• Published 6th Oct 2023
  • 865 Views, 13 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Samurai Sword - ponydog127

Sunny, Misty, Hitch, Pipp, Zipp and Izzy reunite with Mystery Inc and some new friends to stop the evil Black Samurai, along with Paradise, from seizing control of the world and putting everything they love at risk.

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Meeting Mystery Incorporated in Japan

Family Beach Day would have to be put on hold for now-- a new Unity Quest was awaiting the ponies at the Brighthouse, and with Sparky, Grandma Figgy, Alphabittle and Queen Haven somewhere safe, they could embark on this quest without any hassle.

As they climbed to the top of the Brighthouse, Izzy let out a squeal. “I wonder where the Unity Crystals are gonna send us this time! Maybe to a deserted island, or a fairytale kingdom, or maybe it's a world run entirely by robots!”

“I… somehow doubt the last one,” said Zipp, “but we’re about to find out!”

The Unity Crystals and the cutie marks gave off an astonishing light, and as that light faded, the ponies were sent on their next quest, somewhere in the deep unknown.


The next thing the ponies knew, they were crashing into the cold, metal floor of a high moving train, groaning. “Geez…” Pipp groaned. “I thought getting flung out of portals in Smurf Village and New York were rough… it feels like we can never catch a break anymore!”

Fortunately, their presence wasn’t sensed by anypony else-- other people on the train were too distracted by social media or work or talking to someone else to notice. “Okay, look around, guys,” said Sunny. “Maybe we can find somepony out of the picture and see if they need--”


The ponies practically leapt a foot into the air and swiftly turned to see Scooby-Doo and the rest of Mystery Incorporated standing behind them. “Oh, it's you guys!” Sunny said out of relief. “Sorry we're so jumpy.”

“Trust me,” Zipp agreed. “If you knew about our adventure in New York... well... let's just say it was an... experience.”

“Sounds like it,” Daphne said. “Do you guys have a Unity Quest in Japan?”

“Japan?” Hitch blinked. “So that's where we are!”

“Right,” Misty nodded. “And until we can find our quest, we better stick close to the gang for a while. Besides... who knows what lingering threats are still out there.”


After a good hour or two of talking about the ponies' most recent adventure, the train finally pulled to a stop at the station, stepping off and out onto the busy streets with brochures and guidebooks in hand, ready for their next adventure in a new place they have yet to explore. “Wow… we made it gang-- Shibuya Station,” Fred declared. “The most popular meeting place in all of Tokyo.”

“And I can see why. Everyone in Japan is already here!” Velma said, looking around at the crowd, just as Shaggy reached into his bag and pulled out an empty Scooby Snacks box. “But, like, wouldn't you know it? We're all out of Scooby Snacks!”

Scooby reached into the box with his head to see if he was wrong, but his head went right through, causing him to sob sadly. “Oh… don’t worry, Scooby,” Misty patted his shoulder. “I’m sure there are some Scooby Snacks around here somewhere. Just keep your eyes and nose open.”

All of a sudden, Scooby went sniffing like crazy, and his eyes darted in many directions until he found his target-- next to a nearby wall was a vending machine that only sold Scooby Snacks… his kind of vending machine. “Scooby Snacks!” Scooby pressed his muzzle against the glass. “Scooby Snacks!”

“Way to go, Scoob! A Scooby Snacks vending machine!” Shaggy said as he did the same, causing Pipp to laugh. “It’s the wave of the future...!

Just then, Shaggy and Scooby began to lick the glass of the vending machine, causing Pipp and Izzy to barrel over in laughter.

Suddenly, Daphne’s phone buzzed, and she smiled once she saw she had recieved a message. “Hey, I've got a text message from Miyumi,” she said. “She says, ‘Meet me at the statue of… Hachiko’?”

Of course, as to be expected, no one knew who Hachiko was. “Wow, I've heard of a lot of different pony names in my lifetime,” said Sunny, “but no one with a name like that.”

“Any idea who this… Hachiko person looks like?” Hitch asked with a confused look. “Let’s see…” Velma muttered as she flipped through her guidebook. “Hachiko… Hachiko…”

All of a sudden, they heard some kids shouting the very same name, and looked to see them taking a picture in front of a golden statue of a dog. “Like, check it out, Scoob,” Shaggy said as he and Scooby approached it, carrying armfuls of Scooby Snack boxes. “Hachiko’s not a person, he’s a pooch!”

“Ohhhh... Hachiko is a dog! And a very... shiny one at that,” Izzy said, tapping the statue. “Iz?” Zipp whispered. “That dog is a statue.”

“It is? Oh, heh... whoopsie! Sorry, Mr. Hachiko... good statue dog?”

“Here it is,” Velma found the Hachiko section in her book and read it out loud. “Hachiko used to greet his master every day when he came home on the train. One day his master died… and Hachiko spent the rest of his life waiting at the station for his master to return.”

