• Published 30th Mar 2024
  • 173 Views, 5 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusaders Fight Club, Yay! - ArcadePonyFubuki

The CMCs go for their last-ditch effort to leave their mark on the school yearbook

  • ...

Rule #3: You Do Not Talk About Kissing Girls Club


Diamond Tiara’s eyes shot open, she pulled away from Apple Bloom and promptly punched her in the face. Apple Bloom held her cheek with a stunned expression.

“Did I deserve that?” She questioned, genuinely confused.

“I-I don’t know.” Diamond Tiara answered with the same amount of confusion. She hurriedly grabbed her belongings and ran out the room, practically jumping over Sweetie and Silver. Apple Bloom quickly followed after.

Everyone was at a loss.

“…let’s.. call that a day.” Scootaloo broke the silence.



“Hey Sweets did you do Mr. Sunburst’s history homework from yesterday? I was gonna do it but I found this video of birds on skateboards so I was kinda on that for a while.” Scootaloo asked as they stepped into the back of Rarity’s car.

“That’s really the most pressing matter to you right now.” Sweetie Belle said flatly.

“Uhh, yeah? Those birds were awesome, what else would I wanna talk about?” Scootaloo questioned.

Sweetie widened her eyes and gestured with her hands, finding it hard to not find her insinuation obvious. Scootaloo just raised their shoulders and made a face that said “I’m still stuck on the birds tbh”. Sweetie sighed and cusped her fingers together in a duck bill shape, tapping both her hands together while making kissy noises. Scootaloo’s eyes widened in unease.

“Like.. right here? You could at least ask me out first.” Scootaloo politely declined.

“What? No! It’s- UGH!” Sweetie fell back in her seat in frustration.

“I have always said you were a bit subpar at charades, dear.” Rarity commented from the driver’s seat.

“Here, see if you can get this.” Scootaloo said before cusping their fingers together in a duck bill shape and tapping them together while making kissy noises.

“THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I JUST DID!” Sweetie yelled in exasperation.

“No it’s not! You were doing “Scootaloo will you please kiss me” I was doing “that time Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara kissed yesterday”, it’s completely different.” Scootaloo explained.

“Even I got that one Sweetie.” Rarity added.

“Thats- I ju- y- we- UGH!” Sweetie Belle sputtered out some scattered gibberish before dropping her head into her hands.

“Hey speaking of, I haven’t really heard from her since then. She was all quiet the rest of the day and she didn’t respond to any of the skateboarding bird videos I sent.” Scootaloo pondered.

“I just hope she’s doing ok..” Sweetie solemnly said with a sigh.

“We have arrived ladies! Now you two have a good day today, and don’t forget to catch me up on all your tasty drama!” Rarity announced as they pulled up the school’s entrance. They all exited the vehicle and regrouped with their respective friend groups. Or, at least Rarity did.



“…maybe she’s just late.” Sweetie Belle suggested.

The two present members of the CMC were at the group’s usual meeting area they reconvened to at the beginning of each day, with a certain overall clad girl missing this time.

“She lives five minutes away from school, I don’t think it’s possible for her to be late.” Scootaloo pointed to the visage of Sweet Apple Acres in the distance.

“Oh. Right.” Sweetie said, a hint of worry in her voice.

The two stood around for a bit after, hoping Apple Bloom would suddenly appear at the last second. Scootaloo’s eyes wandered aimlessly before landing on a scene that was becoming all too familiar. They tapped Sweetie Belle’s shoulder and directed her attention to Silver Spoon, who was also standing alone.

“That’s just sad to look at.” Scootaloo commented.

“Should we go see if she’s alright?” Sweetie suggested.

“Yeah, but you’ll have to do most of the talking, I only have a D in psychology.” Scootaloo said.

The two approached Silver Spoon, who quickly readjusted her demeanor.

“W-what do you two want?” Silver tried her best to sound standoffish.

“We’re just seeing how you are, is Diamond not here?” Sweetie responded, well, sweetly.

