• Member Since 27th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


haha rainbow machine go brrr

Comments ( 18 )

The dialogue in this was absolutely tense. It was good to finally get a peek into the wider world of the AU that this story spawned.

Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Please sir, can I have some more?

Why is this anthology series only one story long?

More will be coming as I finish them.

That was tense and amazing.

Great little addition to the canon. Really good job here, AD.

I haven't been this excited for stories about children dying in a long time...

Didn't Scootaloo mention in first Rainbow Factory story, both original and revised version of it, that Fluttershy is alive, by the year of The Incident?


Rainbow Dash told me we couldn’t speak to her because she never passed flight school; she never took her test.

She does mention Fluttershy, but being forbidden to talk to her she wouldn't know she's dead.

(Good catch, though. I'm glad that one didn't require any physical retconning =P)

This has been the best juice I've had in a long time. Honestly, I could go on and on for pages about how good this is. Lore. Lore is saint in each universe and this is- I believe -the most we've gotten, ever, on rainbow factory. There is so much packed in here.

But instead of spasming out, maybe I should add something from myself, beyond praising the God's work. Ok, maybe just one more. The line. God, the line Cloud used at the end. How dare it be so good.

Now for the theorycrafting. Has it never occured to anyone that the bearers of harmony have been dying in freak accidents, or is that common in that world? I'm not talking about the connection with the storms, just the deaths. Five out of six harmony elements gone in barely two years. It finished on an assault and a captured suspect, so that might have been that. A made up story on how Moondancer has been systematically killing all of Twilight's friends. She had no way of getting Dash in cloudsdale, so she went for her final prize. And this one had to be special; it had to be personal.

The following events show how violence creates more violence. Shining Armor, a Perfect role model snaps after witnessing his beloved sister's brutal murder. I thought it was only pegasi, specifically Cloudsdale pagasi, that had a tendency to stray from the friendship's ideals. Seems like everyone here is contaminated. It took one crack thousands of years ago, and now the world is filled with a subconscious layer of corruption, waiting to spread.

Gentle Butterwing. If we thought that Dash was crazy here, then WOO!! We have not seen anything yet. At least 'Scootaloo being alive' was both therapeutic for Dash and acted as a blackmail. I don't think we have anything like that on Gentle. She might act like an animal, she might sit there silently or try to shit on the table. We have nothing on her.

By the way, how canon are these interrogations? Gentle was still in charge in RF:Reckoning before she killed herself. Or are we talking about the questioning Cloud is going to do in there?

I need to sleep on that. If I get any more ideas, I'd them in a separate comment. Aurora, you truthly are amazing. You are not just writing ponies in ridiculous scenarios; you are making these scenes feel real inside this universe.

This interview takes place in the middle of the first couple chapters of Reckoning, shortly before she has an interview with Gentle.

Rainbow Dash's prank target being Fluttershy and showing zero regret over it in context of her being a failure really helps lay bare how self-serving this whole story is. At the same time, it shows how poisoned Cloudsdale's culture as a whole already was, and how that would have affected even Rainbow Dash. Rather than unlearn it when confronted by evidence of it, she chose to deny that the evil existed in favor of lionizing the whole thing. It's great how Cloud Cover doesn't let her off the hook either, just the same as she doesn't let the rest of the corporation off the hook. We of course know she was right to have done so; if only others had followed through like she did.

I enjoy Rainbow's backstory here, it feels like the kind of thing that would be traumatic enough that it's understandable why she let herself become radicalized, but certainly doesn't excuse her either.

Oh you did tell me you had an idea for a fic like this a few years ago, I'm glad it's finally out. Always good to see Rainbow, she's the heart of the series, and there's something so fitting about seeing her lose her vibrant colors. Overall, one of the best additions to the story.

If there was a single critique, it's the decision to kill all of Rainbow's friends, instead of just most of them. Twilight in particular. Seems a little strange that she wasn't at least a little suspicious after all of the bearers were turning up dead. Not to mention killing Celestia's golden child could have endangered the corporation, something I feel like Director Rainbow would consider, no matter how bitter she was.

Well done! A great addition to the Rainbow factory universe!

The interview was intense all the way through, and Rainbow Dash's story of radicalization and downfall was also very well thought out and believable, especially when you look at real life cases of radicalization and how they often involve a significant tragedy or awful event for it to truly set in.

When it comes to questions about this AU, I have one for now. What was the fate of Dr Atmosphere? I know this was touched on a bit in the lore & worldbuilding documents, but I would like to see what brought on the health incident. As well as what he was up to before that in the wake of the chaos after Pegasus Device.

Will you update your book once you finish writing about this AU? Big fan of the work, just curious cause i feel like that would invalidade the book of those who bought ut previously, but at the same time it is technically the "right thing to do".

Any future books will be collections of new stories, not ones already published. I'm not just gonna keep updating the single book.

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