• Published 17th Oct 2023
  • 192 Views, 4 Comments

Outlaws - EroPony1000

AJ chases a bounty into the Badlands.

  • ...


AJ approached The Depot, a fort on the road to the Abandoned Mine that was protected by a crescent ravine across which two bridges were built, one North and one West.

She dismounted on the North side, heading South across the bridge. Spurs jingled like sleigh-bells and guns weighed heavily in their holsters. Her gun-belt rested atop her wide hips above tiny shorts on an ass like a prize-winning pumpkin. A short poncho that barely covered breasts the size of watermelons was draped over her slender shoulders.

She wore a roper's hat atop hair the color of straw, tied up loosely in a ponytail. Her coat was sleek and shiny, yellow as a dusty sunset. The end of her tail was tied off with a bit of ribbon, like her hair, and she wore a lasso on her hip.

A bounty picked up in Dodge City brought her deep into the Badlands, and about halfway across the bridge she encountered her. A shot rang out, splintered wood exploding from a small hole in the wood nearby.

"Leave me alone!" shouted the shooter from the ramparts, bolting her rifle. "I mean it!"

AJ raised her arms and walked slowly toward the busted remains of a wagon toward the Southern end of the bridge.

"You can't stay out here forever. It's called the 'Badlands' fer a reason."

Another warning shot flew past her, stirring her mane and tail. Before the outlaw could bolt again AJ drew one of her guns and returned fire, forcing the girl to duck.

AJ dove for cover, pressing her back up against the wagon frame. Another shot ricocheted off a metal tire with a loud twang, landing dangerously close to a box of explosives that were probably meant for the mine.

Drawing her other gun, AJ broke cover and fired at the outlaw to keep her down as she closed the distance, taking cover in the busted gatehouse.

The outlaw bolted her rifle and looked over the embrasure, but there was nothing to shoot at. She turned and took aim at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for AJ to emerge from the gate.

For awhile there was nothing but the wind.

"I've got you dead to rights!" said the outlaw, hoping she sounded more confident than she felt.

AJ held out her hat and the outlaw took the bait, wasting her shot. Before the girl could bolt again AJ rounded the corner and fired off another pair of shots, ascending the stairs as she did, keeping the bandit down.

She fell upon her quickly, kicking the rifle away and holstering her guns before tackling the outlaw as she tried to turn and run.

"Ow! Hey!" shouted the outlaw. "Get your massive udders off my back!"

AJ grinned as she hog-tied the outlaw's arms and legs, then stood up, pressing one steel-shod boot onto her back.

"Like that better?" she joked.

AJ hoisted the outlaw up and slung her over her shoulder like a sack of grain.

"You jerk! Get your hand off my ass!" shouted the outlaw.

AJ gave her ass a playful squeeze.

"Ah– Screw you!"

Laughing, AJ bent her knees to pick up the rifle, then readjusted her 'parcel' and carried on toward the stairs, stopping just before the top.

Beyond the West wall, which was somewhat shorter, AJ saw a trio of riders headed for straight for The Depot.

"Why'd you stop? What's going on?" asked the outlaw, squirming.

AJ slapped her on the ass to get her to stop struggling. "Quit it. Do ya want me to drop ya over the side?"

It wasn't a threat, merely a possibility.

"Bandits ridin' hard from the West. Friends of yers?"

The outlaw went pale, not that AJ could see. The quaver in her voice got the idea across. "W-what? How'd they find me so quickly?"

AJ sighed. "So yer wanted by both sides of the law, that right?" she asked, shaking her head. "I'm guessin' these newcomers ain't gonna give ya a fair trial."

The outlaw started squirming again. "You can't let them take me! Please! I'm not a killer, but they are. You can't let them get me!"

"Wasn't plannin' on it." said AJ, setting the outlaw down. She whistled for her horse, then stooped to untie the outlaw.

"Here." said AJ, shoving the rifle into the outlaw's hands. "You said you weren't a killer, so I'm hopin' yer a better shot than you showed me earlier."

The outlaw nodded her head.

"There's a box of explosives on the North bridge, behind the wagon. Shoot it when I give the word, and not a moment before."

AJ helped the outlaw onto the back of her horse, facing behind so she could better make the shot. She then swung herself into the saddle and, with a whispered apology, dug her spurs in and sent her horse charging across the North bridge even as the bandits crossed the West one.

"This i-isn't comfortable at all." said the outlaw, the horse's tail-end grinding against her crotch while she clamped the mare's flanks with her thighs.

"Do you see it?" asked AJ as they passed the overturned wagon.

"That crate by the wheel?" asked the outlaw.

"That's the one. Get ready."

The bandits entered the fort and emerged from the North gate, guns blazing.


The outlaw bolted her rifle, then took aim. The first shot missed by a hair. The second didn't, the subsequent explosion causing the bandits' horses to rear as a section of the bridge collapsed.

"Yee-haw!" shouted AJ, the explosion stirring up her hair. She had to hold her hat to keep it from being blown away.

The bandits kept firing, but the distance between them only grew. By the time they found their way around AJ and the outlaw would be halfway to Dodge.

"What now?" asked the outlaw.

AJ thought for a moment. The girl was still an outlaw, but now they had fought together.

"Don't know." was all she said.

Author's Note:

Wrote this awhile ago and didn’t want to publish it until the cover art looked decent enough. Eventually though I got tired of tweaking the illustration and just figured I’d move on. Hope it looks nice, and hope the story is fun. Cheers!:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 4 )

I know you deliberately didn't specify, but I kept seeing the outlaw as Rainbow.
Hoping for another 1k of this universe.

Outlaws never give up that easy, and you can't just turn in a friend.
Hope you expand on this one, feels like it has a lot of potential, that and it's a western and you just don't see many of those these days.

Thanks! :twilightblush: I had a lot of fun imagining what may lie in the mysterious Badlands region of Equestria, as well as trying to fit all the elements I wanted to include within the 1,000 word limit. It was a bit of a challenge compared to some of the other shorts I have written, but I’m happy with it and would be even happier to explore the idea some more if people like it. :twilightsmile:

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