ground.

When the meteors had stopped, Ganondorf stood still in front of us. His clothes had changed from the Gerudo clothing he had worn to a regal black and red robe. His hair was glowing a bright red and flowing in the wind.

It was at this moment, that Rauru walked out onto the balcony. Upon seeing Sonia laying in Zelda's arms, he rushed forwards. "Sonia!" He yelled.

Ganondorf smiled from where he was standing. "You are too late, Rauru. You took for granted the godlike power you held in your hands." As Rauru laid Sonia's body down on the ground, Ganondorf continued. "Do you now see the potential you squandered?" He pointed at Sonia. "As for her, she's merely the first victim of your arrogance. You tried to control me Rauru. And you will die knowing that you failed."

Rauru rushed forward yelling, "Ganondorf!"

Zelda called out to him from behind him. "King Rauru!" He turned back to face her pleading face. "Queen Sonia needs you!"

Ganondorf raised his hand as a small ball of red and black smoke began to charge in his hand. He shot a beam of magic at Rauru in an attempt to kill him and Zelda. Rauru held his ground and raised a magic shield made of the light he controlled.

As Rauru's shield began to falter, Zelda pulled the Purah Pad out of her back pocket. She whispered, "Mineru, I hope this worked." She taps on the pad and she, Rauru, and Sonia began to glow a bright blue. I realized too late that they are attempting an escape. I leapt up and ran towards them.

Zelda reached out her hand, trying to grab hold of my hoof, but I reach them too late as they disappear into the blue light.I collapse to the ground.

Ganondorf turns to face me. "Small thing! Where have they gone."

I begin to shake as he starts to walk towards me. I start backing up. "I-I don't know."

"LIAR!" He shouts.

I pull out the pearl I had in my saddlebag. I quickly throw it on the ground and step on it. Before the whirlwind can emerge from the pearl to take me back to Equestria, Ganondorf shoots me with dark magic, knocking me back against the wall. I watch as the whirlwind escapes the pearl and disappears as it doesn't have something to transport.

"NO!" I scream. But I had bigger problems. Ganondorf sent another beam of magic my way. I quickly took flight and began darting around the room so he couldn't hit me.

"Enough of this!" He shouted. "You're not worth it. I must begin preparing." He smiled and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

I run over to the shattered remains of the pearl. I begin crying as I realize I now have no way back home.

I was trapped.

* * *

I wander around the castle grounds searching for Zelda and Rauru. Eventually. I wander into a room filled to the brim with advanced machinery and tools and papers all over the floor. An alarm begins blaring as I walk in and a device lowers from the ceiling that I recognize as the beam emitter. I quickly duck as it shoots a beam directly at me.

Another Zonai emerges from a hidden trapdoor in the floor. She gasps and quickly clicked a button on the wall to turn off the sirens and beam emitter. "Sorry little one. Those were precautions against Ganondorf. Are you the small horse that Zelda spoke of?"

I nod and she claps her hands. "Your friend is here!" She called down into the trapdoor. Zelda emerges from the trapdoor and runs over to me, embracing me in a hug.

"Derpy! I'm so sorry! I forgot you were there before I started the travel function! When I realized, I tried to grab your hoof but it was too late!"

"It's alright Zelda. I'm just glad you're okay. Where's Rauru?"

"He's still downstairs. Obviously, he's taking this pretty hard. I don't think you should talk to him right now."

I kick my hoof. "Well now I have a worse problem."

"What's wrong Derpy?"

"Ganondorf knocked me away from my pearl and it caused it to disappear without taking me back!"

"Do you have anymore?"

I sadly shake my head. "There's no way for me to get back right now. Unless you have something?"

Zelda shakes her head. "Mineru, do you have anything?"

Mineru shakes her head as well. "Unfortunately, we haven't begun experimenting with inter-dimensional travel yet. We can run a couple tests if you want?"

"Yes! Anything! Please! I have to get home." I can tell Mineru is a little uncomfortable so I quiet my voice a little. "I'll test any experiments you can think of."

