• Published 3rd Dec 2023
  • 246 Views, 44 Comments

Paul's Friendship Collection - PaulAsaran

An anthology of 500-word shorts in which assorted characters interact, one way or another.

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Teatime (Fluttershy X Chrysalis)

Getting defeated by Celestia’s infinitely more capable sibling was frustrating.

That Celestia herself couldn’t be bothered to gloat like any respectable leader should was galling.

The joke of a trial that Princess Goody-Four-Hooves Twilight Sparkle presided over was humiliating.

At least Cadance had given her the respect of insulting her to her face. Changelings were the ones who showed their pettiness behind others’ backs, and Chrysalis could be grateful the pink horror had chosen to not insult that by instead being direct.

But of all the insults, all the things that left her grinding her fangs and wishing Luna had simply skewered her and been done with it, the worst was having to sit at this tiny table in this sickeningly homely cottage surrounded by filthy animals and having tea with the chewiest of morsels in the form of Fluttershy. Chrysalis did her absolute best to be an unpleasant guest, having tried everything from insulting the decor to threatening to encase that stupid rabbit in changeling goo. The insufferable pony hadn’t stopped smiling. Not once.

The thing that rankled her most was that the fluffy yellow pastry’s smile was entirely sincere. Chrysalis could literally taste the pleasantness.

“I hope the tea is to your liking, Your Majesty,” Fluttershy said, taking a sip from her own cup. “Some ever-so nice scorpions out in the Badlands told me it’s a local delicacy.”

Chrysalis was tempted to ask to meet them for the express purpose of boiling them, but she had already tried the whole ‘eating the animals’ route and it hadn’t phased the mare in the slightest. In truth, the tea was delightful, but to admit that would be admitting defeat. She snorted and set the cup down on the table with not quite enough force to break the porcelain. “Is there a point to this mundane ritual?”

“Only that you be comfortable and relaxed,” Fluttershy replied with that sickeningly sweet voice of hers. She set her own teacup down as a chorus of birdsong rose through a nearby door. “It sounds like the biscuits are ready. Excuse me for just a moment, please.” Off she trotted, humming a little tune and not seeming at all bothered by the idea of turning her back on a demigoddess. What Chrysalis wouldn’t give to put a magical bolt of energy right up her tail.

The reason she didn’t floated upside down among the rafters of the cottage, reading a magazine right-side up and appearing perfectly nonchalant about the current goings on. Discord licked his finger and used his tongue to turn the page, then glanced down at Chrysalis. His eyebrows waggled. “Having fun, Chryssy?”

She turned her face forward, scowl firmly in place. “You told them you wouldn’t interfere unless I made you.”

“And I’m not.”

“Then shut up, you misshapen lapdog.”

He chuckled. “Is that really the best you can do?”

Chrysalis kept her mouth shut. Fluttershy came back with biscuits and jam. She loathed how the love in them tasted so good.