• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 460 Views, 43 Comments

The Gilderoy Expedition - PaulAsaran

When a griffon expedition goes missing in the Frozen North, the Crystal Empire answers the call. But as the crew of the Aurora Dawn will soon learn, there are things in the ice no mortal creature should uncover.

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Margrave Gilderoy, Date Unknown, w/Notes

From the private logbook of Lord Margrave Gilderoy of Fletcherstown.

For two decades now, I have sought the mysteries of this world. I journeyed to the ancient pegasus plateau of Weng, where it is said a portal to other realities lies hidden. The plateau was too grand for any one explorer to fully comb, and all my search produced was a broken cylinder with a strange recipe carved in it. I plunged through the catacombs of Hollow Shades, which is believed by some to have been built upon the ruin of a ruin of a ruin where cats were worshipped and a mighty temple to ancient, powerful beings was hidden. I failed to find any evidence of it, but I did uncover a map claiming to be of cities belonging to civilizations predating history. I sought out a great archive supposedly built hundreds of millions of years ago, as reported by a stallion who insisted his body had been stolen from him by the terrible beings that once lived there. I discovered only a lone, crumbled building far too new to qualify, yet inhabited by an Abyssinian skeleton clutching tablets that spoke of strange rituals.

A cylinder, a map, and some tablets. Individually, they are only curious relics. I knew that together they might be more. Here, now, in this place long avoided and forgotten due to superstition and childish fear, I have my proof. Those idiots at Mystery Tonic University couldn’t stop me no matter how hard they tried. Oh, did they try. Secrets are not theirs alone to hoard like a bunch of dragons. They think I don’t know that they dabble in the obscure? Granted I have not and will likely never be able to produce a shred of proof, for they are far too careful in covering their tracks. There can be no other reason for them to collect and refuse to share such a trove of ancient artifacts! I know it, they know I know it, and they would end my career to ensure none believe me.

Once I have completed my work here at the eye, they won’t be able to hide it anymore. I will be vindicated, and they will be driven mad at my victory!

Cptn. Decadent Dawn, Notes

Madness, or merely petty vindictiveness? One way or another, it is clear that Lord Gilderoy was not entirely forward with his reasons for being out here.

I simply must consult these contents with Mr. Iron. I am just aware enough of the dark lore to recognize allusions to certain occult elements. Not the modern concept of “occult”, to be certain. What this Gilderoy fellow writes of is clearly related to the dark concepts of my own time! How such knowledge survived a thousand years, especially after having been supposedly stamped out by Celestia’s flaming righteousness, I could not hope to speculate.

I shall leave Rusty be for this evening as he has his own material to read through, but tomorrow I will bring this up. He is bound to know more than I, given what he told me last night.

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