Mineru nods. "We'll get to work on it immediately. Princess Zelda," She turns to Zelda. "I understand that there has been a great loss today. But we have no time to slow in preparations for Ganondorf's attack. Gather the other four sages. We need to begin fortifying the castle immediately."

Mineru gets up and collects a bunch of different pieces of random devices from the floor. "Derpy, I have actually had a few ideas for inter-dimensional travel that I've been wanting to try but me and Zelda had to complete some of our defensive Zonai devices first. I'll begin working on some kind of gateway. I hope it works."

"Yeah," I say looking down. "I do too."

* * *

Over the next few days, I helped Zelda fortify the castle. We put up a team of remotely activated homing carts with all different kinds of weapons. Spike plates, beam emitters, flame emitters, frost emitters, and even shock emitters. We also added wings to some of them to make them fly.

When the sages arrived, they began training every day for the fight against Ganondorf. They had all begun calling him "The Demon King." A fitting title, I thought.

Every day, I would go back to Mineru but she never had the gateway ready.

One day before the big fight, I watched something very interesting. I walked into the chamber that Zelda, Rauru, and the sages were using as a meeting place. This was where they had buried Sonia. Rauru was standing in front of the grave and he laid a Sundelion on it.

Zelda stood behind him. Watching him. "King Rauru?"

Rauru turned around. "Oh! Zelda!" He smiled weakly but Zelda's face was un-moving.

"King Rauru. Before you face the Demon King tomorrow, there is something I must tell you. I came..." She paused and looked down at the grave. "I came to this era after finding a man underground."

Rauru nodded. "Hm. Go on."

"When I witnessed what the secret stone did to Ganondorf..." Another pause. "At that moment, I knew for sure! What we found underground. That was him! He was still alive! Still powerful! He continues to live on..." A tear began to fall from her eyes. "All the way until my time! In tomorrow's battle, we won't be able to defeat him. No matter how strong we think we are, he'll survive."

Zelda looked down at Rauru's hand. Her eyes widen and something flashes in her memory. "And you..." I can tell her brain is processing the information. "And you will..." She looks down and begins crying, not able to finish the sentence.

Rauru walks over and places his hand on her shoulder. "Maybe so..." Zelda opens her eyes. "But it is my duty to try." Zelda looks up to meet his eyes. "It was my hubris that set us on this path. I must atone for my error in judgement. And above all else..." He pauses. "I remain the king of Hyrule. As with any leader, it is my duty to safeguard and protect my people. Even if I must risk my life."

Zelda stares into his eyes. Another tear rolls its way down her cheek. "Rauru..."

"And if it proves impossible for us to defeat Ganondorf, We rely on your knight. And that legendary sword he carries. Our last line of defense will be Link."

My brain turns. Knight? Legendary sword? Link? I would have to ask Zelda about all of that.

"But remember, that was a future where you never appeared in this world. And here you are now. Zelda..." He wipes a tear from her cheek. "I believe there is a reason you were sent to us. It has to mean something." Rauru then notices me standing there. He nods to me and walks out of the room.

Zelda turns and notices me as well. "Oh! Hello Derpy."

"What was that about? Link? Legendary sword? What are those?"

Zelda smiles. "Right. You weren't told my story were you?" I shake my head. "Link is a swordsman from my time. He carries a legendary sword called the master sword. The sword was shattered in an encounter with the Demon King in my time. I think it can be fixed but it will take along time. I believe that Link can destroy the Demon King."

At that moment, Mineru rushed into the room. She clapped her hands as she looked at me. "Fantastic! Rauru said I would find you here. It's ready!!"

* * *

When I entered Mineru's lab, I saw an assortment of different emitters connected together in a small frame. There seemed to be a magic border compacting the space together pretty tightly.

"What is this Mineru?"

"Okay! I know it doesn't look like much, but these emitters aren't normal elemental emitters. I concentrated the elemental ones with spirit and light power and I think that can punch a hole in the space time continuum allowing for inter-dimensional travel. As for what plane of existence you go to, That all depends on the amount of fire, frost, and thunder." She held up the Purah Pad. "I'm gonna use this to moderate the amounts of different elements like a color value."