“…No, she’s not. She hasn’t been responding to any of my messages since yesterday..” Silver opened up a bit.

“Same here with Apple Bloom..” Sweetie said worriedly.

Scootaloo took notice of the dwindling energy among the two and decided to step in with their special brand of wisdom.

“Hey, they’re both probably going through a lot of funky emotions right now. If they wanna take a day off, who are we to sit here and psychoanalyze them for it?“ Scootaloo put it as they saw it.

“Y-yeah, they’ll be back tomorrow. We just gotta give them time.” Silver Spoon sniffled as she wiped the tears forming in her eyes.

“Exactly. Oh! I know what’ll make you feel better, have you seen those skateboarding bird videos?” Scootaloo lit up.

As if on cue, the school bell rang, signaling everyone to make their way to their first periods. The three entered the school halls together, hoping for a brighter rest of the day.

‘Just gotta give them time.’ Silver Spoon thought to herself.



Apple Bloom stared at the ceiling. Back against her bed. Occasionally glancing at the phone to her side. Picking it up to check a notification.

Not her.

‘Of course she ain’t messagin’! Ya don’t just chase after someone to give them yer’ number and then expect them to call ya!’

Another notification. Check phone.

Not her.

‘Just forget it already, act like nothin’ happened.’

Check phone.

Not her.

‘Ya can’t do that, somethin’ did happen! Somethin’ big! Huge! Ya gotta do somethin’ about it. Ya gotta tell ‘er it was a mistake, that it didn’t mean a thing. Ya gotta, ya gotta, ya gotta, ya gott-‘


The sound of a knock on her door broke Apple Bloom out of her spiral. The door peered open as Big Mac poked his head in.

“Just checking how you’re doing. Everything alright in here?” He asked.

“Eyup!” Apple Bloom answered with the phoniest smile she could muster.

Big Mac simply looked at her and raised an eyebrow. Apple Bloom stared back, feeling a hole burning right through her facade.

“….Nope, everything’s not alright.” Apple Bloom crumbled with a sigh.

Big Mac walked over and dropped next to her on the bed. “C’mon now, tell me what’s goin’ on.”

“I.. I k-kissed a girl..” Apple Bloom confessed. “And gave her my number..”

“Oh. Well ain’t that something.” Big Mac said to himself.

“I just feel so stupid! I don’t even know how it happened! We were just standing there and.. and then…” Apple Bloom elaborated.

“Well, do ya’ like this girl?” Big Mac questioned.

“Ugh! I’m not even sure about that!” Apple Bloom groaned as she fell back onto her bed. “I don’t think I can ever show my face to anyone ever again.”

“Hmm, well, the way I see it..” Big Mac started as he laid back onto the bed. “..you and this girl are gonna have to have a serious talk about this. Who is this girl anyhow?”

“…D-Diamond Tiara…” Apple Bloom answered under her breath, honestly hoping her brother couldn’t hear her.

Big Mac’s eyes went wide. He sat back up and patted Apple Bloom on the head. “Eyup. A long, serious talk.” With that, he exited the room.

Apple Bloom sat at the edge of her bed, contemplating Mac’s words.

‘Just talk to her… I.. just gotta ta-‘

Another notification.



Diamond Tiara stared at the ceiling. Back against her bed. Occasionally glancing at the phone to her side. Picking it up to write a message.

Not yet.

‘You can’t text her! She just chased after you to give you her number and then expected you to call them!’

Write message.

Not yet.

‘Forget it, just act like nothing happened.’

Write message.

Not yet.

‘No, you can’t do that, something did happen! Something crazy! Insane! You have to do something. Tell her you’re not interested, though still flattered. You gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gott-‘


The sound of a knock on her door broke Diamond Tiara out of her spiral. The door peered open as Filthy Rich poked his head in.

“Just checking in before I head off to work. That fever still botherin’ you?” He asked.

“What? Oh! Uh, y-yeah, still- still there.” Diamond fumbled a bit.

“Oh, my poor princess. You stay hydrated now, and get plenty of rest.” He advised as he closed the door.

