• Published 28th Nov 2023
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AlwaysDressesInStyle's Ponyville CiderFest '23 Interactive App Stories - AlwaysDressesInStyle

Choose-your-own-adventure shorts written as part of the Interactive Storytelling Experience (The Book Of All Stories) for Ponyville Ciderfest 2023.

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Daring Do And The Temple Of Syrinx

Hook: Daring Do seeks a relic of long dead civilization but finds that they’re not quite as extinct as she thought.

Story #227
Title: Daring Do And The Temple Of Syrinx
Keyword: 2112
Characters: Daring Do, Flitter, a sphynx named Mr. Jinks

Flutter Valley is nearly surrounded by high cliffs. The once lush valley has turned to scrubland, but the Temple of Syrinx rises proudly from the valley floor. Time has been kinder to the temple than it’s been to the valley. The Flutter civilization built their monuments to last. The temple has outlasted the civilization that built it by thousands of years.

Daring Do has broken her rule about working alone to retrieve the Sunstone, an ancient artifact that’s too heavy for the adventurer to move by herself. She’s recruited Flitter, based on a recommendation from Rainbow Dash. Rainbow had desperately wanted to come, but had a scheduling conflict she couldn’t get out of.

As they trot through the landscape, Daring regales Flitter with tales of what Flutter Valley was like in its prime. Once they enter the temple, she describes the ancient ceremonies that had taken place within the stony walls in antiquity.

“Many years ago, the Flutter Valley civilization worshipped a sun goddess in this temple. This white alicorn bears a strong resemblance to Princess Celestia, despite this being prior to her ascension. History reports that the sun was being raised by the unicorns of Unicornia, but perhaps it was really Celestia? She refuses to speak on the subject, and few records survived the Discordian Era intact.”

“How did the Sunstone work?” Flitter asks.

“The Sunstone was located on a pillar so tall that it extended through the ceiling. Their goddess was a sun goddess, and the temple was built to be open to the sky for ceremonies. Think of it as a giant skylight, but without the glass. The Sunstone was a golden gem, one that could soak up sunlight and store it as heat that kept this valley perpetually warm, even in the middle of winter. It’s one of the first known instances of ponies manipulating the weather. Weather was feral before that.”

“Like the Everfree Forest outside Ponyville. I work on the weather team, and I’ve seen the storms that blow in from the Everfree. I’m glad ponykind has mostly tamed Mother Nature.” She shudders. “What happened to the Sunstone?”

“There was a landslide, and the earth shook with so much force as to dislodge the stone from its pedestal. There was an uprising, as political enemies of Queen Rosedust tried to use it as an excuse to seize power from her. As for the stone itself, supposedly it wasn’t permitted to leave the temple, as it was guarded by a sphynx.”

“Not bad,” critiques a deep voice. “You’ve got a few details wrong, but that’s to be expected considering it’s been many centuries since the last Celebration of the Sun.”

“Oh! That’s a big kitty!” Flitter exclaims upon turning around and seeing the speaker.

Daring Do’s heart skips a beat as she looks at the sphynx that’s managed to sneak up on them and cut off their way back to the exit.

“It’s been a very long time since I last had visitors.” The sphynx curls his lips into a smile. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“We’re archeologists come to explore the remnants of your civilization and spread the word to today’s ponies.” Daring Do tips her pith helmet to the sphynx. “I’m sure there’s much we can learn here.”

“‘Archeology’ is just a fancy word for ‘tomb raiding’.”

Daring Do gulps as the sphynx looms over them.

“Riddle me this, riddle me that. I… Oh dear. It’s been so long since anyone last ventured in here that I’ve forgotten my riddle. Something about all the gifts of life being within these walls. Or was it ‘the words you read, the songs you sing’?” The sphynx slams a paw into his face. “I had one job.”

“Tough break. If you think of it, mail it to us. We’ll just see ourselves out.” Daring Do starts pushing Flitter back the way they’d come, deftly stepping around the distracted sphynx.

The sphynx tuts his tongue. “Technically, I had two jobs. The second was to devour anyone who couldn’t solve my riddle. If I can’t ask the riddle, then it goes without saying that you can’t solve the riddle, can you?” He licks his lips.

“That’s not very sporting of you.”

The sphynx motions to a wall completely covered in slash marks indicating days that had passed by. “Give me a break. It’s been a long time since I last ate.” He points to the other walls and the ceiling, all of which are also completely covered in slash marks. “A very, very long time.”

“And who’s fault is that?” Flitter trots up to the sphynx and pokes him in the chest. “Did you ever think about, I dunno, leaving this dank, dark, lonely ruin?”

“I can’t leave.”

“Sure you can! It’s easy. Follow us to the exit, and join the modern world.”

“I can’t. You’ve seen the entrance. I’ll never fit through there.”

Flitter blinks. “Seriously? That’s your big excuse? Weak.”

“The priests would execute me.”

“You mean the priests that have been dead for millennia? Trust me when I say they don’t care anymore.”

Daring Do starts backing away from Flitter. It’s noble of the mare to sacrifice herself so Daring can get away. She’ll make sure her next book is dedicated to Flitter. Daring also vows to avenge the brave mare’s death. In fiction, anyway.

“You’re big enough to smash right through. It’s a wonder you didn’t do that centuries ago. Look at these working conditions! This place is falling apart around you. What’s your dental plan look like? Retirement? For that matter, who’s paying you to guard these ancient ruins? The civilization that built this temple collapsed thousands of years ago!”


“Yeah. You know, getting money for your services. What are you getting out of this whole guarding the temple forever and ever thing, anyway?”

The sphynx blinks. “All I can eat tomb raiders.”

Flitter gestures to all the slash marks on the wall. “How’s that working out for you?”

The sphynx sinks to the ground and buries his face in his paws. “I’ve wasted my life.”

Daring Do’s jaw drops as she watches Flitter pat the sphynx’s chin. “No you haven’t! If you’ve lived this long, you probably have a long time ahead of you yet. Don’t fret over the things you could have been doing all these years. Focus on what you will be doing soon! Still feeling hungry? We have pizza, and ice cream, and all kinds of great things that didn’t exist in your time! Wait ‘til you try them! I’m Flitter, and this is the greatest archeologist of all time, Daring Do! What’s your name?”

“You can call me Mr. Jinks.”

“When was the last time you had a friend, Mr. Jinks?”

The sphynx points to a pair of miniature headstones labeled ‘Pixie’ and ‘Dixie’. “There were these two meeces a few centuries ago. But they’re not so much fun now. They also weren’t very good friends.”

“Do you want to join us? The world has changed so much since you were last outside. I think you’ll like it!”

Mr. Jinks taps a paw to his chin, considering Flitter’s words.


>Accept friendship, leave the temple, and join modern society. (hero)

Flitter’s speech was moving, but not as moving as Mr. Jinks’ stomach growling. He chases the two pegasi, trying to make a meal out of them. (villain)

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