“Wow… sounds like he was one cool canine,” Hitch said, eyes wide full of amazement. Shaggy chuckled before he turned to the Great Dane next to him. “Hey, Scoob-- like, maybe they’ll put up a statue of you someday.”

“Me? Oh boy-- hee hee hee hee!” Scooby handed Shaggy his load and rushed to the statue, striking several poses, much to the amusement of his friends. “Look at Scooby,” Daphne pulled out her phone to take some pictures. “What a ham!”

“Ooh!” Pipp pulled out her own phone. “Let me get in on that photo taking action!”

Scooby began to pose for countless photos taken by Pipp and Daphne, giggling as the photo shoot came to an end. Someone else suddenly began to giggle too, and a girl around the gang’s age and a young white, gray and black griffin wearing a pair of goggles on his head and bright green eyes came out from behind the statue. The griffin decided to speak up first. “It’s going to take more than that, Scooby-Doo.”

Scooby whined in confusion-- how did that griffin possibly know his name? “If you want to have a statue of your own in Japan, you must first become a legend,” the girl explained. “Just like Hachiko. Today, in honor of his great loyalty, his statue serves as a special place… for faithful friends to meet.”

Fred was first to blink out of confusion. “Uh… I’m sorry, but… have we met?”

Daphne gasped and rushed forward. “You must be Gray Flyer and Miyumi!”

“And you are Miss Daphne Blake,” Miyumi spoke with a smile as the three bowed to each other. “Gray and I have heard all about you and the Scooby gang.”

“And your band of Equestrian heroes known as the Unity Squad,” Gray smiled at the ponies. “It’s an honor to meet all of you.”

“Oh! Wow, uh… you two,” Sunny smiled, although a bit surprised at how much respect they were getting right off the bat. However, Shaggy and Scooby seemed to take in the respect with a lot of pride. “What do you know, Scoob? Looks like our reputation precedes us!” Shaggy said, but then gulped worriedly. “I-I hope that’s a good thing…”

Gray let out a giggle. “Of course it is,” he reassured. “Can I tell you a secret?” Miyumi asked them. “I sometimes wish we could be members of the Scooby gang too.”

“Like, tell you what. Next time there's a gruesome ghost up in our grill, you've got first dibs,” Shaggy told her. “Uh-huh,” Scooby nodded in agreement, but Fred smiled reassuringly. “Hey, don't worry, guys. We're not here to solve any mysteries this time.”

“We're just here to help the ponies with whatever Unity Quest they have and to watch Daphne compete in the big martial-arts competition,” Velma added. “Wow, Daphne!” Zipp smiled. “I didn’t know you did martial arts!”

“It’s been a hobby of mine for a while now,” Daphne shrugged. “And I’m just so honored to be invited to the tournament.”

“And so should you be,” Gray spoke, going completely serious in the blink of an eye. “Miss Mirimoto runs the most exclusive martial-arts academy in all the world-- only the most exemplary students are accepted by her.”

“But first…” Miyumi said grimly with narrowed eyes, “you must survive the tournament.”

Hearing these words caused most of the ponies (other than Zipp, Hitch and Sunny) to tremble, as well as Scooby jumping into Shaggy’s arms. “S-S-Survive?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, did I say survive?” Miyumi asked as she corrected herself with a laugh. “I meant win. First you must win the tournament.”

“Well… that’s better… I think,” Misty said. “Well, come on, ponies! What are we waiting for?” Sunny asked. “The sooner we get going, the sooner we may be able to find our quest!”

“And,” Zipp said, “potentially finding our next crystal!”

“Well, then we have just the ride,” Gray winked. “Follow us!”


The ride that Gray Flyer was speaking of was a high-tech plane called the Hover Jet, and as quickly as it allowed them to board and fasten their seatbelts, it quickly took off over the city. “Wow, what a sweet ride,” Fred looked out the window. “All it needs is a groovy green paint job.”

“Uh… not quite, Freddy,” Shaggy said to his friends, frowning worriedly from the empty cockpit. “I can think of one more thing it needs-- like, how about a pilot?”

“Don’t worry, we’re perfectly safe,” Miyumi pressed a few buttons, and two chairs rose into position. “The Hover Jet is the world's first fully functioning robotic plane.”

“That’s amazing!” Zipp said as they entered the cockpit, the ponies eagerly moving to the windows. “I've studied mechanical engineering,” Velma said, “but I've never heard of anything this advanced.”

“Here in Japan, technology is taking over everything,” Miyumi explained, “while many of our old traditions are fading away.”

Soon, the plane reached the edge of Tokyo’s borders, and began to fly all the way out to sea. “So, have you seen Paradise any since Nowhere, Kansas?” Daphne asked the ponies once they were alone. “No, but I have a funny feeling she’s going to be in Japan somewhere,” Hitch said. “And with Sparky back at home, she’ll have nothing to help her gain power from… except the crystal of course.”

“We’ll find it before she does,” said Misty. “Well… at least I hope we do.”