“Wait!” Diamond called before the door shut. Filthy stopped in his track and stepped back in to hear what she had to say. “Umm.. I… I.. need, your help, with something..”

“Oh? What is it dear?” Filthy walked over and sat on her bed.

“Well.. well, you know how Silver can be with all her drama, and well, she uh, had her first kiss yesterday, w-with a girl and.. she’s not sure if she actually likes her and doesn’t know what to do about it..” Diamond explained half-truthfully.

“Hmm. That is a toughie..” Filthy put a hand to his chin. “Well, back in my day, your first kiss was usually your truest, I mean, just look at me and your mom!” He laughed to himself. “So maybe Silver’s brain might not know how she feels, but I’d bet her heart does. You can tell her that’s a Rich original right there.”

“It’s corny, but it’s something. Thanks da- wait weren’t you like thirty-seven when you met mom?” Diamond said.

“Oops looks like I’m gonna be late I better go love you princess!” Filthy rushed out the door.

Diamond Tiara sat at the edge of her bed, contemplating her father’s words.

‘My heart knows… My heart knows.‘

Write a message.



‘This is where she said to meet right? Did I show up early? Did she cancel? Was her phone stolen and that message was actually from a notorious kidnapper that’s been on the run for forty years?! MAYBE-‘

Apple Bloom’s frantic thoughts were cut short by the ringing of the bell at the front door. Looking up, she saw the violet-haired girl she was anticipating finally enter the diner. Apple Bloom’s whole body tensed as Diamond Tiara took notice of her and approached her booth. Diamond took her seat across from Bloom. The two sat silent for a moment or two before taking a deep sigh and opening their mouths.

“We gotta talk.” They said in unison.

They both stopped in surprise before sharing a light chuckle between each other. As their laughter died down, Diamond began to speak.

“So. We kissed.”

“Y-yes. We did.”

“Did you, umm….. did you, like it?”

“I.. think so.”


“Did, you like it?”

“..I’m not sure. I mean, I didn’t not like it.”

“Better than nothin’, I suppose.”

“So, does this mean we’re like, a thing now?

Apple Bloom pondered Diamond’s question. She definitely wasn’t apposed to the idea, but she wasn’t sure she was ready to call it that just yet.

“I don’t think so.. I mean, unless you want us to be a thing now.”

“Yeah, not sure about that one. Though I’m not sure about any of this really.”

Diamond’s eyes drifted away as she sunk a bit into her seat. Apple Bloom noticed the change in Diamond’s demeanor and reached across the table to take her hands into her own.

“Hey now, there really ain’t anything wrong with what we did. There’s no reason for us to be actin’ up so much over it.”

“I know, I know, it’s just.. ugh! Why do I feel so stupid about it!”

“Oh boy tell me about it, I mean what was I thinkin’ runnin’ after ya yesterday? I wouldn’t blame ya for never talkin’ to me after that.” Apple Bloom laughed at herself.

Diamond Tiara laughed along as she thought back on the situation. “Oh my god, I literally punched you in the face! That was insane!”

Their laughter became more uproarious and joyful as they realized how absurd all of this has been so far. The two girls spent the afternoon at Sugarcube Corner, reminiscing over the past week and getting to actually know each other for the first time. A couple hours and an ordering of dessert later, the girl’s time together came to an end.

“Y’know Diamond, we ought to do this more often. I think I’m free on Thursday if you wanna hang out again.” Apple Bloom offered as they both exited the diner.

“You mean like a date?” Diamond responded slyly, a cheeky smirk on her face.

Apple Bloom’s face immediately went as red as her namesake. “Wha- I- I ju-“

“Cool it farm girl, I’m just messing with you.” Diamond playfully hit Bloom’s shoulder. “Though, it totally would be a date.”

“Well then I guess it is one, see ya there?”

“Wouldn’t miss it.”

With their impromptu first date at an end, Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara bid farewell. On their respective walks back home, they both had a final thought to themselves.

‘Wow, I expected that to go WAY worse.’