I nod. Years of being with Time Turner had made me actually understand what she was telling me. "How do we know it works?"

"I'm gonna have you test it for me! You said you'd be willing right?"

I nod and Mineru begins tapping on the Purah Pad. "Alright. Here goes nothing. Step back in case it explodes... Again."

"Again?" Zelda asked.

I watched as the frame filled with the red, yellow, and white of the different elements. I also saw two more emitters pouring a purple magic into the frame and a bright white light. After a couple seconds of the five things mixing together, a red mist filled the door which became more and more solid until it looked like a fluid jell-O.

"Oh my goddess! It worked." Mineru clapped her hands. She picked up a small remote and handed it to me. "This will call back the portal. If you aren't in the dimension, which there is a high likelihood that you won't be, Just call the portal and leave."

I nod and take the remote. "Okay. Here goes." I take a deep breath and walk through the portal.

* * *

I wake up in a room on a couch. The walls are painted tan. In front of me, I see words painted in green. "Welcome, Everything is Fine.

I throw my hooves up. "Nope." I say softly. Out of curiosity, I get up and walk around the room a little. A door opens on the right wall and an older man stepped out.

"Hello Derpy Hooves. This way please."

I can't help but wonder how he knows my name. I get up and follow him, clinging onto the knowledge that I can leave this dimension at any time.

He sits down at his desk and I sit across from him. "Okay. First things First. You, Derpy Hooves, are dead."

My eyes widen in shock. "Mineru!" I yelled to nobody. "You forking killed me!" I tilt my head. "Fork? Fork! Fork! Why the fork can't I say fork?"

The man at the desk smiled. "If you're trying to curse, you can't here. You're in the Good Place."

I stand up. "Am I really dead?"

He smiles. "Yes. My name is Michael. It's nice to meet you." He sticks out his hand.

Wait a second, he's a human. Why would there be a human in the pony afterlife? "Yeah. I'm not buying it. Sorry Michael." I reach into my saddlebag and realize I still have the remote. I click a button on it and walk through the red gateway that appeared.

* * *

"No?"Mineru looked at me.

"Nope. Some weird death plane."

She smiles. Well, that's okay. Now we know that it works so I can adjust the values of the elements to pull you to your plane. Do you know what it's called?"

"Time Turner told me it was called Ungula."

Mineru nodded. "Okay. There are about seventeen different planes with that name. Try this one." She clicks a few buttons and I see the flame emitter turn down and the frost emitter turns up along with the shadow emitter. I take another breath and walk through the portal.

* * *

I walk out of the portal into an attic. The first thing I hear when I step out of the portal is a crooked male voice singing.

"All you gotta do is say my name!"

A female voice responds. "But I don't know your name."

"Well I can't say it!"

"How about a game a charades."

My mind clicks as I whisper, "Yes let's play it" Along with the male voice. I knew exactly what plane we were on.
I look around and spot where the voices are coming from. They're coming from right above me. I jump out the window and fly to the roof. "Beetlejuice!"

Beetlejuice looks at me. "I remember you! You're that talking pony!"

"I didn't know out planes had the same name! I'm sorry for ruining your game of charades but I can't stay long."I press a button on the remote. "Okay! See ya!"

Beetlejuice enthusiastically waves and the girl on the roof seems confused beyond explanation. I step back through the portal.

* * *

"Okay. This one has strong magic coming off of it. I think this is your plane."

I nod. "I'll keep the remote in case I ever want to come back here." Mineru nods and I step through the portal.

* * *

When I emerge, I'm standing in my living room. Sparkler is sitting at the kitchen table and her eyes widen when she sees me step out. "When the fuck have you been?"

"I'm sorry what?" The portal disappears behind me.

"Mom! You've been gone for three days!"

Author's Note:

Of course, Tears of the Kingdom spoilers.